《Skeptic Loyalties》2. Five Years


“The three advisor to the emperor each handle different responsibilities and hold different titles. The advisor that handles the tactics of battle and defence of the kingdom is known commonly as the militaris, The advisor that handles the relations with other kingdom and furthermore nationwide economy holds the title of the affinitas. The last advisor is the right-hand man to the Emperor and is equal in power. The advisor and Emperor must both agree together in order to make any major decisions.”

- Genum Verum

The 31st Emperor of Verum

~Lafel mansion~


It has been one year since Luno was born, though unlike children his age he and he is already speaking. Vanessa and I were surprised when our 5-month-old said mum but nobody teaches you to be a parent so we thought of this as normal and he is able to hold a proper conversation with most adults. Right now I'm working in the office organizing our merchant’s trade routes through the Guild. Looking over to Luno who is reading a book in the corner, I thought my child would be more attached to me “*sigh*”.





Is he reading!? I look back and he is staring at the book with extreme concentration. Is that normal? I'm curious is he actually reading? Slowly creeping on Luno trying not to break his concentration, I try to adjust my head to see what he is reading. Now I'm standing above him he still hasn’t noticed me.

“Luno what are you doing?”

Luno jumps a little surprised at my question, I guess he was really concentrating or really was daydreaming.

“What is it, dad? I'm reading.”

“Who taught you to read?”

“Did you forget dad you and mom taught me.”

Luno gives me a confused look as if I asked him a simple question that I should know the answer to. Vanessa and I haven’t taught Luno how to read yet, the only thing close to reading we did with him is read him stories to go to bed.


“Luno did you perhaps, learn to read the stories we read to you?”


He tilts his head and continuing to give me a confused look.

“Okay then continue, I'm going back to work now.”

~Lafel mansion~


Looking back to my book I try to process what just happened. I don’t really understand. Am I different from other kids? Well, I can’t really compare since I haven’t met any other kids. Judging from my dad’s reactions from when I first spoke and now, I'm guessing that I'm not normal. Well, I can’t really help it, I just understand things really quick. Now concentrating back on my book I continue where I left off.

The empire of Verum was founded by Ludicium Verum the first emperor. The Empire started out as a fair sized kingdom, controlling the northern half of the central continent. While the kingdom to the south, Ryukoku controlled the other half of the central continent. During this time both kingdoms had conflicting ideologies causing tension between the two kingdoms. The constant tension eventually erupted into a war that lasted 200 years during that time technologies were lost and rediscovered. Nearing the end of the war the Kingdom of Ryukoku capital had been annexed forcing them to surrender. Now the citizens of the former kingdom.are treated as second class.

“Master it's time for dinner.”

“Thank you Emi, tell my wife I will be right there?”

“Yes, Master.”

Emi our maid gives a small bow and leaves the room.

“Come on Luno it’s time to eat.”

I closed my book and my dad and I walk towards the dining room.

~Lafel mansion~


“Happy birthday Luno!”

We had jumped out from behind the dining room table and surprised Luno. Which was not easy, unlike other kids he basically had no flaws besides from his aura of superiority that he gave off. Every single person in the mansion had to carefully get everything ready for the surprise party. At one point Luno had thought that there were thieves sneaking into the house and booby trapped his whole room.


“Oh, so that's why!”

Soon a big smile appears on his face. I can’t believe it's been five years, I still remember the day he was born it feels like it was yesterday. Is this what feeling old feels like? I watch as Luno talks to his grandfather Garrett and starts laughing at his grandfather’s crazy behaviours. I feel a big smile form on my face.

~Lafel mansion~


Oh, how the young have grown. I feel proud to be his grandfather, Though even I didn’t expect him to be a genius. I am confident in my family lineage but who knew that someone like this would be born into our family. I tell Luno a joke from school days and he laughs hysterically.

“And and just as he steps back, he steps onto a sheet of ice slipping. He grabs onto his crush’s pants and pulls it down. ”

After he finishes laughing he wipes a tear from his face with the biggest smile on the face.

“Hey, Grandpa what happened after?”

“Well, of course, his crush and her friends had knocked the living daylights out of him, but you know they are married now.”

“Who is this guy I have to know?”

I look around to make sure nobody else is listening. I put my finger to lip.

“You can’t tell anyone, promise?”

“I won’t, just tell me already!”

“He is actually one three advisors to the emperor, Axel.”

“No way!?”

“He would kill me if he knew I told you.”

“Don’t worry I won’t tell anyone. Grandpa, you sure have crazy school stories. ”

“Speaking of school, I haven’t given you your present yet, have I?”

I pull out a letter from my breast pocket. I have to thank Genum again for this. Placing the letter in his hands.

“What is this grandpa?”

“Just open it and read.”

He gestures a servant to come over, and ask them to get him a letter opener. When they return he immediately opens the letter and begins to read.

~Lafel mansion~



Luno Lafel I cordially invite you to join us next month at the Royal Academy. I have heard many great things from your grandfather, from you excellent intellect, to your etiquette that rivals most nobles of our empire. It is an honour to have such an intelligent and bright student among the campus.

If you wish to join us then please send a letter of acceptance to the admissions board. You must send a letter and have it arrive a month before the start of the school year.


Havel Shield

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