《The Hunt for Veritas - Book 2 of the Rosethorn Chronicles》Chapter 22 – Library Search
Tunio and Irrawella stepped out into the market; she was dressed in a light white dress. She locked up the shop and took Tunio’s arm and they walked through the market. As they passed stores offering jewels and trinkets, one man jumped in front of them and opened his coat. The inside was filled with golden necklaces and colourful brooches. They laughed him off and rounded the corner. The merchants here offered garments and bolts of brightly coloured cloth and shimmering silk. Around another corner was an open plaza that was opposite the Whole Hog. They walked past the tavern and followed a road that led them out of the market district. The resident gnomes flittered about dashing from one tower to another in small groups. Tunio picked up the pace, dragging Irrawella along with him. The paved road led them to a tranquil garden. Tunio slowed his pace and Irrawella chuckled. They followed the large wall on their right through the gardens and ended at a large intersection. The four roads coming into the intersection led to the walled-off district, the government district and the palace district, and back the way they had come.
Two large men stood at the crossroads wearing leather jerkins with longswords hanging from their belts.
“Halt,” one of the men called.
“What is the meaning of this?” Tunio asked.
“You must pay the toll,” he replied.
“There is no toll on this road.” Tunio glanced at the gate to the walled district. The normal guards were not present.
“There is a toll now,” insisted the bearded man.
Tunio raised his hand and drew his sword.
Irrawella gasped and stepped well back.
“I think he wants to fight,” sneered the bald man.
The bearded man drew his own weapon. “Let me handle this.” His eyes gleamed. “That sword looks pretty. I wonder if you can use it.”
“You’re about to find out.” Tunio set the sword in front of him and braced his feet wide, taking a Stone defence stance.
The man rushed forward and attacked, classic Wind attack: fast and brutal. Tunio blocked the first strike and pushed back against the momentum of his attacker, switching into Fire stance, sword held high with both hands, for an attack. The bearded man slid back and flicked his blade down in front of him.
“This one is strong,” he muttered.
The bald man laughed. Tunio extended his sword and pointed it at the first man, with one hand. “You don’t want to do this.”
“Sure, I do,” he replied. He rushed forward and attacked again, bringing his blade in a downward stroke at Tunio.
Tunio reflexively sidestepped and dodged, switching into Wind stance with ease.
The bearded man stumbled forward; he pinned the sword pint into the ground to prevent himself from falling into the dirt.
Tunio swatted the man on the backside.
The bald man laughed. “I think he has you beat.”
The bearded man growled. “I will not let an upstart beat me.”
“I don’t think you have a choice,” the bald man laughed. “He has already beaten you. A lesser man would have cut you when you had your back turned.”
The sound of beating wings rushed towards them.
The bearded man stood and turned to face Tunio. “You may leave in peace. I want no trouble with the city guard.”
“My friend also,” Tunio demanded.
“Your friend also.”
Irrawella ran past the both men and rushed to Tunio’s side. Tunio returned the sword to its scabbard and turned down the road into the government district. The men dashed off into the gardens as the city guard arrived and charged after the fleeing bandits.
‘That was close,” Tunio said. “Another run-in with the city guard would not be a good idea.”
Irrawella laughed and linked arms with Tunio. They walked down the street, came to the library, and ascended the stairs. A large wooden-topped marble bench sat across the entrance. A gnome with grey hair and wrinkles around her eyes smiled at Aquillia and Tunio as they walked in.
Tunio smiled back and she looked back down at the book resting behind the counter.
“How do we find the history section?”
“When I came here last, the librarian told me that the books are sorted into areas based on their contents.” She kept walking down the centre aisle.
Tunio hurried after her. “You are well educated for a slave.”
She smiled at him. “People would not buy dresses from someone not educated.”
“That makes sense.”
“On each bookshelf is a plaque detailing what is in each section,” she said, pointing to the first bookshelf. The plaque read ‘Arts, Astronomy, Atlases’.
“We need to find one that has history and truth.” Tunio moved to the next plaque, it read “Accounting, Battlefield Theory, Cooking”.
“I doubt there would be a section called truth.”
“I didn’t think there would be a section called cooking either.”
Tunio walked past the bookshelf that read “combat, dance, and diets”.
Irrawella linked arms with him and pointed to the next section. It was “deity worship, Empire building, and Ecclesia”. The section after that was “farming, forestry, and history”.
Tunio walked between the bookshelves. He came to the far wall and turned back to look again. At the end of one set of bookshelves was history, on the opposite was a section on Ecclesia.
“Would Ecclesia count as truth?” Tunio asked Irrawella.
“I would think so. It is the study of the gods.”
“This would be the place then where truth and history meet.”
“Look around and try to find a clue. Was there anything else on the plaques at the school and the courtroom? A symbol or something that would help?”
“I didn’t check the school, but the courthouse had a symbol underneath; it was a man holding a sword inside of a circle.”
“Then maybe there will be a similar symbol underneath a book or on a book to give us more clues.”
