《Reaper of That Which Was Sown》CHAPTER VI: Balance Always Wins
Atlas flew his prototype ship he named, ‘Lil Hammer’ on account of its size and firepower, also because he couldn’t think of a better name to replace it. He flew it straight towards the military super complex that Gerault told him was the epicenter for their government. Atlas was not in stealth and he had only one thought on his mind, get it done quick, he had someone to save in another system. Atlas put the ship into return to Daedalus mode and he teleported under it and once again fell, this time with his sword, burning with white hot fire. He slammed into the ground and sent a shockwave to the front gate and wall of the base, obliterating it and sending an alarm up. He thought as the alarm rang, good, bring me more to kill. He made his way towards a central complex at the base which he would find the new world leader, and he would take him as his prize. Atlas stood and walked towards the base and entered it through what once was a gate, and now reduced to fiery rubble. He walked past the bodies of the unsuspecting soldiers who were unlucky enough to get hit by the flying rubble, he walked towards the thousands in his way, in the way of him keeping a promise. He cut down every man who threw themselves at him, their weapons not able to bust his armour, not able to scratch it, but they still fired on their weapons.
They amassed a very large group in the front of the building Atlas needed to get into as a sort of last stand. Atlas sheathed his sword as they fired, laughing he raised a hand and soul harvested all of the soldiers blocking his way, knowing how the world he once loved fell into chaos. He wanted to cleanse this filth from it, but not destroy all of it. He knew the Five would know when he did not destroy it, he knew they would find him immediately, he and the Fourth must begin their plan sooner rather than later. He entered the building and approached a large heavy metal door. He drew his sword and charged it with flames, he cut through the door within minutes, which revealed yet another door. He cut through that one and was met with a long slowly sloping downward tunnel. The tunnel went farther than he could see and he thought of an easy way to get down in the least amount of time. He fashioned himself a board using pieces of rubble from the surrounding area and scrounge up some wheels and other miscellaneous parts. He built himself a skateboard, he traveled down the tunnel, digging the blade in the ground behind him to control his speed when the Fourth arose to speak with him. The Fourth began, “Reaper, your path has been long and hard. The time has come, I am ready for what must be done. When we finish here, do not destroy the planet yet, let me once again feel what it’s like to be my old self for a little while, then it must happen.” Atlas said, “Do you want me to end this quickly then?” The Fourth said, “The faster, the sooner, time has no affect on me, nor did it on you until recent events. Time is of the essence for you, if you are to save her.”
Atlas nodded and smirked, he lifted his blade, which caused him to pick up speed exponentially and scream down the tunnel at a much greater speed than previously. When he was near the bottom he charged his blade and held it in both hands above his head. A he reached the bottom floor he slammed the blade into the ground, transferring all of the force into the ground in turn, shattering the remaining barriers blocking his way, and cracking the ground for miles down. He stood up and pulled his sword from the massive crack and sheathed it approaching the dazed soldiers. He grabbed the one he assumed was the highest rank and asked him, “Where is your leader? Do not make me ask again.” The soldier only managed to spit out an insult to Atlas and laugh, which in turn made Atlas laugh. He threw the soldier aside and soul harvested him, leaving the other's watching in fear. Atlas turned to them and only said, “Where.” for a moment they all paused, when one finally pointed down a corridor behind Atlas. Atlas bowed and said, “Now that wasn’t so hard was it.” Atlas turned and went to walk away when he was shot at, his armour reflecting the bullet. He turned to meet the soldier who pointed down the corridor, he held up a hand and shook his finger. In a flash of intense speed Atlas sent his sword flying towards the soldier. The sword cut through him like nothing and embedded itself into the wall behind him. As the soldier slowly fell to his knees, blood shooting everywhere, Atlas laughed and walked away. Leaving the remaining soldiers in shock. Atlas followed the corridor and came upon the room in which he found what he was looking for, the leader of this world. He kicked the door in, sending it flying across the room, causing machine guns to trace the path of the door lighting it up. Atlas chuckled at that and walked into the room. He was immediately blanketed with machine gun fire, his armour not even denting as the lead rounds plinked off and hit the floor. He stood in the center of the room as the machine guns fired away at him.
