《The Broken Crown: Cursed Prince》Chapter 11. Pirc Defense (Part 1)


The tapping of Max's fingertips on the table grew louder and louder. His eyes did not leave the monitor screen while his mind lingered on the report that Byul had given him earlier. Now the monitor screen stopped at some women who were busy choosing underwear in one corner of the shops. Max presses the play button again, and the camera moves again. He stopped at one of the women who was wearing a coat. The woman held out a black card to pay the bill. Max shook his head again, this was the tenth time he'd played CCTV footage in the boutique that reported the loss of one of the eight million Dillion dresses and a pair of tiger print underwear. Of all the people recorded there, from the hour before the theft until the shop owner came out with a hanger in hand, not a single one was suspicious. Neither is busy looking at the camera left or right to avoid the camera—like a thief about to take action.

"Any ideas about people who are potential perpetrators?" he asked Byul who was busy reading the report.

"Didn't you see the identity of the person hanging around the dress, Senior?" Byul even asked back.

"The blonde woman passed three times, the brown one passed once and stopped to look and then the short black hair came twice, touched and seemed to have tried—"

“Well, that means it was the culprit!” guess Byul quickly.

Max shook his head. "I'm not sure about this because she brought out clothes that she tried on but didn't buy. Besides, she's also a black card user, doesn't that make your hypothesis unreasonable?”

"What if she has a disorder, like kleptomania?"

"That could be it. It's just that the shopping cart is dubious," Max said again.

"What if we just ignore the shopping cart, Senior?"

Max fell silent again. No investigation ignores even the smallest thing. If the police team chose to ignore something, that means they already understood that it was just a distraction. It's just a kind of distraction that makes the investigative team shift away from the perpetrator or the actual incident. As a result, they may be mistaken when appointing someone else as a suspect. However, this rarely happens in Dilliar. There may be some cases, but they are rare. The remaining options are either the culprit is caught, or the trail is nowhere to be seen.

This second part was caused by Khisfire, the underground organization that is the source of evil in this kingdom. An organization that recruits professional killers. These assassins are very good at hiding their tracks. A scary gathering, but never made the people of Dilliar protest or petition the King. It's a bit strange indeed. But, this can happen because the Khisfire works very neatly and secretly. They also can distract the investigation in other directions. So it felt a little strange that a mere underwear thief would adopt the horrible method that had been giving Caragan a headache for the past ten years.


"We can't overlook the slightest detail, we don't yet know where she kept the stolen goods unnoticed," Max said again.

Right. Since earlier, he couldn't understand that the thief was a visitor and how to prevent her actions from being visible on the CCTV camera. Moreover, she stole three things at once. All of this would probably make sense if the culprit was an insider, possibly an employee at the shop itself. However, how do shop employees steal a dress on display without being caught by others?

In addition, a search was carried out at the store, not long after the black dress and underwear reportedly disappeared from the display. Uggh, if only there were cameras in the fitting room.

Uh, fitting room. Wait a minute. It could be the gap he's been looking for.

"Do you think it makes sense for the perpetrator to wear those clothes in her clothes?" Byul looked up.

“Then how did she escape the censorship in front of the shop?”

Oh, right. A boutique front sensor that doesn't allow a single pin thief to fly away. Then how do the perpetrators escape the censorship at the front of the boutique?

Max looked again at the woman with short black hair. Women who held out a black card to the shop clerk. Those red lipsticks on her lips and those dark embellishments on her eyelids were fantastic. She looks beautiful and mysterious at the same time. Never mind, maybe he should quit this annoying case. Something more important was the matter of Viscount Diarte's death. He had to find evidence as soon as possible to file as a homicide, not a normal death as was previously believed. At least this way, Max was sure he could sniff a little deeper into Khisfire's body. Max minimized the video and left it alone. It only needs to be out for a while, so it doesn't need to turn off.

The man then sighed. He was about to pull the pack of cigarettes off the table when the sound from the television screen echoed louder. This television broadcast again presented news about the embezzlement of the nobles who worked in the food warehouse section.

"It's her again!" he complained.

"And a mysterious figure caught on camera, who is suspected of being a document thief," continued Byul with an uninterested tone.

“Mysterious figure? Who is that?" Max asked, looking like he had missed something today.

"You'll see. At least will appear in the news soon."

