《Outbound》Chapter 10


Julie walked the upper streets of Xenon city alone. She had not been alone like this in some time but the feeling of being watched still sent a shiver down her spine. When she was out with Jason or even alone in her leather jacket, she felt she could bleed into the background, but now… Now was different. She approached the Basilica found in the center of the city; her elegant golden dress lightly fluttered in the artificial breeze. She stopped for a moment to take in the gilded towers of greed, overlooking a city in need.

When she was doing any thing to survive in the red-light district, she would often look up at the upper city and dream of this moment; the moment she would be dining and dancing with the elite at a gala such as this. In her young and naive mind achieving something of this caliber meant she had made it. A rich woman of high repute would whisk her away to her new life, but as she grew, she only knew the atrocities the rich could inflict with their dirty money. At one time standing here would have given her a feel of awe and wonder but now it only made her sick.

“Miss Julie, I presume.”

Julie was surprised by the sudden voice that had broken her thought. She turned around calmly as if she done this hundreds of times, but she was fighting the urge to confront the voice as fast as possible.

“Your presumption is correct, Mr. Balfor.” She held out her hand and he took it with grace and gave it a light kiss.

You look as beautiful as a star glistening in the purple dusk of eternity, burning with the fires of passion no mortal could ever hope to contain. I’m so glad that Mrs. Conley would set us up this evening.” he bowed with false respect. His flowery word play signified his status as a one of the privileged prestige. She took his arm, and they began to walk toward the Gala.

“Ok, Julie if you can hear me brush your hair behind you left ear.” Jason’s staticky voice caught her attention, and she did as she was asked, covertly tucking the strands of newly dyed chestnut brown hair behind her ear.

“Great we have eyes on you. Remember the plan and everything should go fine, we will await your signal… Be careful.” Jason’s voice cut out, and Julie sighed. Of course, she was going to be careful it wasn’t like she was confident enough in her abilities to go off script if she had no backup.

“What do you think?” Mr. Balfor asked,

“About What?” Julie asked embarrassed by her obvious disregard for the conversation at hand.

Jessa Conley, what do you think about her working with revolutionaries? Pity that a family of such an esteem could fall into dealings with that rabble. Utterly shameful, don’t you think.” Mr. Balfor said this dripping with disgust for the woman. This took Julie by surprise. Jessa said that her data would be a family friend, but here he was all but spitting on Jessa’s good name.

“I think that Mrs. Conley is a very compassionate woman, whom looks only to help others. I’m sure what ever caused her to dabble in dealings with this so called ‘rabble’, it must have been out…”

“Mr. Everston! Well met old friend” Mr. Balfor interrupted Julie to speak to a man by the door. His disregard of her opinion reminded her of what it felt like to work the streets, the rage built in her chest, but she remained calm.


“Mr. Balfor! This must be your date.” Mr. Everston held his hand out to take Julies and gave it a kiss. Superficial level of chivalric virtue made Julies skin crawl. “Thank you for joining us this evening. Go inside and mingle with the other guests until the auction begins. Well met.”

“Well met.” Mr. Balfor shook Mr. Everston hand one more time and the two walked inside. The main ballroom was made of white marble and decorated with elegant golden tapestries strewn about the walls. There were hundreds of people making there way around the room in what seemed like predetermined paths as to meet with as many revealers in the fastest manner possible making the main floor look as if it were a machine, each person a gear.

“Care for a drink my dear.” Mr. Balfor asked as they descended the massive staircase to join the party.

Julie nodded with emphatic emotion. “Yes, Please.”

Swerving through patrons Julie finally made it to the bar after briefly losing hold of Mr. Balfor. Why was he always in such a hurry? It was if had to hit a quota of handshakes by the end of the night or he would lose social standing. She looked around and saw him meeting with a well-dressed man with dark hair. “Good evening Mr. Blah bleh, wonderful night this is, is it not. T’was but a fortnight since you entered my thoughts last. Say, would you allow me one kiss of your bum for old times sake. Be a sport.” Julie scoffed under her breath at her own stupid humor. Mocking the customers who paid for her time was a trick she had learned working the streets. No matter how suave or sophisticated people from the upper city tried to present themselves as, they were always outsiders. Like if their use of flowery language were some how able to get them into the elite. It was not hard to learn, Julie could speak it well.

