《The One, The Enlightened》Revealing the one that was lost


Another day passes with no clear picture. I stopped counting a while ago. My mind started playing games with me today. For a brief moment I saw her sitting in the corner. She glanced at me and giggled. The memories started flooding. One time in kindergarden, she came up to me with a pack of cards in her hand. Each one had a flower drawn on it. She turned the deck upside down and made me pick a card. I chose one randomly. She looked very satisfied when I picked the card. Its the kind of feeling you get when somebody makes your favourite food for you. When its a cold friday evening, and you gather around the living room table with all of your friends. Everything defines logic at that moment. Every thought you have, stops existing and you only focus on what’s important. I never got to see what card I picked. She took it and hid it in her right pocket. When I asked her to show me what card I chose, she frowned, saying it was a surprise. I never got to see it. Not until that day. The day that reshaped my view on everything in life. The day I started to appreciate the stray dogs in my neighbourhood that would let me pet them. The one cat that used to roam inside our old primary school. The abandonded house we used to explore. My own feelings… Her mother came up to me a day after. She decided that it would be best if I received something that was hers. Clearly emotionally dead, her mother left the house, after reminding me of how important and impactful I was to their household. I gently opened the box. Inside, there was a beautiful blue Jade Vine. I remember in 4th Grade, we had a conversation about flowers. I told her that I really liked exotic flowers. I didn’t really have a particular interest in flowers. I want to be seen as a person with taste. The last thing I wanted was for her to believe that I am a boring normal person. A few weeks after our conversation, she and her family took a trip to the Philippines. She brought back a magestic Jade Vine, a very rare turqoise flower. She loved that flower. I never knew why. It was extremely precious to her. Every day she would come home early to take care of it. I don’t know much about these, but it surely caught my eye. So seeing the flower amongst the things her mother gave me, was heartbreaking. I put the flower aside, and grabbed an envelope. It was already open, but it was clearly very well prepared. Inside the envelope, was a red poker card and a note. I unfolded the note. ‘’Dear Michiaki, things are not looking very good. I have been hospitalized once again, and I’m afraid I won’t be able to see you again. I didn’t tell you, because I don’t want you to see me in that mess. I don’t want you the last memories of me to be of an attrocious state. I am writing this letter to apologize. I’m sorry I couldn’t be there for you. Im sorry if I seemed a bit of a jerk. Im not very good with emotions lately. I am not like my past self. I miss getting excited about going to school, instead of hoping its over. I miss enjoying the surface of life, instead of burning inside the fold. I want you to accomplish one last selfish request. Please remember me. The last months I pushed away everyone that considered me a friend. I had no one to talked to. The only one who accepted my awful behavior, was you. You were the one that made my last months on this planet the best of my life. I owe everything to you. Thank you. Inside this envelope, is the card you picked. It’s from the deck I showed to you in kindergarden. You probably must have forgot by now… It’s okay tho! I just wanted to give it to you…. I don’t want you crying. I will remain by your side. I will never stop protecting you. I will never stop loving you…. I am thankful to you eternally. You are the best thing that has happened to me. You are the only reason I am not so scared of death, because I know that at least you were with me until the end. Thank you, and goodbye.


With much love, ….. ‘’ Heh. I forgot her name… the effect is finally kicking in. Anyways, I dropped the note and grabbed the card. I turned the card upside down. The card showed a very distorted picture of a flower. I then looked at the bottom. With big red letters, it wrote: ‘’ Jade Vine’’. That must have been the moment I felt the worst in my entire life. I was crying for multiple days. That’s why my brain made me forget everything. Yea, that must have been the reason. Anyways, thank you for talking to me again today. You are my only hope.

The One, The Enlightened

Hitotsu, Satori O Aita

Chapter 14: Revealing the one that was lost

???: We can’t afford to do this again! How long will it last?

Akira: Trust me, we need to let it go. This experimental protocol is not going to work!

???: What other options do we have? You saw what happened the last time. This is the only way. I don’t want to do it again!

