《From the Ashes》9 someone new


‘Too hot, Its too hot and it smells like horse.’ Kadin thought to himself as he came awake with a start then ‘my back hurts,’ as he stood and stretched out his stiff back from spending a night leaning against a tree. Still in the wayward pine it was dark but little moats of dawns light were working their way through the branches. Creating a ball of light above his hand Kadin had a quick look around, the horse was still tethered there was still a faint glow from his magical traps and his mechanical trap by the ‘entrance’ was still there. Disabling the traps Kadin then pushed his way out into the dawn light, his dreams for the most part were peaceful and he was feeling well rested and active, what’s more it looking like it would be another clear and sunny day. He led the horse out and fed and watered it before eating a light breakfast himself. Once complete he cleared the camp then led the horse back to the road before mounting and starting off. Kadin was able to cover the group quickly and kept a steady pace however as the morning wore on and the forest loomed evermore persistent to his right he kept a cautious eye on the tree line the goblins and elves were warring over this forest however it was much deeper into the woodland well away from the kingdoms of men - but better to be safe than dead – so he slowed the pace as to better hear and observe the area around him, Kadin was still a few of days from Ashvale and the road bends away from woodland realm after a day or so on horseback.

As the day wore on it continued to be uneventful the woods were quite the road was empty and it was just Kadin as far as he could see in any direction once or twice he thought he might have heard a horn call from deep in the woodlands ... even for him to hear it here the fighting must be even closer than he thought, however there was not anything he could do about it other than continue on luckily nothing came from the horn sounds after a few hours and the rest of the afternoon passed without incident. Kadin was moving along the road starting to look for a camp site for the night, as the sun would be setting a few hours, to his left the land was rough and uneven large rocks and small hills covered his view a few thick and tough shrubs and larger thickets grew here and there – but nothing that looked like a good location for camp. A loud Howl sounded from the forest ahead a few seconds latter it was answered by another still in the forest and still far ahead but by his judging he would be passing close by if he stayed on his current path, the ground around him was too uneven and treacherous for a horse, visibility was still good but the hills, thickets and shrubs were starting to cast longer shadows and so Kadin thought better of taking his horse off the track, there were too many burrows, nooks and lose rocks that could damage the horse and he needed to make time as he was still chasing someone, so decision made to keep on the track and find somewhere further ahead.

As the horse made its way along the dirt packed road Kadin heard a few rustling sounds and low growls from further within the forest, the horse would also give the occasional nervous whine and flicker of its head. Drawing his blade and loosening a belt of throwing knifes Kadin prepared for whatever was out there, after a few seconds and still nothing happened he moved on still scanning the trees around him, then a screech echoed through the area sounding like tree falling mixed with the cry of an eagle or hawk the was cut off abruptly with a deep resonating growl and followed by a smashing and rustling through the trees behind him this went on but seemed to be getting further and further away from where he and his horse were so he kept heading on and preparing himself, as the sound died down to nothing and there was silence for just long enough that Kadin thought he was in the clear, when another noise started to get his attention a low deep buzzing still a little ahead and still deeper into the forest, he was passing through where the sound was the most intense when another noise caught his attention, a sound he knew all too well of blades clashing, having enough of the ongoing activity Kadin jumped down and tethered his horse to a tree branch and made his way towards the sound of fighting, a quick moment to cast some buff spells on his own abilities, ‘greater silence, shadow form, greater agility, boost movement and ability boost’ he felt his stats buff and thing seemed to get more define clearer and his movements became more fluid and graceful he made his way towards the fight expecting to see elves and goblins having a skirmish. Sliding from tree to tree keeping in the shadows cast he covered ground quickly and silently. As he got closer he began to make out individual sounds for metal hitting shields and the strange squeals he couldn’t place and still the low deep buzzing sound was getting louder, when he came to the shadows of a small clearing. He had been wrong on what he assumed in the source of the fight; in front of him was a man with long dark hair, tight fitting black leather armour he held a long cutlass in one hand and was weaving in and out of combat with two large ents Kadin assumed at first glance but upon close inspection they were not ents they were wood spriggans nine feet tall hollow wood in a humanoid shape with what looked like perfectly carved human faces, with holes in the eyes and mouth the wood of their bodies made up of gently flowing wood with swirls joining to form the joints of arms and legs seeming as if the whole thing had been grown from a single piece of wood; the hollow space emitting a light green glow at the joint for where an underarm and stomach would be another in the neck giving a heightened definition to the face. This was all however overshadowed by the clouds of insects flying around each of the spriggans bodies. Wasps, hornets and other winged stinging creatures buzzing around the spriggan like a protective shield. One of the creatures lifted an arm and threw a slow green glowing orb, and a small angry buzzing army of stinging insects swirling around the orb in a maelstrom as it made its way towards the man that was still chopping into the other, the man seeing the orb making its way towards him at the rate of a fast run, lifted his offhand palm outwards fingers straight and dark blood red, almost black mist started to swirl around his hand growing and expanding to a small dark cloud floating just in from of his hand, as the green orb entered this could it seemed to dim and the insects around it started dropping to the forest floor dead, all the insects were gone by the time the orb hit the man’s hand, but when it did the green enveloped his hand and made its way up his wrist as it began to dull, fading to nothingness as the green got to the man’s elbow. He grunted in pain and his arm dropped to his side having been damaged by the green orb attack, as this happened he also flipped backwards to evade a swinging kick from the other spriggan a kick that if landed would have likely split the man in two, however his neat backwards flip took him out of range his flip back landed him on his sword hand where he lightly pushed of the ground and about eight feet into the air as he vaulted he swung to face the spriggans again and threw a fan of daggers at them before landing gracefully on his feet again.


