《Diamonds of Tesmaro》Chapter 3


Chapter 3

His eyes flicked towards her lips as he moved lower and pressed his mouth to hers. He saw her eyelids flutter and close. He felt her small hands on his wide back, desperately trying to pull him closer as their lips and tongues connected repeatedly. He felt a strange and sudden urge to grab both of her large breasts and rub his hands on top of them. He lowered her blouse and revealed her naked skin to him. She was already panting heavily and he had barely begun. He kissed her once again but slowly this time. He broke the kiss and lowered himself to lick at her already hard, dark brown nipples. Her moan was music to his ears and he could feel himself twitching and growing in anticipation. He licked and sucked on her nipples until they were twice as hard, then kissed up her torso to her neck to kiss her lips once more. She reached her hand gravitating to his crotch and rubbed his fabric-covered manhood, it throbbed and he grunted from the feeling. He wanted her to go crazy and scream his name, so he unbuckled her belt and slid her skirt beyond her waist to the floor. His gaze locked between her legs and realized there was a blue heart in the middle of her panties. He raised an eyebrow and smirked. It even made him chuckle a bit as he removed them. He tugged them bottom ward across her butt, and to her legs onto the floor.

He wanted to lick and suck on her so badly that he didn’t notice that she had begun unzipping his fly first. She smiled up at him but he only managed to blink. He felt himself throb so much that he thought it would become a monster and devour her but instead of that, it grew harder in her hands. She prepared by pulling his foreskin low and licking the head of his exposed blue penis. He closed his eyes and sighed. Never had he felt anything so good! Her tongue was so warm and wet as it rotated all over the light blue mushroom head and then her hot little mouth enveloped it and slid down almost half the length. He tensed up and a growl escaped his lips. His hand found the rear of her head and he ran his fingers through her pretty, pink wavy locks.

His breathing became rapid and fierce as she moved her head to and fro slowly at first, then gaining speed slurping faster and faster. He huffed slightly and let his seed shoot into her mouth repeatedly. He panted heavily and his body trembled. The look on his face must have been pure ecstasy! He whimpered a few times then let out a long, slow shaky breath as she lapped up the rest of his seed from his throbbing manhood. All was well now, his breathing slowed and he laid on his back and she snuggled up to him. His eyes closed but he didn't remember being tired enough to fall asleep as fast as he did. In the morning, he was planning to travel to Raji Town and claim his reward on Tukmah’s bounty.

He hiked through a field of fluffy white weeds. They scattered and flew through the air wherever he stepped. Beyond him, he could see a growing fire that was consuming a forest, yet he couldn’t stop his legs from moving towards it. He walked through the firestorm, yet he didn’t feel any heat. It was as if the whole thing was an illusion. At the source of the blaze stood a woman of ancient Kuro descent. She was a lot shorter than most Kuro but her longer than normal ears made up for her height. She was dressed in pure black cloth that encompassed her curves ending in dark-coloured knee-high boots. She had two swords in her hands, one burning with the same light as the fire surrounding them, and the other one was burning with blue fire.


She lifted her left arm and pointed directly at him with the tip of her blue fire sword and effectively moving her mouth as if she were speaking; only he couldn’t hear a thing. Her extremely long, silver locks waved in the air and her eyes glowed neon green with yellow pupils. He watched this strange lady and noticed something sneaking around in the corner of his eye. He considered it a Chiisai but way more primitive. All of a sudden a booming voice shook the very roots of the trees nearby them, “I come to you, Comotos Wellshur, as a vision and a helper! You will need my wisdom of past events to aid you on your quest!” the woman’s voice boomed and he stepped backward, surprised as heck as he smushed the palms of his hands to his ear holes. Her speech seemed to be delayed as her mouth moved again, yet again he heard nothing.

“My quest? I’m not on any fucking quest…” he mumbled. This wasn’t making sense. Why would this old woman call him to this place just to yell at him? She was definitely a warrior as he was but something was off about her. He only wanted money. Shiny, heavy, spendable money. He even took on a very hard mercenary mission because he loved the thrill of being the hunter, searching for and chasing tracking his prey for his first. It was like the most addictive drug and the worst case of munchies put together and he would slice through just about anything to obtain the high it gave. “You and I are more alike than you realize Comotos Wellshur! I have come to you in your unconscious state to tell you something of great importance…” the woman’s voice bellowed once again.

He couldn’t take much more of her delayed yelling so he grabbed for his pendant and in one motion, he sliced off the woman’s arm. It fell to the ground and twitched, still gripping her fiery long sword. She roared and lunged at him! He tried to dodge but his right arm was lopped off and it fell to the ground. He gawked at it and saw it twitch and it stopped moving. Now he was pissed. The warriors lunged at each other and viciously began slicing at each other with their weapons. He sliced off one of the woman's legs and ended up with his own leg severed right afterward. He suddenly awoke with a gasp and looked throughout the darkroom. He could hear Drusilla snoring slightly, still snuggled into his side.

