《Path To Redemption》Prologue - Five Years After


Thyrian Calendar - Year 671

A grey-haired man, clad in rugged equipment, damaged beyond recognition from all the damage and wear is slowly walking within the dreary corridors of the Fortress of Golmur, the lair of the Great Fiend, Barbados. He carries with him a giant sword, about 2 meters in length, and around him are the dismembered bodies of both the voiders and monsters he had just slain. One could say that the sight is enough to mistake the man as a bloodthirsty demon, but no- he isn't one. At least, he never wanted to.

"I'm only going to ask once. Where is Barbados?" the grey haired man asked the voider before him.

"You are late, human. My master is already gone." the voider said as he smiled."We alone are enough to destroy a puny human like you." the voider grumbled in a distinct, guttural voice. The voider then snaps his fingers, indicating the start of an ambush. In mere moments, the extravagantly large corridor was filled with hundreds of voiders. They all had grey skin and long, sharp horns. But other than that, the voiders might have even passed for a human, appearance-wise.

"Huh, saves me the time, I guess." the grey haired man muttered. Then all of a sudden,he pointed towards the voiders and chanted.


Symbols of power gathered at his fingertips.

A burst of light came forth. A golden colored light found its way through the necks of the voiders, one-by-one, until finally, the finger stopped. The voiders' heads rolled down the floor in unison. They were no more.

{Experience gained - 56% left until Level ???}

"W-w-wh-what did you just do?!" The voider from before asked. He was the only survivor out of the one-sided massacre that had occured just now. He, on instinct, put his hands up in the middle of the spell, thus the damage on him only resulted to a broken armguard and a partially severed arm.


"Well, you guys just huddled up together, I just don't know why you thought that was a good idea." the grey-haired man remarked. "Especially against me." he added, a smirk on his lips.

The voider flinched, "So, the rumors were true. You - you're Sion! Sion Claude, The Grey Slayer of Strega Kingdom!"

Sion nods in confirmation, then said - "Not that it matters that much to you." as he lifted his sword, making his way towards the voider.

"W-w-wait! I can tell you where he went! Plea-"


{Experience gained - 56% left until Level ???}

Blood spurted, the voider's body was cleaved into two.

"I already told you I'm only going to ask once." Sion said as he swung his sword, flinging away the blood and entrails that covered the sword.

He then turned and walked away from the now blood-drenched corridor, leaving the aftermath of the battle behind him.

However, as he prepared to leave the fortress, something caught his eye. It was a pure white butterfly, fluttering about just above him. The stark contrast of it and the eerie surroundings made him think back - to when he was in the small village with his old friends, his family, and even his childhood love, living a life with no worries. One might say it was boring, yes, but he was happy.

However, not once did he imagine back then that his life would come crashing down, punishing him for wanting such an unremarkable dream. It could be said that fate had different plans for him, or maybe even it was Sion who forced himself to take this fate after all those years? He didn't care- nor did he have the time to.

Now his journey continues, onwards to the redemption he seeks.

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