《Spirituous, Earth before Condemnation (Volume 1 Complete)》Volume 1, Chapter 14


Cameron decided he'd worry about his potential cancer tomorrow, as today was his day to rejoice in life, embrace it and be with Andrea. Tomorrow he will make decisions, choices and try to make sense out of any of this.

He walked out to see Andrea playing with her niece, thinking so easily that she was just so beautiful.

Connor was making fun of the toddler and Mark seemed to be laughing at what he had said. Cameron smiled, it felt nice, to be here, to spend time with people. He suddenly felt an urge to see his mother and father, his sister and nephew…His family.

He found that the little one seemed to smile at him and his brother a lot.

Getting up the nerve, Cameron asked if he could have a hold of the little one. He watched Lyn and Mark look at each other and smile, then passed her over to him.

Cameron cannot remember the last time that he had held a child, even in his previous memories, he was always working. When he got her standing on her feet, looking at him, he looked back and another memory came to him…It was of his nephew at about the same age.

Cameron put her down in his lap and ‘stole’ her nose, repeating what he had done several years ago. He could feel Andrea's eyes on him, thinking that he would make a great father, and that if she were the mother, that would be great. Cameron looked up at her then, and smiled, "I think she likes me."

Andrea's laughter was making him all funny inside and he decided that it was a good time to give the lovely child back to her mother, whilst saying, "She is beautiful."

But really, Cameron was giddy…Too giddy!

With Andrea’s thoughts, he found himself extremely happy and another part of himself seemed to sigh in relief for some reason…

As Lyn, Mark and their daughter got into their car to leave, Cameron told them that they must meet up again and soon. He wanted to see them again before he had to leave, he wanted to be a part of the family. Family...Something that the spirits weren't...But something that he missed now that he knew that he was missing it.

Whilst a spirit, it’s more like a job but you never know what you are missing because…Well, it just isn’t there. You feel like everything is fine and you feel like it isn’t a job that you are doing but since returning back here to Earth, Cameron now knew. He knew that it was like a lie…

Mark nodded his hand with force, then got him in for a manly hug, and said, "Break her heart, I'll break yours."

He knew Andrea was watching, she thought her brother was a mongrel. Cameron laughed at her and her brother thought that Cameron was laughing at him.


"I mean it, Mate!" His stern look was seen by Connor, who said walking past, "Oh oh, Cameron's in trouble."

Cameron stopped and nodded.

He looked so much the gentleman, but then he looked at his brother and said, "What are you, twelve?"

Cameron watched Connor wave as the car backed out and started down the driveway away from them. He saw him turn, fidgeting with his hands, and he looked up to say, "Yeah I'm ganna get goin hey, got things to do and work tomorrow, so I hope to see you soon ok. I’ll leave you two alone for a while."

Andrea walked forward, towards Connor, and said, "You don't have to leave Connor, stay. I can go, if anyone should leave, it should be me…" Cameron knew she thought that, that she didn't think she had a right to make Connor leave. But her thoughts did state that she did have hope to be with Cameron soon, that maybe Connor will reject her offer of him being with his brother…

Connor shook his head, putting his hands up, "No no, I'm fine, really, I had a great time today. Just goin to calm down and besides, I really do have work tomorrow." Connor looked at Cameron and smiled. He was doing this on purpose…

Connor ducked inside and got his keys, surprisingly, he kissed Andrea on the cheek and punched Cameron on the shoulder, and even ran to his car.

Cameron wondered if there was actually somewhere that he had indeed planned to go.

It was only normal that he couldn’t read his mind, since he grew up with him as human, but since being a spirit and having that extra type of talent, he wished that he could read his brother’s mind at the moment.

"Bye." Was all Andrea said, her thoughts were quite different though.

Cameron turned to her, picking up her hands, and said, "So you think this, my holding your hands, my being here at your house alone with you, is wrong?"

Andrea raised her eyebrows, "Now you are using your talent against me Mr. It does make me feel bad though. I just feel I have no right to take you from your brother, when he's known you your whole life."

"…Maybe it would be more so your turn then, since I have spent so much time with him previously." Cameron wanted to add something else, lightly. "I don't know how long I'll be here. I want to make the best of it."

