
Katsuo (crying under the blanket).

son dinner is ready come down

katsuo: I will eat later mom.

I said come down katsuo have the dinner

katsuo:I don't want eat the dinner please mom leave me alone

ok I will store some food for you.

katsuo fell asleep after drying so hard with his mouth open

a housefly roaming comes near katsuo

bzzzzzzz bzzzzzz what the heck wrong with this house fly I can't even sleep peacefully and then felt sleep again with his mouth open the house fly by mistake enters the katsuo mouth and katsuo ate that fly

katsuo: ummm chew chew ewwwwww what did I ate just now god dawm this house fly.

katsuo moves downstairs and brush his teeth katsuo was feeling dizzy he go upstairs and was gradually telling to sleep then he heard a loud voice in his head a scary voice

bruhhh why I was sended to planet earth this is the most boring place

katsuo got scared he screamed

what happend kid mom dad

I felt something scary in this room I heard a heavy ghost type voice

kid don't say me ghost

shhhhhh mom dad did u listen that voice that scary voice again he just said I am not ghost

katsuo I guess you are just tired you should get some sleep katsuo


So kid I am Orisis the god of soul the strongest god among all. I have been sended to earth to protect the humanity as earthlings are corrupted. Kid dream world is only place where we can talk for now asthis is the dream world you cant speak so we cant have an active communication here so can you please stop shouting every now and then when you hear my voice I reside in you your memory and mind is now my memory and mind.


Katsuo struggling to speak

Dont try kid you cant speak here well its fascinating that a retarded civilization can access the dream world Dream world was only meant for god's to be used in lesuire time.

you were lucky kid that my powers didn't burst you only my 0.7 percent do powers reside in you that not much but your physical abilities will be greater than a normal human on earth.

Katsuo terrified trying to speak***

And kid the way you ate the house fly was gross but never mind. You will help me finding all the other power sources present on earth that house fly was one of the power source.There are around 37 power sources scattered around this planet. I guess you are going to wake up so bye for now we will talk later.

Katsuo:Uffff what was that such a bad dream. Dawmmm my muscles are hurting I am feeling tired

Orisis:after such a long talk you still think that was a dream if you want to talk don't shout no one can listen me except you, earthlings are really retarded creature you will help me exploring the earth and resolving some mysteries.

Katsuo: please say that the dream has not ended come on.

Orisis:Kid accept the fact that I will live inside you from now onwards.you should be proud that a god will reside in you

AND kid you are a scared ass you didn't save your only friend. Well that's non of my business.

Katsuo: you know that HOW? you are living inside me so are you a kind of parasite?

Orisis: kid I can't kill you that doesn't mean Can't harm your body know your place fool see who you are talking to and for first question I told you your memory is my memory.



Katsuo:I want to ask you so many things Am I special why you are sended to earth to save humanity is there any alien invasion or devils are going to attack us I want to know everything

Shut up kid I will tell you everything so the truth is....

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