《Kung Fu Panda: The New World Order》Chapter 2


Kung Fu Panda: The New World Order

Author notes: Hey guys, sorry it took me so long to update, but I had to focus on work. Anyway, before we get started, please note that yes, most powers are taken from Naruto, Pokémon, Avatar and DBZ. Why? Because these shows has some of the best powers that can be used in almost any fandom. Now with that being said, unto the story.

Valley of Peace

"The New World Order?" Asked Nu Hai.

"Yes. We is an organization that will change the world." Answered Emma.

"Change it how?" asked Tigress.

Both Emma and Lu didn't answered Tigress' question. That only irritates the older feline.

"I asked you a question. Change the world how?" asked Tigress once more.

"Unfortunately you is not a member, so we can't give you the answer." Said Lu, with a smirk across his face.

"Then I guess we just have to force it out of you." Said Tigress.

"Sigh…please don't do this. The two of us together would be too much for all ten of you to handle." Said Emma.

"Is that so, why don't we put that statement to the test." Said Monkey.

"…Lu, you can handle them. This is your fault after all. If you only paid the duck, then we wouldn't be in this situation." Said an annoyed Emma.

"Sorry honey but I don't pay for food. The only this I pay for is sex with hookers." Said Lu.

Emma glare at her partner and growled at the horse. Lu only shake his head and aim his sword at Po and company.

"I only will be more than a match for you wannabe. I can end this match with one technique." Said Lu.

"Someone sound very confident in his skill." Said Jing.




"We should help them. Now." Said the second male figure.

"No, not yet." Said the first male figure.

"What?" asked the second male figure.

"I want to see how this plays out first." Answered the first male figure.

"Dude, you and I both know that they can't beat Lu. If he really wants, he can possibly destroy this entire Valley with one attack." Stated the second male figure.

"He's right. I know why you want to let them fight, so we can truly test their strength. But Lu is not a good example." Said the female figure.

"…Its up to you, Captain." Said the first male figure, turn his attention toward the second male figure.

"….We help them now." Said the female male figure.

"Very well." Said the first male figure.




Lu stab his sword into the ground. Po and company all got into a defensive position.

"Tell me, how would you all like to lose? With or without my sword?" asked Lu.

"Enough talking, time to fight!" Yelled Jing, who rushed after Lu.

The older male horse smirked. Lu easily blocked all of Jing's attack, using one hoof. Jing tried to swipe kicked Lu off his hooves. But the older horse easily dodge the kick. Lu dodge an incoming chi attack, that was launched by Nu Hai. Lu side stepped an attacking Monkey. The primate yelled, attacking Lu with an barrage of kicks and fists. Lu, dodge all. Po appear and tried to grab Lu from behind, but the older horse back flipped over the panda. Lu ran toward his sword and grab hold of it.

"Hahaha, not bad. Unfortunately I am not that good at Kung Fu. But here is something that I am good at. Get ready kiddies, cause the real fight is about to begin." Said Lu.


"Dude, we literally got you running. You think you sword will help you?" asked Bao.

"Actually yes. I am very proficient at Kenjutsu. But let me get the stage set. I hope you all are good at swimming?" Asked Lu.

"Huh?" asked Crane.

"Now. Water Style: Great Tsunami!" Yelled Lu.

The older horse placed his right hoof down onto the ground. The entire Valley started to shake, almost like it was being hit by an earthquake.

"That is not good." Said the first male figure.

A giant tsunami appear out of nowhere. Po and company couldn't believe their eyes.

"Run!" yelled Po, who started to run.

Everyone within the Valley started to scream.

"Everyone quickly, head to the Jade Palace!" Yelled Master Shifu.

The three figures watched as everyone ran toward the Jade Palace. But the tsunami was moving too fast. They won't make it in time.

"Okay. Time to move." Said the first male figure.

The first male figure rushed toward the tsunami, running past Po and company.

"Hey buddy, you running the wrong way." Said Jing.

"Earth Style: Slitting Earth." Said the first male figure, who placed his paw down to the ground. Everyone watched as the ground in front of the rob figure split.

The tsunami fell down into the splitting ground.

"Whoa." Said Crane.

The first male figure slowly stood up, his two companions appearing beside him. All three staring at Emma and Lu.

"Well this is an surprise. Long time no see….Travis, Silverfang and Rin." said Emma.

All three figures removed their cloak, revealing themselves. First is Travis. Travis is an young male giant otter. He's 16 years old, he has green eyes, brown fur, a slim but athletic body and his clothing consists of a black karate Gi.

