《Love Against the Karaoke Heavens》Chapter 7: …Again??


Xi didn’t want to think of how many times his ass was praised, then fucked, then praised again. They’d stopped on what was possibly the sixth fevered round, since Xi’s trembling thighs had given out, but lying down and recovering together had very soon turned into lying down and making out together.

Or, more correctly, Xi lying down and trying very weakly to keep Captain Jiong from licking and sucking his aching nipples. He felt caught between feeling self-conscious about that laser-like focus on his soft, slightly flabby chest and feeling stupidly relieved he didn’t need to reject the captain’s kiss after all his hard work.

Then Jiongjiong—Xi was starting to know what that too-serious expression of his meant—looked down at Xi’s very soft, slightly sticky dick and looked back up again, a clear question in his gaze. “No,” Xi insisted. “I’m—I’m not…”

But his cock was already twitching a bit, plumping up with every long, slow lick from Jiongjiong’s wet tongue. “Can’t Xi-er let jiongjiong try and taste a bit?”

“You!” Xi tried to sit up, only for a clever, targeted shift in weight from Captain Jiong to press him back down to the bed. “You fuck! Waiting all this time to—who the, w-who the fuck told you to say that and lick—ugh—”

More long licks, so gentle and sensuous in contrast with the firm grip of Jiong’s hand around the base, and the unmoving weight of Jiong’s body still keeping Xi from being able to rise up and fight back. “Xi-er,” he said, in a way that made Xi want to shiver, “when you’re like this, it’s really… Mmh. Really makes me want to hold you down and eat you up.”

“Try it,” Xi snarled. “Just you fucking try and… huh?”

There was something uniquely embarrassing about this kind of moment, when you dove head first into the task of tussling in bed with someone only to see them stop and raise their hands and cry uncle, then look at you as if you were the weird one for—for—alright, in this case, Xi probably was the weird one, sort of. “What?” he couldn’t help but say, trying not to sound as impatient as he felt. “I’m into it, it’s fine, just—y’know.”

Fidgeting wasn’t the most conducive thing to getting the mood back on track, but Xi couldn’t help it, not when Jiongjiong—no, just Jiong—was eyeing him so carefully, clearly trying to read something from his annoyed expression. “You’re really okay with me holding you down?”

“Yes,” Xi said, emphatically, then felt a little bad for doing it, because he didn’t remember their really stopping to chat about this sort of thing at any point earlier on tonight. “I mean, I don’t like, I’m not saying I’m into doing much heavier stuff than just, you know, a bit of force now and then, but I wouldn’t mind you holding me down.”

“Alright,” was the low, somewhat subdued answer. “Well, then.” And then Xi, who had sat up a bit to emphasize his point, was summarily pressed down again, his wrists pinned by his sides, his cock engulfed in a hot, wet, merciless mouth that didn’t slow when he begged it to, and refused to speed up when he demanded it, and generally reduced him to a whining, sobbing mess.

“Please,” he whispered, for what had to be the fiftieth time. “What… just, what will it take…?”

Silence, as usual, was the only response, silence followed by another long, teasing lick, not enough, not enough, not fucking enough—“Please!”


Xi didn’t know if it was his broken tone, or the way he could no longer keep himself from struggling that moved Captain Jiong. “Xi-er needs to promise,” he said, hoarsely, while ruthlessly pumping Xi’s cock with his hand just slowly enough that Xi couldn’t keep from thrusting into his teasingly loose grip even though he knew it wouldn’t ease his raging need to come. “Xi-er needs to suck mine well too.”

“Fine, I’ll—I’ll do it, I’ll do anything, just—nngh, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck…”

Afterwards came the reckoning. First, Xi fought the battle to rouse himself enough to get up from the bed, when the captain’s solid warmth was right beside him, tempting him with the possibility of long, sleepy hugs. Next, he fought the awkwardness of having to, no, choosing to head for the bathroom after dragging himself upright, all while promising he wasn’t trying to escape his solemn promise. “It’s like he thinks I’ll climb out the fucking window,” Xi muttered to himself, even as he picked out a smallish towel, then soaked it in warm water. “We’re on what, the fortieth floor, at least? I’d die even if I’d fucking fit…”

But once he hurried back out into the hotel room, he remembered again that he wasn’t dealing with normal—semi-normal—clingy, reassurance-seeking partner behaviour. For rather than lying in bed and continuing to pine and look just a little worried, Jiong had sat up against the headboard, his shoulders slouched, his eyes half-lidded in the way of someone casually browsing their feed on their internal HUD.