Tunio sighed. He turned and looked at the wall; on it was a large mural of a king bending before a priest with a sword pressed against his neck.
“Irrawella, this mural, what is it about?”
Irrawella looked up from searching the books. “It represents the passing on of authority from one king to the next.”
“That would be a pretty historic moment?”
“What are you thinking?”
“I have a gut feeling about this, but I don’t think there will be another book that leads us to the next clue.”
“What gives you that idea?”
“Well, the first clue was in a book, but after that the next couple of clues were in set locations, almost if they were left for someone to follow. If we went to another book why not start there in the first place.”
“Makes sense.”
Tunio stepped up to the wall a little closer. “Look here. The symbol on the hilt of the sword is the same as the one in the courthouse.”
Irrawella ran her fingers over the symbol. “It is not smooth. It feels like it’s a depression of sorts. Like something is meant to be placed into it.”
Tunio drew his sword and looked it over closely.
“I don’t think your sword is going to be helpful.”
“This blade is, I think, linked to the belt.”
“What makes you say that?”
“Look here.” He showed the to blade her. She looked and saw the words inscribed on the blade.
“They are the first verse of the poem the king used.”
“My father found this sword and when he received it, it was named Corvitus, in the old tongue.”
“Corvitus is the name of the sword of the gods that is meant to make the masses kneel.”
“A sword like that would be one that would easily make a king.”
“That is true. It is too big for a gnome to use.”
“I think that the belt is what really made people kneel, and the sword was used as the symbol to keep the belt free from suspicion.”
“Look at the pommel of the handle.”
Tunio turned the blade to point down and investigated the pommel. On the very end of the blade was a raised symbol of a man kneeling with the sword over his shoulder.
“The sword might fit that impression.”
Tunio raised the sword, rested the blade on his shoulder, and moved the pommel to the impression. It slid into place. Irrawella squealed with delight, Tunio hushed her.
A loud click was followed by a dull grinding. A section of the mural backed into the wall and then slid away. A small passage receded into the wall.
“That is not something they tell you about when they tell you about the history of the library,” Irrawella quipped.
Tunio replaced the blade into its scabbard and crept into the doorway. Light from the library lit the room beyond. Inside was a circle with three chairs facing the far wall. On the far wall was a short narrow slit that ran horizontal about midway up the wall. Tunio stepped inside and Irrawella followed. As she entered, the grinding returned and the door behind them closed, enveloping them in darkness.
“Crap,” she muttered.
Tunio drew his sword again and it emitted a gentle glow, lighting the room.
“That’s handy,” Irrawella said.
“That is impressive,” he said. His eyebrows raised in surprise.
Tunio lifted the blade and slotted it into the wall slit. He pushed the blade all the way in. The light disappeared. A grinding noise came from the other direction and the wall began to rotate.
Irrawella quickly jumped up to Tunio and wrapped her arms around him.
The whole wall section swung around and deposited them into another room which was illuminated from a skylight. In the middle of the room were two boxes sitting on a stone pillar.
Tunio pulled the sword free from the wall and sheathed it. Irrawella let go of Tunio and he walked towards the boxes. He opened the one on the left. It was empty. He opened the second. It was empty except for a stone tablet resting in it. Tunio reached in and lifted it. In the stone tablet were inscribed the words:
I found this box. If you want the contents, I will leave it inside Mount Wealth.
Underneath was a small symbol, a small stack of three coins.
Tunio showed the tablet to Irrawella, who took it and read the instructions.
“Another clue?” Irrawella asked.
“When will we find the end to all this? There is always another clue.”
“I think we are really close.”
“I thought we were close when we discovered this secret room. Which I don’t think we will be able to get out of quickly.”
“Can we go back the way we came?”
“We might be able to reverse the last door, but I think the door into the library is one way.”
“We could climb the wall.” Irrawella pointed at the steps that ascended along the wall.
Tunio found the bottom of the stairs and started to climb them. Irrawella followed behind him. The steps were narrow, only wide enough for one person to climb at a time. They rounded the room as they ascended and coiled up to the skylight. At the top the couple came out to the roof of the library. The clambered down the side of the building quickly and were deposited into an alleyway next to the library.
“So close,” Tunio muttered. “Just when the end is in sight victory is pulled out from under me.”
Irrawella remained silent and just placed a comforting hand on his shoulder.
“I am sorry to get you into this mess and for it to end up with an empty box.”
“It’s alright I had fun,” Irrawella said.
Tunio and Irrawella walked back to the large intersection. The two men who had been extorting people were gone and the guards at the gate to the walled district had returned. They continued back along the wall and walked past the large gardens. They hurried through the area with the large crystal building and once again slowed when they had made it through to the market district.
“I have to return. Come get me tomorrow and we will ascend Mount Wealth together. I know a good starting point.” Irrawella kissed Tunio goodbye on the cheek and dashed off.
Metilia and Gazali handed their keys to the clerk at the counter and with their bags over their shoulder walked out of the Whole Hog. They found Tunio watching a woman in a white dress run down the street and around a corner.