His plan at this point was to wait until they were out of ammo and then continue on, which was seeming to take forever. As he noticed the machine guns were getting semi low on ammo, they were still pelting away, one of the free soldiers stepped into a small room and slid out several large rectangular boxes and carried out and interesting looking device. The soldier opened one of the boxes which revealed several large drums which he loaded into the weapon. The soldier shoulder mounted the weapon and flipped some switches, the machine guns paused for a bit and a red laser found its mark on Atlas’s chest. Atlas held a hand out to his side, he summoned his sword and it flew from where it was lodged in the wall straight to his outstretched hand smashing through the walls and startling the soldiers in the room. The soldier fired at Atlas, sending a small barrage of missiles out of the weapon. Atlas swung his sword with immense speed and accuracy, cutting the barrage down causing them to explode sending fire racing through the middle of the room. Atlas walked forward, out of the fire and smoke shaking his head. He soul harvested all in the room but the one he needed. The leader crumpled to the floor holding his hands above his head and babbling incoherently.
Atlas grabbed him by his throat, heaving him up off of the ground looking into his eyes. Atlas removed his helmet, revealing he was in fact human to the man who gasped. Atlas smirked and said, “I used to love this world, for what it was, always going back and forth from one controlling party to another. What you have done to it, pains me greatly. I, Atlas, hereby take, from you, all of your power, your wealth, and your humanity. I damn you to an eternity, and eternity of being my prisoner. You will never eat, and always be hungry, never drink and always be thirsty. You will never sleep but will be on the verge of dreaming. You will go mad and lose yourself within a week if you’re lucky. You will watch your empire burn, and there will be nothing you can do to save it. Balance has come, you will conform.”
Atlas called Karee in to bring the Daedalus down near so he could board their mission was done. He also radioed Gerault to gather the ones he wanted to spare in order to help Atlas on the Daedalus with anything that might arise. Gerault still questioned Atlas’s motives about saving the men but he did not refuse the chance to save some of his colleagues and friends. Atlas teleported to the surface with his newest prisoner in tow, and he waited for the Daedalus to arrive, which was within seconds. Atlas teleported the moment he could onto the Daedalus, into the prison block and threw the man into it. He teleported back to where Gerault was, seeing a crowd of about 15 people with him. Atlas thought it was of an acceptable size. He teleported the group on board in a research and development center he had put in but never used. He then teleported to the bridge where Karee and Korvan were waiting. Atlas began, “I have acquired some new hands to help, I took their brightest minds and shoved them into a separate facility near the rear of the ship so they will be quite out of the way. Korvan, you know what to do when we get there.” Atlas was contacted by Gerault who asked, “May I see this Helios Beam in action, I feel as though, being a man of science I would love to see it.”
Atlas said, “Sure.” he then teleported to Gerault, grabbed him by the lab coat and teleported back to the bridge where all looked at Gerault. Atlas said, “This is Gerault, the head of our new research division. Gerault, this is Karee and Korvan my second in commands, and those little guys are the Nebrechions I told you about.” After a brief set of introductions Gerault asked, “Are you both from Earth as well?” Karee looked at him kinda funny and eventually said, “No, we come from a distant planet, Humans are all over the Universe you know.” Gerault said, “No, I didn’t. No one on Earth knew or even thought of it. I guess we should’ve been more open minded.” As they reached position in orbit Atlas said, “Alright Korvan, burn it.” Korvan hit the button, sending the massive fiery beam screaming towards the planet, this time, the planet Atlas was from. Atlas watched as the beam smashed into it, and started spreading the fire across the planet, he looked down for a bit, remembering now, those he once knew, the ones he once called friends. Gerault said, “Oh my…..the raw beauty, and its savagery.” Atlas said, “The one purpose of this weapon is to reset evolution…” As the beam faded and stopped, the planet was volcanic looking, being freshly scorched and Atlas continued, “...Korvan, the seed.” Korvan hit a second button that sent a pod rocketing down to the planet, you could clearly see it impacting the planet. Gerault asked, “What is that ‘seed’ for exactly?” Atlas responded, “It is the reinstatement of evolution. That is how life on Earth began, and this is how it, like a phoenix, is reborn from its own ashes.” Silence followed that statement and as the Daedalus slowly grew more and more distant from the planet, Atlas was reminded of his promise.