“Oh,” Xi couldn’t help but say, just a little loudly. “Looks like I might as well use this on myself, since you’re already bored.”

“Hey, hey, no,” Jiong said, blinking hard, sitting up just a little straighter. “I’m not bored, just. Checking messages, just in case.”

“Just in case the team practice room caught on fire while you were out?” At the very least, the bastard was still half-hard even after the brief wait; just two or three measured strokes with the dampened towel was enough to get him fully hard again. “You worry too much.”

“You might be right about that,” Jiong said, his now slightly uneven tone a small sop to Xi’s vanity. He liked to think that he was good at making something more of this kind of chore, transforming it from something he needed to do to feel more comfortable sucking a cock that had been, y’know, in his ass, into something both people could enjoy, if only just a bit. “You know, if, if really you’d rather not…”

“Shut up,” Xi said, and expended a decent chunk of his remaining strength in pinning together Jiong’s hands to his sides. “Touch my head, and I swear to god I’ll bite off your fucking hand.”

“Okay, okay…”


Then, when the silence wasn’t really one anymore, when all Xi could hear were the wet, lewd sounds his own mouth was making…

Still silence. Even though, even though Jiong’s cock was leaking, even though Jiong’s thighs had grown tense and strained under Xi’s eager touch, the closest thing to non silence had been the little hitch in Jiong’s breath when Xi used the still-warm towel to pinch and squeeze the head of his cock.

Finally, Xi could bear it no more. He himself had always been loud—too loud, embarrassingly loud, and when he wasn’t drowning out his partner or echoing them, it was all too easy for him to become nervous and self-conscious. But since he didn’t want to be abrupt, didn’t want to ruin the mood, he tried to put together a suitable rhythm that would allow him to transition into a soft-voiced question. Lick, then suck, swallowing, slurping around the length in his mouth, leaning in and relaxing just a bit to see how much more he could fit…


“Get off,” Jiong said, his voice low and rough and panicked, and unfortunately the warning, and Xi’s attempt at withdrawal, wasn’t quite quick enough to keep him from being thoroughly splashed with come. “Fuck.”

“S’fine,” Xi muttered, licking up what had splashed on his mouth and chin first, then going after the stray, thin drips that had ended up on his hand. “It’s not much at this point, anyway.”


“Hm?” A little bit had also ended up on the inside of Jiong’s bare thigh, so Xi leaned in to lick at that too, only to blink at the way Jiong tensed at that brief touch. “Should I not have…?”

“No,” was the unexpectedly rough answer. “No, that was definitely fine.”

“Oh?” Xi tried to keep his voice cool as he looked up, deliberately meeting Jiong’s hungry gaze. “You liked using my mouth?”

Silence answered him, silence and a slight, but somehow fervent nod.

“Hmm.” Xi knew he shouldn’t tease, but he couldn’t help himself; he bent close in, pressing wet kisses to Jiong’s taut, sweaty skin, licking little lines up his chest, stopping to briefly tease his stiff brown nipples with both lips and tongue. “Best hurry up, then.”


“Go freshen up,” Xi murmured, with deliberately downcast eyes. “Then, maybe you can kiss me.”

He tried not to feel too smug at how Jiong hurried to get out of bed and stride over to the bathroom. Yet, when the bathroom door came sliding open again, releasing an extremely determined-looking Captain Jiong back into the room, Xi couldn’t help but break into a smug grin.

They kissed, then, Jiong very nearly pinning him to the bed again, and though it wasn’t quite their first kiss, it felt exactly how one should be. Jiong wanted to taste him, wanted to lick his bottom lip and suck on the tip of his tongue, and Jiong’s hands were never still. He was always touching, always caressing every bit of Xi that he could reach.

“Sleep next, or…?”

“I really don’t know how on earth you’re still up for more of this,” Xi murmured. “Haven’t you fucking well wrung me dry already?” But he didn’t stop the good captain from stroking and squeezing him, or from leaning down to lap once more at his cock.

