《Accidental Warrior》Goodbye Grandpa.


Chapter six:

Kento was now fully mixed up with this world. He would attend the school daily,

work at the library, ( The girls would purposely come and sit in front of him starring as he was so charming) have practice with me in the evening. And would eventually sneak out with me during the classes just like the normal students.

It doesn't feel like we just met anymore, it feels as if we have known each other from the very beginning. We would play with each other.

Share food, bring gifts, help in studies. He excelled in arts. His paintings were out of the world and beautiful. Sometimes when I would come watch him paint, he would stroke his brush at my face, and then we would run behind each other.

Dosing off in the middle of nowhere for him daily habit.

nce to Cordilia would leave no chance to hit on him.

And Kento would get extremely annoyed when that happened, I would get jealous but it was more fun watching him struggle to escape.

I would sometimes feel him just standing there and watching me, but when I would turn to see what happened, he would walk away too.

There was this strange feeling between us, but I was not sure if Kento liked me too. But I will

keep on hiding my feelings to save what he have now. I handed him over my Grandpa's old phone, so we can be in contact with each other. I think it was the best decision of my life, even if we couldn't talk, it felt as if we are always close. Morning, night, we were always connected.

The day was just like any other at school. Physics classes were going on and Mr. Adams was going on and on throwing some aristocratic words at us. But the change was when a staff member came gushing in. Mr. Adams and the staff member had a meet of a silent talk, and suddenly I was called out. The classmates including Kento and Emilia were surprised too. I silently walked out of the classroom. But I did not know what was waiting for me. The staff member informed about the situation and gave me a leave note too. I left all my belongings in the class and ran to the City hospital in tears.

The receptionist guided me to the I.C.U. Grandpa had got a cardiac arrect and was going through an operation. "Ms. Elliot, your neighbour Mr. Gibbs brought him here. Your grandpa had suffered three heart attacks at a time. The operation will be long but it is difficult to say if we can save him this time." The nurse informed me with her head buried under her shadow. I felt to the ground not knowing what to do next. The people nearby came to me, to console me, but I heard nothing.

Three hours passed and the doctors finally came out. Gushing towards them I asked, "Doctor, how is my Grandpa?" All I wanted them to say was,-----


"Ms. Elliot we are sorry. We tried out best but this time couldn't save him." The doctor said with deep sorrow.

That's it. It was all over for me. Today my entire family left me! Grandpa died too! Why?! Why did this have to happen to me!?

I only shock my head, but not a single tear fell from my eye. I have to be strong. Grandpa would always say, "Be strong and don't cry, or you won't have enough tries felt when your husband dies." It was hilarious. My husband? Never heard of him.

I won't cry. I promised him not to cry. Mr. Gibbs was in tears too, but I won't cry. He placed his warm hands on my shoulder, "Zara, it's just a trial of life. I know you'll overcome it."

Mr. Gibbs assured me that he will help me with all the funeral decorations. I was still in that shock but I need to prove people that I won't break down.

The next day itself, we had the funeral. Emilia, Jacob, Cordilia, all the other neighbours and even Kento attended the funeral. All the people were very sad as Grandpa was a very active and funny person. He had a great impact on the near and dear once.

That forever happy face disappeared from my life.

We all die: The goal isn't to live forever, the goal is to create something that will. The happiest person, who gave me the best memory became a memory today. Death is so unfair it comes to those who don't need it. But not to those who are asking for it. The black colour that I wear today, symbolises the colour inside my soul. It's empty. No love, no feeling.

It was late evening now and the funeral was over, everyone left for their homes already.

(Pls ignore the words on the coffin)

The whole day I did not shed a single tear. But my heart couldn't hold in anymore. I want to cry, I want to weep. I was about to burst into tears when the doorbell rang. Confused who it was at this hour I opened the door.

"Hey." It was Kento! But I no longer felt happy to see him, no longer was I excited. That gloom on my face did not seem to vanish. And he understood that. "What is it? You want something." I asked in a pain voice.

"Umm, You left your bag in the class yesterday." He handed over my bag.

"Thank you." I said and was about to close the door. But Kento stopped me. I was puzzled, "You have anything to say to me?" I questioned again.

He said, "Can we have a talk, please."

I hesitated but let him in. Kento had a light smile on his face when he came in the house and saw the 'clean' room. " What did you have to say?" I said somehow holding back my tears.

