《Tales of a main character》Chapter - 10 : Takeo Kuruzawa enjoys his youth, even if it might not seem so to others


Time goes and comes on a whim, time doesn’t wait and submits to nothing. It is even a mystery, if the entity that created it, has any control over it. Time is like a wild beast. But as that’s impossible from a abrahamic religious standpoint. In opposition of that, one could say, it’s proof that the All-Mighty Sadist doesn’t exist,

The thought of that was spurring around my head. On that subject, children. Mumbling to yourself about god’s existence, is how you know you lead a very esoterical life and philosophers don’t really live happy lives. Huh..I thought this would be therapeutic but now it’s making me depressed.......

Whilst, I stood before the crossing lane waiting for the green light to change to a red light. It was not just me waiting, there were dozens of people waiting for light to desperately turn green. Business people dressed in their black and dull suits, parents taking children to school, students going to school. It wasn’t unusual. It was a normal work day after all.

Whoever labelled Jaywalking as a crime should burn in Hell (He probably is burning in Hell, with a stired martini in hand.) It’s annoying to wait with strangers. But on the positive side, it’s better than getting ploughed down by a incoming vehicle driven by a guy talking on his cell phone.

There was a timer beside the traffic light, every light that went off, had a 90 second time limit. It was a short minute and a half. But every second just felt like a minute in itself, counting ever so slowly.

The count was at 76, and steadily decreasing. 76.......75..........74.......It’s gonna be a long ass 60 seconds. The people around me knew that as they were fiddling with their phones. And the old person, who was dressed head to toe in neat office wear. He was talking on his smartphone, and his conversation seeped into my ear as if a cacophony of cats and dogs fighting.

“You’re such a naughty girl. Daddy’s gonna have to punish you tonight!” He said to the caller. I didn’t have to hear that.......For the love of...don’t say those things out here in public! There’s pre-schooler in front of you and there’s a girl, your daughter’s age right behind you dammit!

I tilted my head and looked at the brunette girl behind us, I mean me, the girl was nonchalantly going about her business on her filp-up cellphone. The girl was in a white and green sailor uniform,. It was obvious, she was a student. Her long black hair went along with her uniform colour scheme.

But what was astounding was how fast she was typing on her phone. A normal person would take 2-3 minutes to reply to a message. She was not the average. Her fingers went on so fast, that the push of the plastic buttons sounded like piano keys being pressed. With that speed, I couldn’t see all of her fingers properly, was as she a pro-Esport player or something? I’m gonna be so disappointed if she didn’t even know what E-Sports is.


She is kinda pretty as fast I had that thought, the girl sensed my gaze and looked up from her phone. Sensing she would notice me, my head did a 60 degree turn. My quick reflexes saved me from being labelled as a creep.

The timer ticked off the 45th second,

Our eyes can perceive so much but our brains can process so little. My eyes went through to the other side of the street, I was trying to get to.

People were streaming through like they were part of a waterway. Only way, you could stand out in that crowed was by staying still. Even if you were standing still, your clothing would make you invisible. Thanks to the Thalamus, most of the background was filtered out. With that, only a few stood out in my gaze. A pair of PSF officers cladded in their blue tiger uniforms, armed with assault rifles were one of them. Though, I digress, if they were anything new. These days, people just saw them as part of the background and filtered out their presence. They only popped up on my radar.

The 30th second ticked off the timer as well.

Just a few feet from where those officers had once stood, were the other three bleeps on my radar. From a distance, they were no different from the others that went around them. All part of a single super organism.

The 15th second ticked away, decreasing to a 14.

But they did stick out somewhat, the girl was wearing clothes that were bright in colour. Her face gave off a bright and radiant aura. She made the the people beside her look a part of the wall, with their bland clothes. A elderly man who was in his 50s, also caught my eyes with his flamboyant clothing and moustache. Almost like Sullivan from the Uncharted series.

The timer finally hit zero and the traffic lights turn to red. I readjusted my focus and started walking with the crowd that had formed to cross the street.