Cameron put up Andrea's hands to his mouth and kissed them, then he said. "I want to say something, and I've been waiting to say it to you." He looked up at her.

She already knew what he was going to say, as her thoughts told him that she loved him too.


Cameron pulled her in for a hug, and leaned in close to her ear, "And I love you."

Cameron held her, as she held him. Considering all the times that they had wanted to touch the other, this hug extended for more than just a few seconds, but time was not something that they were worried about at the moment.

For some reason they felt right, even though they really still didn’t know much about the other.

Granted, both of them were attracted to the other’s looks but, it was more than that.

Was it the words that the other had said? Was it that they looked straight at the other, completely submerged into them as they had spoken before?

Andrea was thinking of her sister, Connor, Cameron and herself. How they were supposed to meet, that they should have somehow met in the real world at some time. That…There was something strangely supernatural going on and that, at this present time with Cameron in her arms…It wasn’t as scary as she should think it is.

Without this supernatural strangeness going on, she wouldn’t have met Cameron and that thought was saddening. So…She could only accept that something weird was going on and go along with the flow…As long as she had Cameron by her side.

Cameron started to move his hands to her hair and her thoughts changed again as pictures filled his head. Pictures of the last kiss, of their first hug and of right now.

Cameron moved his head down as she moved hers up to his, kissing her again was like the first time and like the second time.

Cameron then took the kiss deeper, to see what more pictures she could come up with. Again, it became too much for him and so he picked her up and took her inside. As he closed the door and locked it, he knew that with the time he had, right now, he felt like everything was perfect.

He hadn't married when he was human. He had gotten close twice, but both times, they had left saying the same thing, that he had put his work before them.

He hadn't worried too much back then for some reason. Not having any kind of urge to change or chase after them...

Now, though, feeling like there was no tomorrow, he couldn't see himself anywhere else. Was this what happened when you have died once before? That...Everything mattered so much more!?

To some degree, he was thankful to the spiritual world. Being there, he was able to get to know Andrea, speak openly without having more important matters.

Over time, he grew fond of her and their meetings.

Who she was, now that he remembered, was someone he'd generally would have helped when he was human. He would try and get to know what made her smile or what wouldn't make her feel bad...

Sitting down on her bed, he placed her comfortably on his lap.

What makes her smile?

Truly, he felt very powerful, as one thing that makes her smile...Was him.

He cuddled into her, both staying silent as they were both happy.

Possessing her mouth, he felt the need to continue. Would it be asking too much if he could have more of her? It wasn't like they had just met...

There was also another strange need to be with her that seemed to come out of nowhere. It was a dormant side of Cameron that has been sleeping and…Was slowly awakening...

Her hazy thoughts flooded inside of him as he continued to lose himself to her.

He didn't have much time, he thought as he started to undress her.

With the time he had left, he was going to take advantage of it. He could feel that what they had, was just beginning, something that will grow into a much deeper love...And it wasn’t just an idea or a feeling either, he knew…He knew it, like he could tell the future…Yet, how did that make sense when he already had cancer again?

As much as he knew something, realistically he was already dying once again as a human!

It was very confusing!

How he wished he could grow old with her! How he wished he could have each holiday with her, to have trips with her and…A family.

The urge to do all these things was incredible!

Again, it was like a dormant part of himself really was waking up!

Feeling something overtake him sometimes, Cameron found things speeding up when he came too and could only lose himself to what they were doing.

Andrea was not at all fighting the intimacy, if anything, she seems to be initiating some of it herself.

The strange things was…He really thought this time was completely different…As in different to being humanly possible…

Something spiritual was going on…But what?

Nonetheless, he had forgotten, but he was sure that this time was the best experience he's ever had.

On purpose, he made sure he would remember every bit he could. Her voice, her feel, her thoughts and didn't stop until they both collapsed.

He honestly started to hate death, but what could he do?

…Should he tell her? Tell her that even if Amillia lets him stay, he’d still have to leave soon anyway?

Unconsciously, he hugged her tighter in his sleep, as he dreamt of having cancer two years ago...


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