Next is Silverfang, an albino white snake, he has white eyes, he is two years older than Viper, he is a few inches longer than Viper and he is the current team captain.

And finally, Rin. Rin is a flying squirrel, she has pink eyes, light orange fur with white under belly, and a very sexy body. He clothing consists of a an outfit similar to Tigress but in pink. She is the second oldest member on the team.

Lu smirk only gotten bigger.

"Well well, if it isn't Team Omega." Said Lu.

"Lu, you traitor." Said Travis.

Before Lu could answered the younger otter. Emma grab hold of Lu and threw a few smoke bomb toward the group. The bomb landed in front of the three figures and exploded, creating a cloud of black smoke. The three figures jumped into the air, but couldn't located Emma and Lu. They're gone.




"What's the big idea!?" yelled Lu.

Both Emma and Lu are currently jumping from tree to tree, putting as much distance away from the Valley.

"Our mission is complete. We will fight them, but not now." Said Emma.

"Are you scared woman?" asked Lu.

Emma glanced over at her partner. Silently she sigh. The two members of the New World Order continue their journey. Emma not saying a single word to her partner.




"Well that was unexpected." Said Silverfang.

"Yeah. So what now?" asked Travis.

"We introduce ourselves and explain the situation." Said Silverfang.

"What!? You don't want us to go after them?" asked Travis.

"Now isn't a good time T." said Silverfang.

The otter sigh. The three figures return back to the Valley of Peace. Everyone stare at them with wide eyes and some with hanging mouth. Master Shifu walked out of the crowd, standing a few feet in front of the three figures.


"Just who are you people?" asked Master Shifu.

"Hello Master Shifu. We will explain everything to you and your students. But in private." Said Silverfang.

"What is your name." asked Master Shifu.

"My name is…."

"Silverfang." Said Viper, who slithered beside Master Shifu.

"….Hello Viper, long time no see." Said Silverfang.

Viper only stare at the male snake. Silverfang also stare back at Viper.

"You know him Viper?" asked Tigress.

"…..Yes, and we can trust them….at the moment." Said Viper, turning around and slithering away.




Jade Palace

Master Shifu, Dragon Master Po, the Furious Five and the Four Constellation along with Travis, Silverfang and Rin all stood inside the Jade Palace.

"Now talk." Said Tigress.

"Of course, we…." Silverfang was interrupted by Travis, who placed his paw over the snake mouth.

"Before we start. You might want to help your friend who is badly hurt." Said Travis.

"What?" asked Master Shifu.

Travis pointed below them.

"Downstairs, in the secret archives. A female fox is laying down, unconscious. She may be badly hurt." Said Travis.

Master Shifu's eyes widen in fear. Without a second thought, the older Kung Fu Master exit the room and headed down toward the secret door.

"The healer of the group should probably go with him." Said Rin.

Jing turn her attention toward Po. Po nod his head. Jing also quickly exit the room.




Ten minutes have passed before Jing, Master Shifu and Mei Ling all appear inside the room. Master Shifu carefully placed Mei Ling into a chair.

"Are you okay my love?" asked Master Shifu.

"Sigh…..yes. If anything, my pride still hurt." Said Mei Ling.

"Sorry lady, that is one thing that I can't heal." Said Jing.

"Okay, I am going to be the one to say what I think we all are thinking. And that is how the heck did you know Miss Mei Ling was hurt?" asked Nu Hai.

"Before we get to that part. Please allow me to introduce ourselves and tell you of our situation that we all face. My name is Silverfang, this here is Travis and Rin. And we are part of an organization name The Crusader." Said Silverfang.

"The Crusader?" asked Tigress.

"Never heard of you." Said Monkey.

"The Crusader is a very secretive organization. We only make ourselves known to those we dubbed worthy. And even though you guys don't know about us. We know about you." Said Travis.

"Huh? What do you mean you know about us?" asked Nu Hai.

"We been keeping our eyes on all of you all. Secretly we been watching you all every moves and battle. So in another word, we been spying on you all." Said Rin.

"What!?" asked everyone.

"Why would you do that? Just what is you guys deal?" asked Po.

"So…..just how long and how much do you guys know and seen?" asked Crane.

"Does the name Flightless Feather ring a bell?" asked Rin with a smirk across her face.

Crane's eyes widen in shock.

"But that is not the point." Said Silverfang.

"Oh really? Then what exactly is the point?" asked Viper, moving closer toward Silverfang.

