《Outbound》Chapter 3


Black mist swelled around Jason as dead friends called to him. The only thing that he could see was a massive grey mountain range erecting out of the black mass on which he stood. The smell of sulfur was in the air, it burned into his lungs. Just as Jason took a step toward the mountains a large claw snapped around Jason’s body and yanked him backward, it felt as if his bones were shattering under shear force. The claw rotated and he was now fact to face with the monster Azothoth.


To Jason’s horror he was placed in the monster's mouth head first. Azothoth closed his teeth hard down onto the middle of Jason back. The pain was blinding and he let out a blood curdling scream. The pressure gave way to a grotesque wet pop and his lower half was separated from the rest of him. He was being sloshed around in the monster's mouth until the second bite sent him into a cold blackness.


Jason rocketed up to a sitting position panting and sweating. His first instinct was to check and make sure his legs were still attached, and frantic pat check confirmed they were still there. With a sigh of relief he leaned back against the armrest on the couch.

“It was only a dream. it felt so real. I can still taste blood in my mouth. Why does this keep happening.” Jason thought, he sat up looking around his unit and saw Julie. She was also sitting up on his bed, she was wearing one of Jason’s shirts which was large on her. She was not looking at him but rather at the syringe that sat on the side table.

“I lied to you last night.” She said in a tone that only just covered her emotions. “I said that I didn’t mind working for the club, because the money was good.” Jason stood up and limped over and sat next to her.

“The truth is I feel like a prisoner in my own skin. I get beaten and abused every day and I take the drugs to cope with the pain, but the pain of not having any elysium may be worse then the abuse I go through to get it.” She finally broke her stare and looked at Jason, he could tell she was having withdrawals by just how bloodshot her eyes were. Jason looked at her and then to the syringe which he just realized was still full.

Elysium had an almost dream-like high but the crash was so hard the body sometimes shut down, which was why it was such a power tool for criminals to keep people slaves. How was she resisting?

“My whole life has been filled with unspeakable cruelty which drove me to elysium but last night your kindness made me not crave it for the first time in years.” Julie stifled a cry. “ I don’t want to be in this life anymore. I want to leave and never look back.” Jason put his arm around her shoulders.

“What are you going to do?” He asked.

“Well you are a bounty hunter right? I was thinking I could learn the ropes with you and maybe start a new life that way. What do you think?”


Jason looked off for a moment, “I don’t know Julie bounty hunting is a tough job… I mean look what I just had to deal with. Are you sure you want to take this kind of risk?” Jason pleaded.

“I’m sure, I have been thinking about it all night. I really think this is my way out. No one from the club will come after me if I’m in the bounty business and if I have work to do then I can keep my mind off elysium and maybe break the cycle I have been in. Please Jason.”

Jason leaned back and sighed loudly, “ok, but if we are going to be partners you will need to follow everything I say to the letter. Do you understand?” Jason said in a very serious and stern tone.

“Oh Yes, sir!” Julie said with an over exaggerated salute.

Jason rolled his eyes “life is about to get more interesting.” He thought.


“What’s that one?” Julie said from a seat at the back of the smoky bar,

“That’s a kajik mule, if someone buys you one it means the job they have for you is some sort of heist?” The bartender passed the drink off to a man hidden by a large round hat.

Julie looked confused “Why do they do that?”

“It’s better to choose jobs or turn them down inconspicuously, so that everyone has deniability in case an enforcer comes in.” Jason said then raised his eyebrow thinking of all the different job orders. “Kajik mules are heists, beers are street level hits like robbery or assault. Then there is vodka straight is a hit mission and if it has citrus then it is a high profile dangerous hit. Tequila drinks are drug related jobs such as drug field burning or sales. Then there is whisky, these jobs are highly confidential and require massive amounts of money to place.”

Julie was even more confused now as she was trying to write down all the different orders and their meanings. “Have you ever done a whisky job?” she asked, to which Jason pointed to his chest. “This was a whisky job.” He said and Julie's eyes widened, “what happened?” She said feeling embarrassed she was just now asking that question.

