《Love Thy Vampiress》Episode 04: The Hunter Within The Night


Episode 04: The Hunter Within The Night

The dark night was illuminated by the stars as a boy and girl stood by a river bank.

“Damn it, I can't believe Kotaro beat us!!” Keigo cursed as he kicked a pebble into the river. “He even had the gull to ignore my gracious offer of friendship!!”

“Gracious? Keigo, offering someone to be your subordinate is far from gracious. If you truly want to make friends you need to stop being so condescending.” Ellen face palmed at her ridiculous Blood Warrior. “Not everyone is as easy going about it as me.” Ellen recalled her meeting with Keigo and the words:

“Ellen, I give you permission to sink your fangs into my humble neck, feel free to be happy!” At the time, Ellen, who heard these words, had the worst impression possible. But through sheer will power and repeated approaches, Keigo eventually got his wish and the two became a pair.

Ellen continues watching her Blood Warrior (whom is still throwing a tantrum) with a slight smile. Even with your overflowing pride, you're the very personification of innocence. Of all her potential Blood Warrior candidates, Keigo was the only one who could grant Ellen her peace of mind.

Ellen had been born into a family of aristocrats she was raised as a pure Ojou-sama. But that all changed the moment she became a Vampiress. She was quickly disinherited and handed over to Mutsuroku Academy, her family had viewed her as a monster. Growing up in an isolated environment and then thrown away left Ellen with a huge mental scar. She had trouble adapting, and difficulty in trusting. If even her family abandoned her, then just who or what could she believe in? This was what made Keigo such a perfect match for her. A girl who couldn't trust and a guy whom only spoke his mind made quite the dynamic duo.

This is!? Ellen was snapped out of her happy mood and quickly manifested a lightning wall in front of herself and Keigo. A beam of light shot at the barrier forcefully dispersing it. The force sent Ellen flying backwards.

“ELLEN!!” Keigo shouted as he caught his Vampiress and placed her safely back on the ground.

Keigo took the vanguard position as he materialised his dual daggers, facing off against the large masked silhouette that attacked them.

“I don't know what your problem is, but I ain't going to take your shit lying down!!” Keigo charged at the masked silhouette. Keigo swiped with his first dagger carving a route for a stream of lightning, the masked figure ducked down and lunged with its halberd.

“Oh no you don't!!” Ellen shot a lightning beam at the masked figure, whom changed from attack to defence, light coating its halberd, the masked figure intercepted the lightning.

Keigo stabbed with his second dagger, the masked figure punched his wrist altering Keigo's attack trajectory. Ellen prepared to shoot another lightning beam, however the masked figure suddenly moved to Keigo's side.

He's trying to use Keigo as a shield!! Ellen gritted her teeth as she ran to the flank, trying to get a better angle. But the masked figure continued to position itself in a way that Keigo was always blocking Ellen. At the same time it continued fending off Keigo's attacks, light cuts started gathering all over Keigo's body. The masked figure was clearly superior to Keigo in close combat, and with a simple strategy they had sealed Ellen's support. But this was not the only thing that was concerning Ellen and Keigo. They're clearly receiving support from a Vampiress, but where are they!? Ellen thought. In order for the Blood Bond to work at its full potential, the Blood Warrior and the Vampiress need to be close to each other. He's not like Kotaro, whom just has a huge mana capacity, he's definitely receiving it externally!! No I can't think about this right now. Ellen shakes her head as she charges towards the battleground. If I can't provide long ranged support, I'll do it from point blank!!


“GET DOWN KEIGO!!” Ellen shouted as she prepared her strongest attack. However before Keigo could react the masked figure grabbed him and threw him at Ellen, whom reluctantly jumped over her partner. I won't be stopped like that again. Having experienced a similar tactic in her battle with Kotaro, this time she took a more heartless action. The masked figure was unable to react to Ellen's action, Ellen shot a wide lightning bolt that engulfed the entire masked figure.

