《Tales of a main character》Chapter 8 - Just straightforward thinking
Only one destination in mind,
But there are many paths leading to it.
Which one, should I take?
Should I go right
Or left?
Should I go forward
Or should I go backwards?
Is this a democratic choice
Or a useless paradox?
Man, these sound like some bad song lyrics!
Let me just take a path that’s convenient,
All these paths lead to the same place anyway.
That sounded like a fucking poem, by the way.
Life is a utter pain if you ask me. Even though I’m a fictional character. Which is pretty ironic.
Well, if anyone was very miserable in life and wanted to seek out a painless death rather than a painful existence if he/she asked me for an opinion. My answer would be clear-cut. But I can’t exclaim it for ethical reasons. Humanity is such a drag.
I walked towards tirelessly the school premise. But Nouta wasn’t with me. So I was travelling alone today. And as it was winter, I was wearing my school standard winter issue sweater under my jacket.
To get to my school, I always passed a pastry shop, a clothing shop,a open air market, 2 other highschools, a kindergarten and finally 16 or more residential buildings. An average city situation.
If you do this routine pretty everyday. Melancholy is bound to set in eventually. It’s pretty hard to get rid of melancholy once it sets in. But in my case, it’s pretty worthless when you got a benovelent god on your side.
I was near the school gate and almost going pass it. When someone called out my name.
I looked behind and what you know, it was Sanji.
Sanji is how should I explain it? The guy who’s really good in sports and get good grades but not top marks like Kuen and my class rep, David. But not so bad like Nouta who was utterly destroyed in the last exams. His probably receiving a battering at home currently. May Kami-sama have mercy on his innocent and pure soul.
Shit, why do I feel so cringy at saying ‘Kami-sama’? Probably a cultural difference thing.
“Good morning, Sanji.” I said to him with a feint smile
“Good morning to you as well.” He said to me with a glowing smile.
That smile of his, is something that bewilders scientists and girls alike.
(Author:- you should fuck him for warmth)
(Takeo:- ...................where did that come from?)
We started walking together through the gate. At fast, we didn’t say anything to each other. We reached the front entrance of the school.
It was quite awkward. But the ice eventually broke,
“So what did you give on your career paper?” Sanji said to me
Oh, yeah. A couple days ago. Our teachers asked us to fill out a paper of our future career. Considering the current world we live in , where every detail and information is sold to the highest bidder. I’m surprise, it’s legal and government mandatory in some countries. And by now, someone’s probably paid a hefty sum for some nude pics and access to the web-cam of my twin brother. And I’m totally not the guy who sold them in the first place. You can’t trust nobody this days. Every bodies just a cent away from going against you.
“I don’t remember.” I answered
“Seriously? Oh, well. If you won’t tell me yours, I won’t tell you mine.” He said to me.
Well, why would I want to know about your future career in the first place? It wouldn’t be anyway beneficial to me. But if you wanted to become a exotic dancer. Now, that would be a story worth hearing!
“Okay. Then.” (Takeo)
We entered the school. Before entering the school complex. Students were coerced into changing footwear. Everyone had a locker to switch out their shoes. There were 8 locker rows. My locker was just opposite of Sanji. We both opened our lockers. But as he pulled out his other pair of shoes. A girl popped out of nowhere and held out a letter to Sanji. The girl was not of our school obviously . She wore a green coloured school uniform and a badge on her sweater which had a insignia of a lunar crest and two olive branches. Which are considered a sign of peace by the way. Well, atleast we eat our food made with the love of olive oil, while we look at the immolation of several thousand innocent people in a remote African village. That’s humanity for you.
I put on my other pair of shoes and put my outside pair into the locker. Not paying any heed to the situation that was unfolding before me. I walked away to classes along with everyone else in the locker room. Clearing it and only leaving those two present.
Considering it’s Sanji. I’d say, that we better let those two have the room to themselves. Or maybe a whole floor.
I reached my class and put my school bag on the desk. I pulled out, a book from my school bag to read to pass the time. The book, I opened to read was ‘Intelligence of Evil or the Lucidity Pact’ by Jean Bauldrillard. Considering originality is dead. That’s not a bad name for a book which delves into the field modern geo-politics. And the current atmosphere could be remarked as a 2nd Cold War. Even though Jean doesn’t conclude it.
As I was reading, all the other students were doing whatever they were doing. I, sometimes loose track of the pathetic class trends. Which is more easier than say bringing peace to the Middle East. Which by the way, is non-existent on every fucking continent except Antarctica. Good thing, Penguins, Sea lions and Polar Bears are very good friends. Don’t worry about it. Before long we’ll probably exploit the shit out of that place. Then the animals will finally rebel. The Penguins Liberation Army of Antarctica!
After reading a few minutes of reading. Sanji walks into the class. He stares at me with a sunken face. He walks up to my seat and sits in the next seat infront of me. And precariously, there is a letter in his right hand.
“After what just happened. I think, you are the person, I should talk to.” He says to me with me, a feint smile on his face.
“Sure. Lay it on me.” I respond to him after closing my book and placing both of my hands on it.
