《Hell in Us》Chapter Five: Danza and Dean


"This is quite the labyrinth," Dean commented, his bright yellow eyes scanning the world around him carefully. The bushes of the maze that surrounded them were dead but still thick with thorns. There was no day, only night, and the giant red moon that sat high in the sky. They stood in the middle of Death's dimension, a space that she alone had full control over. It was here that Adrian dwelled, and where people came to seek them out. Dean and his twin sister Danza are from the succubi and incubi race, both with long addax horns protruding from their foreheads.

Dean stopped walking and turned to look at Danza. Her red eyes were fixated on the blood moon, and the purple-blue sky painted behind it. "Danza!" Dean shouted in her ear. Danza jumped and looked at him with a glare. Dean returned her glare as he grabbed her arm to pull her, gently but firmly, forward. In Latin, he spoke, "We can not keep them waiting." Danza took a deep breath, and they both walked forward, hand in hand.

"I just don't see why we have to go to Adrian. We're children." Danza said, annoyed. "What would they do if we decided not to show?" She then added in a mutter. "I doubt that they'd even harm children."

"Adrian is a reaper, the hand of Death herself. You know for a fact we can not ignore a reaper, especially one that old." Dean countered.

Danza released Dean's hand and instead grabbed him by the shoulders and stared into his eyes, "Adrian won't take us seriously, Dean." She furrowed her brow as she felt anger, older than either of the two of them, fill her soul. "Why would the higher-ups pick two young sex-demons like us? We can barely use our powers."

Dean pulled away from her. He averted his eyes as he continued to walk down the path. "Because we are twins. Besides that, we are different genders. Do you know when that happened last, Danza? Never. We are the first in our faction. Adrian might think we are special. You should know not to question Adrian." Dean replied flatly. "Let us get going, or we are going to be late." Danza sighed, unsatisfied with this answer. As they finally got into view of the castle, both looked at it in awe. It was huge, dark purple, and ominous.

When Danza and Dean entered the castle, it was dead silent. A grand staircase led them to a hallway and at the end of the hallway was a great red door that looked worn down. They opened to find that inside this room everything was new and clean. Like the rest of the castle, though, it was uncomfortably silent.


"OH!" a musical voice hummed, "You're finally here! I've never seen succubi and incubi so young. No one told me how tiny you'd be!" Adrian's voice echoed around the room. Danza and Dean searched for the source of the voice, but the room appeared to remain empty.

"Adrian?" Danza asked, her voice calm. Dean grabbed her arm and pulled her close.

"My oh my!" Their voice sounded amused. A figure then appeared in front of them, as if from thin air. Adrian smirked at the two, then stuck their hands in their pockets. Adrian radiated death and the twins could feel it in their bones. "It's nice to finally meet you two."

Dean took a few steps back but froze as his suspicion was confirmed. There was a second, more intense source of dread in the room. Danza met Dean's eyes and turned to see what drew his attention. Her heart sank when she saw it. There, in the corner, stood an ominous shadow, Death herself.

"You've never met Death… right?" Adrian smiled at them more sincerely, but Danza and Dean still trembled in fear.

Death sighed impatiently as she moved to hover over them. "Enough, Adrian." Death said, firmly but slowly.

Adrian shrugged, “Best I take my leave then? You know I have a schedule, as much fun as this is.” Death nodded and Adrian winked at them before they walked out the door.

"Calm yourselves, young demons.” Death then turned to Dean and Danza, “We are here to negotiate the terms of your community's curse."

"Wait, what?" Danza questioned. Dean gripped onto her arm again, and she moved his hand so she could grasp it in both of hers. She squeezed it gently in reassurance.

"You have a lot of questions, I know." Death replied. "Lorelei is here to answer most of them, and I may be able to answer the rest.”

