《The edge of our world as we know it.》Chapter one > Jenna > Cat in the Bag ARC



I quietly close my door, so my parents don’t hear. If I could even call them that. They regulate my every move and keep me locked up in my room all the time. They’re not my real parents. Thank goodness for that. They are my foster parents, who I’m pretty sure hate me.

I only stay with them because they pay for my school and food. As soon as I have a good job, you can consider me gone. I don’t understand them. And right now, I’m focused on getting to Nova’s house. I grab their keys and shut the front door.

As I’m driving, I wonder what Nova could need. Probably just want to talk. My thoughts shift to the others. Our friend group is drastically unique; Solace, who comforts everyone, but rarely talks about herself. The only thing I know about her is that she takes care of her younger sister in their little apartment and that she is claustrophobic. She seldom speaks up, and when she does, it only lasts a millisecond. Then there’s Quinn. He adores Nova. Anyone can tell that, unfortunately, except her. And on top of that, there’s Michael. Nova says their perfect for each other, but he dampens her unique energy. She changes (for the worse) when he comes in.

I think Quinn would be perfect for her, and it would help get rid of the way he looks at her when he thinks no one is watching him. And then there’s Reagen. Nova cares so much about him and loves him so much, but he doesn’t want to burden her with his life troubles too. He hates himself because he cries so much and the kids at his school treat him like trash.

And I can’t even start on myself, but I love how we all have something in common. Losing our parents. I guess we all are a little messed up. I pull into Nova’s driveway, and the rest are already there. I open the door and sit down, and Nova gathers our attention. “So… guys.” She begins. I notice that Reagen is sitting with us. She looks at him periodically. I am very confused. Nova rarely talks to Reagen when we are there. He looks at me with an expression that confuses me more; part grimace, part curiosity, part wariness. I know nothing good can come out of this talk.

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