《The Sinful Mortal》Rise After Fall


Humans understood that if they do not make a move now, they would not get another chance. At least, the other two factions thought so. Unfortunately, they were far too weak to achieve anything. A perfect chance, but they were powerless to grasp it.

Just as their frustration reached its peak, a change occurred. In a place unreachable by anyone, a road was paved. Humans noticed that a connection appeared in the depths of their souls. Some were wary, but some tried to probe this connection. They found themselves appearing in a mystical place. Looking ahead, there was a path surrounded by colourful brilliance. You could see green, black, red, yellow and many different-coloured lights surrounding the road making it look like a tunnel.

Humans tried to step on the road, only to find a pressure bearing down on their soul and body. They found that the farther you go in, the stronger the pressure would be. But, that wasn't all. They found that the pressure contained hints of laws which were extremely useful for their practice. So, the humans started to walk.

When they came out of that place- they called it the Eternal Road, since they couldn't see an end to it- they found that the flow of time was different. 50 years on the road was equal to 1 year in the universe. They also found that their connection with the road disappeared. Nevertheless, humans became ecstatic. They knew that this was their chance.

Waves after waves of humans walked on the road and many powerhouses were born.

But, the God Worshippers weren't quiet. They tried to show their loyalty by informing their Gods about the other faction's plan. Fortunately, or maybe unfortunately, the Gods paid them no heed. Their thought was, 'So what if this tiny creature became stronger, I can squish it all the same.'


Humanity was then divided into two factions: God Worshippers and the Blasphemers, or so they were called by the other faction. Countless wars went off between the two sides, eventually leading to the destruction of the Worshippers. The Blasphemers had the final laugh.

Thousand of years passed and humans finally had the confidence to face the Gods. Another war erupted.

When the Gods wanted to teach these humans a lesson, they found that they had enough strength to contend with them. The war did not proceed as they expected. Even though they were far more powerful individually, the humans had greater numbers and better cooperation.

The Gods were besieged by the humans from one side and by the Devils from the other. They knew that this situation could not continue, otherwise the only winner would be the Devils. Humans also understood this point. Both sides took a step back and sat down to negotiate the terms of the peace treaty.

After alot of back-and-forth, they finally reached an agreement. The agreement had four clauses: Any act of aggression on the other party is forbidden. The humans will take possession of seven galaxies while the other six were left to Gods. The Gods were not allowed to interfere in human territories and vice versa. The Gods would be responsible for repelling the Devils, in turn, humans would offer one trillion sacrifices a year.

After the peace treaty, the Gods moved the top three and the bottom three galaxies and situated them in the six directions of the seven human galaxies. If the previous arrangement was like close-packed spheres with 3 on top, 7 in the middle and 3 at the bottom, then the current arrangement was like a big ball in the middle of a cube.

Humans managed to take the first step on the road of escaping their miserable fate, but they knew that they could not lower their guard. A moment of carelessness was all it took for their thousands of years of hard work to go down the drain.


Humans also understood, early on, that only by staying united could they have a chance of survival. Human powerhouses gathered and the first human empire was formed. That was not to say that there weren't any human empires before. In fact, there were plenty of them before the slavery. But, a human empire that included all of humanity was a first.

Jargon Sozeriany, later known as Jargon I, the strongest of the human combatants, ascended the throne to the empire. He gave the empire a name, Ortuses. Out of the seven galaxies, he made the central one the capital and named it Votmand. The other six galaxies were named Mayall, Hoag, Circinus, Andromeda, Sculptor and Sombrero. Each galaxy was stationed at one of the six directions from Votmand, enclosing it.

Jargon I stationed his six most trusted aids in each galaxy. They were the heroes who fought alongside him, namely: Jason Raldy- to Mayall-, Mark Sirband- to Hoag-, Anderson Mel- to Circinus-, Sam Phillips- to Andromeda-, William Adams- to Sculptor- and Daniel Viport- to Sombrero-. Each took their families with them and they also took an army consisting of one billion powerful combatants, who, in turn, took their families to reside in the outer galaxies to guard against the Gods or unexpected attacks from the Devils who managed to break through the defence set by the Gods.

Humans finally found peace. Although they had to confront the Devils from time to time and had to sacrifice humans each year- for which they sacrificed the elderly-, they lived without the fear of vanishing or having their loved ones vanish the next moment.

Humanity ushered in a new era of rapid development. They built schools to raise the next generation's hope, educated them about the world and taught them the history of humans. Their research into the laws deepened more and more and many combatants achieved breakthroughs.

Naturally, the Gods were not idle. They learned from humans and began to research the human soul and the corruption. They hoped to establish a connection with that unknown law. Although they did not achieve the desired result, their control over the other laws strengthened noticeably.

The Devils on the other hand continued to grow stronger even without needing to consume souls. Although their improvement was slow, it was, nonetheless, real.

And so began a race with time.

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