“There was a guy who works for an implant company. He hired me to destroy a warehouse that a black market group was storing stolen product.” Jason looked at Julie, “ he only paid half of his bounty, that’s actually why we are here.” As if on cue Salv walked up to the table, “what can I get you two?” He said with his voice made gruff from years of smoking. Jason sat up and looked at Salv, “who was the guy who hired me yesterday?”

Salv feigned offense, “Jason What are you talking about, you know I only deliver the orders-“

“We both know you do more than that.” Jason cut him off. “He only paid half of his bounty and I need to find him, I know you know who he is.” Jason said as he placed a case of credits on the table.

“Oh him, we’ll let me think.” Salv scrunched his face and rubbed his chin in a mocking manner.

The man you talked to is named Migo Nakamuri, he is in charge of sapphire industries’ tech department.” Jason furrowed his brow, “hmm that makes sense, he fucked up and lost expensive tech and wanted me to cover it up, did he hope I died in the raid?” Jason Questioned to himself softly. He snapped his attention back to Salv.


“Where is he!?”

The sudden movement startled Salv and it made him take a step back. “I’m sure he is at the sapphire offices in uptown, it’s on the bay, big blue tower, can’t miss it.” Salv reached for the case of credits and Jason stood up and smashed his hand down on top of the case before Salv could take it. Jason leaned in close to salv’s face, “don’t make me come back here upset.” Jason said coldly, and lifted his hand. Salv grabbed the case and scurried off to the bar muttering something along the lines of happy hunting.

Jason turned to Julie,

“Lets go.”

It only took 15 mins and 100 credits to get from the red light district to the upper city. The sky car was empty other than Jason and Julie. Empty sky cars were common because most people of lower status could not afford the trip into the upper city and judging by julies Look of wonder it must have been her first time. The sun was high in the sky but the city wide artificial wind cooled down the otherwise hot terrace.

“We need to get you some new clothes.” Jason said as he stepped out of the car at the bustling station.

“Why? Don’t get me wrong, I love going shopping, but What's wrong with what I’m wearing?”

Jason gave her a look over and cocked his eyebrow. She was wearing one of his shirts which hung loose and long on her small frame, a pair of tight leather pants that she had been wearing when Jason first met her, and to pull the whole outfit together she had Jason’s brown bomber jacket that had the right sleeve missing exposing her bare arm.

“ you look like a punk… people up here in the upper city don’t like “red light scum” like us and will call the enforcers so fast it will make your head spin.” As Jason moved through the crowd he was shoved hard by a heavy set man in a suit who was passing by. Jason shot him a look that said what the fuck man, and then turned back to Julie, “besides I know just the guy, think of it as a make over.” He moved his hand in an arc as if reading an imaginary billboard, “hussy to hunter.”

Julie hit him in his shoulder, “yer’a dumb ass.”

The walk only took 10 mins until they arrived at “High elegance”. This was a store that many bounty hunters in the upper city frequented. That was because the owner, a man named Omar, was the primary arms dealer in the upper city and had many connections to the red light district. Luckily one of those contacts was Jason and Omar owed him big. Jason hit the door hard to open it “Omar!! How are you old man!”

Omar jumped almost out of his skin, “ Jason you son of a bitch! What are you doing here!?” The two men embraced. Omar broke the hug after a moment and held Jason at an arm's length by the shoulders. “What are you doing here?!” Omar exclaimed with excitement.

“ Well I wish I could say it was a social visit, but you know me. I need to call in a favor.” Jason said and Omar’s joyous expression soured ever so slightly.

“Ahhhh, this have something to do with her?” He looked at Julie. “Do you need an abortion pill?”

Julie snapped “Hey fucker! I don’t know what the-“, Jason quickly cut her off with his hand, and Brushed past Omar to walk toward the back of the store where he knew Omar had a hidden door.

“She is taking up bounty hunting and we need to outfitted with something more,” Jason turned around and leaned on a glass case, “her style.”

Omar looked at Julie and rubbed his bearded chin for a moment long enough for Julie to look uncomfortable, Jason broke the silence. “So I need to call in that favor you owe me.”

Omar snapped out of his daze, “akkch, You don’t need to use your favor, I think I have some extra stock in the back I can give you. Omar lead the way to the hidden door tucked behind a shelf and Jason held the curtain out of the way signaling it was ok for Julie to come in. She walked over a little hesitant, swallowed her nerves and walked down the stairs.