This final time, they ended up in a sloppy, messy sixty-nine, Xi on the bottom even though he didn’t usually like sweating under someone else’s weight, just because he couldn’t bear to quibble about it and risk ruining the mood. It was still good—perhaps too good, because, after they’d more or less got into position, it didn’t take long at all before Xi was panting and moaning around the cock in his mouth, losing the rhythm they’d built up, his hips jerking up, forcing his cock deeper into Jiong’s mouth.

In response, Jiong sucked even harder, and then bore down, thrusting himself into Xi’s mouth. Xi salivated, overwhelmed in every respect. He moaned, slurping noisily around the thick cock in his mouth, and he only realized he was coming when he felt Jiong’s warm, wet mouth pull off of him, replaced with a slick, merciless hand. He came back to himself moments later, only to flush all over, mortified at the way he was still moaning.

“You’re so hungry,” Jiong said, hoarsely, but he was moving his hips too, taking thorough advantage of Xi’s greedy mouth. “I don’t even know if I’ll come again.”

Xi had no words for him, no way to salvage the situation. He knew, in a hazy, detached way, that he was close to being out of control, that a lower-order function was online, and that he needed to take care. But it had been so long since he was like this, so long since he’d felt comfortable enough to just—demand, to wrap his arms around a man and suck and slurp and swallow until he’d taken what he wanted.

At least the captain didn’t seem to mind his greedy behaviour. Fuck, he was thrusting even harder—was he going to come? Was he going to give Xi one more slick, salty mouthful to savour and swallow down?

If Xi hadn’t already just come, that would have been the moment for it, the moment it would have happened with no warning. He moaned again instead, afire with anticipation, dreadfully excited by both what he knew might be coming, and the stark thought of just how whorish he must look right now, pinned down and writhing, begging wordlessly for another man’s come.

Finally, Jiong’s thick cock began to twitch and spasm in his mouth. His come was even thinner this time, the bitter, salty spurts not nearly enough to fill Xi’s mouth, but Xi still shuddered, swallowing eagerly.

“Enough?” That one, hoarse word, taken on its own, would have made Xi worry that he’d overstepped somehow. But Jiong’s hand was stroking slowly up and down Xi’s stomach, so he felt he could just nod and relax. “Siren mix, I take it?”


“Oh, sorry, fuck.” One careful sideways shift later, Xi’s mouth was free again. “Sorry about that.”

“’S alright,” was all Xi was capable of muttering. He didn’t want to move, even though he knew he’d probably have to, being the only one laid out upside down on the bed. “My great-grandma was like. Um. Half siren?”

“That far back?”

“Mum number one thinks her dad might have had a bit too. He’s from Chrysal, it’s not impossible.”



“That’s… I’ve never been tested. It’s really just not done, in our family.”

“Oh?” Xi couldn’t help but open his eyes, surprised, not by the admission, but by the way Captain Jiong had phrased it. He had a neutral, more or less city-style accent, and though he spoke well, it didn’t scream upper-class the way Xi had been half expecting after looking up all the gossip on his filthy rich family. But the moment Jiong said it that way—that it ‘wasn’t done’—

“I’ve always thought our ancestors were soldiers,” Captain Jiong said, then, and something about his tentative, musing tone made Xi relax. Obviously, his family’s the type to be touchy about genmods, Xi thought, but it looks like that’s them, not him. “Some of the things I’ve seen, or that I remember from when I was growing up, definitely match that theory.”

“Ah.” Hopefully, he wasn’t the type to get a little too excited about that sort of thing; there was only so much Xi could stand to hear about shocking, primal instincts and sudden urges that most definitely had to be one’s heritage as a Berserker Prime Soldier rearing up, and not just your being strung out on the wrong drug mix. “Well, that’s just how it goes, isn’t it?”

“Yeah, exactly.”

“Anything I should watch out for?” Xi asked, hoping that courtesy question would be the end of it. “You know, just in case.”

“Oh, there’s nothing to worry about,” Jiong said, as expected, so Xi nodded in response, his eyes already half closed. “I’m not, like, I don’t transform, and there’s no need for you to, I mean, any aggression on my part’s obviously my problem.”

“Obviously,” Xi murmured, stifling a yawn. “Though I do think it’s a shame, you’d make a nice tiger. Or wait, it’s mostly panthers and wolves this side of the river, isn’t it?”

Jiong didn’t say anything for a long moment, being occupied in transporting the pillows from the head of the bed to the foot of it, an act that Xi couldn’t help feeling stupidly flattered by. “You really don’t mind?”

