《GODFALL》4 Don't take my sunshine away


Babies cry, my stomach grumbles as I pull the children along using a half of the broken tree trunk in a world of ever fading light. Darkness forever spreading behind us, as long as demons remain here. Blink- It's only been a few hours. Over the cries, I shush them the best I can. I raise my head and lower the trunk as they wail and cry. They just won't stop! They must be quiet! I knock on my head, How did it go?

I start singing softly, the only thing I remember about my mother, "You are my sunshine, my only sunshine" They quiet down as the bright sun fades back into twilight- "You make my happy, when skies are-" They're catching up. "Gray- You'll never know deaar, how much I love-" I lift the trunk and slowly drag it along, looking back at smiles, a child dangerously close to falling off- "Tesyn." She crawls away from the edge with a wide smile, laughter. Where was I? "You'll never know deaar, how much I love you. Please don't take my-" The darkness whooshes past, pitch black envelops us, dim blue lights behind me, dim angelic glow, the children sleep as I whisper, heart pumping loud, voice trembling, "Sunshine away."

Faint, distant screams, demons scream in shrill tones to each other. The twilight tries to escape me, yet I keep going, slow and steady. My blue glow fades away as blood wets my tight robe. Do not stop. My fingers lose their grip for a moment. The demons' screams draw nearer, mother's lullaby plays in my head, as my heart booms. A voice invades my head, I know you're running. Let's see if you can survive your guilt.

I hum the lullaby and the beating of my heart, the chittering in the dark, it all fades from my ears. Tears glide down my face as I tremble forward. Demons jump out at me, out of nowhere, my hand goes to my heart as they fade away, my hand flies back to the trunk. A baby screams awake, but I keep going, despite my body growing weaker by the second. I finally see the twilight. The baby's cries get drowned out by my humming. I hyperventilate as the voice speaks again, They're behind you


A dim blue light reaches out, No running. "Help me!" I blink and millions of hands reach out. I incoherently scream and breathe heavily. Die. I open my eyes and they're gone. I blink and they reach out again, the poor souls scream for my help. A hammer swings down, their screams stop as I open my eyes. I blubber as I step into twilight. They're behind me. They're coming. There's no running. If I stop, They die. I-I die. Give into your fears. I blink and everything goes blank.

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