"Zara, I am really sorry about your grandpa." He came to the topic. I was somehow a bit comfortable with him around me, and finally that fountain of tears fell from my eyes.


"Kento……. I am feeling so much pain." I sniffed with a pink face. "Why did grandpa have to leave me too? All my family members have left me alone. Why id life so cruel to me? It took away the people I cherish the most." I cried and cried in front of him.

To my surprise he touch my face with his warm and big hands,

and hugged me later. His shoulders were wide and comfortable. "It's okay to cry." he said while patting my head. "Crying doesn't solve your problem but sometimes you need it." I was shivering with all the sadness I held inside for many years. But now I could finally let it go. Everyone thought I was happy , but the truth is, I always feel SAD. And I always say 'I'm okay' even though my heart is cracking. I cried and cried and Kento held me in his arms till I finally stopped. I felt so much ease. I looked up at Kento.

"Look. Now you have rabbit eyes." He said as kept my tears.

"Thank you Kento, I feel much better now. I never cried whenever something bad would happen to me, because I wanted to prove my strength. But still ended up like this." I smiled

"You know Zara? Whenever you feel like you are alone, come to me. I am all yours." He said sticking cheek to mine. Woah!! What was that, 'I am all yours.' so cheesy. It gave me goosebumps.

"Thanks" I said with a blushed face. "Come with me." He pulled me outside the house and started running on the lanes. "Kento, Where are we going?"' I questioned. "Just keep running." He ordered.

We kept running and running till we reached Balgamore shrine on the Shikido Hills.

I took deep breath and brought my breathing rate to normal. "W--why are----we-- here---?" I questioned still huffing.

"I wanted to surprise you and make you feel happy." He said with a bright and seductive smile.

"IKI!!!" He screamed softly. What is 'IKI'? Suddenly there was a storm in the air around us, and the winds started blowing with full speeds. And lo!!

A big creature with wings was standing before my eyes. It looked similar to a dragon. And it was huge. I was afraid of it at first, as it looked very scary. "Zara, This is IKI. My royal dragon." He said while nearing the creature. The dragon bent his long neck down so that the master could touch his head. As Kento's hand touched it's scales, it began to purr; Waging his long tail. "Come here." He lent his hand out. I stepped forward hesitating. And finally touched it too. Surprisingly his scales were soft and smooth. "Wanna take a ride?" Kento questioned me. I simply nodded. "Let's go then!" He ordered.

In no time I was sitting in front of Kento, on the dragon. He held me tight making sure I won't fall down. I was turning into a tomato as Kento hugged me tight from behind. It was making me dizzy.

"IKI take us high in the clouds." The dragon nodded, and took off. The breeze was strong and we were up in the sky above the clouds where no one could see us. The view was beautiful and magnificent. The air in my open hair, also brushing my cheeks was cold in a warm way.

It was an exotic night. I forgot all about my worries and sadness. All thanks to Kento and IKI. We came back to the lands.

"Thank you so much Kento. I am so happy now."

"It's my pleasure." He bent down in a royal style. "But do you know this dragon can turn into a normal being just like you and me."

"What?! Really?"

"Yes, IKI please come back to your normal form." He turned towards the dragon and said.

And he did. The dragon was surrounded by sparkles and standing in front of us was a small boy around the age of eight.

I was shocked and my jaw dropped to the floor. "What magic is this?" I was puzzled. As never once in my entire life had I seen a dragon and it turning into a small boy! He was very fair and cute. With short hands and legs.

"IKI is a very young dragon, my father brought him home for my birthday."

Now I was very curious about his father and what a world Grissisda could be. Gifting your son a dragon." It is only in fairy tales that we hear off dragons here." I told them.

"Kento" the small IKI finally said, "She is very pretty." I fluttered a bit.

"I know right." Kento added. But now the dragon had a weird idea in his mind. "Can I live with you miss.?" he demanded.

"What!?" me and Kento explained.

"Yes. Please can I live with you. I have a very friendly feeling around you. Please miss." I looked at Kento to see his reaction. "Only if you want to Zara." he left the decision to me.

"Please miss. I want to live with a real human. Please miss."

"Alright, Only if you stop calling me 'miss'." his face lit up. "Yes thank you so much. And what is your name?"

"Zara, Zara Elliot"

"Elliot? That name sounds very familiar. But anyways let's go home Zara."

The night was so happy and lively. Now I have a cute family member to take care of. Grandpa I'll still miss you to death.


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