Akira: Leave it up to me. They will figure it out very soon. Remain calm. It’s going smoothly.

???: Please don’t make me regret this.

Akira: I won’t. Do you trust me?

???: Yes…

Akira: Then let me handle it. Do you have any news on the other front?

???: No, nothing new as usual.

Akira: Great! That means we still have time. We need to act quickly.

???: I guess so…

Akira took a last look through Michiaki’s bedroom before disappearing. The mysterious figure followed him.

The bus made a full stop. Miyuki is nowhere to be found. What could have possibly happened to her? Michiaki is visibly nervous. Everything is falling apart.

-Michiaki: Was it all really just a dream? I don’t want to believe that my mom is wanted by a secret organization. Please tell me it’s a joke.

-Akihito: The situation is pretty messed up. Im sure it wasn’t a dream, however. It felt, too real. We need to reconsider things when we meet at your place. Make sure we are prepared.

-Michiaki: I guess you are right. Let’s get off the bus for now.

Michiaki, Akihito and Raiden get off the bus. Hikari still remains inside.

-Michiaki: Hikari, is everything alright?

-Hikari: Yes. I just found something strange. Can you come and take a look?

-Michiaki: Sure!

Michiaki steps inside the bus politely asking the driver for permission to go inside.


-Michiaki: What is it?

-Hikari: Here!

Hikari gives Michiaki a weird looking stick. The build feels plasticy, and it has a bright red button on top.

-Raiden: Is everything alright up there?

The other didn’t hear a thing as Raiden’s voice was burried in the mumblings of the other students.

-Raiden: Michiaki? Hikari?

Still no response.

-Michaki: Thats… a stick….

-Hikari: Yes but possibly could it be!

-Michiaki: This looks like an anti – stress toy to me!

-Hikari: Maybe it is….

Raiden steps inside the bus looking for the others.

-Raiden: There you are! What did you find?

-Hikari: We found this leve – Be careful Raiden!

Raiden trips over a forgotten bag inside the bus. He falls onto Michiaki, causing him to press the button.

-Michiaki: Ouch! Watch it, big man!

Sudden bleeping noises start to go off. They are coming from inside the stick.

-Hikari: What is making these sounds?

Suddently, the blinking stops. After a few seconds, an explosion occurs from within the bus. The bus bursts into flames. Hikari was thrown outside the bus’ window. Raiden and Michiaki are unconcious. Raiden suddently wakes up. He tries to stand up, but he is unable to. He tries to reach his brother hand. Raiden is too weak. Akihito rushes inside trying to pick up Raiden. He manages to move Raiden outside the flaming bus.

-???: Wake up sleepyhead!

-Michiaki: Mhmpf….

Michiaki wakes up.

Michiaki: Mi-.. Miyuki! How did you… What happened?

-Miyuki: Everything is going to be fine. You can trust me, right?

-Michiaki: Quick! Step off the bus! You will burst into flames!

-Miyuki: Hehe! You are very funny Michiaki.

Michiaki slowly stards to fade out again. He glances Miyuki who smiles as he slips away again.

-???: Wake up Mr. Ito!

-Michiaki: HEEELP!

Ichika slaps Michiaki

-Ichika: Have you lost your mind? What do you think you are doing?

-Michiaki: What happened to Miyuki???

-Ichika: Not this again.. Did you have a nightmare?

-Michiaki: No wha… Wait, actually… what time is ?

-Ichika: Time to go to school!

-Michiaki: I’m being serious! What time and what day is it!

Ichika checks her watch.

-Ichika: It’s 7 am

Michiaki slowly loses his expression. His thought are mixed about what happened. He is glad that he is still alive, but the whole situation is extremely weird.

-Michiaki: I can’t do this anymore…

-Ichika: What happened? Tell me! You are acting very strangely!

-Michiaki: It’s nothing probably a nightmare…

-Ichika: Okay then! Now, GET UP TO GO TO SCHOOL!!!!


Ichika giggles as she leaves Michiaki’s room.


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