《The One, The Enlightened》I Was Shown Its Darkest Side Until The Moonlight Broke Apart


I didn’t have much. I lived in luxury, my parents had big salaries and I wasn’t denied anything. I was also popular. Everyone knew about me. I was the school prodigy and genius. I am surprised that they even cared the slightest about me. I might have lived surrounded by most things a teenager my age wanted, but I didn’t have anything. I felt empty. I still do. I don’t deserve anything that has been given to me. I hate myself. I don’t know how long I will last. I am afraid I have reached my breaking point. People I love are gone, people, I respect and care about. I don’t care what happens to me. I just want to hear those words all over again one more time. They made me feel I was valued in life, and it wasn’t because of my existence. It was because of my presence. Those words do have quite the meaning, don’t they? Man, I love wordplay. They make literature a science of its own. Since I started associating myself with literature I have developed a lot. I love how the writer can get hold of its readers' souls and pass on such powerful emotions. Who would have guessed that fictional characters would have such a meaning, huh? That was my obsession. Do you know how some people have a lot of pets? They bring ones warmest feelings and motherly nature. Oh, have I mentioned that I like dogs? It's because I don’t like them, but I love them! Gosh, I wish I had a pet. My parents are always busy with work so maintaining one would be very difficult. I'm not a laid-back guy either. My brother is out of the question as well. I hope I reach someone with this. I hope that whoever finds this, uses their knowledge for good. I have no option but to trust you. Thank you.

The One, The Enlightened

Hitotsu, Satori O Aita

Chapter 12: I Was Shown Its Darkest Side Until The Moonlight Broke Apart

20th September marks today’s date

-Michiaki: Is this some kind of sick joke? If someone is playing on me, it is your final chance to reveal everything.

The room went completely silent. Awkward glanced filled up the room making everyone more anxious.


-Michiaki: This has to be a joke. I am going to prove it now.

Michiaki nervously pulled his phone out. His hands are trembling and he has great difficulty dialing.

-Michiaki: C’mon mum, answer…..

-???: Well, hello there! How are you doing this fine day?


-???: Prank? What prank? Did you hit your head on the way home darling?

-Michiaki: You know exactly what I am talking about so speak up now!

-Akihito: Michi... Calm down ple-

-Michiaki: I said SPEAK UP NOW!

-???: Woah there young man! It is a bit immature to yell at the person who has hold of your mother.

The atmosphere is as awkward as it has ever been. The others question whatever made Mitchiaki’s face go so blunt. Miyuki tries to approach him but is stopped by Hikari. Akihito speaks up.

-Akihito: Mitchi! Keep it together, please!

-Michiaki: What are you saying…… What can possibly make you say that…

-Ichika: MICHIAKI!!

-Michiaki: MOM? What is happening? What is this man saying?

-Ichika: Listen, this is serious ok? Don’t even consider doing whatever this man says to you. I will be fine, I promise.

-Michiaki: Mom, where are you? Who is this man? What is happening?

-Ichiaki: I am afraid I can’t tell you, but I am safe so don’t worry.

- Michiaki: Wha- Why?

-Ichika: Listen, he wants the phone back. Just be sure not to come to find me. Ok?

-Michiaki: No…. I Can’t….

-???: How was your little chat with your mother, Michiaki?

-Michiaki: What do you want from us…

Raiden approaches Michiaki

-Raiden: Give me the phone… NOW!

Michiaki passes the phone to Raiden. Michiaki falls on his knees devastated. Miyuki rushes to Michiaki and hugs him from behind.


-???: Well you tell me what YOU want! You were the one that called me!

-Raiden: Why do you have my parents handcuffed?

-???: Some unfinished work that had to be done. Don’t worry, we won’t come after you. You cannot help us after all.

-Michiaki: Why……. This is the way I see my father after so many years? And why……..

Michiaki is unable to speak. He starts bursting into tears.


-Michiaki: Mother….

-Miyuki: I promise Michiaki… We will find her…. And your father.

-Michiaki: How are we supposed to do that?? We have no clue where they are?

-Raiden: We are going to contact the police. Do you hear that fuckface?

-???: If the police gets involved you can tell your goodbyes to your parents right now. I am not playing any games with you, spoiled brats!

-Raiden: You better pray we don’t find you, because if we do your face will meet my shoe! Do you understand that gramps?

-???: You kids sure are funny! I would suggest not trying to look for us. And this is a warning.

The other end suddenly hung up. Everyone was shocked. Michiaki had broken down and wouldn’t do anything. Raiden was fighting the urge to throw the phone against the wall. Hikari was trying to keep her sanity together while trying to help Michiaki stand up. Akihito tries to calm down Raiden and Miyuki is still hugging Michiaki. Michiaki finally stood up.

-Akihito: There is no point in doing anything right now. We have to think rationally. I suggest we discuss this tomorrow.

-Hikari: I agree. Me and Akihito will prepare the guest room for me and Akihito. The rest of you, try to put Michiaki to bed. He is the one that needs to rest the most.

Everyone accomplished their tasks and after they were all done they met in the living room.

-Akihito: That sure was something, wasn’t it?

-Raiden: This can’t be happening. What is happening to us?

-Hikari: This surely has to be connected. There is no way all of the things happening to us are coincidences. It can’t be.

Miyuki headed upstairs to find Michiaki. As she entered the room all the old memories shook her again. Everything that they had been through, all the times she would come in here and play endlessly with all the various toys. She still remembers every single thing very clearly. How could she forget? She spent the best hours of her life here. As she approached his bed a cold aura hit her. She turned her head to the left and on his desk she noticed a small notebook. She opened it to find Michiaki’s unfinished essay. She started reading it. She already knew that he was an extremely talented writer but that one essay, was different. Miyuki couldn’t hold back her tears while reading. Michiaki managed to bring Miyuki such nostalgia just by writing a school essay. She reads the topic of the essay. ‘’Describe your best childhood moment.’’ She giggled. After a while, she closed the book and headed towards Michiaki. Michiaki was fast asleep and he still had tears on his face. Miyuki quickly wiped them and laid her head on his stomach. She started thinking of all the amazing things the group had been through. She didn’t let herself be consumed by the infinite darkness of the void.

-Miyuki: No matter what happens, I promise you that we will make it.

Those reassuring words were more impactful to herself rather than sleepyhead Michiaki. She giggled one more time before closing her eyes. She was also fast asleep. 21st of September marks the day of the elections.

The night goes by and the next morning comes.

-???: Michiaki!! Wake up! You will be late for school!

-Michiaki: Hmm? What?

-Ichika: Wake up dummy!!

-Michiaki: MOM??

Michiaki quickly stands up and hugs his mother.

-Ichika: Whoaa there! What happened??

-Michiaki: Thank God you are ok! What did they do to you? How did you get back?

-Ichika: What are you talking about, Michiaki? Did you see a nightmare?

-Michiaki: It felt too real for it to be a dream! Where are the others? Did they already leave for school?

-Ichika: What do you mean? Did anybody spend the night here?

-Michiaki: Hmm. Maybe they left home before you came back.

-Ichika: Came back from where honey?

-Michiaki: Hahaha, are we playing this game right now? Anyways! It is election day today so I had better get ready and call the others.

-Ichika: Isn’t election day tomorrow?

-Michiaki: No it can’t be! We were handing out the flyers yesterday!

Michiaki quickly takes a look at this phone and checks the date. The date is 20th September. That’s when the shock came in.


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