He felt a sudden rush of memories, memories from his life before Reaper, before Atlas, before all of it. He remembered Jack, he remembered all of his life. He remembered, Anahira, That was her name. He remembered his promise, and he remembered the Rebels. Anger grew within him, he told Karee, “Follow that tracking beacon I set up on their flagship. I have something to take care of.” Karee said, “Right away, we’ll catch up in no time, they are only a few systems away.” Atlas replied, “Good, good. Make haste, I wish to end this rebellion today.” The Daedalus lurched forward into the direction of the rebellion flagship, in the direction of their base, and in the direction, of her. As the Daedalus moved through space, Atlas had his thoughts centered, his mind was enticed once again by her. Atlas knew she would not know who he is, she may not even remember who he was. Would she accept him as he is now, as Atlas. He was no longer Jack, the bound to Earth kid anymore. He threw those foolish thoughts aside and went back through his memories of her, up until the last one where he became choked up a little. His concentration was broken by Gerault who, amidst the long silence was still in awe at the sheer power of the Helios Beam. Gerault said, “ I still cannot even begin to think about how that Helios Beam weapon works….” Atlas cut him off, “It is not a weapon, it is a tool, the one on the prototype spacecraft however is a weapon. It works because it must, it also is magnified down probably half a million times into what it is now so it is very focused.
I would show you but, you could not withstand the dimension in which it is magnified.” Gerault asked, “Is it because I am human?” Atlas replied, “No, it is because in that dimension, it’s always on, I made sure of that when I built it.” Gerault said in wonder, “You built that?” Atlas said, “Yes, with a little help from the Three, who are my masters. Now for your job to resume.” Atlas grabbed him and teleported back to the research labs. Atlas said, “These computers have blueprints for weapons I thought of and designed, I have not built them yet, all you need to do is figure out how to make them work. I should also tell you, time does not exist here, this is an alternate dimension, so when I leave, and I come back it will feel like a thousand years for you but it will actually be a split second for me. This will ensure you have time enough to make and test these weapons correctly, also each should include the microchips that are in the box over there, they make me able to make small tweaks, or change it to conform to my hands. You have only one rule however, You must remain loyal to me no matter the path that is taken, no matter how this Universe ends, you follow me to the end, or the end will come a lot sooner than you would want. Also there are vending machines that never run out of food and make anything you want, same with the drinking fountain. There is also an exercise area and whatnot to stay in tip top shape. Also you have access to my personal library, minus the Excorpus, which is my private little are where I have the books that teach you how to form black holes out of thin air and other dangerous books. I leave you to your devices gentlemen, your imagination is your only limit here.”
Atlas teleported out and the group of scientists led by Gerault got to work on the weapons Atlas had wanted them to start making. Atlas could have made them in seconds but it gives him some sense of command, having others do what he could do for him. This gives him more time to focus on the more important tasks, and time he did not have a lot of for now. As the Daedalus slowly came upon the fleet of rebellion ship's Atlas teleported to the Research Labs, ready to take up one of his weapon designs. He was surprised that when he got there, they were nowhere near even started on one design. Atlas asked when he got there, “How long have I been gone?’ One of the other scientists replied, “About 5 minutes. Wait. How fast are you?” Atlas said, “I must have gotten something wrong, hold on I’ll be back in a few.” Atlas teleported to the control room he made for the Research Labs. He checked around and noticed he never actually turned the place on which confused him as to why the electronics work but he flipped a few switches and pulled a lever, teleporting back into the labs he was met by Gerault. Gerault said when he saw him, “Ah, Atlas. Good that you should arrive, we have a fine selection for you to choose from.
