《Shadows and Bones》Welcome to the Academy
Ava Senshi was the daughter of two extraordinaire warriors, Aimi and Katashi Senshi, who before Ava had also attended Custodibus, Academy of Spellblades, learning the way of several hand to hand martial arts, sword combat and 'the way of a warrior' as well as magic for those that possess the powers. Pushing the students to the very limit, the academy had created the most dangerous people on the earth. They were soldiers, for battles and wars against everything known and unknown. It all started back in the fifteen hundreds, when Sir Nicholas Hemway teamed up with Kasumi Senshi, one of the fiercest warriors, or better yet, samurais to have walked the earth. Together they paved the way for the Academy of Combat, wanting to create an army that would insure peace in the world after decades of war, it wasn't until after the defeat of the Risen and Arthur Grim that they started seeing progress. Ending the Battle of the Risen. The Risen were undead people, that were lead by Arthur Grim, former king of Briwor. The Risen were said to be palest of whites, like their eyes. With enhanced strength and speed. They had overrun most of Briwor, only some small towns and forestry area were left untouched, which is where the Academy was built. Outside of then small town Windor. Nowadays, Windor had grown, mainly due to the Academy, and was the main support system for the Academy.
Now, almost exactly 300 years later, the Academy stood proud, still continuing their training, making sure that if a threat like the Risen would rise again, they'd be prepared. And end it before it even started. Ava's parents had played a part in ending the civil war that took place almost 30 years ago, they both had just graduated at the top of their class, ready to take on the responsibility of being peace keepers. A civil war broke out, lasting barely a year, but did enough damage to leave a corrupt leader. One that had wormed himself to the top and taken the seat. Now, his daughter, Tempest "Nyx" Alastair, had taken to the throne about a year ago, on her 20th birthday, many had thought the terror reign of her father, William Alastair, would end with her. Instead, she changed nothing, she continued his tight fisted rule, the only difference was, nobody had ever laid eyes on her. Nor did they know her name. That was when the people had nicknamed her Nyx, a word fitting for a person to have never been seen.
The King, or nowadays Queen had no say other the academy. Therefore they were rarely affected by the leaders of Briwor, only signing their alliance with the Kings or Queens when they deemed them fit. That hadn't occurred for a hundred years. Their duty was not to the King or Queen, or the kingdom of Briwor, rather its people. Though they would never act without evidence, one is simply innocent until proven guilty, and William Alastair had gotten the throne by votes. He wasn't killing people, or hurting land, only enforcing laws that made most of Briwor suffer. But he was king, and he made the laws along with his advisors. The people of Briwor had yelled their disappointment at the academy, not understanding their ways. However, if one were to kill the king, that would be classed as murder, treason. The Academy was not about that.
The Custodibus had several layers of leadership. At the very top, a man named Parker Hemway, a man Ava considered family, her uncle, continued the academy under his ancestors rules. He was rarely seen, always cooped up in his office. The council and Elders were below him, acting as his advisors. The Elders were those who directly spoke to Hemway, advising him on the school. The council worked more with the teachers, gathering their input, relaying it to the Elders and Hemway. The teachers, had most say over the students, being the only adults the kids came into contact with for most of their lives. You had instructors, for every physical activity the students were forced to do. The professors of the many subjects they took, and magic for those who possessed those abilities. The mentors of each team, and of course, Ava's favourite person, the head chef, Levi. Of course, there were several other staff workers who ensured the students had it well. Levi worked wonders in the kitchen and Ava was his biggest fan, and the hungriest or biggest food loving girl he'd ever met, he never knew if she just had an unyielding love for food or was starving 24/7.
That's where she found herself now, hiding away in a far corner of the dining hall. Munching on some cake that was supposedly for the evening. She was reading a book, classed as a history book however Ava saw it as an adventurous story retelling the events of Arthur Grim's rise and fall. Mainly she loved it for it's graphical retelling of Kasumi Senshi's sheer battle skills. She was after all, Ava's idol. Ava wanted to be the next Kasumi Senshi, her parents had become their own people, they were already legends, however, Ava felt more connected to her ancestor, wanting to be that heroine that had probably saved the world. Her parents, she let out a sigh. They had been murdered years ago, when William Alastair still ruled. Ava suspected he was behind their murder, they were trying everything to dethrone him. They got too close and bam, now they were looming shadows, role models of the school. Back then it had hit her hard, she had rebelled, destroyed property and even ran away from the school after they refused to allow her to confront the king. It was stupid after all, of course they'd never let a scarcely trained thirteen year old girl confront a feared king.
Younger her would argue with that statement, why shouldn't they let her confront her suspect? Isn't that what they did, take bad people away? Especially those who murdered? Nevertheless, she had taken a blow to the gut, the rest of that year had been slow and painful, the years after filled with determination to live up to their image and revenge them. No one knew of her plans, why would they, they would obviously stop her. Then, last year the king was pronounced dead and his heir took his place. Ruining Ava's plans and only chance at revenging them.
