《The Stone King's Lover》Chapter 2


Wen Reian

2004 years after The Long Night

Sanlín City

He could hardly bring himself to eat as the old man began his story…

Reian listened to it all, his eyes never leaving the statue. It was as if The Stone King was telling him his story himself.

“Like I said, nearly seven hundred years ago, when The Mála Tower in Lêung Shãn was still new, a young King ruled the entire Huichâng province. Back then, Hêi’àn Hills was called Hêi’àn City. A glittering palace of raw obsidian, warmed from the underground fire pits. That was where he lived. Xie Yi-jun-“

Xie De almost choked on his food.

“The Xie Yi-jun?! But I thought he died with the rest of his people!”

Jin Yu piped up, “They say he was only King for a short while, and never got a chance to prove himself by winning the war. It’s sad.”

The old man blew smoke at them and they coughed-

“No more talking. Eat your meal,”

They nodded and did so. The man continued…

“As I was saying-

“The accounts have it wrong. Xie Yi-jun was in fact captured by his rival for the throne, Meng Bai. Taken to a remote area in Riyèrì, he was tortured and killed by his childhood friend, The Snake Demon; Su Lan.

“Whispers say, Su Lan couldn’t stand the thought of killing his old companion. He created a flaw in the curse he bestowed upon the young King. Su Lan certainly isn’t a source to go by, however it was said by those close to him that Xie Yi-jun’s stone spell could be broken by the touch of his lover. That of course, was Jin Songcai. “Unbeknownst to Su Lan, when he cast such a curse, Jin Songcai and the rest of the survivors of the war at Hêi’àn City had perished in the volcanic eruption that created the mountains there today. It was a tragic thing. A tale of timing, and bad luck. The first people that came here were those few that survived. They built this city around the statue of the King, yet over the generations his story was lost to the ages. Still, every once in a while you see little kids, even sometimes young women, approaching the statue and touching it, just to see if maybe they are the one who can free Xie Yi-jun. Alas, we can not be sure when or if, Jin Songcai’s soul will ever be reincarnated. Even if he was, there’s no certainty that Su Lan’s curse could truly be broken. Perhaps The Stone King will remain that way forever. I certainly won’t see him breathe again in my lifetime…”

Silence filled the air for a few moments, until Xie De made everything more awkward by saying; “I think A’Yu should try to wake The King. He is so pretty with his little pink flower, perhaps it will work!”

The old man huffed and shook his head, his chair squeaking as he leaned back.

“Run along now boys,” he said. “Consider the meal my treat. Welcome to Sanlín City.”

Xie De and Jin Yu began to politely argue with the man, declaring they must pay him, even just for his wonderful story. Reian on the other hand was no longer at the table…

Something about the statue had caught his eye from the moment he saw it. As he drew closer and closer to the center of the courtyard, he felt a fluttering of nervousness all throughout his body, as if a thousand butterflies were suddenly inside him and wanted to be free.


Tightening his fists, Reian went on. He knew that the statue was alive. He wasn’t sure if it really was the late King Xie Yi-jun, but it was somebody-

Coming face to face with the statue, Reian noticed it was slightly taller than him. He looked up, heart beating quicker than usual at the face, it’s eyes hidden. A hint of a smile on the lips-

That must be it, he decided, staring. Why I feel so curious. It’s the smile the statue has…

Reian had never seen such a contented smile. He thought it definitely couldn’t be the dethroned King. Why would such a person be content?

Perhaps the old man got it wrong-

As he thought this, Reian sighed, unknowingly reaching a hand up to touch the blindfold on the man’s face. Blinking, he nearly recoiled in fear as his fingers gripped the soft cloth…

Holding it up, Reian saw the red threads, the flow of fabric in the breeze-

The statue before him was no longer blind. He was looking out at Reian through stone-cold eyes, because whatever had just happened, the curse had begun to lift.

Reian watched, speechless, as he raised his other hand. Fingertips ever so gently brushing the statue’s cheek, he held his breath at the soft skin and pulse he could feel.

Realizing that the statue only came alive where he touched, Reian got to work, treating this poor soul like any other he was supposed to save…

Running his hands down the statue’s arms, the boy gasped in surprise as the arms suddenly wrapped around him, the restraints on the man’s hands falling away.