The twins turned, surprised, to see a fae woman they had missed before. Lorelei looked up at them, mid-sip of her tea. There was a short pause before she moved her cup slightly away from her lips to mutter. "Oh, so now it's my turn to speak." She put her cup down and addressed the twins. "We picked you because of your youth," Lorelei stated simply. The two looked at each other uneasy, and then back towards Lorelei. "Adrian has given me a report on the history of your species' tendencies to break rules. You two, however, never have. We also took note of how unique the two of you are. An abandoned boy and girl twinset among the succubi and incubi." She paused as she tilted her head and stared at their intertwined hands. Lorelei studied the twins carefully, noticing the extreme differences in physical appearance. Dean was tall and lean. He had pale skin and sharp navy blue eyes. Danza was short and thick. She stood in stark contrast to her twin with her dark skin, red hair, and her large angular eyes. When Dean noticed the direction of her gaze, he took his hand back and stepped away from Danza. "Even your relationship is unique. Don't incubi hate women?" Lorelei stared deep into Dean's eyes, and he started to tremble.


"We can't hate our own siblings." Dean challenged her. He was pale, but he refused to look away.

Lorelei was taken back momentarily by his blunt defense, “I see-”

“No,” Dean stopped her, “No, you don’t.”

"That's true." She admitted uneasily. She swung her arms back and forth as she walked over to a table. She leaned against it and sighed. The sound carried further in the empty room. Dean and Danza watched her carefully. “You are right, I don’t understand. That’s why you’re here. Death and I have a plan. We want to bring all factions together, to learn from each other. Break the walls of discrimination. We need the right students and teachers, ones that believe in the cause and strive for an unshackled life. Death and I have been working together to create a school for different supernatural species. As you might have heard, a young vampire recently massacred many-"

"She slaughtered over 30 people, it’s all anyone anywhere is talking about. If you're suggesting what I think you are, do you really expect us to go to the same place as that monster?" Danza asked in shock.

Lorelei narrowed her eyes. She looked Danza up and down. "Tell me, succubus." Her tone was even, but Danza could sense each word's weight as they escaped her lips. "How many deaths is your species responsible for? There is a reason why it's cursed. There's a reason why there are so many people who are against the very thought of me being here, talking to you right now. If you're going to go around, accusing people of being monsters… I suggest you check the mirror first.” Her expression remained calm through the whole speech. It was in stark contrast to Danza's, whose face now was filled with rage. Her brother squeezed her arm tightly, his teeth worrying at his lower lip as he stared at his sister. He hoped she wouldn’t act rashly, if she attacked they both more than likely would end up dead.

“Lorelei!” Death hissed, “That is no way to speak to these children. They are not responsible for the sins of their community.”

“How could we want to be part of anything that involves her!?” Danza screamed. She tried to yank her arm away from her brother but he held firm. “After she spoke to us in that way!”

“Because,” Lorelei boomed, grabbing back their attention immediately, “Like you, that same girl comes from a grounded faction. A young woman with powers similar to yours. A power that can take lives. A hunger that is never satiated. That very well could have been you.” Danza felt hollow inside. Lorelei rattled her anger like nothing else before.

“My sister and species are nothing like that monster,” Dean argued back. He gripped his sister’s arm so tightly his knuckles turned white. “Vampires are half-human blood suckers with no respect for the lives they take. Monsters-”

“Enough!” Death yelled, silencing the room. “This,” she rubbed her temples and paced around the room. “This is exactly why we need to form this school! Not just for the children but for the adults as well. Ignorance breeds ignorance, and that is no way to stop our problem.” Death glared at Lorelei who looked away uncomfortably.

“Even if we overlooked that one thing, what would we get in return for dealing with these other factions?” Danza asked skeptically.

"With time, and through schooling, you will be freed of your curse and grounding. You will be free to roam Earth and other dimensions as you please, as your faction did in the past. Of course we hope that, with time, the entire community will be relieved of this curse." Death added. “You could be the first to bring back normality to your faction. What do you say?”

Dean tugged on Danza’s arm and they shared a look. They already knew how the other felt. There was no way this school would be anything but a waste of time. They couldn’t, however, pass up the opportunity to break the curse, to be able to explore the world as they pleased, nothing holding them back. "Okay." They agreed simultaneously. "We will go."

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