“Shouldn’t I be asking you that?” Xi snuggled the pillow that had been offered to him. “Should I move? D’you want the blanket?”

“No point, it’s warm enough as it is,” was Jiong’s strangely pleased-sounding response. “Good night, Xi.”

“Hrn. G’night.”

The next morning dawned bright and early and full of telltale aches, with Captain Jiong’s tall form nowhere in sight. Xi, bleary-eyed and tender as anything in a certain spot, hardly knew whether to count it a blessing or not.

On the one hand, his body’s current state meant that Captain Jiong’s presence could strictly only be appreciated from a distance if he had been here. On the other hand, it felt a bit—lonely? Disenchanting? To wake up alone, with only a temporary, anonymous note in the hotel room’s message bin as evidence that anything had happened.

The note, in true jiongjiong style, read: “have to run, 囧囧囧.” There was no other message, not even a polite hotel system reminder about payment, because they’d already split the charge while they were booking the room.

Sighing, Xi watched the note self-destruct, telling himself not to get his hopes up. He’d had a good night, hadn’t he? He’d had such a good night that he’d gone into full on ‘feed me, Master~’ mode, for fuck’s sake. He’d like to be able to say it only happened towards the end, but he couldn’t be a hundred percent sure. At least the captain hadn’t been put off, or had at least been able to handle it well enough that Xi ended up conking out in a well-satisfied haze.

Thank god I’m only a minor strain at best, Xi thought, stretching gingerly. And thank goodness that the dubious benefits of his siren ancestry didn’t stretch to anything more than having a more than usually good, strong singing voice. God knows how long we’d have been stuck here, otherwise.

Great-Gran Winters, while she was still alive, had loved to laugh wickedly about the times she’d ended up, what was the way she’d put it, ‘mirror-locked’ with some handsome man or woman in her youth, but Xi didn’t think that sort of mishap would have gone over at all well in this case. He could skive off work on short notice and get away with a brief scolding; Captain Jiong, on the other hand, would very likely have team management breathing down his neck almost immediately. If he had a particularly restrictive contract, say, one that stipulated a certain amount of hours of mandated practice, poor hypothetically sex-crazed Jiong might even have ended up facing some kind of breach of contract fine or penalty whenever he finally slunk back to work.

That Xi could not imagine Captain Michael Star deigning to sign anything so restrictive was besides the point. The point being that said captain had absconded without bothering to wake Xi up.

“It doesn’t mean anything,” Xi mumbled, pushing his face further into the pillow. “Even if it does, it wasn’t—you knew it wouldn’t be serious. Fucking stop it.”

Sadly, though Xi very much wished to be philosophical and carefree, his brain was not at all co-operative. The train ride home was disagreeable purely because of his worsened mood; otherwise, the general discomfort of going home on a packed commuter train after being fucked all night would all have been water under the bridge.

His mood did not improve until, hours later, while he was lingering over a passable sandwich, his private chat with Jiong lit up.

[MrJiong]: *kowtows* *kowtows*

[XiErXi]: …

[MrJiong]: God Xi! May God Xi forgive!!!

[MrJiong]: the team house caught on fire!!!!

[XiErXi]: oh? And yet you still live? [cold smile]

[MrJiong]: 囧囧囧

[MrJiong]: seriously though, got called away

[MrJiong]: jungler and his sub gave themselves food poisoning

[MrJiong]: let me rephrase, all our fucking subs are down with this stuff, plus main jungler, plus assistant manager

[XiErXi]: yikes

[MrJiong]: luckily they should all mostly be fine by saturday, but. It’s a pain

[XiErXi]: I see, I see *strokes your hair*

[MrJiong]: [blushes]

[XiErXi]: wtaf are you fucking blushing at

[MrJiong]: [blushes] [blushes] [blushes]

[XiErXi]: …

Surely it wasn’t good to feel so annoyed, and yet also poisonously, treacherously flattered.

[MrJiong]: jiongjiong is sorry~ sorry~

[XiErXi]: [head in hands.jpg]

[MrJiong]: it’s just… well…

[XiErXi]: fine!! I get it!!! God!!!!!!!

[MrJiong]: *whispers* jiongjiong wants to be milked…

[MrJiong]: jiongjiong wants to do it in God Xi’s mouth……

[XiErXi]: hurry up and go back to work!! You jiongjiong f**k!

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