Reian touched the statue’s back, shoulders, gradually feeling the man begin to warm, his body becoming soft and alive again as his heart awakened from its deep sleep.

The loud gasp the man made as his lungs began working again caused the others to hear, and Wen Reian could hear his friends shouting but he wasn’t paying attention to what they were saying.

The man in his arms had no strength, his legs crumpling weakly even as they returned to flesh and blood. Easing him gently to the ground, Reian laid the stranger in his lap and softly stroked his cheek…

“There you are,” he said, holding the man as he shivered.

“Welcome back.”

Reian noticed a little while later that not only had Xie De and Jin Yu surrounded them, but the old man and some of the residents had appeared in the middle of the square.

Clearly this awakening was not expected, yet Reian couldn’t shake the feeling he had now of feeling like everything would be okay.

The feeling of unease that had curled through his chest and made it hard to breathe was gone now. All Reian felt was peace from the stranger, even if he looked terrified.

Staring down at the man gazing up at him with frantic, teary eyes, Reian just smiled as reassuringly as he could.

“Don’t worry,” he said. “You’re safe now.”

The man was clutching hard onto Reian’s clothes, his strength returning quickly, surging to life inside him.

Reian couldn’t imagine the fear and confusion he must be feeling, so he called to everyone around them to take a few steps back.

Catching the eye of Xie De, Reian gave him a shrug… I’m no wiser than you.


All eyes were on the man formerly a statue, as he uttered his first words in possibly seven centuries.

Reian continued stroking his cheek, unsure why he did. The man’s wild eyes never left him once, and Reian was almost certain he’d met the owner of these eyes before.


The man swallowed and tried again.

“Where am I?”

“This is Sanlín City…” Reian decided to add the year as well. “2004 years since The Long Night-”

Apparently that was the wrong thing to say, because the man’s fearful eyes grew even wider and his grip on Reian’s lapel began to hurt his neck.

Practically shuddering, the man hissed; “Where is Jin Songcai?!”

That name affected everyone who heard it. The crowd that had amassed around them began whispering. Reian heard a few people calling King Xie Yi-Jun’s name as well…

“How about you tell me your name first.” Reian asked, unwilling to be the one to tell this stranger about his lover’s death.

The man’s brow furrowed. “Yi-jun, I am Xie Yi-jun. I don’t understand. Songcai was supposed to be here, he was supposed to wake me-”

From nearby, Reian and Yi-jun heard someone say; “That boy must be the reincarnation of Jin Song-cai, at last!”

Reian watched Yi-jun’s face darken...

“Reincarnation?” He breathed shallowly.

It was clear he was either about to become angry, or cry. Perhaps both. Reian didn’t want to see either. He didn’t want the others around them to see.

Taking Yi-jun’s face in his hands, he brought their foreheads together and closed his eyes, sending what he hoped was calming energy to the man. He tapped it straight from his heart, felt it coursing through his veins and into Xie Yi-jun before the man slowly eased, his breathing going back to normal.

Surprised at how quickly his spiritual energy had transferred to the other, Reian pulled away at once.

Normally converting my energy into something for someone else’s body requires several minutes of concentration and an alignment with their core-

Reian was puzzled. It had felt as if Xie Yi-jun’s energy was already entirely compatible with his. He’d never felt anything like it.

Behind him, Reian felt Xie De’s hand on his shoulder…

“Wen Rei,” he said softly. “It’s almost ten. We should take him back to Master Hao, he’ll know what to do.”

Reian nodded, taking his hand from the man’s cheek and wondering why the loss of contact felt like a blow to the chest. Xie Yi-Jun’s wide eyes stared deeply into his, seeming to search for something. Reian was afraid that he wouldn’t find it, so he quickly looked away.

Swallowing, he tried to make his voice sound normal as he said; “I am Wen Reian. My friends and I can take you to our Master. He is very wise. I am sure everything will be okay… can you… can you stand?”

Xie Yi-jun seemed to finally remember his body was attached to him, he gradually tested all his muscles, moving his limbs one at a time and carefully nodding.

Reian helped him up, then the two of them were surrounded by the onlookers’ loud whispers and curious faces-

“Is he really Xie Yi-jun?!”

“Of course, he has to be-”

“How painful, not to recognize your lover! He must be so confused…”

“Does this mean Jin Songcai has returned as well?! Do you think that boy has his powers?”