We have several carbines that you designated, and several pistols. We have that axe you designed too. Here’s what we got so far.” Gerault motioned to a wall laden with experimental weapons, each having a different designated name but only one number on them which told the model number, 0001. Atlas surveyed the collection, he handled the axe and swung it around a few times. He told Gerault, “I need a device that masks power outputs, like energy outputs, I’ll calibrate the numbers into it and put the chip into it so I know I can make it work properly afterwards.” Gerault asked him, “Do you plan to do something that requires great amounts of power and you want to hide it, I’m sure I can come up with something.” Atlas said, “Something like that, I don’t really want the Three to know I took a detour to do what I am planning to do. I’ll be back and hopefully you’re done. Also should you run out of my designs feel free to poke around the library and make whatever you feel like.” Atlas teleported out and waited a few seconds, glancing at the ship's amassed at the rebels main base planet. Atlas teleported back in and was met with Gerault and 2 of his colleagues.
Gerault said, “Good, just in time for our final test before we finish your power shielder box.” Gerault stepped into a chamber off to the left of the main room. He brought in a power generator that multiplies the power of suns in order to create intense energy. He set a timer on it to 10 seconds and left the chamber. He hit a button which darkened the glass between the chamber and the room which he explained as the light the generator gave off would blind anything that looked at it. As the vibrations given off by the humming of the generator winding up, the glass lightened up slowly revealing the generator after a while and the jet black glass went pale grey. The room soon shook with the amount of power being let off, then Gerault hit a button, activating the power shielder. This immediately caused the shaking to stop and the glass to fade back to jet black. He hit the button again which returned the shaking and the pale grey glass. He repeated this process a few more times at varying levels of power and after they were done he gave Atlas the device. Atlas said, “This will be rewarded greatly if it works, if it fails, I fear we all will perish, or maybe with the fewest casualties at least.” Gerault nodded and Atlas teleported out, standing once again on the bridge of the Daedalus. Atlas began, “I have a new device to help us beat these rebels, although we won’t really need it.
This box will bring great destruction and will bring an end to their petty schemes and their rebellion.” This was when Korvan brought up the point, “What about the shift in power here, won’t that attract attention from the Three?” Atlas said, “Any normal times yes, this box however is multi purposeful. This box will simulate their power making it seem they never went away, it also fluctuates at random intervals to show great death or other things like that. This plan is hopefully fail proof, and will not be revealed…..Karee, bring us in close, I’ll take care of the rest as normal.” Atlas teleported to the hangar bay and got into the prototype attack ship and exited the Daedalus. He slowly approached the fleet or rebel ship's, and he was contacted over the radio by one of the admirals of the fleet, “Unknown vessel, this is restricted flight space, turn back or be fired upon.” Atlas slowed the ship to a stop and contacted the Admiral over the radio, “You have something of mine. You can either give it back, or I will kill all of you and take it.” The Admiral replied, “We have taken nothing from anyone, we only saved one from a planet in danger who was to be used to give us an edge, the only danger to her is you.” Atlas replied, “Her name, is Anahira, and she knows me even thought she doesn’t think she does. I will not ask again.” The Admiral paused for a little bit and replied, “It is unsettling that you know her name, she says she doesn’t know you, and that you are mistaken. Your final warning is here, leave, or be destroyed.” Atlas clenched his fist and searched the energies aboard the ship's, searching for the one he wanted, the one he needed to find. He found her on the planet within their capital, this took a weight off of his shoulders.