“Welcome back to my real shop!” Omar exclaimed with arms outstretched as if in wonder of his own product. “What do we need to get the lady.”

“The name is Julie!” She said with a bit of false confidence. Omar looked back at the pair, “what do we need to get Miss Julie?”

Julie looked at Jason smuggly, and Jason spoke up, “all we need is a gun and holster, some ammo and some new clothes, you got that stuff right?” Omar feigned offense,

“Am I not Omar Zapaldi, the great gun lord of nexus?” Omar waved them off and walked to a control panel, I think I have what you need. He pressed a button and the inventory racks rose out of the floor to show more stock, which included weapons, equipment and clothing.

Jason looked at Julie, “what look do you want to go for?”

She took a step forward in consideration. “I'm thinking…..a sexy assassin look, do you have that, Omar?” She said this with an almost flirtatious eyebrow raise.

“ Unfortunately all of my sexy assassin outfits were picked up this morning by a group of nuns. I think they were going to attack a corrupt priest.. they talked about being God vengeance or something like that.”

Julie was stunned, are you serious? They were nuns?”

Omar looked over at her, “honey, I’m always serious.. I have something else you might like though.” He reached in the back and pulled out a black biker jacket that had lighting installed in the reinforced areas as well as in the inner lining along the zipper and collar. The red lighting gave off a dim glow. There was metal reinforcement along the spine that could, when activated, move upward to create a helmet That encased the top half of the wearer's head down to the nose.The pants were leather like the ones she had on, but had been reinforced by a metal wire mesh in areas that are most likely to take damage. They had a built in holster as well as pockets along the belt for utilities and equipment.

“ Oh, I love this!” She turned to Jason and held it up to her body, “what do you think?”

Jason nodded, “it looks good.” Julie and Jason switched places so he could pick her out a gun and she could change In relative privacy.

“Jason what do you think she can handle?” Omar said standing at the end of the aisle watching Jason inspect each weapon. She wouldn’t be able to Handle a justice revolver, since it is so heavy and will kick the shit out of her, but a hand repeater might be the way to go. He thought as he lifted the weapon system up to further inspect it.

“Julie, are you done changing?!” He shouted across the large room.

“Ya just a second.” She replied as she bounded, out of the semi black darkness.

“Here try this on.” Jason said, holding out the hand repeater.

“Wow I haven’t seen one of these before.” She said as she slid the weapon up her arm.

That’s because they are top of the line in gun technology. Uncle Omar will always hook you up with the best.” Omar said swinging his arms in an animated motion. She held the gun out in front of her peering through the sights and squeezed the trigger *click*. A large smile cracked across Julie's face and her head snapped to look at Omar with an expression of glee.

“We’ll take it!”


Omar bid them farewell As they left high excellence with Julie's new bounty hunting gear. “Ah! I feel so new and fresh!! Jason, how do I look?” Julie drew the gun from her wrist and mouthed a firing noise. Jason quickly lowered her arm, “you can’t do that here! The upper city doesn't like to see guns. You do look good by the way, very intimidating.” He stated in an effort to flatter her. The truth was she still looked green and untested. No real bounty hunter looked that clean and damage free, the truth was bounty hunting was much harder then she realized. They walked in silence for a few blocks until Julie broke the silence, “ how do you know Omar? y’all seemed close.”

Jason thought for a moment, “ it had been a long time.” He started, “well Omar hired me on his first venture into the lower city to make contacts and build his blackmarket empire. He hired me and 3 other guys from the bar to accompany him as muscle. Most of his meetings went great, but the last one was with a gang called the street rats. It was going well until the leader, a guy named Honcho decided that it would be better to steal Omar’s guns and sell them himself. This minor brawl spread to the streets and before we knew it the most of the gangs in the red light were fighting each other. Omar was wounded and I basically carried him back to the upper city. Ever since then we have been fairly close… close friends that live in different districts can be.”

Julie contemplated for a momet and then said, “I’m sorry I snapped at him earlier about the abortion pill.”

Jason had wondered why Omar was able to get under her skin like that. “I meant to ask Why were you so bothered by him?”

Julie got very serious, it was something Jason had not seen from her before.

