《Hell in Us》Chapter Ten: Psycho Psychic


"I hate you so much right now," Lorelei muttered. She sat at a table outside a cafe. Lorelei appeared to be human, her ears were now human-shaped. Death sat across from her. There was an empty seat between them.

"I didn't want to do this alone." Death responded. Her gaze scanned the city around them.

"Then you should have brought Khalida." Lorelei scoffed.

"No matter how much she'd enjoy that, you know as well as I do that it would have been the worst thing I could have done." Death stated calmly. "Suck it up, at least she respects you."

"She respects you," Lorelei smirked. Death just glared back at her, "Well, she's a banshee. She should."

"It's her damn pride." Death muttered. "She thinks herself wiser than I. "

"Because I am, dear." A woman interrupted loudly. She had wild red hair, and, appearance-wise, seemed to be extremely old. She wore sharp glasses and very colorful clothing. Death rolled her eyes and looked away from the woman as she sat down. "Lorelei, it's good to see you."

"Wilhelma," Lorelei said flatly.

"Well, what brings this unlikely pair to me today?" Wilhelma smiled, "You need me, don't you?" Wilhelma started laughing as Death progressively got more annoyed.

"Then I'll make this quick so we don't waste any more of your time." Lorelei sighed, her hands folded together in her lap. "Yes, we do need you. We are creating a school to ensure coexistence between Life and Death creatures. We need teachers. Because of the, “ she paused for a moment as she tried to think of the proper word, “Rarity of your race, the banshees, we need you to teach the new generation."

Wilhelma's smile only grew as Lorelei explained. "And what makes you think I'll just agree to such a thing?" she asked as a waiter placed tea in front of her, "Oh thank you…" she said pleasantly to him, then suddenly grabbed his arm and looked deep into his eyes. "Don't go on that date tonight." She let go. The waiter stared at her in shock for a few moments before he ran away quickly. Wilhelma chuckled to herself as she watched. "Oh, each generation just gets dumber and dumber, don't they?" Lorelei and Death exchanged a look of concern with each other.


"It's better to ask and receive a no, than not ask and never know," Lorelei explained with an exasperated sigh. Wilhelma eyed Lorelei carefully, her smile still in place.

"This is why I admire you, Lorelei. You might not be human, but you sure do think like one." Wilhelma took a sip of her tea, and turned her scrutiny over to Death, "Now for the Mistress of Darkness, I must ask, why not ask me yourself? Why make Lorelei do this?"

"Mistress of Darkness?" Death raised an eyebrow to Wilhelma. "I am darkness. I am literally Death. You old-" Lorelei kicked Death's leg underneath the table. "Ugh." Death looked away from them with a pout. "We're both aware of our dislike of each other. Can we just finish this? Reject us so we can move on already."

"I never said I'd reject you." Wilhelma chuckled, "I merely have some questions that need answers. For example, what banshees did you have in mind to bring to this school?"

"A young girl in Ireland. We were told recently that she called out a warning for the massacre that occurred a few days ago. I am assuming you heard?" Lorelei asked.

"Oh. Yes, I did…" Wilhelma hummed sadly, "Those poor, poor creatures." she took another sip, "How long ago did she call out?"

"Nine years ago," Lorelei stated.

Wilhelma had been raising the tea back to her lips but froze in place. Her smug look finally wiped from her face. "Nine years…" Wilhelma set down her cup, her face reflecting her confliction, "How old was she?"

Lorelei hesitated to answer, but as she stared at Wilhelma, she decided. "Six." Lorelei replied softly. There's a silence between the three.

"That is quite-," Wilhelma cleared her throat, "young. I can see why you'd like her there… Really nine years before the event?" Wilhelma now looked frustrated, mad even.


"Yes, I understand it's strange." Lorelei started to say.

"No, it's impossible!" Wilhelma detested, "The earliest a warning has been called was a day." Wilhelma laughed uncomfortably, "It's just not possible. She had to make it up. Her parents, perhaps."

"Forty-five people." Death responds quickly, "Forty-five witnesses, all questioned carefully by various people from various factions. They all said the same thing." Death suddenly tilted her head slightly and gave Wilhelma a small smirk. "Weren't you the one to make that 24-hour call? Does someone feel like they're being replaced?" Death stared at Wilhelma, but she didn't return her gaze. Her face still looked disturbed.

"Please, no one can replace me." Wilhelma laughed nervously, "I am one of a kind."

"That you are." Death muttered under her breath.

"Well, what's your answer?" Lorelei demanded.

Wilhelma looked between the both of them. "I will be honest with you." Wilhelma started, her expression softer, "That does worry me, but for many reasons. Not just that one." she said to Death. "I will accept, and I do look so forward to Death bringing all the creatures together." She smirked. "Especially creatures like our dear Lorelei here." She giggled to herself. Death glared at Wilhelma.

"Watch your tongue." Lorelei hissed at Wilhelma, "If she doesn't kill you for the way you speak I will." Lorelei narrowed her eyes at Wilhelma, but it didn't faze her.

"Seems the rumors were true about you, Lorelei. Are you sure you aren't human?" Wilhelma stood up from her seat. "Playing with dead things isn't ladylike, Lorelei. I really hoped that it wasn't true. Well farewell, ladies." Wilhelma's signature smirk returned to her face as she turned around and walked away.

"Can I kill her?" Lorelei muttered to Death. "I can't believe people still talk about… I mean, it was quite literally eons ago."

"You can't kill her, I can't give the pleasure to anyone but myself." Death glared at Wilhelma's retreating figure. "Let it go, Lorelei. If you no longer let it hold power over you, maybe everyone else will learn to drop it." Lorelei sighed sadly in response. Death stared at her for a moment before she continued. "For being Fae, you are extremely flexible. You know what I mean?"

Lorelei slumped in her chair, a stressed expression plastered on her face. "Yeah…" she sighed, "I do."

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