Sure enough. The news anchor now switches to broadcasting about the mysterious figure caught on camera. At first, Max watched half-heartedly until the figure on the television screen remained for a long time. His heart suddenly pounded. He had seen this figure in the camera footage from Viscount Diarte's house. His eyes didn't blink until the news broadcast finished a few minutes later.

The man touched the nape of the neck. It felt like there was something wrong with the figure in the portrait. He seemed to be the connecting thread of all the fragments. He seemed to have seen that face before, but he couldn't remember where.


"Byul, try checking the CCTV footage from Baron Millar's house."

The slanted-eyed girl looked up. Her expression was confused, but soon after that, she nodded. She seemed to understand that she had to find out what her boss meant without asking. Max suddenly feels lucky to have a reliable teammate like Byul.

Max paced for a while before finally sitting back in his chair. He canceled his intention to leave the room and smoked. Something was bothering him. Something is to be solved as soon as possible.

“But, what should I look for, Senior?” Byul suddenly asked.

"So, you didn't know earlier?" Max took turns asking a question.

He didn't expect that the girl would say yes, without understanding what his orders were. He thought Byul had watched his reaction while watching television so he could guess what was going through his mind right now.

"Yes. There are many things to note. I want to be specific so I don't waste too much time, because I can't read Senior's mind right now.”

Ughhh! Right on target. Max cleared his throat and tried to act as cool as possible to keep his self-esteem on the verge of falling.

“You can check if there is a mysterious figure who was also caught on cameras. Such as a girl or a thief in the news. Maybe we missed something yesterday," he said trying to explain.


"Well, get to work now!"

“Senior thinks the deaths of Baron Millar and Viscount Diarte are related?” asked Byul again.

Max thought for a moment. "Maybe yes, maybe no. Isn't that our job to make sure?”

"That's right."

After that, Byul was busy with the computer screen in front of him. Max also returned to his work. He sent an email to another team of investigators. They're asking for CCTV camera footage at the politician's house. The politician was reported by several television stations today. He would compare the three recordings obtained from different places. Although these three cases seem unrelated, they may all be related. When the email was just sent, Byul shouted for him.

"What is it?"

"Here we go."


"That mysterious figure."

Max hastily approached. His eyes also looked at Byul's computer screen. Her computer screen shows the figure of a person in a hat. She was climbing the fence. His heart was pounding because it seemed his guess was right. Maybe, he was getting closer to the answer.

“Try to find a clearer image or enlarge it!” he asked.

"A moment!" Byul pressed the play button again, Max also noticed. He tried not to blink even though his eyes were quite sore.

“Pause!” he said.

Byul pressed the pause button. The figure is now visible on the screen. Her face was seen quite clearly from the side. From her slender posture and the shape of her face, it can be ascertained that she is a woman.

“Try zooming in!”


The display on the screen becomes bigger. Max was fixated on the figure of a short-haired girl. She was wearing a hat and carrying a large backpack on her back. The same figure is shown on television. His fingers tapped the table several times. What if that girl had something to do with the deaths of the two noblemen he'd been investigating recently? However, the politician who was caught by the police did not die. Or was he being plotted to die?



"She's a bit like the woman who wears a black card in the boutique.

"Do you mean the underwear and dress thief in the boutique?"

"Please, pay attention!" Byul opens the video footage from the boutique showing a girl wearing a coat.

The girl walked in with a basket filled with clothes. Tried on the outfit then paid for a few pairs of canvas shirts and leather jackets. When she got to the checkout section, Max took a deep breath. That red lipstick again and her short hair. Her posture is also slim and tall. Similar to the camera footage shown by the three noble houses.

"Similar, right?" Byul's voice made Max flinch.

He then looked at the computer screen in front of him again. "You think they look alike?"

"Yes. Similar," said Byul quickly.

"Hmmm, this is a bit strange."

“How this is strange, Senior?" asked Byul. "It could be that this person also stole dresses and underwear at the boutique. She might as well kill those nobles. We just need to track down the card owner from the transaction at the boutique and we'll get him."

Byul's theory is not wrong. It could all be true. However, nothing is related except her figure caught on camera at odd times and places. So what is the missing thing? If she was a murderer who could even trick Caragan, why did she act as if she wanted to be found? Let's say she thinks she won't get caught in the boutique, but why isn't she careful with using her card, won't that card be access to find her? Plus the theft was quite trivial, an eight million Dillion dress still made sense, but she also stole a pair of tiger print underwear. There was a hitman who would do such a stupid thing. If that's not what happened, then what happened?

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