“What the hell was that about?” he asked himself as his eyelid twitched. He didn’t know who that Kuro woman was, but he knew for a fact that he would see her again. He didn’t feel like trying to sleep again so he moved slowly and carefully out of the bed as not to disturb her peaceful slumber. He lifted the blankets and covered her and then stretched his back before removing his clothing. He took a towel from the top of a dresser on his right and headed towards a door in his room. He opened the door to the bathing room. Moonlight was shining in through the windows and he thought it would be enough light to see. He turned on a tap and warm liquid came rushing out so he held a bucket under the tap until it was full then dumped the liquid aloft his head, his long silvery hair sticking to his torso in various clumps and then he washed his hair and then his body with lathering soap.


As he finished washing and drying himself off he looked up into the wide-length mirror and saw a reflection of the Kuro woman he saw in his dream. He thought he was only seeing things until she floated out of the mirror and wrapped her ghostly arms around his naked torso. His reflection returned to normal and for the first time, he saw the black scars on his face. They began below his hairline, ran over his eyelids, and ended at the base of his jaw. He touched the marks and his hand shot away. His fingers had been burned and he stared at his reflection. He blinked a few times and his irises suddenly started swimming and twirling with neon blue instead of neon green. He felt a familiar energy float through his body. His eyelids became heavy and green balls of energy appeared floating in mid-air around him and his ghostly companion. The magic danced in the vicinity of the room in symmetrical patterns before falling to the ground and bouncing as if many bouncy balls were released at the same time.

“They’re so pretty…” a voice suddenly cut into the silence. The magic faded away slowly, yet the ghostly figure stayed, still clutching onto his frame. Drusilla was nude under the towel encompassing her curvy body and was standing by the door, who knows for how long. She puffed up her cheeks just after she saw him with another woman and she stomped towards them. It actually felt like her stomps shook the room. He opened his eyes and twisted towards her as she approached him from the doorway. She observed him and saw that his irises were swimming with blueish colour but with the same yellow pupil. He looked like he was in a trance as he was slightly hunched over. She pulled his cheek around his scalding-hot scars until he snapped out of his trance. He blinked at her a few times and she smiled at him releasing her grip on his face when his eyes went back to normal. “You've finally returned!” she exclaimed. She was her usual happy self but something seemed off.

Once she released him from her iron grip he touched the side of his mouth gingerly. She really didn’t have to be so rough! She then turned her gaze at the ghost woman still clinging to him. They stared each other down for a moment or two before the ghost woman flew up and around his body and disappeared into the ceiling. Drusilla followed her with her optics and then locked onto his. Never before had he feared anyone, yet she was suddenly rather scary at that moment. She broke eye contact and headed for the very large upright barrel that was mainly for bathing.

She swiveled the taps and the hot water came rushing out, she checked the temperature until it was just right adding a bit of cold water. She picked up a washcloth and climbed a small ladder to step into the basin. She sat down on a ledge connected to the barrel as it continued to fill with steamy water. She let out a sigh and he didn’t know if he should leave, or hop in with her. He decided quickly enough. He walked over to her and removed the towel from his waist. He saw her open an eye to glance at his package as he sat beside her. She began washing her face, entire body, under her breasts, armpits, nether regions, legs, and feet with the lathering soap. When she was done rinsing, she wrung out the cloth and hung it on the ledge between her and the muscular Kuro male.

As soon as the barrel tub was filled, she leaned forward and twirled both taps to their closed position. Seeming to have the same thought at once, the pair moved towards each other and embraced with a kiss. He grabbed a handful of her breast and she gave him a moan in reply. He leaned over and began kissing and sucking on the base of her neck. It was slightly uncomfortable because he was much taller even sitting down so he wrapped his arms around her. He heard her giggle and felt her wet hand on his long, silver hair that was sticking to his torso in various lengths of wet clumps. He stopped kissing and holding her and lifted some of his hair. “Would you mind giving me a haircut? He asked. She said she didn’t mind and luckily there was a kit close by, there was a pair of scissors and a comb inside. He turned his back to her as she got up to grab the scissors and comb and she returned to began styling his locks, almost like she had done this before.

She moved all of the hair that had fallen into the water and just after she was done he touched the back of his head. It seemed as if he tried to grab for his non-existent ponytail, but then he submerged himself underwater in the full barrel, and then came up for air with a completely new hairstyle, he rested his arms on the edge of the tub, as it was fairly deep. “I haven’t had short hair since I was a kid… guess I’ll get used to it.” She smiled at him and he smiled weakly, the best he could since he was still so used to being alone. He started feeling a little bit uncomfortable sitting buck-naked in front of such a beautiful woman so he climbed up and out of the barrel, grabbed his towel, and dried his hair and body again, finally wrapping the towel around his slim waist.

“I need to travel to Ragi Town… gotta get my payment for Tukmah's bounty.” He said casually. He reversed his stance on her once again but he acknowledged that she didn’t want him to leave her. “May I… come with you? I promise I won’t be a nuisance and you don’t won't have to pay my way cause I have some money saved up but I will have to quit my job though...” she slowed down her fast-paced speech and waited for him to say something… anything. Even if he said no. He thought about a few days ago when he was fighting Tukmah. He had almost died that day but because she yelled out exactly what he needed to hear he realized that he would have to protect her from now on if she really wanted to stay by his side, even if she was a force to be reckoned with.