He radioed the Admiral, “Hope you’ve made your peace, your end is here.” Atlas charged the small helios beam and shot it towards the ship in which the Admiral was in. The ship erupted into fiery explosions which were clearly visible from the planet and sent fear across the planet. The remaining ships in the fleet raced towards Atlas, who radioed Karee to go into position behind him pointing the broadsides at the fleet. Atlas said only one word to Karee when the time was perfect, “Fire.” Karee let loose the thousands of gun batteries on the one side of the Daedalus. The guns tore apart the fleet within seconds, the sight from the planet was one of horror, sirens blaring and soldiers gathering arms. Atlas raced towards the planet, when he came to the atmosphere he activated the return to Daedalus command on the ship and he jumped as he had when he entered Earth, but this time he was much higher and he was falling much faster. As he fell he drew his sword and held it in his left hand. He slammed his right fist into the ground, creating a shockwave throughout the planet and making many look around wondering what happened. As Atlas stood, sword in hand, he was met with thousands of soldiers. He stood and let them come, he let them rush towards him, he would not be stopped in his mission. He gathered energy into his sword until it could hold no more, and he burst the blade into flames, so blindingly red and glorious all would be in awe of it. He charged towards the thousands, he swung and cleaved through many men along with whatever other species joined the resistance. Blades do not discriminate, felling thousands, showing no mercy, Atlas showed he meant business. He cleaved and slashed, he hacked and swung until the area around him was littered with scorched bodies, burning bodies, the stench of burnt flesh and death.
The screams of men, still alive and burning, screaming for death or help Atlas did not know, nor did he care. He walked over the bodies, towards a single city, which held what he wanted. He arrived at the edge of the city to more soldiers along with some smaller armored vehicles and several tanks. Atlas chuckled behind his helmet, he tightened his grip on his sword and charged forward, dispatching this group with ease. His blade which glowed with fire, cut through the armor like a hot knife through butter. He searched through his mind for where the one he was looking for was being kept, he found her easily as she was in the center of the city he just entered, and she was surrounded by hundreds of thousands of troops. Atlas thought of a great idea, one which would involve Apochrimation, and some heavy calculations. His plan was to teleport into and out of their ranks, causing chaos and fear. He would then hit the rear of their numbers hard with several large blasts of energy and he would teleport across their ranks doing the same thing, until there was enough chaos to where he could walk into the building where she was with little to no resistance. He did this releasing blasts of energy as he exited the teleport to send soldiers flying all over the place.
Sitting in fear of the one they call the Reaper, she sat waiting, hoping the soldiers could do what they were meant to, protect her. She peered out of a window, seeing the chaos below and wondered, would she make it? She saw for a split second the one she assumed was the Reaper, clad in white armour, and seemingly unstoppable. As soon as he had arrived, he disappeared, teleported, which surprised her every time she saw him do it. He flashed rapidly through the ranks of soldiers, terrorizing them, sending them flying and sometimes killing them. She wondered, if he could teleport why not come straight to her, why play around with the soldiers like this, who could enjoy this. She thought about her life and how she possibly could have been put in this situation, she thought for too long and her thoughts strayed over to someone she knew several years ago. One whom she thought she could spend the rest of her life with, Jack. she choked back tears at the thought of him, wishing things had turned out differently. She eventually said out loud to herself, “Why can’t things have turned out differently?”
