《The Stone King's Lover》Chapter 12


Wen Reian

2004 years after The Long Night

Sanlín City

Reian was more than a little anxious to get home, however Master Hao was intent on making sure that the ghost-bride's spirit had moved on after her marriage, as it had appeared. So here they were, standing outside with the pink sky behind them, throwing petals at the line of people entering the church.

It was a large group that had been waiting months for their ceremony, apparently the bride was the daughter of an important family, so now the entire street resembled that of the festival they'd entered into days prior.

Reian saw Xie Yi-jun, where he'd hidden himself under a blooming cherry tree. He was watching the procession out of the corner of his eye, as if hesitant to look at it.

Reian wasn't sure what he was thinking, yet noticing the way he kept fiddling with the petals in his hands, lips tugged into a slight grimace, Reian realized that he must be remembering something. Pausing, he thought...

The stories he'd heard of the young King weren't many. The same went for his infamous lover, Jin Songcai.

Reian was thankful yet curious as to why Xie Yi-jun hadn't confronted him about the comment he'd made earlier. It was impossible not to feel guilt when he saw the distracted, broken look on the King's face. As far as Wen Reian knew, the two never married, but now he was starting to question that...

Beside Reian, A'Yu nudged him gently in the side, getting his attention.

"What are you looking at?"

Wen Rei glanced quickly at his friend, trying his hardest to join in again with the rest of them, smiling and throwing petals on the procession. His heart wasn't in it. His heart was currently tying itself in knots over the emotional void inside Xie Yi-jun.


Is it my fault? Surely he's thinking about Jin Songcai... why did I say that?! Yi-jun and I both know I'm not him. It was cruel to mention it-

"Wen Rei!"

It was Xie De. He wore a goofy smile and had the hint of a blush on his cheeks as he hurried to show them what he'd found.

"What is it?" Jin Yu blinked, staring at the long-necked bottle with a satiny red ribbon around it.

Xie De let them look but not touch...

"It's a love potion! A fortune teller was selling them just around the corner for only five Yu a piece! Can you believe it?!"

Reian and Jin Yu shared a look with each other that said; No, Xie De we can't believe it-

Watching with only a small sliver of a smile as his very foolish friend placed the love potion in his bag, Reian's gaze once again flickered nervously to the cherry tree. Before he could spend more time worrying about the man beneath it, Master Hao was approaching them.

"Are you all packed and ready to go?"

An excited chorus of yes master echoed among the three disciples, and Master Hao smiled.

"I know you're looking forward to returning to Jingshén. I however, will not be accompanying you home."

Reian blinked, "Master?"

Beside him Xie De and A'Yu's auras changed subtly. Reian also felt his own shift as Xie Yi-jun came up behind him. A chill started at the back of his neck, sensing the man's eyes directly on him.

"This morning I received an invitation from an old friend in Wúmeng," Master Hao explained. "I will be traveling there today to visit her while you three return home. It's a single road, you will be fine."


"But Master-" Xie De shook his head. "What about you?! How long will you be gone?"

The man paused, then calmly stated; "Perhaps a few weeks."

"Let us accompany you," Reian said. "It would be better to stay together..."

Xie De nodded. "Yes, exactly! And we've never been to Wúmeng,"

Their Master sighed with a gentle smile, "Aren't you missing home?"

Xie De, Reian and Jin Yu all shared a look with each other. Then they nodded.

"No, Master-" they said in unison.

Master Hao chuckled, patting each of them on the shoulder in turn. Reian felt his friends' auras change again, this time growing with warmth and respect...

"Very well, it is difficult to say no to you three." Master Hao shook his head.

That was when he noticed Xie Yi-jun standing behind Reian, apparently listening to the conversation.

"Yi-jun," Master Hao said. "Would you like to come with us?"


Xie De glanced over at Reian, who had made a very audible swallowing noise as he sucked in a breath.

Oh please, he begged... please say no!

He wasn't sure he could handle the guilt anymore if Yi-jun decided to accompany them.

"As it happens," the King said sharply, his voice making Reian practically wince-

"I was headed to Wúmeng anyway."

What?! Is that true? Is he pretending because he really does want to kill me for my comment about Songcai?! God's have mercy-

Master Hao seemed pleased, clearly oblivious to Reian's suffering.

"You are welcome to join us,"

When they all turned and began to head toward the main road, Wen Rei caught Yi-jun's eye briefly. In that second, he couldn't place what his expression made him feel, but he didn't think Yi-jun looked angry... sad perhaps?

No one spoke until they arrived at the stable where Master Hao had left their horse and cart tied several days ago. The twelve year old mare, Winnie, whom Xie De named when he was a child, huffed and stomped her feet excitedly when she saw them approach.

By the time everyone including Xie Yi-jun were seated in the cart, Jin Yu carefully pulling Winnie's lead and guiding them down the road out of the city, Reian was now fully aware of his heart thumping rather painfully in his chest. It was awfully distracting. It felt like he was a small bird and a very large predator was near, except there was no predator, and he was no bird...

"Wen Rei, you'd better drink some water before you pass it over here," Xie De sighed. "It's going to be a long trip and I don't plan on saving you any!"

Unfortunately, Reian's mind was so busy overthinking literally everything, every stray glance of Xie Yi-jun's, that he didn't even realise what he'd grabbed out of Xie De's bag until it was far too late.

"Wen Reian! What are you doing?!"

Luckily only Xie De was paying attention and not Master Hao or Yi-jun. Reian's eyes went wide as Xie De yanked the now half-empty bottle from his hands, glaring furiously at him.

"I was saving this!" Xie De hissed.

Reian was dizzy for a moment, then his eyes fixed on the distinct red ribbon tied to the bottle.

Oh... oh no.

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