《Eternity and Bones》Monsters are scary!


Stunningly beautiful. Those were the only words that came to my mind as I stepped out from the dark cave I had lived in all my life. No… life is probably the wrong word. But that doesn't matter. I need to find a human settlement and find out more about the world.

As I walked through the forest, I noticed that there weren’t as many monsters as I expected. The humans made it seem like the world was overrun with monsters to the point where you couldn’t go anywhere without seeing one, but there are no monsters in sight right now. How strange…

AGH! What the hell is that thing!? It’s all bouncy and- it’s chasing me! get this thing away from me!

“Hey are you okay over there?”

Huh? Someone said something? Oh! Humans! Help! Please help!

“Huh? Oh it’s just a slime. Don’t worry, I'll help!”

Yes! Thank you! My savior!

The man who saved me told me that the disgusting monster that was chasing me is called a ‘slime’. What a gross sounding name. It was also quite difficult communicating with him, I can't really talk after all, but I managed to convey what I was trying to say to him. Anyway, according to him, the closest settlement is south-west of here. I thanked him for saving me, and went on my way. I wonder if I could learn how to use that ‘magic’ stuff? Maybe that could help me communicate with humans!

I finally made it to the settlement! There are so many humans! My savior also told me that if I wanted money I should probably become an adventurer, so I guess I'll try that! Though I don’t really know what adventurers do besides show up and kill skeletons every once and while.

Oh. That's what adventurers do. They kill monsters. All day… Every day... hell no! I’m terrified of monsters! I know I myself am a monster, but I'm still scared of them! No! I refuse to become an adventurer!


Ugh, isn’t there anything else I can do? Without money, i won’t have a place to stay, and without a place to stay I'd have to roam the streets at night! That’s creepy! I don’t wanna be a creep! At this point would it have been better just staying in the cave forever…

“Excuse me, do you have a second?”

Hm? A human? Are they talking to me?

“Are you free right now? I run an inn over there, but… well… it’d be better if you saw for yourself.”

Hmmm sounds sketchy… wait an inn?!? I’ve been looking for a place to stay! I’ll go!

Wow… I was excited by the prospect of having a place to stay, but… why is this place so run down?!

“I’m sorry it’s a little run-down, but I can’t help it, nobody wants to stay here, so I haven’t had enough money to pay for employees to help maintain the place…”

Whatever, I just have to clean the place up, right? I’ll get to work!

Finally done! It took all night, but I cleaned that place up!

“Wow! It looks just like new! Thank you so much! If you ever need a place to stay, you’re welcome to stay here!”

Yes! Finally, a place to stay! Things are finally beginning to get better for me!

What the hell!? Why is it so damn loud! Just as things were starting to look up, I get interrupted by all this damn noise!

What the hell?! Why is the inn so full? People avoided this place like the plague yesterday, so why the hell are all these people here?!

“Oh! Good morning sir! Thanks to your help, my inn is finally getting customers!”

I can see that!

“Oh, you look kind of angry, sorry if all the noise woke you up.”

Whatever, I’ll just leave and stay somewhere else until this place calms down.

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