《Genre : Fantasy》Prologue Ch-5 The world ahead


"Charles, ma boi, can ya now tell me where we folks going at?" Edgar inquired.

'But you won't come if I tell that to you' Reid mumbled under his breath, trying his best to look as if he was lost in his own thoughts.

"Fine then, a surprise it is. But ya know mate, never in my dreams did I think that it would be ya who would approach me for an outing."

"Shh.." Reid shooed the Skal away as he continued polishing his horns.

Since Edgar was getting ignored by the Shura, he turned his attention towards the human who was intently watching the wall with wide eyes - the same wall which had trapped him in that metallic room with that Shura, who mentally fucked the shit out of him.

This caused him to long for freedom every second, every minute he spent with Reid and so he should have been happy that he could finally leave, albeit for a short time. Still, the sudden proposal of an outing gave off a strong stench of foul play. No words could describe what he felt at that moment, but there was one thing he knew for sure - 'the outing is just a petty excuse. These suckers are planning some foul shittery and he will be the one who will suffer at the end'. Just thinking back about the horrendous event that occurred with him a week ago gave him shudders.

"Oi kiddo, don't fret. I will heal ya every time this jerk injures ya." Edgar could somehow make out what the human was thinking and thus he tried consoling him, but rather than calming him down, these words worsened his condition as the 'healing' he went through flashed through his mind.

Seeing this, Edgar backed off from Abhin.

"It is time. Ed, you better keep your mouth shut and maintain some decorum cause we are not going to your local park." Reid warned the Skal, to which he replied with a hasty nod. Both of them spoke in English - as suggested by Edgar - whenever they were near Abhin, so as to make the human more comfortable around them.

Reid gave Abhin a quick glance before butting in between them to make way towards the wall. He then majestically split open the wall with a wave of his hand as Edgar intently observed the change in Abhin's expression. But the human's inquisitive eyes, which were akin to caged bird longing for the sky, were soon let downcast as another wall greeted him.


Seeing his dispirited figure, Edgar slightly tapped his shoulders and chuckled a bit while saying, "The Stairs are at the right. We are underground right now."

"Ed just shut up, will you?" Reid reprimanded Edgar as he went out of his lab, followed by the Skal and then the human. The Shura seemed to be thinking something intensely as if a few things were not on the right track for him. On the other hand, Abhin - to reduce his nervousness - took an extremely long breath just after he stepped out of that four-walled cage that eerily resembled his own room. It was as if he was releasing all of the pent-up frustration he had built up last week. It was as if he was trying to forget that such a place even existed. But it would not be known as trauma, was it this easy to be forgotten. Nevertheless, he treated this moment as a turning page of his now downtrodden life, as it was a golden opportunity that fate had provided him - a full-fledged chance to escape.

After climbing a dozen or so steps, the trio reached a bunker-themed trap door. Reid then manually opened it using a valve, causing his deltoids, triceps, and biceps to bulge out.

'And he calls himself a scientist. Make sure not to directly face this lying brute, Abhin.' The human thought to himself as he shuddered a bit.

Cool, opaque fog rushed in as the trap door opened up, blocking up Abhin's sight. The Shura faded away into the fog, with the Skal following him right after.

"Ya's coming with me." Edgar quickly grabbed hold of the human's hand and assisted him out of that place. Although he could not see anything, he could definitely feel the changes in the environment such as how the wind felt cold and fresh yet hard to breathe. He could clearly hear the soft cries of water as it slowly swished over some rocks, indicating that a waterfall was at some distance. The floral scent lingering around, which tingled with his olfactory senses, made him almost picture the vibrant and colorful fields of flowers. It was as if he was back on Earth, playing in the fields of his grandmother's garden. He felt relaxed as an uncanny solace had taken over him, the lullabies which her mother had sung when he was a child were hallucinating in his mind and an extreme desire to sleep took over him.


'Fuck. I knew something's wrong.'

But he still held onto his consciousness, probably because the vivid image Reid had on his mind refused to fade away. He abruptly closed off his nostrils cause the thing he was breathing in was the only notable variable that had changed, probably causing him these hallucinations. And although that changed nothing, he somehow held onto his senses for the next few minutes, which was the time it took them to get out of that fog.

He started puking as soon he got out and thus had little time to notice the abrupt change in his surroundings.

"I said ya that spells and formations are gonna be harmful to his mana stagnant body. It's a miracle that he held up until now."

"Hey, Ed. SHUT. UP. How hard can it be to..." But he was interrupted by the loud humming of the jets, as a neo-militaristic hovercar landed right in front of them. A Blithe came out of it to greet the Shura. After having a small dialogue, Reid went into the car/jet along with him.

Meanwhile, seeing the hovercar, Skal felt goosebumps crawling on his skins. He eyed up the Shura as if he was betrayed, backstabbed, and quite possibly, bamboozled but Reid didn't even spare him a glance.

So he had no choice but to check up on the human who had now recovered from the sudden concussion and was staring at the sky with his mouth gaping open.

"Beautiful, isn't it?" Edgar complimented, but the human ignored(Poor Ed's getting a lot ignored today) him as he was busy gawking at the hugeass planet hung in the sky, almost covering half of it. No sun was visible as the planet seemingly eclipsed the star it orbited, but the dazzling golden color its(planets) periphery shone in(due to the eclipse) seemed to illuminate the sky. The sky - which was completely yellowish-orange instead of the usual blue - housed three moons, one of the bigger ones partially eclipsing the smaller ones and the third one minding its own business at the other end of the sky. It seemed as if they themselves were on one of the moons revolving around that planet, the one closest to that planet.

Signs of life were on both the moons and the planet, for their darkened lands were illuminated in white webs, probably due to the usage of electricity. The view was breathtaking, and words will only belittle its 'out of the world' beauty.

"We have to go now, kiddo. It's an everyday event so ya can stare at it all ya want afterward." Edgar remarked, donning an obviously bitter smile, as he continued, "People generally don't travel in the mayor's escort, so cheer up and move on with me to the next event."

The recent events really were too much for him to take in. Now that it was proved that he was not on Earth, things became a tad bit more complicated. How will he return to earth? Who would even help him if he escaped them? By the looks of it, these Ningens had a lot of enemies. What would happen if people found out that he is one of their descendants? Is he truly one of them? He had a lot of questions, but answers: None.

But he soon realized that it was futile thinking about such stuff and so he decided to let it go for a while and relax.

'On the bright side, the flora here is green and seems normal enough.'

'I wonder if that blob-like creature poses a threat to me.' Abhin once again started passively observing his surroundings.

Huge agricultural fields passed by as they flew over them. The blobs(Blithes) farmed on them and some of them occasionally looked towards the hovercar.

"How is it that I feel Earth-like gravity here?" He subconsciously posed a question, not expecting someone to reply.

"Because the clothes you are wearing are infused with mana, which helps in creating an artificial G-Force maintaining..." The Skal started saying things that went above his head but he grasped whatever he could comprehend.

"I... I see." Seeing him answer put Abhin a bit at ease too.


Edgar kept on informing him of all the landmarks -like a guide- that came during the half-hour trip.

After passing a dozen or so cities and large stretches of farms, a lavish mansion built in the traditional medieval way came into view.

The hovercar soon parked outside the front gate of the mansion, as a group of those blobs armed with rifle/spear shaped weapons approached it. Reid and the other Blithe with him were the first ones to get out and after a minute or so, Edgar and Abhin were called out.

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