Crowds are not really my thing, heck crowds are even terrible for normal people. If only they knew that and stayed away from forming huge lines of people, less people would have died in terror attacks.

I swayed through the crowd of people that was on my way to school, It wasn’t any less traffic than the usual workday. But sometimes, the streets are so filled to brim, in the heat of summer and pushing-washing, I get the sudden urge to make some fertiliser bombs and throw them at people. But as that’s a crime under the Domestic Terrorism Act, I can’t act out that urge. I can curse at them in my mind instead and kill them in my mind as well, with my psychic powers.


I walked on and in all about 8 minutes time, I came along to a one way road to the school and steadied along that road. Till I reached the school gates, I walked pass into the gates of hell (Other people are hell, schools teach us how to be other people, every school has it’s own little societal caste system, thus schools are the physical abominations of hell).

It was a very cold day but the sun had to show his face.

I didn’t wait around to look around the trees that were planted in the entrance giving shade to the people on the path, I marched quickly to the school building,

But at the entrance of the administrative school building, I stopped and tilted my head upwards to see the name of the school written in bold font on a steel plaque. But there was a small problem with it, that none of the students that were walking by had noticed. Probably because it was a mundane thing.

“There’s bird crap on it.” I blurted it out, but no one heard it.

Everyone just went on minding their own business, so I did the same. I went up the steps after entering the lobby and checking my locker. My school issued interior shoes squeeced alittle for the first flight of steps, but I adjusted it and it was like any day before.

My classroom was on the third floor, a convenience for me. It was situated at the middle of the classroom.

By convenience, I mean, every protagonist in a school life story gets the classroom at the end of the hall or at the beginning. Close to the stair, to make a run for it in case of a zombie outbreak or anything else that might be crucial to the plot.

I walked rapidly and gracefully, everyone was accustomed to the same routine. Greet and meet was the norm of this moment. And in Rome, do as the Romans do.

On my way to my classroom, I occasionally got my hand to shake and greet. “How you doing?” And “Yo, what’s up?” were the common greets. It was nothing more than that.

Introduce yourself and go stand in the corner, until you’re called upon. It was like that.

Everyone was in there own corner. Waiting for someone to call to them. Such was the existence of everyone in society. You just wait your time to give your input and it’s done. You just go dormant until you’re needed again.

If you think about it, corgito ergo sum doesn’t isn’t applicable in modern society no more. Science had moved away from the study of what is existence and philosophy was too busy with over-analysing Hollywood superhero movies and comics.

You existence is depended on another person confirming that you exist. And in exchange, that person’s existence is determine on you confirming his existence.

I wonder why we still even contemplate about individuality when it isn’t depended on a person but on a crowd of individuals.

Now, that’s what you call organised religion. I should really go ahead and start a religion based on anime girls and gundam action figures.

I made it to my classroom and I slipped into the class without much attention being drawn unto me.

I took to my seat.

The status quo still existed through my second year at this school. Nothing had changed much. The people said they changed but did they now?

Their tendencies stayed the same. They were talking about their appearances. After all, if you’re good looking and charming, you could get into the highest office in the land. Even though you could be a conservative in a very progressive country.

My gaze went out the window, .........did someone cut the trees down?

Appearances can change in a instant, but a way of thinking can’t. And sometimes, people just don’t change. I guess, that applies to me too.

I went through a year of school, festivals, experiences, acquaintances. On other thoughts, did I even do any of those?

I skipped out on the sports week. I was sick during the cultural festival. I didn’t go to school field trip, that was a hard situation to get out of, even though I didn’t want to go. I had pay the fees and didn’t arrive in time for the train departure. It was same thing with everything. I chickened out at every opportunity that came forward to me.

People knew me, sure. But did they see me anything other than a box cutout? I’m the red-shirt in their individual stories. Plus, my reputation as a honest student also helps when I’m in a pinch.

I had the neutrality factor in every one of my stats. I wonder, if I was a swiss guy in my last life. That would explain my non-intervention policy perfectly.

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