“Something really strange happened today.” (Sanji)
“The girl with the love letter earlier?” (Takeo)
“Yeah. But it wasn’t a love letter. It was actually a hate letter.” (Sanji)
I heard, of a love letter but never of a hate letter. Maybe it’s a softcore form of a death threat.
“A what?” (Takeo)
“I took the letter from the her and opened it, it was actually a letter detailing that her hatred of me. And she used the word ‘Pig’ and ‘low-life’ very proficiently. Here take a look” (Sanji)
He passed along to me. the letter that he had. As it has Sanji in a state, I don’t see him in rarely. I read the contents of the letter.
And shit, after examining the contents of the letter. It is really a softcore form of a death threat. But it does have a sentence saying, “Filthy & Prideful Pigs like you are at fault for the misogyny that plagues the trend of gender equality.” So, it could also be considered a death threat. Also that’s disrespecting the bacon that made America and China great.
The letter went on and on, with every line, it became more of a social critique rather than the angsty words of ex-fangirl. The girl sure read a lot of egalitarian materials.
“Oh, Shit. It contains some very sharp words and some very fancy writing.” (Takeo)
Considering the use of several words in different sentences that makes it stand out. And the use of some inventive words, that I didn’t think could be used as insults. Whoever wrote this, must be a prodigy in linguistics and writing. But I can’t say that to Sanji. I gotta say something to Sanji that’s really demeaning to the person who wrote it but also applauding her brilliance at the same time. Because I would also use some of these words to curse Sanji, internally of course.
“The bitch who wrote this must really think of highly of herself.”
Considering she clearly points out her hatred of him breaking the heart of her friend and of her still patronising him even after rejection in the letter. And her complaint of why do guys like him exist. Sister, I been asking that question since 2nd Grade, but i’m still waiting on the reply from Tsubaki Izumi.
“Well, She is right about one thing. I am a black mark on society. I mean, look at me.” (Sanji)
“Don’t wanna.”(Takeo)
“I have been kind of a scum bag for a while. Since I was in 3rd grade. I have been always shooting down girls like a machine gun.” (Sanji)
“Stop it alright, Sanji. For me and the other guys in this room. Please, They are pretty depressed in life already., And I don’t wanna care about 3D girls now especially when I’m at the point of no return.” (Takeo)
“I thought, all of you had girlfriends.” (Sanji)
Seriously, Author-san? What kind of rock has this guy been under all this time?
“Look, what am I supposed to tell you? Tell me and I will tell it to you, then we’re even.”(Takeo)
“I think, I’m in love.” (Sanji)
Oh, boy. A masochist and a lover of tsunderes. Sanji really is a pig. I, Myself don’t like getting tortured or torturing but I do like yanderes due to my creator liking them.
“So, what’s going on here?” A familiar voice said out.
It was Nouta. My best classmate but not my best friend because my best friend is myself.
“Oh, It’s nothin....”(Sanji)
“Oh, nothing much. But Sanji just said his in love with a girl that just badmouthed him in a pretty grammatical manner.” (Takeo)
“Is she a thugdere chick?” (Nouta)
“At the moment, probably. But after Sanji goes and woes her over. She’ll be a tsundere and later a yandere. And she’ll promptly kill him for cheating on her afterwards.” (Takeo)
“Nice character progression!.” (Nouta)
“.......................” (Sanji)
This conversation was shaking up to be the best thing that happened to me this whole day. But all great things must come to an end. And this conversation literally ended in a ringing. The bell rang and all of us went to our subsequent classes and seats.
The class teacher comes into the class, a few minutes later. The teacher of my class was Ms. Kyouko Fujimori. She wore a shirt and winter jacket on the top while she wore a sweat pants. She also had a scarf around her neck. She had natural brown hair, which was because of her South American lineage. You could have already known that if I had told you that her middle name is ‘Josefina’. But as this story doesn’t revolve around her. I won’t go any further into describing her.
But one thing, I will say she’s a good teacher even though she’s a bitch sometimes or most of the time.
“I’ll skip you guys, the school classes because this ain’t a manga or comic cause that would make it more convenient to just illustrate the information. Plus I’m not a formal educator and neither do I, believe in formal education. I should probably should make some use of that time. Maybe produce some bio data.” (Author-san)
Real name:- Rickert Bauchman
Aliases:- Erik Gaust, Hans Richthofen, Karl Jaeger, Martin Berchman, Erwin Adler.
Birth place:- Lower Austria, Austria
Ethnicity:- Austrian.
Family Background :- son of Henrik Bauchman and Felicia Bauchman. Eldest of 4 brothers. The youngest brother is a Cafe owner in Sankt Pölten. The 2nd brother is a police officer by profession. The 3rd brother is a member of parliament and is on a fast track to become the law minister and possibly the National Progress Party nominee for Chancellor someday.
Alma mater:- Danube University Krems.
Personnel Status:- single.
Current Status:- Alive
Military Service:- Six years of service with the Austrian Army and 3 years of service with the Jagdkommando (Austrian Special forces).
Expertise:- Close Combat specialist, Marksman, Tactical Strategist, Japanese interpreter, Afrikaans interpreter, Cooking.
