《The One, The Enlightened》The One To Guide You


Hitotsu, Satori o Aita

The One, The Enlightened

-Akihito: Are we there yet? Why is so school so far from your house?!

-Michiaki: You like to jog all around the city in your free time and get impatient from a 10-minute walk?

-Akihito: You know, when I jog I have my headphones on and listen to music. I like to be buried in my thoughts when I jog.

-Raiden: It will be fun until you get hit by a car!

-Akihito: Don't worry, I am really self-aware! I am always aware of my surro-

A small dog blocked Akihito's path causing him to trip and fall over. This scenery seems familiar.

-Hikari: Aww look! A dog!

-Miyuki: Where?

Miyuki has a very big crush on dogs. She loves them. On the other hand, Hikari is more of a cat person as she is the owner of a yellow cat. Michiaki and Raiden don't have a special preference.

They all now stare at the dog except for Akihito who tries to get up. Nobody helps Akihito.

-Akihito: Hello? Does anybody care if I am hurt?

-Hikari: You are fine! Now help me approach the dog.

She pushes him playfully. Miyuki is now glued to the dog trying to pet it. It is a pure white and fluffy dog. It could easily be misinterpreted as a lamb. Miyuki finally manages to pet the dog.

-Miyuki: It's so fluffy! I love it!

Miyuki seems really happy.

-Raiden: Do you think this dog is stray or did it get lost?

-Michiaki: Let me check.

Michiaki checks around the dog's neck. He finds a tag on his collar.

-Michiaki: I found something!

-Hikari: What is it?

-Michiaki: It has its owner's phone and address.

-Akihito: Great! Let's call them!

As Michiaki grabs his phone, an old woman approaches them from the corner.


-Old Woman: Oh dear, you kids found my dog! Thank you so much!

-Michiaki: That's really good timing! We were about to call you right now!

-Old Woman: Thank you for everything darling! Come here, willow!

-Miyuki: The dog's name is Willow...

-Michiaki: That was a really pleasant break. I suggest we continue. The sun will start to go down now so we had better get there before it does.

-Old Woman: Oh, you want to enter the school? Why do you want to enter it?

The woman overheard the conversation.

-Michiaki: Well, I am looking for my parents.

-Old Woman: Wait a second sweetheart. I recognize your uniforms. You attend Ichikamase High School, right?

-Akihito: Yes, but how do you know?

-Old Woman: My son is the school's principal.

-Aki, Michi, Hikari, Raiden & Miyuki: Your son is Mr. Haru is your son??

-Old Woman: Well, yes. I can help you enter the school if you'd like! I think my son is also inside the school right now so you won't have to wait long.

Michiaki wanted to accept the kind lady's help but then became skeptical. Michiaki thought to himself.

-Michiaki: It would be really bad if Mr. Haru learned that I wanted to break into the school again at nighttime. I didn't speak to him about the fake incident so he will come to the conclusion that I want to cause damage or even worse.

-Michiaki: It really is ok ma'am. You don't have to bother you and Mr. Haru. We are all fine by ourselves.

-Old Woman: Dear, are you sure?

-Michiaki: Yes, and thank you for offering to help us!

-Old Woman: It's alright sweetie, have a nice evening!

And with that, the woman finally left.

-Raiden: Dude, why did you decline the offer? We would have easily entered.


-Michiaki: The idea of Mr. Haru learning that I wanted to go inside the school at night terrifies me since I haven't explained myself yet. We can do this all by ourselves!

-Raiden: If you say so...

The group continued to walk and they eventually reached school.

-Michiaki: Alright! Good luck, everyone!

They all started climbing up the metallic poles that were surrounding the back of the school. Everyone easily made it over, except for Miyuki.

-Miyuki: Um... I-...

Miyuki has a really big fear of heights and froze in fear.

-Michiaki: Don't worry, Miyuki I will catch you if you fall! Just keep going downwards.

Miyuki trusts Michiaki more than anyone so she climbed downwards. She, fortunately, didn't need Michiaki's help as she climbed down without a scratch.

-Michiaki: Now that we are all here, let's get the party rolling!

And with that Michiaki tried to open the back door, only to realize that it was locked.


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