“Fate demanded it.” A figure said behind her. She spun around, startled, and saw a dark figure in the corner of the room, sitting in a chair leaning his elbows on his knees. “Who are you? Your not one of those soldiers.” The figure stood up, moved the chair aside and walked into the light, revealing it was Atlas. She gasped and took a couple steps backwards before stopping. “Get away from me.” She screamed for help. “No one can hear you but me, there is no help, not for them anyhow. I am here because of you, for you. I have not seen you in a long time, long enough for you to not recognize me anymore. Maybe this will remind you.” He took his helmet off, revealing his face. She said, “I don’t know you, I’m sorry, I’ve never seen you in my life, I think I would remember you if I did.” Atlas spoke without his helmet on, which showed his real voice, lighter than that which the helmet put out. He said, “You do know me. You just need to be reminded.” Atlas walked towards her, she hesitated, feeling as though she has heard that voice before, at least one close to it, but at the moment fear was all she felt. “I will show you who I am, and who you are to me. You have nothing to fear, I cannot hurt you.” Atlas placed a hand on her forehead and transmitted her his memories, as he started he said, “You may not like some of the things you see, it’s a drawback of this ability, I will show you every second of my life, up until now. All of my pain, my anger, and my love.”
As he finished speaking she saw his memories flow through her mind, she felt everything he felt. “I also feel all the pain, anger, and love. Another drawback of this.” She knew who this was very soon, she knew who he was, but not what he is. As the memories flowed she whispered, “Jack.” What she saw next was almost overwhelming to her, the Three, Jack becoming Atlas, the killing of planets, extinction of species, the prison aboard the daedalus. As fast as the memories came they fell away, Atlas removed his hand at took a few steps backward. She could not believe what she was seeing. “There are no lies here, I am not dead, I was taken, against my will, to become what I am now, all in the name of balance. I however, as you may know, have a different plan. I will execute it before I leave this planet. You already know what I feel, and why. I must get you aboard the Daedalus as soon as……” Before he could finish his sentence, the doors behind them exploded open, Atlas shielded Anahira from the rubble and quickly dispatched the troops that rushed in. He heard a scream, he turned to see Anahira being taken through another hole blown in the wall, which was done at the same time to distract Atlas.
He became very angry from this, he came here for her, and he was not going to leave without her. Atlas gave chase to the group of soldiers who took Anahira. He caught up with them on the roof, which they were trying to extract by means of a small merchant ship. Atlas charged up some energy into his right gauntlet and shot it towards the craft, destroying it and the soldiers only way out. He slowly killed all of the soldiers until one remained, with Anahira as a hostage, gun at her head. “Don’t come any closer. I’ll do it, I will.” Atlas said, “You do that, and you will release the single most terrifying thing you can’t imagine. You would be the cause of the deaths of every man, woman, child, and any other species that lives to die and immeasurably painful death. You would be last to die, and in the most painful way.” The soldier said, “Surrender now or I will shoot, I’m not kidding either.” Atlas responded, “Neither was I.”Atlas contacted Karee through his helmet and blocked all sound from escaping so only Karee could hear him. He said, “Bring the Daedalus to my coordinates, I have a problem that arose and I need our target to be extracted with great speed, so move.” Atlas spoke to the soldier, “On second thought, I should just kill you now, and spare the lives of quintillions. The choice is yours.”
A Budding Scientist in a Fantasy World
Alice is a girl who loves science and lives on Earth. Then, suddenly, she was punted into another dimension. A dimension where magic and monsters roam the land, swords and sorcery reign supreme, and, for some reason, a System keeps dinging at her and telling her that her stats and levels are increasing. As someone who loves exploring mysteries, Alice is determined to get to the bottom of this mystery. After all, everything has to have a ‘cause,’ including the System, right? What to expect: This story is going to be a LitRPG set in a fantasy world. However, unlike many LitRPG’s, the system has both a definite beginning and definite limits to what it is able to accomplish – rather than a singularly omnipotent, omniscient being that is tied to the laws of the world, the way systems are usually presented in LitRPG’s, the system is close to both, but has definite limits and rules which it operates by. This story is also relatively slow, since that is my writing style. The main character also begins the story as a young, 15-year old girl who has yet to finish high school, and is going to explore more of the world around her as she grows as a person and starts to get her feet under her. (Constructive Criticism is welcomed) (Cover made using Waifulabs) (Also posted on Scribblehub)
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