Combat experience:- 1 tour to the Congo as part of the UN Congo peace keeping force and 1 tour to Montenegro as part of NATO Operation Slingshot.
Former Employers (official) :- Austrian Armed Forces, Tobata solutions, Asian Contracts Group, Riehland Security, Liu-Bing Trading Group, Graigos Security LLC , Holcium Energy & Logistics Corporation(HELC), Gregory Holdings LTD.
Former Employers (Unofficial):- US Goverment, Chinese Goverment, CIA, NSA, NRO, NGA, MSS, GRU, Tobruk based Libyan Goverment, Saicho Militia, Saitama based Yakuza splinter group, United Nations Protection Mission Central Command,
(UNPMCC), PETA, Conder Natural Resources (CNR), Novorussian Bank, Malcolm & Strauss Security Services.
Former work residence:- Austria, Congo, Montenegro, Kingdom of Japan, United Nations Protection Mission Regions, Philippines, Uzbekistan, Russia, Ukraine, Moldova, Chile, Nigeria, Syrian Federal Republic, Iraq, South Africa, Morocco, Mauritania, North Libya, Nagarno-Karbak, Khalimaten.
Current Employer:- Unknown
Current Work Residence:- Unknown
3 periods or 2 hours later.
(W/N:- 1 period equals to 40 minutes)
“All students are advised to head to the gymnasium for a special televised address of the chairman of the administrate.” The person on the speaker announced.
By the way, the speaker was set atop the whiteboard.
“Oh, boy. You never know what will happen these days.” Sensei Mishima said aloud.
He was standing on the podium before while the speaker made that announce
He taught Career Studies in our class. His in his 40s. He had girly locks of black hair. He wore a shirt and a sweater on top of it, today. Everything of his attire was adhering to the stereotype. Except for his shoes, which were expensive Lacoste. He continuously uses his handkerchief to polish them clean.
Well, after third period ended. The school bell rang and Sensei Mishima instructed all of us to head to the Gymnasium wing.
After he left the class, everyone did just as he instructed.
Everyone got up from there seat and started leaving the class. I really didn’t wanted to go but I eventually got up from my seat and left the class.
The gymnasium was situated on the 1st floor, connected to the school building through a walkway.
So, I walked down the stairs. On the first floor, there were some guys were chatting, while some were toggling their smartphones. Nouta was standing near a crowd of guys with smartphones, near the doors leading to the cafeteria. Well, Nouta was actually a part of that crowd.
I shouted out to Nouta and he waved his hand at me. He shook hands and bade “see you later”s with the guys. he was talking to. Then he walked towards me.
“So, Nouta. Care to update me on why we have to listen to a unfunny politician for 2 hours?” (Takeo)
“A town in Southern Kosovo got obliterated off the face of the Earth and now, there’s only a hole in it’s place. Everyone’s speculating that a nuke went off. Here look at it.” Said Takeo as he passed on to me his phone, on it’s browser news timeline. It was the trending topic.
Oh, great. There are still some dumb people who would actually use something that could someday consequent the end of civilisation as we know it.
“You really never know what will tomorrow.” I said to Takeo.
“Yep.” Nouta said to me.
“So, that’s the reason why we gotta get a lecture from the chairman of a secessionist country?” (Takeo)
“Yeah. Pretty much. But look on the bright side, we get a half school day.” (Nouta)
“Amen to that. But that will only be happening til the Japanese Goverment eventually kicks out it’s imperialist act and this country gets unified again.” (Takeo)
“Nothing lasts forever. So we should enjoy it while it lasts.” (Nouta)
“Okay. Then let’s go waste some precious moments of our lives.” (Takeo)
“After you.” (Nouta)
Both of us, walked into the gymnasium through the walkway that conjoins it with the main school building.
The gymnasium was the size of a couple of Boeing 747s. Because of this fact, the school development committee cancelled their plans for creating a ball room. Just beside the gymnasium building was a running track and a recreational zone. All paid by a European oligarch who’s illegitimate daughter probably studies in this school. Which is kinda ironic, considering the school rule state that the school doesn’t accept any fund from any person associated with illegal activities or criminal entities. For a double irony, take this. The fancy looking main school building was itself was paid for and constructed for free by a defunct natural resources company who’s executives were trialed at The Hague for war crimes in Sierra Leone. The head-trick irony now.The UNPMO personnel associated with the school’s establishment and running of this school were trialed last year for mismanaging UN funds and cleverly, making it clean by funnelling it through the school’s payment to shell companies which they themselves owned. A clever way to clean money. Considering that most countries have no guidelines of taxing religious, educational and charitable organisation at all. So the moral of this story, if black money is used to give back to good causes. Then who the fuck cares, where it came from.
Inside the gymnasium, Nouta and I went to the seats and sat. The briefing was going to be simultaneously televised, so a projector and a large white cloth was being set to show the projection.
But i won’t bore you with what happens next because in most stories, this is the part when important shit starts. But this ain’t a story dealing with important plot. It’s more of a oneshot story.
Everything’s just random or is it?
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