“You don’t know much from the girls that work in the clubs do you?” She looked at Jason and he shook his head. “Well once they decide to start renting a girl out, they will use a drug to sterilize us… they did that to me three years ago. I didn’t have a choice. I couldn’t have a child now even if I wanted to. I have always been sensitive toward that and now that I’m having elysium withdrawal… I don’t know, I shouldn’t have lost my temper, so I’m sorry alright.”

Jason was speechless, the thought of the clubs torturing and operating on the girls without a choice made his blood boil, it was truly worse then he had thought.

“Julie, you don’t have to apologize, because You were abused. If we are going to be partners you need to know I’ll have your back, ok?”

Julie stopped, and thought for a moment. She spoke, “why are you being so kind to me?”, Jason stepped toward her and put his hand on her shoulder,

“When I had no one to help me, you did, you could have left. I wouldn’t have stopped you, but you stayed and helped me, the kindness you showed me had inspired me to try and be a better person.”

“Well, i'm not used to it so it makes me feel skeptical, you know? Other than my Sister i've never really had someone look out for me. I don't know, I like it but it feels weird.”

Jason felt for the young woman. The past five years had not been easy on him either the red light had a way of wearing down the people who lived there.

Jason dropped his arm and walked over to a railing that overlooked some of the upper city. When I was left here I wasn't used to not having back up. Being part of the Citadels military taught me to lean on others, to form a unit of trust and loyalty. It's hard to tell out here on the galactic rim but in the core worlds there is an unquestioning loyalty to Empress Vikander. We all were blinded by the wealth and prosperity she brought to the core worlds that we didnt care who was being oppressed. So when I was abandoned by them 5 years ago and given outbound status I was lost and confused. The rules I had lived by my whole life were now being used against me. I fell in with the wrong people and for a long time I hurt people for the highest bidder.” Jason sighed and looked at Julie. “I couldn't stand on my own for a long time. What i'm saying is I know how you feel. I understand that you are skeptical, but I wish that someone could have taught me to stand on my own when I was starting out and I see a way to help you avoid the mistakes that I made.”

Julie nodded silently as she thought of what to say. “Thank you... I guess what i'm trying to say is I appreciate your help. I just have a hard time expressing that…” Julie shook off the emotional conversation with a comical head shake. “Any way, let's get going before we get emotional, yea?

With a nod and a smirk, Jason turned from the overlook and lead the way to the massive blue building towering in the distance.


The remaining distance to sapphire industries was covered by a brief walk across the sky walk where the filtered water from the bay ran underneath giving the two a beautiful overlook view of the clean and beautiful cityscape. Sapphire industries was housed in a huge 50 story tower that was colored a brilliant blue. The only thing that was not glass was a dark blue hologram sign that ran up the side of the building with the name SAPPHIRE INDUSTRIES. Julie and Jason walked in the large doors to an even larger lobby. The air was cool and it smelled of artificial ocean breeze.

“How can I help you?” A thin beautiful woman with cybernetically enhanced blue eyes said from behind the desk.

“We are looking for a man named Migo Nakamuri, we have business with him.” Jason said in a calm professional voice.

“Unfortunately sir, Mr. Nakamuri is not taking any visitors at this time.”

the woman didn’t sound human, she must have a voice modulator. Jason was beginning to get upset, “look-“ Julie put a hand on his chest to stop him. She leaned down putting her weight on the edge of the desk. “Honey, we just got a call from Mr. Nakamuri himself. He told us he had a very sensitive topic to discuss. Now I know you are on the lookout for people looking to steal from your company or harm Mr. Nakamuri in some way but.” Julie spread her arms out to show off her Clean, fresh, and high tech outfit. “I mean does it look like I'm some street hustler from the redlight.”

“Uh,no ma’am you dont, I just..” The woman was cut off by Julie who continued her methodical rant. “You just what? Want to tell Migo that he has to call us back because his receptionist couldn’t be bothered to let up his guests? How long before he decides he needs a new receptionist and deactivates that tech you got in your eyes.

“Uh.. Um..I-I’ll buzz you right up.” Jason noticed the woman’s voice didn’t have the robotic tone she had spoken in moments before, Jason smiled slightly, this woman was completely flabbergasted by Julie's confidence. Julie and Jason began to walk toward the lift.

