


It seems like that blonde bitch is stalking me. I leave northeastern university of Seattle, hopping into a beat up Nissan. This is what you get kids, when your dad is shitty and doesn't give you a dime....you get a crappy car and life. But I'm okay, all that matters is Lizzie, at least he supports his baby girl...only financially, though. I was her dad since she said her first words, while he was off in China making business connections and having affairs. He's the reason my mom overdosed in the bathtub...he was a ghost for a whole year. I turn on the right turning signal and wait for traffic to halt. I wanted him dead...I tried killing the fucker but he has a built in head radar and security guards. Bill has some feelings after all. Fear. I wonder how he'll feel when he busted. Like a victim. Or would the fucker feel the Karma? I couldn't know for sure, that's why I was at the school's office...I want to know for sure.

Amanda. I swiped Bill's phone before leaving his high rise office. There was a voicemail from corporate stating that a sexual harassment claim was attempted against him by an employee, Amanda Joy. So I raided his office for information. Then I put two and two together of who the girl was. My memory sparked. This is the girls I shoulder bumped...and the one I saw at the gym. This is a sign. Traffic finally let up, and my car drove forward. My eyelids heavy. Lizzie is waiting up for me, stay awake. My line hit up with a text: I need a brick. Reply: I'm not dealing right now. The random number texts, the bubble loads. Then delivers: I'll give you $200, I need it bad. I text: Okay.


Dealing was how I fed myself and bought shit, since I couldn't work in the family business. My father...no not my father, Bill, had blackmailed my reputation, pulled some strings so jobs wouldn't be allowed to view my resumé or even see my application. Fucking psycho. He acts like I'm the issue when he is nothing but a horny spiteful man who pushed his son to selling drugs for an income. And killed his wife. Bill hates anything and everything about drug dealers, so I kept on doing just that. At home, a rented room with brown carpet and gray walls, welcomes me. In the refrigerator, I grab the last thing I had to eat, a pop-tart, cherry. My mind wonders back to Amanda, mostly to her eyes and her freckles, which made her stand out. I've met a lot of red heads, usually they were tough but she had balls. A lot of girls that Bill has messed with usually just quit and moved on, but she didn't. I liked that.

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