She had even given him that shiny black diamond that she found on Tukmah. He could feel an unnatural power emanating from it. He felt stronger the more time he spent near it, so he placed the artifact inside an empty money pouch tied to his belt loops. “Fine.” He said as he looked over his shoulder. “We leave in the morning.” He stepped towards the door and into the bedroom, leaving her to gleefully splash in the tub. The next morning after the sun rose in the lavender sky, She told her co-worker, Laina, that she was quitting her job and leaving with Comotos. Her friend was obviously shocked and she looked at him with such contempt that he wanted to leave as soon as possible. She took her friend to the side and told her everything that happened after they had helped him and why she wanted to stay by his side. Her friend still gave him a cold glare but she seemed to understand why she wanted to be with him. They said their heartfelt goodbyes, like old friends, would do. He walked out the front door and Drusilla followed, wiping tears from her face. He slowed down and looked behind him, wanting to say something, but not knowing exactly what that something was.

Comotos has known the leader of the Bounty Hunters Organization or the BHO since that fateful day when his life as an innocent ten-year-old child ended. Since he didn’t remember anything about his real father, except for when he found his body, Mark, the creator of the BHO was as much of a father as any man could be. They had their disputes of course, but they would always end up laughing at each other and then drinking together until they were both silly drunks when he grew up more. To this day he could easily out drink Mark. As he walked over to the carriage service to rent one for the day they were bombarded by a freak storm that made him jump. He seemed shaken as he stared up into the overcast sky as the lightning crackled overhead. It seemed to split the air as thunder boomed afterward. The look on his face showed that even the strongest men have weaknesses. The storm finally settled in and it began to rain in a consistent downpour. Drusilla didn’t understand why he looked so upset, and she couldn’t think of anything to say so she kept her mouth shut.

The Chiisai carriage driver had been inside the tavern and was sauntering out when the rain started. He walked over to where the couple was standing. He told them that he needed a cover because he was robbed earlier that day and had to sell it to reclaim the value of what he lost. Comotos wasn’t too pleased with the current situation; he was already getting soaked by the rain. He moved his hand to cover his companion's dampening hair, “I don’t want my friend here to catch a cold, so if you were smart you’d ask the bartender if he has a spare.” He walked with his companion, who was now sniffling purposefully, to the entrance of the tavern for some cover from the downpour. The coachman was obviously frightened of the tall Kuro man, so after a few minutes, he came running from the back of the tavern with a large, wooden carriage cover hovering in the air behind him. He climbed up and placed the cover on the carriage, then secured it tightly to the base structure, and right at that moment, the rain fell harder from the sky. He checked inside for any leaks and wiped out any water with a rag he had tucked into his pocket then motioned to them that everything was ready.

He gazed downwards at Drusilla who smiled up at him and he winked at her. He knew he was intimidating and he loved to use his gift as often as he could. He walked to the chauffeur as Drusilla stepped into the fancy box on wheels. He grabbed his pouch that had the silver coins inside and showed them to the driver, “I don’t trust you as far as I can throw you, so you’ll get paid when we get to where we’re going. Ragi Town.” He nodded quickly and grabbed the reins that were attached to the two large Monsor beasts. He joined her inside of the vehicle and slammed the door hard and the driver flicked the reins to signal to the Monsors that it was time to go. The large beasts trotted along the dirt road happily as they were recently watered and were drinking the sky liquid as well. Since Monsors are magical creatures they only need water to sustain them even though they need a lot of it. She leaned her head against his left shoulder and let her lids become heavy. “You know… I’ve never been outside of this area before. What’s it like?” she asked oh so innocently. Comotos glanced at her smiling face then looked out the window to his right. “Well, it’s the same as any other town, but Ragi Town has the BHO… that’s where I need to go to collect my money.”

“What’s the BHO?” she asked, opening her eyes and looking up at him. “Bounty Hunters Organization.” She turned herself to the window on her left, “Neat.” She replied. “Yep,” he replied. “It shouldn’t be longer than two hours before we can get out of this smelly box.” She chuckled at his comment. “It’s better than hiking isn’t it?” He thought for a moment. “Yeah it definitely is, but for magical creatures that only drink water, those fucking Monsors really know how to make a stink.” She seemed to be immune to his vulgar language as she just laughed it off. Her laughter made him laugh as well. Less than two hours later the carriage slowed down to stop in front of a tavern just like the one they had left back in Zephyr Town, except this one had “Bounty Hunters Organization'' in bold black and white lettering on top of the door frame.

Comotos opened his door and stepped out of the carriage on the right, it was still raining so he turned around and offered his hand to Drusilla. She took it gratefully and pulled herself out of the carriage. Once she was sturdily on the ground, he let go of her hand and walked up to the chauffeur for the last time. He dropped the four, five denomination silver coins in the Chiisai's large winged hand and nodded to him. The driver tipped his hat to Comotos and then jumped down from his seat to check on his Monsors.

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