“Why, I wouldn’t be surprised if Xie Yi-jun goes into hiding now… how can he possibly face the world after his legacy ended like that?!”

Reian shared glances with both Xie De and Jin Yu, clearly all of them uncomfortable and wanting to return to the Inn as soon as possible.

The old man who had told them Xie Yi-Jun’s story came quickly to their rescue, his blindness not stopping him from finding exactly where Reian and Yi-jun stood in the middle of the crowd.

“All of you!” He called, “Go home this instant, or I shall never recognize you in this town again! Have a little decency, go on!”

The people mumbled, heads lowered. Clearly they respected the old man and before long the crowd had parted enough that Reian could reach his friends.

“Thank you sir,” Reian nodded.

The old man stared past him at Yi-jun, who hadn’t raised his eyes and looked as if he was seconds from collapsing again…

“Take him home, son.” The man smiled, but the smile was sad, as if he felt great sorrow for Xie Yi-Jun’s situation. Reian couldn’t blame him…

Xie De quickly took Jin Yu’s wrist and started pulling him back down the alley. Reian began to follow them, before he realized Yi-jun wasn’t moving.

He turned to the man and before he could stop himself, he stuck out his hand. Yi-jun looked at it strangely, it was clear he was more than hesitant to take it.

Reian could feel his aura being tainted by a suffering unlike any he’d ever felt before. No amount of spiritual energy could be shared with the man to ease his pain right now. Reian just hoped he had it in him to take that first step forward, bravely.

“Follow me,” he almost pleaded.

He wanted to take the stranger out of this place. Away from where his life had ended all those years ago. Away from the pain.

If I can take away his suffering even a little bit, I might be able to call my life and my path worthwhile…

Xie Yi-jun didn’t take his hand, but he did nod again, agreeing silently that he would follow the boy.

Reian looked behind him every so often as they went, not wanting to make the man more wary, simply afraid he might fall again-

When they returned to the Inn, Master Hao was already waiting outside...

As it was a little past ten, Xie De was about to explain why they were late, but before he could their Master’s eyes fixed on Xie Yi-jun.

Reian could tell that their Master felt his aura. He knew Xie De and Jin Yu could feel it too, as they naturally leaned their bodies away from the man. Reian stood close to Yi-jun. Not fearing his pain, only fearing that if he stepped too far away from him he might somehow vanish right before his eyes.

Master Hao took in the four of them, holding his hand up to silence Xie De…

“All three of you boys, upstairs this instant and we will discuss your punishment at a later time.”

Xie De looked like he was about to say something but Jin Yu gave him an evil-eye. The apprentices, including Reian, bowed deeply to their Master and followed each other begrudgingly into the building.

Reian felt Xie Yi-jun’s eyes on him as he went inside, and it took every bit of self control he had not to look back and check that the man was still there.

Feeling all the energy leave his body as soon as they entered their lodging on the third floor, Reian didn’t even protest Xie De collapsing into the bed with his shoes on.

Jin Yu would never go to sleep before washing and meditating and Reian usually joined him in this practice, but he felt like weights were suddenly glued to each eyelid. His body and mind trickling deep into the murky waters of sleep…

Xie De and Reian passed out in minutes. Jin Yu pulled the blanket over them as quietly as possible, then sat at the foot of the bed in the lotus position and began his preferred version of rest.

Reian’s dreams were just swirls of shapeless color for a while. Even his imagination asleep. As the hours went by and the subconscious mind took over, all he kept seeing were snapshots and still images of things he knew he’d never done or experienced.

Pretty soon, emotions he’d never even felt stirred within him. Voices he’d never heard, and yet recognized as clear as day called to him from some place beyond…

As the dreams became more intense, his heart began to quicken, eyelids fluttering as if he was trying to wake. Reian saw Xie Yi-jun in his mind’s eye as well.

His aura was entirely different. Reian recognized immediately the way their energy seemed to be compatible. When Xie Yi-jun smiled, Reian felt his soul smile as well, their happiness mirrored to the point where Reian felt every little joy of Yi-jun’s, as well as each individual sorrow.

Their connection went beyond anything he had ever felt. The strength of it was almost surreal, and yet Reian knew everything he dreamed that night was the truth. Just as he knew, through his slumber, he could hear his Master on the floor below, talking in a soothing voice to a man that answered only in sobs.

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