“One whisky, straight.” Julie asked the bar tender and he looked at her sheepishly.

“I am sorry madam; we don’t have that.” The bar tender answered.

Julie looked skeptically at him, and then at the shelves of alcohol behind him, she pointed at a bottle of brown liquid. “What is that?” she asked coyly.

“Well that is a 25 year citadel reserve, really quite a wonderful year. You can really taste the strength of the mighty Oak trees used in the barreling.” the bartender responded with the memorized line.

“Well, they must not have been that mighty if they were reduced to barrels, wouldn’t you say.” Julie responded. The Bar tender began to stammer a response, but she held up her hand. “Put that drink in this glass, and fill it two fingers, wait.” Julie looked at the man’s dainty small hands and took note. “Make that three fingers high. Thanks” The bar tender shuffled off with out saying a word and returned with her drink. Julie leaned against the bar and took a sip of the drink. It had mellowed with age making it quite smooth. Then the Oak hit, the bar tender was not lying about the oak. He had obviously never tasted It in its simplest nature, but the tasting notes were very accurate. She could taste the tree as well as its rich and vibrant years. Funny how the brutalization of nature really makes whisky pop.

“This is my date this evening.” Mr. Balfor said as if Julie was some how his trophy to show off. Annoyed, Julie rolled her eyes covertly and looked at the person who she was being introduced… her eyes widened.


The man held out his hand, “Mr. Nakamura, pleasure to meet you miss…” Migo asked politely.

“This is- “Mr. Balfor started but Julie stomped hard on his foot as she gave migo her hand.

“Mrs. Nilsen” Julie replied hoping that Mr. Balfor would not say her real name. Migo looked at her with a cynical glare.

“Nilsen? You must be related to Anton and Grace. How are they? I Heard they couldn’t make it this evening.” Migo asked as if he were probing her backstory. Sweat dripped down the nape of her neck. Did he truly know a Nilsen? Did he expect a specific answer to he made up family? She had to act quick!

“No, unfortunately they couldn’t make it this marvelous evening; for grace had a dreadfully awful cough, and well Anton couldn’t bare to come with out her. I do so hope you understand.” She replied with the most proper language she could muster, Migo Seemed to be buying it.

“I can’t place it… have we met before? Im sorry to be so forward, but some one of your…” Migo ran his finger down her face, his touch was cold and metallic. “Beauty surely could not be forgotten.”

How long could this cognitive sparing last? Julie replied with feigned fluster. “Oh, you do me a kindness serenading with this praise, Good sir. Surely, we have not met but for tonight. You must be mistaking me for some one else. You see years ago I underwent a surgery to repair a hideous grown one should be dismayed to call their nose. After I came out, I released it was the same model so many others in the upper city have received.” Julie chuckled raised her nose as if to show Migo.

For a brief moment his cynical look returned but was broken by his own laughter. “Forgive me for being so obtuse. I must make my exit be for I make myself more a fool. It was a pleasure to meet you Mrs. Nilsen.” Migo made a small bow and turned to walk into the crowd. Julie sighed with relief, but it was cut short.

“One more thing Mrs. Nilsen.” Migo turned around dropped his façade and glared at her as if he were looking into her soul. “What are you drinking? It smells wonderful.” Julie straightened her spine in discomfort.

“It’s a glass of citadel reserve, neat.” Julie said.

Migo eased his glare to a knowing look that some how made her even more uncomfortable. “Bar keep, can I have a bottle of citadel reserve delivered to my man at the end of the bar.”

The bar tender pulled down a large bottle of the drink and walked it to the end of the bar where a gaunt bald man sat in a grey suit. That must have been his man. “Have a good evening Mrs.” and with that he was gone, lost in the crowd.

“ATTENTION EVERYONE! ATTENTION!” a man atop the stair spoke loudly into a microphone. “This evening we gather here at the behest of our friend and neighbor Mrs. Conley. She has ask that we give her the floor before the auction for her to make announcements and other such statements on her unfortunate accusation and like wise events...” as the man was talking Julie knew that was her que.