After the lightning bolt ceased, there wasn't a speck of the masked figure. Ellen smiled through laboured breaths. “I did it...”

“Way to go Ellen, as expected of my Vamp...URGHHH!!” Ellen swiftly turned around at Keigo's gasp. What awaited her was the sight of her Blood Warrior suspended in the air, a halberd piercing his gut and the masked figure lifting him in the air like a trophy.

“KEIGO!!” She screamed as she ran with all her might, electricity coursed through her exhausted body. The masked figure flicked Keigo at her, Ellen this time was unable to dodge her partner. Not because of lack of ability, but she couldn't allow him to be hurt any further. Falling back with Keigo's weight shot at her, the masked figure's halberd's blade expanded and shot towards the duo. Ellen's body reacted by reflex, as she shoved Keigo to safety before...”GUUHHH!!” The halberd's blade pierced her body. Ellen looked down at the blade stuck into her, blood trailed down her lips, her body convulsed. When the masked figure withdrew their blade, she fell backwards into a puddle of blood.

Ellen with the last of her strength turned to Keigo, “….” Her lips moved, but no voice came out. Even in her critical state her only concern lay with her Blood Warrior.

The masked figure approached Ellen and gazed down at her with cold eyes. “Even if you're not one of the Priestesses, your body will make for a perfect 'Source'” The masked figure's voice was the last thing she heard before Ellen fell into the night's embrace.

“What the hell is all this racket!!” Yuga yelled as he saw the scene. Before his eyes was a severely injured Keigo and Ellen, and standing still, holding a bloody halberd, was Akira Saito.

Yuga seeing the scene made a quick judgement and manifested his blood weapon, that like Saito's was a halberd. “Drop your weapon Saito!!” He ordered.

Saito did not listen, or maybe he simply did not hear. He continued to stare into empty space with a vacant expression.

After several more teachers and faculty came upon the scene, Akira Saito was arrested.

“THIS IS RIDICULOUS!!” Nora stomped towards the interrogation room. Makoto-sensei was close behind. After Saito was arrested, Makoto-sensei had called for Nora and informed her of what happened. “I think so too, Nora-san. But Saito-kun isn't telling us anything, and he was found with blood over his weapon. If he won't co-operate then there is a high chance he will take the fall for this.”

Nora turned on her heels and glared at her teacher, “Akira maybe a grumpy sod, but he would never do something so low!!” Nora continued to the interrogation room. The guard at the door took a step back from looking at Nora's angry expression.

“Let her in.” Makoto-sensei ordered.

“Yes Ma'am.” The guard typed a key code into the panel and opened the heavy metal door.


“I can't give you long, Nora-san.” Makoto-sensei said. Nora nodded lightly before walking into the interrogation room, the door shut behind her.

Saito was restrained in a chair, his arms chained behind his back. Blood was trickling down his beaten face. Nora gasped as she saw Saito's condition and ran to his side.

“Akira...What happened to you!?” Saito gazed at his partner with foggy eyes and gave a wryly smile.

“An interrogation worthy of such scum.” He stated. “When I wouldn't confess they took this route.”

Nora glanced at the floor and saw a syringe lying there. This sight caused Nora to lower the room's temperature several degrees. The floor slowly began to freeze as she stood up with menacing eyes. “Who dared to do this!?”

“Nora, calm down...” Saito requested weakly, he was happy his partner got angry for his sake, but there was a more pressing issue. “Keigo and Ellen were nearly killed, and the culprit hasn't been caught.”

“I know that. There is no way you would do such a thing after all. Why didn't you tell the teachers what happened?”

“I think it's an insider, Nora.” Saito's words shook Nora, “I don't know who I can trust.”

“An insider...”

“I'm not sure who it is, but if I say something they will figure I'm onto them. In addition if we all start suspecting each other it would only cause more problems.” Saito declared. “Nora, can you promise me something? It is something that will help prove my innocence.”