Kadin watched all this hidden behind a nearby tree trunk, he was impressed by the man’s fighting style displaying the grace, acrobatic and agility of the elves – something Kadin admired and was reflected in his own fighting style. He did have one thought though which was ‘why didn’t he use fire?’ Wood creature are especially vulnerable to fire attacks and basic fire attacks used very little mana. Kadin didn’t know when he made the decision to help the man – he just knew one second he was observing the next he was charging the spriggans focusing fire and earth into balls in his hand – a basic spell of his own creation, fire would dissipate very quickly but by mixing earth elements you could create in effect a ball of lava – one that would stick to the target and continue to burn through them... id would not have the range of a fire ball or fire blast type spell, but he was close enough that this would not matter.

As he mixed the fire and earth elements he launched it at the closest Spprigan and used some basic fire to encase the whole creature....

this was a light quick flame that did almost no damage to it but the insects were another matter hundreds of little black specs driffted to the forrest floor, as the magma begane to ignight their previous host.

A cry that sounded like a tree falling split the air as the sprigan screammed in pain, as Kadin ignited another magma ball and launched it at the other one who was still engaged in comabt with man.. as the second fire attack hit, the man turned to Kadin and let out a primal hiss whith his fangs bared, he then gracefully lept back several paces turning in a defensive position facing all three in the clearing.

Ahh a Vampire that would explain why he wasent using fire against them, Kadin stepped back daggers in hand as the two forrest creatures flaied and eventually collapsed to the ground dead, he absorped the energy of the flames back into himsel to keep the fire from spreading and soon all that was left was two burnt logs on the ground.

Kadin sheathed his daggers and faced the vampire with his hands held in front of him to show he was not looking to fight. The vampire lowered his saber but did not sheath it

'Well, its a start' Kadin thought then went on to say

"Hi there, i was travelling through here on the way to Ashvale when I heard the fight."

He slowly lowered his hands but did not approach. The Vampire did not respond.. he just stood there still eyeing Kadin suspicously.

"I thought somone may have been in trouble and came to offer assistance." Kadin said as he took a cautionary half step forward.

the Vampire sneered at him, but sheathed his weapon before saying

"I didnt need your help, food! I could have taken them on my own!"

"I have no doubt." Kadin said hoenstly, befor adding

"A vampire governs my guild, I am well aware of what he can do."

whith his weapon sheethed Kadin got a good look at the vampire, he was a little taller than himself, long black hair going a little past his shoulders, as with all vampires he had the slight glowing crimson eyes and snow white skin. His clothing and armor.. well there was only one word to describe it 'elegant'

A tight black leather vest that had black straps with silver buckels going down his chest holding a pair of long slim kinfes at his sides. Leather pants with straps matching the chest held a pouch on one leg and throwing darts on the other and a pair of knee high black leather boots. He also had on a long black coat the was cut in at the waist before flairing back out at the legs.


"My name is Kadin, of the Aspire Guild."

The Vampire who had been eyeing him up sispicously - finally seemed to relax alittle before replying

"I am Vermilion of the Augusteen bloodline"

"Augesteen!" Kadin Said suppried, then explained.

"Your family rule lands far to the South east, you are a long way from home." he remembered studdiyng Vampire clans, tribes and bloodlines. So knew that all vampires are tied to their lands and seldom travel fram from them, if they do 'the longing' sets in a desire pulling them back home. It took Stealth centuries to brake that hold.

"I know" Vermillion snapped before seeming to collect himself, then went on

"I have business here.. well to the north - those blood cursed Elfs attacked as I was travelling through this forrest" he started calmly but seemed to work himself up getthing angrier as he spoke of his troubles.

Being chased through the forrest for who knows how long, Kadin thought he would offer help to Vermilion.

"Well this is the western most edge of the forrest" Kadin said then added

"The town of Ashvale is about 2 days ride to the north east, thats where I am heading."

The vampire stared at him for a moment before speaking saying

"That is also where I am traveling to - there was a massive flare of dark magic there a few days ago. We have been feeling them for a while now, magic that strong is a possible danger to us."

"I believe I know the source,there is a necromancer.." Kadin said as he notes the vampaire scowl

"I am on a contract, to hunt him. He killed a child and seems to be getting stronger - he has turned villagers against me in the last town I went through; they are faster and stronger than most humans." Kadin finished.

"Food is food." the vampire responded then said "if it trys to fight back all the better, but this is who I must be hunting. When I find him I will leave you his head." Vermilion finished before turning and jumping several meters into the air and turning into an eight foot bat before flying north.

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