Plenty of days she'd thought maybe it would be fair to go after the daughter, the queen now, instead. But had quickly shook that thought away every time, that wasn't what she'd been taught, then again, revenge wasn't something the school taught either and yet she'd been plotting her revenge since they died.
With a huff she shoved another cake into her mouth, slamming the book shut. Enough history for now, she had training to do. She'd already skipped one, Blake Revol wouldn't be happy with it, though she was pretty sure it'd take him seconds to actually figure out where she hid. Now however, she had the one class with her favourite teacher, Layla Lynch. The best warrior at the academy. Who also was not her mentor, to Ava's disappointment. Lynch was fair, fun and overall the best teacher Ava had had during her years at the academy. Teaching her most of what she knew.
Ava left the plate of cake crumbs at the sofa, rushing off to hide the book in the dorm room. On her way, she ran into a body, sending them both flying to the stone floor.
"Fuck, shit- fuck- what I mean is sorry!" Ava stumbles over her words, embarrassed she had been to preoccupied to notice the girl wandering in the hallway. She stands up easily, removing herself from the girl under her and holds out a hand. "Here," she flexes her fingers. The girl, who had yet to say a thing grabbed her hand and allowed Ava to pull her up. Her blonde hair flowing behind her.
"Sorry," Ava pauses, watching the girl brush herself off. "Again." She mumbles, staring at the girl, who had the brightest green eyes Ava had laid eyes on.
"It's alright," the girl finally spoke, giving Ava a lopsided smile. The girl was wearing a cloak with a hood, though the hood no longer covered her face. Accompanied by some basic leather gear, similar to Ava's training gear.
"Are you new?" Ava blurted out, realising she didn't recognise the girls face. Granted she barely knew half the other students, let alone their faces, but something just screamed new. Plus the fact that she wasn't wearing the schools clothes.
"Uhm, yes you could say that," the girl chuckled, reaching out her hand for a shake which Ava was quick to grasp and shake. "I'm Tempest." She said, releasing Ava's hand.
Tempest smiled and nodded. "Well Ava," she tested the name. "I'm looking for," she trailed off, taking a moment to remember the name. "Principle Peter Hemway?" Ava couldn't hold the chuckle in, watching as confusion swarmed the blondes face. "What?"
"Parker Hemway," Ava corrected, watching with humour as Tempest opened her mouth and closed it again, with a sheepish smile.
"Parker Hemway," Tempest corrected herself.
"I'd gladly take you to him, but students aren't really supposed to bother him, so the next best thing is you join me to the lesson." Ava paused and locked at the clock on the wall. Shit. "That I'm now late for. I'll have the teacher help you out." Ava didn't wait for a response, instead started walking outside to where the outside training grounds were. It didn't take long for the both of them to arrive, Tempest walked slightly behind, seemingly not eager to strike a conversation while they walked.
Ava stopped before they reached the class, watching as Lynch shouted orders at the kids. She was always so demanding when she was bossing them around. After a moment, Lynch turned around and Ava waved slightly, hoping she'd get the gesture and come to them. Ava didn't feel like Tempest wanted to have the entire class stare at her, she was new after all, and at such an odd time too.
Lynch shouted some last orders and then walked towards the two girls. "Ava, why are you never on time?" Lynch said sternly, but the look in her eyes was filled with humour.
"Swear I have a legitimate excuse this time," Ava threw up her hands in surrender before gesturing towards her companion besides her. "This is Tempest, new here, seeks Hemway." Ava kept it short, spitting out the words as fast as possible.
Lynch turned her gaze towards Tempest and eyed her. Allowing a small smile to replace her frown. "Alright, I'll take you to Parker, Ava, you know the drill." Lynch instructed before heading off back towards the main building. Tempest followed shortly after, but not without a wink. Ava shrugged it off and joined her team, where they were sparring against each other.
Ava caught the bun of brown hair standing off to the side, watching the team. "Rae!" Ava caught her attention and watched her walked towards her. "Hey." Ava spoke as she stopped in front of the girl.
"Hey, where have you been?" Raven questioned, watching Ava with crossed arms and eyebrow arched.
"Oh you know, getting it with the new girl." Ava smirked, she truly did think she was funny.
Raven on the other hand seemed to not think she was funny, a frown settling on her face.
"Alright, maybe not getting it with her, but I did help her out, after accidentally slamming into her and sending her to the ground." Ava grinned, though a sudden worry of if she had hurt Tempest crossed her mind. She shook it out, Tempest didn't let out any sounds as she was hit.
"So we have a new girl?" Raven uncrossed her arms, letting her hands slick back her already tied hair.
Raven shrugged, seemingly no longer interested in the new girl or the conversation. "C'mon." She muttered, walking to a ring. Which was simply just a white spray painted ring on the green grass. There was several of them, all strewn out across the open area. Most were already sparring, while others watched with interest, or taking notes. They were quick to engage, hands balled into fists as they danced around each other, every now and then one of them would take a swing, sending them into a frenzy before they backed away and repeated.
It was a long two hours outside under the sun. Ava was drenched in her sweat, her throat hurt from the lack of water and her body ached from the sparring. However, she loved it, she could feel herself become more confident in her abilities every day.