“What is it?”

“Until the true culprit has been caught, stay with Kotaro.”

“Huh? Why? Come on Akira, I know you don't like him, but you don't really suspect...”

“That isn't it...” Saito shook his head, “The assailant, I believe he is targeting Blood Warriors. Kotaro is a Blood Warrior without a Vampiress, so they may very well target him.”

“I see, so if they target him, I will catch them red handed.” Nora wore a determined smile. She didn't like the idea of using her friend as bait, but in order to prove Saito's innocence she would have to take such a path. I will definitely apologise afterwards.

“I'm counting on you, Nora. Promise me, you won't let Kotaro out of your sight.” Saito's eyes were more serious than she had ever seen them.

I guess even if they're rivals, Akira will still worry about Kotaro. Nora thought to herself, she didn't dare say it aloud, as she knew Saito would only deny it.

The heavy door opened and Makoto-sensei peaked inside. “Nora-san, I'm sorry, but time is up.” Nora got out of her seat and walked towards the door.

“I'll do as you say, Akira.” She smiled before leaving through the opening, which slowly closed behind her. “Don't worry, I'll definitely prove your innocence.”

“So, were you able to make your walking blood pack confess his crimes, you little sucker.” A middle aged man wearing a trench coat called out to Nora and Makoto-sensei. He was followed by a couple of armed guards. “The sooner the sin is declared the sooner repentance can be given.” The man's cold words received a cold glare from Nora, with Makoto-sensei trying to will herself to say something back but the words failing her.

“Who are you?” Nora asked.

“Oh, how rude of me. My fear from being in front of two monsters made me forget my common courtesy. I am the lead investigator for this case, Second Class Operative, Junichi Amase, here's my card.” Junichi threw a card towards Nora, whom caught it.

“Why is someone from SATU investigating an attempted homicide?” Nora asked as she gazed at Junichi. SATU was an acronym for Special Anti Terrorism Unit, the name itself was a clear indicator of what cases they dealt with. Such a case should not have fallen under their remit.

“That information is on a need to know basis, and you don't need to know my dear monster.” Junichi's smile thinned.

“I see, then was it you who used drugs on Akira to try and get a false confession?” Nora asked.

“What!? Drugs?” Makoto-sensei after hearing that word gazed menacingly at Junichi.

“It can't be helped can it? He was turned into a monster by your own fangs, we can't have him acting up now can we? A piece of trash that threw away his humanity to wag his tail to a monster. As long as he confesses, it's all good. I have no intention on wasting my time on the scummy brat, so what's wrong with loosening his lips? It's clear he's the culprit after all.” Junichi declared whilst opening his arms wide.

“I see,” Nora took one step forward, then another. “Say, shall I give you a piece of advise that may save your life one day?”

“What?” Junichi smiled.

BANG!! - Nora pinned Junichi to the wall and slammed her fist just to the side of his head. The wall began to freeze. Despite the cooling temperature, Junichi was sweating bullets. His entourage were sitting on their rear ends in fright.

Nora looked up into Junichi's shaking eyes with her cold ones. “We Vampiress have endured all kinds of discrimination, no words you use to insult us would have any effect. However...” Nora grabbed Junichi's shoulder, which quickly went numb. “Our Blood Warriors are another story. When most of humanity either uses or discriminates against us, our Blood Warriors walk beside us. I don't exaggerate when I say they are the world to us, you'd do well to remember that.” Nora moved away and continued on her way.

Makoto-sensei looked down at the men and said, “On behalf of the chairman I am utilising Mutsuroku Island's Autonomous Rights. This case is no longer within your jurisdiction, I heavily suggest you leave this island.” Makoto-sensei held a flame in her hand. “As a teacher I cannot let your actions against my students go unpunished!!”

“You'll regret this!!” Junichi and his entourage screamed as they got to their feet and fled.

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