“Tunio, are you coming with us?” Metilia asked.
Tunio turned and looked up at the newlywed pair. He shook his head. “I think I need to stay here for a bit longer.”
“Have you seen Mother?” she asked.
“Last I saw her was in the morning, before she dashed off in search of Paulus.”
“I guess she won’t be returning either,” Gazali concluded.
“Are you both sure you want to continue on the ship?”
“It’s my job,” said Gazali. “I don’t really have a choice in the matter.”
“Wasn’t it Aquillia’s job too?”
“It was,” answered Metilia.
“Will your mother even let the two of you stay on board?”
“What do you mean?” asked Gazali.
“I understand why she had Metilia on board, when she was Aquillia’s daughter, but if she is your wife, it might be a different story.”
Gazali and Metilia looked at each other.
“I will have to check with Mother.” Gazali and Metilia descended the steps and started north to the docks.
Tunio followed them.
“Have you even told her about the wedding?”
“I am going to be in so much trouble,” moaned Gazali.
“Let me get this straight: the two of you get married while on shore leave, and you didn’t even bother to tell either of your parents? Metilia, you were lucky to even have your mother there at all.”
“It was pretty lucky you walked past that time.” She smiled at Tunio.
“Gazali’s mother was not so lucky,” Tunio pointed out. “How would you feel if your son got married without telling you?”
“Your mother is going to kill me.” Metilia stopped walking.
“My mother loves you.” Gazali turned walked over to Metilia. “It’s not like you are some stranger.”
“Still it’s different now.”
“Mother will be fine. Come on.”
Metilia resumed walking, half-walking, half being dragged by Gazali.
Tunio continued after them.
“Thanks for scaring my wife,” Gazali threw Tunio an angry look.
Tunio spread his hands wide. “I am surprised the two of you didn’t at least talk about this before getting married.”
“We had other things to worry about.”
“Like trying to work out if you were in fact half-brother and sister?”
Metilia stopped again.
“We already discussed that.” Gazali tugged on Metilia’s arm again. “We were in love before that piece of information presented itself.”
“What will your mother say?” Metilia asked.
“We will find out soon enough,” Gazali said, tugging on her arm again.
Tunio smiled.
“You’re enjoying this?” Gazali demanded.
Tunio shrugged. “A little.”
Metilia hit Tunio on the shoulder.
Tunio laughed.
“Come, husband.” Metilia strode ahead, a look of resolve on her face.
“What happened?” Gazali asked.
“I think your wife is now resolved to sort out your mother.”
Gazali and Tunio dashed after Metilia.
She strode quickly through the warehouses and came to a stop at the pier where the Fleur de Lis was docked. Gazali and Tunio came to a stop behind her. Metilia grabbed Gazali’s hand and pulled him to the gangplank. Tunio followed and when they came to the top of the gangplank, Hiwot stood on the main deck watching the return of the crew.
“Permission to come aboard?” Metilia asked.
“Permission granted,” Hiwot replied.
“Mother, can we speak to you?”
Hiwot turned and looked at them. Her eyes went down to their hands, still clasped. “Follow me.” She led them up to the quarter deck and through the ornate doors.
She turned the handle and pushed open the doors, Metilia and Gazali following, Tunio in tow.
They came to her quarters, and she turned toward the newlyweds.
“What happened?” she asked.
Tunio leant against the wall.
“While on shore leave we realised that we loved each other,” Gazali began.
“We got married,” Metilia finished.
“Who performed the ceremony?”
“A priest on the island.”
“Great, it’s legal.” Hiwot raised her hand to her face.
“Why didn’t you talk to me first?”
“We didn’t want you to dissuade us,” Metilia answered.
“I would at least have asked for a proper engagement. Not to mention the suspicion Aquillia has that you are in fact half-brother and sister.”
“Is it just a suspicion?”
“She is convinced that Akuchi was the father to Metilia and is also convinced that he was Gazali’s father.”
“Is he?” Metilia asked.
“I am not certain,” Hiwot answered. “It is a possibility and given that we were both active with him around the same time it is possible.”
“You sound like you have doubts,” Tunio interjected.
“I am not certain what Aquillia has told you, but we were not exclusive with Akuchi at the time.” Hiwot sat in the chair behind the desk.
“Are you saying that our fatherhood is not certain?” Tunio asked.
“Your fatherhood is certain. When he married your mother, he stopped sleeping around with us.”
Metilia and Gazali sat on the couch on the other side of the room.
“What should we do?” Metilia asked.
“We go forward,” Gazali answered
“Don’t make the same mistake your mother and I made,” Hiwot said to Metilia.
“I am not certain how many partners you both have had before now, but to prevent your children from going through the same thing you should remain faithful to one another. Akuchi might have been swept along by us before he got married, but once he gave his word to one woman, he kept it.”
“That is something good I can learn from this whole situation.” Tunio smiled at Metilia and Gazali.
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