《Sword of Demon Cless》Tragic Fate of the half-demon


"Run, cless. Run" wailed by the old man letting his grandchild escape from the fate of death. His body is all covered with wounds and blood. One look in the eye is enough to see that the old man is already beyond point of saving. He will evidently die in bloodloss. Such a tragic way to die. In front of him is a child, with a raggedy look and a teary eye, trying to escape from his fate.

"Mom, Dad, Grandpa" cried by the young child as he move on his way out towards the nearby forest. His wounded knees are bleeding a lot, yet he endured it just to save his life from being slaughtered.

Just in the nick of time, the kid was able to runaway to the forest before the last breath of his grand father was taken.

If not for their blood, such a tragedy won't happen. Their blood is of a half-human half -demon, and because of it, human society had ordered a mass slaughter in their entire clan.

Such a tragic fate in the human world.

"Quickly search for the forest to see if any survivor has escape" yelled by one of the human around.

Dozens of humans then checked the nearby forest for any survivor that are around.

At that time, with a sword on his hand, the five year old kid, tried his best not to be found out. Yet he failed to do so.

He is caught hiding in a nearby tree, crying out for help.

"Help." Cried by the five year old kid.

"Silly child, child of the demon, come here" claimed by one of the humans that are around.

"No, please spare my life" claimed by the little kid while trying to move his bleeding feet away from his position. He tried to do so, but he cannot. It was as if, he was left stuck, standing pitifuly waiting for the human to end his life.

"Why would I spare a demons life?" answered by the human.

In that moment, a sword strike coming from the humans hand appear in front of the five year old kid.

It was a swift sword strike enough to kill a mere child in a second. The human laughed loudly trying to proclaim his victory for killing the demon. Unknown to him, a clean counter sword strike came out slashing his flesh instead. This strike came out coming from the young kids sword.


" Sorry" claimed by the young kid as he swing his sword on the currently kneeling human cutting the head off. In just a swift moment, the five year old kid, beheaded an adult adventurer with his sword.

That moment, right after he killed the human, he then retreated far away from his current position trying to escape from his fate.

Not far from him, another human witnessed the death of his fellow companion, so without hesitation he too tried to attack the five year old kid.

Gasping out of breath, the kids wounded knee gave out. Making him able to dodge the sword strike from the humans hand.

Sensing his death the kid then rolled out to the ground and prepared to counter the humans attack. In just a nick of time, another sword strike is about to hit him. The five year old kid gave out another counter strike on the humans hand. Blood spurted out as the separated clean cutted hand of the human fall down.

"My hand"cried out by the human as his bloody sword fall down.

In just a split second, the five year old kid then gave out another sword slash towards the crying human, after that, head falls down and the human died.

Seeing his chance, the five year old kid then escaped. Yet to his surprise, ten other adventurers pursue him. He doesn't have any other choice but to go deeper to the forest.

Yet what can a kid could do. In return he was surrounded by them.

"You don't have any other way out kid demon" claimed by one of the ten adventurer.

Their bloodlust surge up scaring the little demon alone.

Two adventurers then gave out a sword strike to the little demon. The little demon tried to reflect it using his sword. Yet he was sent back by the tremendous force of the sword slash. Another sword strike aims to hit him in the back, as swift as he could, he defended himself from it. Yet once again he was sent back. He was like a ping-pong ball surrounded by the players being hitted back and forth.

Yet he persists. The only thing he could do is endure the pain and find an opportunity. In the end he is just too powerless against 10 strong adventurers.


Bit by bit, wounds are getting marked in his little body. One by one, Wounds are appearing in his arms and legs. He could only grit his teeth and grip his sword tightly enduring the pain, trying to defend himself from an ambush attack.

"Come on little demon, show us how strong you are" yelled by one of the adventurer mocking the little demon with his best.

Apparently, the little kid gradually started to loose his consciousness due to severe bloodloss. Keeping them busy is already enough for his little body to endure. Yet he persisted.

At that moment, caught off guard, one of the ten adventurer loss his defensive posture, giving out an opportunity for the little kid.

The little kid then jump out midair giving out one sword strike to the open adventurer, in just a moment, the adventurer was sliced perfectly into two. Blood spurted out of its dead body as it fall down into the ground. The scene made the other nine adventurer to be shocked, and for a moment, they too loosen their guard. The gaze of the currently bloody little demon then landed on the other adventurers neck and while midair the little demon gave out two sword slashes towards them.

In an instant, three of the ten adventurer were killed. Such a massive force coming from a five year old demon kid.

Later the remaining adventurer realized their mistake, so they too take the kid seriously and started attacking him with their skills. Yet the kid is on rampage at that time. The moment he landed on the ground. He immediately charge to the nearby adventurer, stabbing his sword in the humans heart. Blood spurted out of the kids sword. The kid then took it out letting the currently killed adventurer fall dead.

A sword slash runs towards the five year old kid aimed to shattered him into pieces. Yet he dodges it and as swift as the wind, he charged towards the nearby adventurer killing it instantly with another sword stab into the heart.

Seeing the madness around them, three adventurer started to retreat yet their feet failed to do so. Two adventurers gathered their courage to kill the kid. Yet the little kid is unstoppable. With a sword in his hands he immediately beheaded the two adventurers like a whirlwind. Blood spurted out and two heads flew out of the adventurers body.

Blood spills into the kids body as he kills while killed adventurer fall down into the ground.

Seeing that the remaining two were killed easily by the kid, the three gathered their might to run.

"RUN" shouted by the remaining adventurer.

Their foot moved right away as soon as the shout reverberated around them.

But it's too late, infront of them was a bloody figure of a kid monster weilding a bloody sword.

"You kill my family, and you also aims to kill me?, Unforgivable" shouted by the demon kid as he charged to the remaining adventurer. His roar rung out in the middle of the forest like a wild beast devouring his prey.

Sword strikes filled with blood flew out of the kid sword as it welcomes the three adventurer to their death.

Sfx: Splashes.

In that moment, three adventurer fall down to the ground, breathless.

Silence covered the whole forest as blood were spilled on it's grassy land.

In that moment, a single kid demon killed a dozen of adventurer with a bloody sword mercilessly. Out of his energy and stamina from the fight, finally, the five year old kid escaped slowly on both his feet safely. His destination, is to go deeper into the woods, where in no other human could find him.

"Father , mother, I'm safe now" claimed by tired little kid as he go deeper to the vast forest around him.

Little later that time, the human society of the world have successfully claimed that they have killed the last blood of the humans with a demon bloods. They too claimed that finally the reign of human is up.

Unknown to them, a sole survivor was able to escape.

This sole survivor is none other than ,cless klouster. A half-human half -demon blood.

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