The male snake unconsciously moved back.

"If you is worried about you then don't. I made sure no one spied on you." Said Silverfang.

"Oh? And that is to make it okay" Said Viper, her tone raising.

"I….sigh look now isn't the time okay." Said Silverfang.

"Just what exactly are you doing here?" asked Viper.

"We, the Crusader are here to ask you all for your help. The fate of the world depends on it." Said Silverfang.

"Again." Sighed Po.

"Trust me Po. This threat is far bigger than the First Dragon Master or the Bone demon." Said Travis.

"Those two, Emma and Lu were both former Crusader Agents. But now they are working with our agency main rival. The New World Order. An dangerous organization that main purpose is to control the world." Explained Silverfang.

"Both have left the Crusader two years ago. And now they are consider enemies to the world. Part of our mission is to locate them….and end them." Said Travis.

"You mean." Said Bao, who pretended to cut his neck.

"Yes. And every other members of the organization as well." Said Rin.

"What? Why?" asked Po.

"Po. The Crusader is not your typical hero saving group. We kill our target. It is our job." Explained Silverfang.

"That's cold dude." Said Monkey.

"Our targets are all murderers. They will not spear your life. You all seem first hand what they are capable of. They killed that food bender without a second thought, and almost tried to destroyed the entire Valley." Said Travis.

"And you think it is right to exact revenge on them? An eye for a eye?" asked Po.

"Yes." Answered Silverfang, Travis and Rin.

"Look, if you guys want our help then we will gladly help, but not if it involves people dying." Said Po.

"…I see. Dragon Master Po, how many time have you killed?" asked Silverfang.


"Master Po only killed because he have no other choice." Said Nu Hai, trying to defend her Master.

"Same could be said here. This organization have killed so many innocent people in the past." Said Silverfang.

"Then why didn't they killed me?" asked Mei Ling.

"The person who fought you was Emma. Emma only kill people she dubbed worthy to kill. If you is not worthy, then she doesn't show interest in you. But everyone else in that organization will not hesitate to kill." Explained Travis.

"Why should we trust you guys? You have been spying on us for whose know how long." Said Tigress.

"Because in exchange of helping us, we will train you guys." Said Silverfang.

"Train us? Dude, our Master is Dragon Master Po. He can do anything." Said Bao.

"Oh really? Then tell me Master Po, do you know about Life-Force Conversion?" Asked Silverfang.

"Um life force what?" asked Po.

"Oh what about Chi Augmentation, or Chi Concealment and Chi Detection?" asked Silverfang.

"Augmentation?" asked Po.

"I thought so. Look when the time comes, it will be us to kill the members of The New World Order not you guys. Their blood will be on our hands, not yours." Said Silverfang.

"Again, why should we trust you guys?" asked Viper.

"Sigh…..you don't. But we is all you got." Said Silverfang.

"Question. What will happen if we don't help you guys out?" asked Fan Tong.

"Let's just say that everyone you hold dear to you will die." Said Rin.

"Look, I will be frank with you all. Our mission is to ask you guys for your help and train you all as well. If you guys don't want to help us then so be it. But we are the good guys here." Said Silverfang.

"We need a minutes to discuss all this. So can you excuse us." Said Po.

"Of course." Said Silverfang.

Silverfang, Rin and Travis all exit the room. Po closed the door behind him, turning toward his fellow Kung Fu masters and students.

"What do you guys think?" asked Po.

"They have been spying on us, for who know how long. And now they come to us, asking us for our help. Sound too fishy if you ask me." Said Crane.

"I agree with Master Crane. This just doesn't feel right." Said Nu Hai.

"But what if what they say is true? What if there is an powerful foe out there that we can't beat?" said Fan Tong.

"Tigress, what do you think?" asked Mantis.

"Viper, what do you think? You obviously know Silverfang. Can we trust him or not?" asked Tigress.

Viper is staring out of one of the many window. She is too lost in her train of thought. Tigress saw this, walking toward her best friend. Tigress gently placed her right paw on Viper, shaking her gently. Viper blinked a few times, coming back to earth.

"Huh?" asked Viper.

"We were asking if we can trust Silverfang. And you know him better than anyone here at the moment." Said Tigress.

"…..We can trust him. Silverfang is not one to lied about certain things. But let us hear them out completely before we make any final decision." Said Viper.

"I agree. Let's hear them out." Said Master Shifu.

Po nod his head, walking toward the door and opening it. Silverfang, Rin and Travis all re-enter the room.

