《Origin Manifest》chapter 4


As Ken kept on walking in the direction the old man had given him he entered into a forest, the path he traversed started to become more and more dense with trees until an opening emerged at the end, through which he could see the peripheral of a large city,

Ken entered the city ,he could see stalls everywhere but he focused his mind towards his goal of reaching his destination he saw a boy about the same age as him ,Ken went and asked him the direction towards the school .The boy answered.

"So you are also going for the entrance exam?".

Ken nodded his head and asked what his name was .

"My name is Jeff".

Ken started laughing for no reason ,maybe he remembered something from his past.

Jeff looked at Ken and then stared into nothingness with a weird look, it was like he was on the show "The office" or something...

"Nice to meet you Jeff so shall we go together? ".

"Ok.....you don't look from around here".

"Yeah i get that a lot, i am from a small village nearby here and just so you know my name is Ken".

They talked about each others hobbies and what not and before they knew it they had reached the entrance of the school ,There was a big ass gate in front of them and they could see a large dome like structure with the sign" new comers enter here".

They both entered the dome together and they saw around 200 more people standing in the dome probably for the entrance exam. there was a podium in front of the whole group of people . A man came up and started speaking everyone dropped into silence..

"I am Jhin nix,i will be your supervisor today and will be conducting the entrance exam ,we hope you all have the physical capabilities of at least a martial trainee ,your life is in your own hands ,risk it at your own will".


"There are only 20 spots, everyone else will be eliminated but surely will be given the chance to participate in it the next year ".

"There will be only one round conducted as there are around 200 of you people ,everyone will be split into groups of 10 and everyone will be fighting each other within your group..... Now everyone form a line to collect your ticket it will tell you which group you belong to.."

Ken and Jeff both took one ticket out hoping they wouldn't get the same number, Ken looked at his ticket and he had got group no. 6 Jeff had got group no.9 so they were relived ,they wished each other the best and set off to their respective location.

Ken saw a circular platform in front of him this was the fighting stage ,The announcer started speaking.

"This is the fighting stage for the battle royal you all have to stay in the ring anyone who goes out of it will be disqualified, When there is only 1 contestant left the match will be decided".

"Now everyone step into the ring.."

Ken took a good look at all of his opponents trying to find the weakest one, then he realized everyone was staring at him "well i guess nothing did change from my past life to this one..."

Then a bell rang and everyone started to rush at each other one on one, a guy came rushing towards Ken he was twice as big as Ken he made a tight fist and flung it towards Kens head as the fist came flying towards his face Ken unintentionally moved forward and dodged it Ken was a little surprised ,guess the mutation of his brain had given him heightened reflexes now it was kens turn to fight back he made a fist and punched the guy in the chest the guy flew back a little and suddenly fell on his knees holding his chest he was squealing, it seems Ken had broken some of the guys ribs. This was the first time Ken had hurt somebody this badly.


A feeling of distress clouded Kens mind and he could feel a little bit of pleasure ,the realization of this pleasure led to more distress in his mind 'Why am i feeling good after beating that guy up, this is not right '.

After a little bit of contemplation Ken looked around and saw that everyone was knocked out unconscious and beat up to a pulp, there was only one guy standing in front of him and it looked like he had beaten all of them up, the guy stared at ken "that was a nice punch you threw there that guy looks totally busted out ,all these guys were no fucking match for me i hope at least you would give me a goddamn warm-up".

Ken ran up to this guy making a fist and throwing a right hook to his face the guy slides his fist away with his left hand and with a punch at the ready on his right arm he struck kens jaw almost cracking it, ken flew back a little ,still standing he didn't feel anything he just knew his jaw line had a crack in it the guy was surprised "that punch should have knocked you out cold you sure are a tough one to crack".

Ken replied "so are my jokes".

Ken went in again from below this time to land an uppercut but he was greeted with a knee to the face and flew back, Ken was in a dilemma, this guy was surely way better skilled than him ,in this dilemma he could hear a familiar voice of himself, Ken was greeted with an influx of knowledge and had unlocked a new ability!!.....

Now Ken concentrated on both of his arms and he could feel some changes happening to his arm the protein in the muscles concentrated together and formed a hard outer shell on his arms and his muscle fibers also changed, his arms felt hard, he punched in the air a few times, it worked normally..

Now Ken walked over to the guy and gave a straight punch to the stomach the guy tried to block it with his legs folding upwards, the punch had so much raw strength that it broke his legs and sent him flying away out of the ring knocking him unconscious.

Ken was surprised at his own power and so was the judge/announcer, Ken had won the battle of group 6 and awaited for the results of the match of his friend Jeff.....

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