《Outbound》Chapter 5


The electronic whir of the ship's doors were faintly audible over the sound of the whipping wind until the door shut and pressurized the cabin. A dim red light flooded into the central room silhouetting a broad tall figure in a dark colored flight suit and beat up tactical VR helmet that once belonged to a member of the Citadel space corps. The figure quickly pulled out his gun, a light grey tactical dual fire xeno blast, and pointed both barrels toward Jason's face. “Alright friends, toss them weapons over here, and do it quickly!” the voice coming from the helmeted man sounded mechanical from the vocal filter in an obvious attempt to sound more menacing. Jason and Julie unholstered their guns and tossed them in the direction of the shadowy figure. The man kicked the guns back behind him and approached Julie with a set of Mag-Cuffs. He picked up her thin frame and roughly pressed her face against the wall so he could cuff her hands behind her back. “ Hey bitch, you better calm down or i'm going to have to kick your ass.” Julie said muffled as the large man behind her pressed her face to the wall. “Stop Talking Please.” The man asked in an oddly polite way that betrayed the voice modulators effect. He sat her down against the wall and moved to Jason to do the same. Jason was however much larger then Julie and despite the size advantage of the he still had a hard time getting Jason Lifted and pressed against the wall. Before he could get the cuffs on the man froze. “Sam, He only has a single arm! What do I do?” the man shouted toward the front of the ship. “God Damn it Eric! Force him down and figure it out! Don't make me come back there!” an unseen man snapped back. Jason looked over his shoulder to look at the man behind him. “This your first shake down? Your inexperience is showing.” Jason mocked, the man responded by pressing more weight on the back of Jason's neck, “Could you please stop talking?” Julie Started to snicker, “Hey Buddy, you need to be more intimidating.” she jested and the man spun on his heals to look at her. She could almost see his unease through the smoke tinted visor he wore.

“Eric, just check their god damn chips and tell me what we caught!” The pilot shouted from the front of the ship. “I’ll just tell you wha-“ Jason tried to speak up but Eric cut him off by forcing his head against the hard metallic side wall of the ship, the contact made a dull metallic thump. Eric pulled at the collar of Jason’s shirt and jacket exposing the dark skin of where his shoulder met his neck, and scanned the small scar he found there with an ID reader. All at once Eric snapped up and stood ridged, “Sam! He’s… He’s a”, Jason complicated the sentence for him, “he’s a bounty hunter”. The ship all at once seemed to come to a shuddering halt as the engines were forced to reposition and began hovering. Light frantic footsteps could be heard scurrying down the stairs that lead to the cockpit. All of a sudden a much smaller man appeared in the doorway. He was dressed in a very suave shirt with puffy sleeves that did favors for his thin frame. His pants were the flight tights that the citadel gave their pilots so they could withstand the high G forces of the inner atmospheric travel that they would have to go through and by the yellow stripe along the outside of the legs Jason could tell that this man was part of the medical transport unit which was spoke volume to his flight skill. Before he spoke he traced the thin mustache along his dark lip with his index finger and thumb.


“Friend, I want to apologize for my colleague, he is still new to this business. Im the captain of this ship.” The man put his hand out emphatically. “The name is Samual Peterson, welcome to my ship.” Jason took Samuels hand hesitantly and shook it. “Right… why did you pick us up if you were just going to arrest us?” Samual moved back as if he were shocked by the question, “Well we are new to the city and heard from some folks that there are lots of convicts that hide out in the dump zones… Figured we could get a quick payday” Jason looked at Samuel with annoyance as he spoke.

“That seems like a waste of time.” Jason replied quickly adding, “Anyway thank you for helping out.”

“No problem, where can we drop you off?” Sam asked as he started moving back to the cockpit.

“There is a landing pad in the redlight not far from here you can drop us off there.” Jason said slouching back against the wall. Samuel must have heard him because the ship's engines roared, shaking the whole cabin as they came to life and rocketed across the sky.


Jason sat in the cabin and began to meditate on the night's events. First off they were alive, which was an uncommon occurrence for those who were unlucky enough to be left in the dump zone. He pondered this thought while trying to forget the years he spent as an enforcer for the Neon Dragon gang, dropping undesirables in the dump zone was the most effective way to make someone disappear without a trace. The memories of the pleading victims begging him to forgive their actions against his boss just as he forcibly threw them to their deaths, rushed back into his mind. They had been lucky. The second thought was one that had been snaking its way through his mind all night but was just now rearing its head. What did sapphire want with him? He was a nobody, a bounty hunter and not even one of galactic renown. The thing that Jason was most famous for was that he only had one arm… not something he wanted to be known for. As he sat quietly he noticed Julie across the cabin sitting with her knees up as to rest her arms across them. She must be exhausted, he thought as he looked at her. She had gone from working a corner to fighting for her life in a mere three days and by the look of her it was taking a toll.

“Hey, how are you feeling?” Jason asked over the subtle rush of wind flowing through the damaged hull. Julie lifted her head wearily and met his gaze, “I think I’ll make it. Now that i'm sitting down I can't catch my breath. It feels like my heart is beating a thousand times a second.” Jason knew that had to do with her coming off the adrenalin high she was having, but he noticed the more nefarious reason for her diagnosis.