"Your decision?" asked Silverfang.

"Before we give you our final answer, first we need to know everything." Said Po.

"Very well. Ahem. The New World Order is looking for a powerful artifact. This artifact is called the Bracelet of Chaos." Said Silverfang.

"The Bracelet of Chaos?" asked Jing.

"Yes. A very powerful item that has godly powers. It can control and manipulate Chaos. Once the New World Order get their hands on this artifact, then no one can stop them. That is, unless their hand the Bracelet of Order. Which is the exact opposite of Chaos." Explained Silverfang.

"Okay. And how will they get this powerful Bracelet?" asked Master Shifu.

"The Bracelet of Chaos and Order can only be activate by collecting the six elements. These elements are Laughter, Honesty, Kindness, Loyalty, Generosity, Power and Wonder." Explained Silverfang.

"Wait. You said that there are six elements, you named seven." Pointed out Nu Hai.

"I know. That is because six of them can be used to activate the Bracelet of Chaos and six of them can be used to activate the Bracelet of Order." Explained Silverfang.

"And how will they know where these elements are located?" asked Mantis.

"There are two items that can locate and tell you when an elements or items are activated and tell you exactly where they are located. We currently have one of the item, the other item is located here at the Palace." Said Silverfang.

"Was. That Emma chick took an item. It might be that, it looked like a map." Said Mei Ling.

"Crap. That would explained why they were here. But how did they know where the map was located? The only people who know of the map location are the bosses." Said Travis.

"Well it doesn't matter now." Said Rin.

"Anyway, our mission is to stop them from collecting all six elements. That is why we need your help." Said Silverfang.

"How powerful are these people?" Asked Viper.

"Sigh…..Emma is an S class criminal. She alone can defeat all of us here." Said Silverfang.

"Minus you. You is more than a match for her S." said Travis.

"She is still stronger than me T." said Silverfang.

"Only by a little. You is the reason she ran away. She knows that if she fight all three of us, that she might actually lose." Said Rin.

"We can't take that risk. That is why we need your help. If we can get one or two of the elements, then we are safe." Said Silverfang.

"And don't worry. We will train you guys. You all will have access to new powers you never thought possible." Said Travis.

"Please say yes." Said Silverfang.




Rin is currently laying down on a branch of one of the tree outside. Travis and Silverfang stood under that same tree. All three agents are currently waiting outside of the Jade Palace, waiting for the others final decision. That was over an hour ago.

"So…..that is Viper huh? She's cute, you know for being an snake." Said Travis.

"Sigh…..she still haven't forgiven me." Said Silverfang.

"Well this is your chance. If they do agree to help us and we begin their training. You can personally train Viper by yourself." Said Rin.

"….And why would I do that?" Asked Silverfang.

"Because you can used the time spend together to try and rebuild your relationship with her." Said Rin.

"That….that is actually a good plan." Said Silverfang with a smile.

"Speaking of training. How exactly will we do this?" asked Travis.

"You will do it of course." Said Rin.

"Wait what!?" yelled Travis.

"Out of the three of us, you is the only one to take on a student. And you were train personally by one of the bosses. And what we are about to teach them are things that you excel at. I will still be here to help but you will be the main teacher." Said Rin.

"I also agree with Rin. You is the best candidate to train everyone here T. I am too soft, Rin is too lazy. But you, you is perfect." Said Silverfang.

"…..sigh, very well." Said Travis.

The double doors of the Jade Palace open. Po, Master Shifu, the Furious Five and the Four Constellation all stood at the entrance of the door. Po led everyone down the stairs, now standing before Team Omega. Po took a deep breath and then exhaled.

"We have decided, to help you. But on one condition. When this is all said and done, no more spying on us. Period." Said Po.

"That's fair." Said Silverfang, who held out the end of his tail. Po took hold of the tail with his paw. The two shook up and down.

"Thank you Po. And now we can get started on training all of you." Said Silverfang.

"Alright. Then what are we waiting for?" asked Po.




Emma and Lu stood before a mountain. Emma knocked gently on the mountain. The front of the mountain open, revealing a secret entrance. Both Emma and Lu enter the mountain, which closed. The two members soon appear at the center of the mountain.

"Emma, Lu. Have you retrieve the item?" asked a mysterious voice.

"Yes Master." Said Emma, taking out the map and showing it to her Master.

"Excellent. The elements will be activating very soon. Hahahahahaha!" laughed the mysterious voice.

Crusader. Is. Out.

Jesus. Is. Love.

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