“I must powder my nose and freshen up before the auction. Where can I do that.” She asked Mr. Belfor

“There is a restroom in the back but do be quick. Accusations such as these are not easily escaped. Listening to her desperate pleas will be a treat.” Mr. Belfor replied with glee.

“Take notes for me darling.” Julie replied with false interest as she walked out of the back of the room.

“Jason… Come in Jason. Migo Is here!” Julie spoke into her earpiece.

“What!? Did he recognize you? Is your cover blown? Jason asked franticly.

No. No… I don’t think he recognized me. It was just weird.” Julie answered quickly as to not cause worry amongst the crew. “Where am I going?”

“There is a room at the far end of the atrium on the left before you walk into the auction hall. That’s where the security is but wait for phase two to begin.” Jason said clearly and calmly.

As Julie neared the door, she heard a commotion down the hall as Jessa began raving like a madwoman. She was cursing and shouting accusations at all who were listening. She began fighting and scratching people in the front rows. Phase two wait for the diversion.

A group of security guards rushed out of the surveillance office and stormed down the hall toward the commotion. Julie caught the door before it shut and peered in. only one guard stayed but his attention was also held on what was happening in the main room. Great only one... finally some good luck. Julie pulled out the stun baton that Omar had customized to fit tight against her leg. She snuck up behind the guard and stuck the baton in his back. He convulsed a few times before dropping to the floor hard.

“What am I looking for in here, there are like hundreds of buttons.” Julie muttered into the coms.

“Well, there probably isn’t a button that turns off the security. Look for a breaker box or something that houses all the cords.” Jason replied and Julie looked about the room. There in the corner of the room behind a rolling cabinet there was a light grey box. She opened it and saw that there were many switches.

“There are a lot of switches here which one do I need to turn off?” she asked franticly scanning over their labels.

“Turn them all off, the is just the security system so no security is best for us. Besides, we will be out of here before anyone notices any way.” Jason reassured her and she hit all the switches. Julie wandered into the main auction hall where they were to rendezvous. She waited no more than a minute or so before a pop followed by the whistle of wind came from the lofted ceiling. Julie looked up to see Jason toss down a length of rope, followed by Jason and Eric repelling into place.

“Are you alright.” Jason asked as he handed Julie a duffle bag full of equipment.

“Yea, no one has caught on yet. I think we may be in the clear.” Julie stated as he changed out of the golden dress she had been wearing revealing a tactical infiltration suit underneath. “How was it on the roof?”

“Haha Funny. It was Fucking cold.” Jason said from underneath the car. Tysons were all fitted with trackers in the event one was boosted, there weren’t many road cars now a days but that only meant it would be easier to track.

“We are not out of the woods yet either... look.” Eric growled through clenched teeth. He nodded in the direction of the atrium and the hum of people were getting louder and louder.

Jason looked at his wrist communicator. “Well, that was fast. They were not going to take with Jessa’s Shit huh?”

“I guess not.” Eric Jumped into the front seat and began looking for a port in the dash he could hack into. “Hey, we have a minute and a half until the hack is complete.”

“Guys we don’t have that kind of time!” Julie pleaded.

Jason pulled out the tracker, tied it to the tension rope and sent it back up to the roof. “We will have to hide in the car.” Julie nodded and they join Eric in the car, laying flat as to not be seen immediately. Just as they had climbed in the lights of the auction hall flashed on.

“Everybody take your seats please… Sorry for any stress Mrs. Conley may have caused.” The host lead the ensemble to the gallery to view the floor, and the workers trudged about bringing pieces to the for front to sell. One of the workers picked up an ornate vase right next to where Jason hid in the back seat, all the workers had to do was take one step over and look in the convertible’s back seat, but he remained hidden.

“First up we have an early colonial painting by the late Darcy Hues. Bidding begins at 100,000.” The host announced.

“Eric, what’s the time looking like?” Jason asked, voice heavy with stress.

“Ten seconds but everyone can see us, I—” Eric was cut off mid-sentence.

The second we hack in punch us out the back windows, people seeing us doesn’t change our plan.” Jason whispered back, “Ready?” Julie nodded.

“500,000! Going once….” The host said emphatically. “Going twice.”

The hack was complete, and wrist mounted unit beeped softly. “Here we go.” Eric grumbled.