The ride up to the top of the building was long and silent. Jason broke the tension after a few moments of awkward silence, “So...uh, good job back there.” Julie giggled,

“ No I mean it, that was great! I probably would have never gotten us thrown out. How did you know that would work.

Julie looked up at him with a coy smile, “There is not much good to come out of working the club, but I do know people. I figured by her outfit and that cosmetic tech she was self obsessed. If I made her feel like she could lose that then I knew she would be easily convinced to let us up. Self obsessed people are the easiest to manipulate.”

“Thats a great skill to have in this line of work. Keep that in mind.”

Jason looked at her, she tapped the side of her head, “Noted.”

The doors opened and the two made their way down the hallway to Nakamuri’s office.

Migo Nakamuri sat behind a huge oak desk, in an equally obnoxiously large office space. The room was wood paneled with faint glow of neon lighting clinging to the walls.

“ Mr. Nakamuri! I think we need to discuss some business.” Jason said as spread his arms put in welcoming jester.” Jason said as he entered the room.

Migo muttered something into his phone and hung up.

“Hello? And who are you?”

We have come to collect the second half of my bounty you placed, you only paid half.”

Migo shifted nervously in his chair, but was otherwise calm and collected, a true professional.

“Sir, I Assure you I don’t have any idea what you are talking about.” Migo said as he glanced up at a small camera in the Corner of the room. “If you explain what this is all about then I can direct you to the right office.”

Jason became visually angry, “ Are you playing some kind of game? I swear if you are trying to cut me out of our deal then I’ll-“ Jason couldn’t complete his sentence before he heard the elevator open behind him.

“ security apprehend this man!” Migo shouted and ducked behind his desk. Jason wheeled around and six armed men exited the elevator and began to rush Jason and Julie. Jason pulled his gun out but it was just too late as one of the guards put his shoulder into Jason's chest sending him kareening over the desk. When Jason recovered the guard was on him with a batton. The man swung hard at Jason’s head, but he anticipated this ducked under and countered with a heavy punch to the man's exposed ribs. The guard dropped the baton and gasped for air. Jason seized the moment and kicked the man's legs out from underneath him, sending the guard to the floor. Scrambling to catch his breath the guard clumsily crawled toward the dropped baton but Jason lifted his leg and brought his foot down hard onto the guards head with a guttural crack.

“Ok that’s one.” Jason said as he surveyed the room. Julie had shot two guards wounding them but now was being beaten to the flood by the other two that had approached her. Jason jumped into action running the length of the room to pick up his gun that had been lost in the scuffle. Just as he lifted it to take aim a blinding pain shot up his spine as an stun round hit him and a released its high voltage payload taking him down to his knees,

“Jason!” Julie shouted as one of the guards hit her hard in the face with his batton… she was out. Jason tried to stand to his feet but two more stun rounds hit him knocking him to the ground. By now the guards were on him holding him to the ground. *clap clap clap*

Jason turned his head in the direction of the sound. Migo approached, clapping slowly his wrist mounted stun gun still smoking at the barrel. “Bravo Jason, bravo.” He said mockingly. “You crawled all the way up from that shit hole you call a district for what… a little money?” Migo scofft, “what were you going to do, extort me? Threaten me? Sapphire industries is one of the biggest most successful companies in all of nexus, and you thought you could come shake me down like a common thug?”

“Migo I'll get-“ Jason was cut off by one of the guards hitting him it the head with a baton.

“While you are here you will not interrupt me!” Migo shouted but noticing he lost his cool he gathered himself and continued. “we are going to restructure our little deal, and if you do it well we won’t kill you..”

“And if I refuse?” Jason asked,

“ Then we can just kill you and your little girlfriend now and get some other fool to do it.”

Jason sighed,”well it looks like I don’t have any choice now do I. What’s the job?”

“Oh! Well that would spoil it! All you have to do is go back to your old life and we will be in touch when the time is right. Take him to the dump site.” The guards began to drag Jason toward a door in the far side of the room. “Oh and Jason, don’t ever come back here or we will kill you before you can get into the lobby.”

With that, a bag was placed over Jason’s head and the door shut.

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