Later that evening, Ava found herself holed up in her dorm, reading a book and snacking on some more cakes that she'd stolen from the kitchen prior. Her room was small, fitting a bed, desk and wardrobes. This time around, she'd borrowed 'At the brink of war' from the library, a book retelling the stories of the civil war. She felt that the name wasn't fit for the book, as they had been in a war for a year. But she wasn't author, nor did she really care, it was what was written inside that had her interest.
A knock on her door sent her flying up from her bed, shoving the book under her pillow. Parker Hemway strode into her room and she couldn't help the grin that formed. "Parker!" She practically tackled him into a hug, glad he'd finally visited her after all this time. "Where have you been?" She questioned, taking a step and eyeing the young man.
He didn't answer, instead took a step to the side, where no other than Tempest stood. Oh, she thought.
"Tempest here is to join you at the academy, she's under your care for the remainder of the school year." He spoke, his voice commanding, yet emotionless. His arms had retreated to clasp behind his back, and he gave Ava a warning look. Luckily, there was barely two months left of school before a months break.
"Of course sir, no problems," she said, putting up a wall. He gave her a quick nod, turned around and looked at Edana.
"I hope you enjoy your stay, please respect our rules and listen to Ava here," Hemway gave them one last glance before leaving, shutting the door behind him.
"You're close to him?" Were Tempest's first words, slicing the silence between them. She had a hint of a smile and all Ava wanted to do was slap it away. She'd have to be more careful in the future.
"No," she mumbled, retreating back to her bed. Tempest scoffed.
"No?" She joined her on the bed, staring at Ava with knowing eyes. "That didn't seem like a typical greeting between a student and her principle."
Ava glared at her, "you should see how I greet Lynch then." She bit back, instantly regretting her words. Tempest only grinned.
"Oh, I can already guess how you like to greet her and I don't blame you." She joked, grinning.
"Whatever, where's your dorm?" Ava stood up and headed towards the door. Only stopping when Tempest spoke.
"Right here."
"Here? As in my room?" Ava spun around to face her, anger and frustration clear on her face. If anything, it only made Tempest's eyes glint with humour.
"Do elaborate, because how am I supposed to fit you in here when I barely fit myself!" Ava threw her arms up, gesturing around the room that was surely too small for even one person, let alone two.
"I'm sure you don't take up that much space."
"Well you sure do and I don't like sharing." Ava spat, returning to her position on the bed.
Tempest looked taken aback, but masked it quickly with a smirk. "Are you calling me fat?" She mocked hurt, her hand flying to her chest in an oh so dramatic way. Ava grit her teeth.
A loud laugh escaped Tempest, she laid down on the bed, laughing loudly as Ava stared at her dumbfound. Apparently, the girl was impenetrable. It was then that a second knock on her door for that day startled Ava. She was quick to her feet, almost running to the door, swinging it open hoping for someone to take Tempest away. To her surprise and gratitude, it was Layla Lynch. Only she was holding a green duffle bag that was stuffed with things and a sad smile on her face.
"I heard laughing, you guys settling in alright?" Lynch questioned, glancing in at Tempest before returning her focus to Ava.
"So it's true?" Ava almost cried, her dorm, albeit small, was her sanctuary, away from everyone, she couldn't have that taken from her. Lynch only nodded, handing her the duffle bag.
"There's some clothes for Tempest, make sure you guys are up bright and early for tomorrow's lesson." Lynch did a once over the room, her face void of emotion before her eyes caught something. "Cakes?"
With a red face, Ava turned to glance at the cakes, which was now barely crumbs on her plate and then back at Lynch. "I was hungry." Lynch laughed, and without another word took off down the hallway. Defeated, Ava threw the bag into the room, slamming the door in the process. Tempest's grin had disappeared, replaced with a frown.
"I'm sorry, but they said all the other rooms were full." Tempest said. Of course it was full, they were at full capacity, especially now with the new recruit.
Ava shrugged, throwing herself back on the bed. "Guess we're sharing everything then, including the bed." Her voice was slightly muffled, but Tempest heard, chuckling slightly.
"Is it that bad? I can sleep on the floor." Tempest suggested, honestly.
"No it's fine, I'll take the floor." Ava, glanced around before stealing a pillow from the bed and then placing a blanket on the floor along with the pillow. Tempest looked briefly at Ava's new bed before glancing back at Ava. Pursing her lips, she stayed silent. "Just don't snore or I'll throw you out the window." At that, Tempest smiled, shaking her head slightly.
It was silent between them after, Ava only briefly showing her everything, before they decided to settle for bed. Ava laid down on her makeshift bed while Tempest took the single bed. Both wore t-shirts and shorts to bed, it had been an awkward change but Ava couldn't help but check her new roommate out, who was definitely not fat. However, rather toned, showing she had some knowledge on fighting, or at the very least worked out often.
"Hope you're ready for early mornings." Ava chuckled, trying to lift the tension.
"I'm not," Tempest frowned, she rarely had to get up that early.
"You're gonna love it," Ava grinned. "Welcome to the Academy.
After that it was lights out.
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