“Sold! The man in the back.” The host exclaimed excitedly. Eric punched the ignition and slammed the gas. The wheels squealed as the Tyson roared to life. People in the gallery gawked in awe as Eric turned the car toward the rear windows, accelerating to a speed enough to break out of the window. Jason stood out of the top of the convertible and fired a few shots toward the window to give it more leeway when the car made contact.


The Tyson went airborne, flying through the window and falling the ten or so feet to the pavement with a jolt.

“Everyone ok?!” Jason shouted over the whipping wind. Eric grunted in agreement, and Julie stared back at the ever-distancing basilica.

“Yea, I’m glad to be out of there! What is next? We just drive out of town like nothing?” Julie scoffed.

Jason gave her a skeptical look, “It can’t be that easy… in all my years of work, I haven’t found anyone more protective of their property then the rich.”

Julie broke her gaze from the basilica to look at Jason. What are you being so tense about? She thought, what do you know. As if her thoughts became realized, the whistle of bullets zipped past her ear. Jason grabbed her by the back of the head and shoved her face in the seat, he quickly followed suit as the bullets ravaged the vehicles metallic frame.

Jason drew his gun from his holster and swiped the reloading cylinder across his chest to activate the auto loader on his left pec. He looked at her almost sarcastically. “See what I mean!?”

“Hold on!” Eric shouted and he whipped the wheel to the right sending the car into a tire squealing slide. Julie tumbled about the back seat still in shock of the how quickly danger could kick into gear. Jason looped his arm around Julie an helped her gain her footing. “When that ship comes back around shoot at the cockpit in the front. If we can shoot the pilot, we can get away easy but I’m sure that glass is fully tempered and bulletproof, if that’s the case then at least we can give us some cover.”

Julie nodded and aimed down her sights. The roar of engines filled the empty streets as one large Xenon security craft closed the distance, they got so close that Julie could read the departments motto: X-SEC security secured.

“Open fire!” Jason shouted and the two opened fire and watched as their bullets bounced off the front glass shielding. The pilot did however, back off the Tysons rear bumper just enough for Eric to try another evasive maneuver. Almost without warning, Eric cranked the wheel right and tore off down a street that ran perpendicular. They had a moment to breath, Jason and Julie reloaded and scanned the sky waiting the ship.

The ship finally reappeared but seemed to keep its distance to avoid drawing fire. Jason and Julie trained their sights on the craft, but their attention was directed to the wrong threat. They were blindsided by another X-Sec craft coming down a blind corner. The Tyson swerved back and forth under the force of the hit, but some how eric was able to keep the car in a straight line. Before Julie could find he balance a man from atop the X-sec craft jumped down to the vehicle and took a swipe at her with a large knife that seemed to come out of nowhere. The blade tore through the fabric of her shirt and sliced into the flesh of her chest. Blood welled in the wound, but it was a glancing blow. The figure wore a skintight black outfit that shown with a metallic glare. He had glowing blue trim running the length of his suit, and by the way the light pulsed it looked to be a power source of some kind. He raised back up to deliver another blow and Julie realized that the large knife was coming from out of the man forearm. She raised her and fired a burst that collided with the man’s metallic coated arm, but to her surprise the bullets did not ricochet of like they did the X-SEC craft. No, this time they cracked the man’s arm as if it were made of ceramic. Black fragments broke away in large fracture exposing the wires and metal under neath the black suit. The man recoiled again and caught three more rounds of Jason’s Justice revolver. The man’s suit once again shattered away, but this time he seemed unphased. With a primal shout and the whirring of mechanics the man lurched across the back seat toward Jason making a meaty smack as they collided; The man’s forearm knife burrowing deep into Jason’s shoulder. As the two tussled for control Julie got a good look at the damage Jason’s bullets did to the man’s chest, she also realized the glowing blue trim on his suit must be wires running power to his now exposed core. She climbed up in the seat but not high enough to draw fire from the X-sec craft and shot directly into the man’s chest. With a roar the man recoiled in pain and back handed her with enough force to knock to the opposite side of the back seat, but this action gave Jason enough time to grab the man by his mask pulling his head down and kicking the man over him and out of the vehicle. Without a moment’s notice Jason pulled back up and resumed shooting at the X-SEC craft which was now flying broadside to allow its passengers an angle to fire. Julie peaked over the seating, and before she took her shots at the. When abord the craft she saw the man with glowing blue liquid speckling his face and bald head. She turned her attention to the threat at hand and shot at the crafts occupants, who, now were cowering from the casualties that Jason had already inflicted on them.