“When was the last time you used?” Jason asked as he eyed the darkening veins running up her neck. Julie leaned her head against the wall, “Am I showing that bad already? Normally I can get away with a week before I start to really feel it.” she looked down her nose at Jason, “It has to have been at least two days.” Jason looked at the dark veins running across her now pale skin in a way that made her neck look as though it were fracturing, He was all too familiar with the pattern. “Is it the Ectoneurocaine ?” he asked and she chuckled at his use of the scientific name rather than the street name she was accustomed to. “Yeah that's the one, but call it Elysium or else people will think you are an enforcer.” Her breathing was getting heavier by the minute and Jason knew it was not long before she would go into full withdrawal, he was amazed she was not going into it already.


“When we get back to--” Jason was cut off by the sudden rattle of the Ship making contact with the landing pad.

“Sorry for the bumpy landing, landing struts aren't that good.” Samual said as he made his way back into the cabin. He propped his elbow up against the wall and crossed his legs in a suave manner. “Thank you for choosing the crew of the Cloud Hopper.” he said with a smile, Jason sighed as he stood up and helped Julie to her feet, “Cloud Hopper, is that really her name?” Jason asked. Samuel slapped the inside of the hull, “I think it's a fine name for a ship of such..” he searched his mind for a moment, “character!”

Jason Stepped out of the ship into the cool wet night air, his boots made a slight splash as they made contact with the wet tarmac of the landing zone. “If I am ever in need of a ship for a job will you be around here?” Jason asked over his shoulder.

“More or less. We spend our time looking for work shipping or moving cargo and occasionally looking for bounties, but we might have better luck in that department with your help.” Samuel Admitted. Jason nodded his head in agreement, “Thanks again.”

“Don't mention it, friend. See ya around.” Samuel exclaimed as he disappeared back into his ship. Jason slipped Juile’s arm across his shoulders to help support her weakening legs. For all his annoyance Samual really saved their ass’ back there and Jason intended to return the favor any way he could, Plus making friends with someone who captains a ship has a definite upside. With that thought Julie and Jason made their way across tarmac to hail a cab.


The ruby light streamed in through the hexagonal plated window. Jason looked over at Julie whose darkened veins had stretched across her face. Her condition was getting worse faster than he thought, they needed to find some meds fast.

“Have you ever had to withdraw this bad?” He asked quietly as to not be overheard by the Cab droid. Julie looked over at him with blood shot eyes, “Only once before.” Her voice was quiet and wavering as she fought to get the words out through her heavy shivering. She continued, “It was back when I started work for the club. They would pay well upfront to be a dancer but would also supply the girls with loads of Elysium, but then they would lock us in a room so that we could experience how bad it would be if we left… easy to say no one ever left.” Jason thought for a moment, if there was anywhere he would find something to alleviate her symptoms it would be in the club.

The cab arrived in front of Jason's housing pod and Jason helped Julie out of the cab and into the pod. It had been no more than 72 hours since he was last here but it felt as though he had been gone forever, so much had changed. Jason carried Julie over to the bed and turned on the bed warmer, her shivering subsided slightly. He walked over to his cabinet to get himself a drink. As the copper liquid filled the glass, he thought about his situation contrasted to Julies. She may be suffering for because of her addiction but his addiction was keeping him sane. He couldn't help but feel guilty that she was suffering so much for a life she was forced into and his vices only had the side effect of a hangover and a dreamless sleep. He gulped the glass observing her sleep, he poured another. It had only been a week since they met on the street but somehow he felt connected to her in a way he hadn't felt before. She had taken a risk by trading one dangerous life for another and he felt like it was his responsibility to not only help her make a successful transition into the life of a bounty hunter but also to help someone he cared for. She had accepted him for who he was, past and all. Not many people in the outer systems would give an Ex-Citadel soldier a second chance. This fact of life had made him a hardened bounty hunting vet, but it had also made him closed off to almost all personal relationships. As he drank the last of the whisky in his glass Julie stirred from her sleep and looked over at him, he spoke, “ I have an idea on how to get you some medicine but you are going to have to stay here and rest.”

Julie slowly attempted to get up, “Are you kidding me? I'm not going to just sit here while you do all the work!” she debated but Jason put a stop to that but walking over and with a soft push was able to put her on her back.

“You are too weak to get up much less go on a mission, besides I think I can find some medication for you but I have to go to the Dirty Limon and I don't think you should go back there just yet.” Jason could tell she wanted to protest but she was too tired.

“You are probably right… I'd probably shoot first and ask questions later.” she said this with a laugh followed by a sharp cough. Jason smiled and grabbed the vial of Elysium that was still sitting on the side table. “I'll be back before too long, while I'm gone get some rest ok.” Julie nodded and closed her eyes. Jason walked out the door into a cool nexus morning. He had to figure out a way to get Julie the medication that she needs, it was his responsibility to help his friend.

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