《Plants VS Zombies Post Apocalyptic Fanfic》Chapter 3 Gearing up


After eating, leaving Hank to his food and returned the plate to the cooks. Steven headed back up the escalators to the third floor to get his stuff. On his way up he passed the older washer ladies, who were still washing. They did this every day, all day. They would be given a pile of clothing in the morning and by sunset, all of it would be clean. The old fashion way of course. We didn't have the power to use the laundry machine on the daily basis. Steven thought they did it for free because it gave them the perfect excuse to sit around and talk all day. He glanced around but didn't find Dan or Bobby here.

They were probably down below, checking on the defenders after the attack. I wonder what happened. Since it went by so fast it must have been a small horde. Steve thought as he climbed the next escalator. I'll have to ask the defenders if is still safe to go scavenging today. Wouldn't want an unknown horde jumping us out there.

Steven reached the top and spotted Dan talking with Bobby. They were arguing about something. Since it wasn't his problem Steven walked around him.

“You know I have half a mind to call a vote to kick you from the defenders,” Dan said, as they glanced over at Steve as he passed. It was not a good glanced, more of a glare. They did not want him getting involved.

Typical defenders. Gets mad at the drop of a hat. Steven thought as he entered the clothing store. Dozens of tents were covering the floor and this was only one area of the mall. The building was practically a squatter city. In between the tents, men were setting up chairs and over indoor activities.


Steven spotted old man Wilson setting up his famous poker circle with plenty of snacks to gamble on. There were no women in this area, only single men. Everyone had voted to split the mall into single men, women, and family couples with children. Anyone found in a different area after dark would lose their right to eat for a day. The rule kept the nights peaceful, at least a little bit. There were still some who had turned it into kind of a game. Old Wilson made bets on that game too.

Steven approached his green and red tent. He unzipped it, reached inside, and grabbed his survival backpack. It was a normal hiking backpack, but with a gray cloth over it. For better city camouflage.

“Hey, where're my nails?” Steven muttered to himself. “Did I run out already? Crap. I'm going to have to check with the quartermaster before I leave. Can't fight zombies without nails.”

A few minutes after steven met with the quartermaster and a minute after the orange flash. Steven stood waiting at the outer doors of the mall with his backpack resupplied on nails and his shotgun at his side. Many Daytime inner and outer defenders stood and patrolled the lobby. Small metal barricades lined the floor facing the doors, and everyone was armed. Shotguns, handguns, and hunting rifles were listed among the men and women here. Bobby sit by the wall cleaning a handgun and Dan stood by the doors with a loaded shotgun.

“Hey Steve, sorry we're late.” a male voice said, as Steven spun around. It was Frank and Sam. His teammates. They were wearing their packs and had two hunting rifles over their shoulders. They were set to go. Frank had fussy black hair and was a year younger than Steven. Frank glanced at Steven's face. “Hey, you should get those glasses fixed. We don't want you going all Velma Dinkley on us out there. My glasses my glasses. oh, I can't see.. ow!”


“Knocked it off Frank,” Sam said, as she pulled her fist back from Frank's back. Sam was a redhead with a short temper. She was a year older than Steven, but her solo attitude kept her single. Plus she use to box. “It's not funny if that did happen. We're ready to go Steven. Why are we not outside yet?”

“Someone asked to join our team. I'm giving him a text run. He should be here by now?” Steven said as he glanced around. He spotted Hank running up with a large backpack while carrying a VR Rifle. “Oh, he here comes now.”

“Who? ” Frank asked as Hank approached. ”That old man?”

"Quiet." steven said, as Hank approached.

“So this your team, huh?” Hank asked as he slowed to a stop. He glanced at Frank. “ And yes I heard that. Steven, I didn't know you had a smart ass on your team.”

"Why you old.." Frank started.

“Will that be a problem, Hank?” Steve asked as he placed a hand on Frank's chest to stop him from replying to Hank's comment. “We can call you Hank, right. Mr thinker is a little long.”

“Mr. Thinker!” Frank burst into laughter. “Man, that's not your name, is it? Please tell me that's a joke. Like, come on.”

“Yes, it is youngster. Anyway,” Hank said, starching his beard. Seemly unaffected by Frank's outburst. He turned to Sam “Who might you be miss?”

“You can call me Sam Potter,” Sam stated as she looked the old man over. “You're a loner. I can tell by the pack. Used to be one myself. Does that, get any easier when you're older.”

“Oh, you mean that, well no, it never does.” Hank replayed. A silent moment of understanding passed between Sam and Hank. A moment that Steven barely realized was there.

“Alright Hank remembers about the weapon inspection I told you?” he said, as he held out his gloved hands, “let's see it.”

“Oh, I almost forgot. Be gentle with her.” hank said, as he unstrapped his AR and passed it over to Steven. “Her name is Sarah. She has been good to me.”

Steven attached his shotgun to his pack and grabbed the outstretched gun. He quickly checked for grim in the slide, barrel, and trigger. He pulled out the mag and looked inside. A line of shiny bullets stared back at him. He put the mag back in and passed the gun back to Hank. Who took it back like a fussy child. Sarah seemed to be in good working condition. Steven had checked the other's hunting rifles yesterday. To check them again today felt like a waste of time to him. So Steven pulled his shotgun back up and gestured to the doors.

“Hank, since your new, I'll explain what we normally do first.” Steve started, as they started walking towards the doors. “Before leaving the safety of the walls, we check with watchmen and..." Sam and Frank stopped. Steven looked away from Hank. "Hey, Dan what is the meaning of this?”

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