“We’re coming up on the exfil point Jason, you guys need to hold on to something!” Jason looped the seatbelt around his arm and couched down, Julie did the same but not before glancing a head at the “Exfil point”.

“Um are we going to stop?” Julie said franticly as she peered at the edge of the upper city getting closer and closer. Jason gave her a knowing look, and she closed her eyes. The railing of the upper city gave way with a light metallic *ting* and Julie for the first time in her life felt the feeling of true weightlessness. The car sored from the upper city at a high rate of speed and then dropped like a rock toward the fields miles below. The wind was defining as they all held on for dear life, soon though, it all stopped being replaced with the engines of the cloud hopper.

“HAHA!” Jason shouted with glee as they were suspended in air by the tractor field emitter. He leaned back into the seat and placed his hands behind his head as the flew through the sky. “Nothing like a well-executed plan, aye Eric?” Eric sighed and grunted in agreement.

“Jason what about X-SEC? wont they follow us?” Julie said looking around for the craft.

“Relax.” Jason said calmly, “Those craft are not rated for high altitude flight. They know they cant follow. So, sit back, relax, and let Sam take us to payday.”

She sighed and, for the first time in hours, let herself relax.


The flight was not a long one. The meet up point with Jessa was just outside the city in the hills of the bad lands. They arrived first and set about deciding how they would explain the excessive damage that had occurred the cars body.

“Did you tell her it could be a hot exfil?” Sam asked,

Jason looked over the car. “Not exactly.” He sighed, “There wasn’t much choice, right?”

Sam threw his hands up, “Hey, no casualties is a win in my book, but I guess were about to find out what she thinks.” Sam nodded at the approaching convoy of vehicles.

“Show time everyone!” Jason shouted and everyone formed a line in front of the car. The convoy of vehicles stopped, and Jessa got out and stood before them. Jason sighed and took a step forward prepared for the worst. We have most of your car ma’am, hope this will suffice, he thought. Before he could say anything, Jessa ran towards the car giddy with excitement. Confused he followed her to the car and saw she was toying with the radio.

“Ummm, Whatcha doin?” Julie said speaking the mind of the group.

“I haven’t been completely honest with you all.” Jessa spoke up turning dials and pushing buttons on the dash. This is a beautiful car, but its contents are what’s priceless to me.” A metallic pop and hiss followed by a small container rising out of the dash. “This is the first ever fully functioning biochip.”

“What’s it do?” Jason asked curiously.

“On this chip, A person’s personality, thoughts, and consciousness can be stored as data and in the right system can become a living AI. It truly is a wonder of technology.” Jessa explained as she admired the chip.

“Is some one on this one” Sam asked hesitantly.

“My son.” Jessa spoke through her emotion. “he was killed by a rival family that wanted to use this tech for profit, and selfish gain. When he realized his death was imminent, he downloaded himself onto this chip and for years I have been working with the revolutionaries to create a vessel for him. We were almost done when my house was raided by citadel troops and all my belongings were turned over to the city. You have brought my son back to me and for that I am in your debt.”

Jason let the moment linger before asking, “We could use some help now if that’s ok.”

“Yes, Yes anything!” Jessa said excitedly.

“We need a place to lay low for a while, and if we could fix up Sam’s ship that would help a lot.”

“Of course!” she snapped her fingers, and men leaped out of the back of one of the vehicles to gather the car and the biochip. “You may stay with us as long as you need. Tiago, Help them with their things would you.”

Jason’s fist closed and his jaw clinched as a tall man with sun kissed skin and vibrant green eyes got out of the driver’s seat. He had a strong build and he stood in a way that showed he was a weathered veteran of many battles, but Jason already knew this from his time under Tiago’s captivity.

“Jason, are you ok?” Julie had noticed his sudden tenseness.

With out looking away from Tiago, Jason muttered back to her, “That Fucking son of a bitch.”

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