《Genre : Fantasy》Prologue Ch-3 Surgery


Standing 5ft 7 inches tall, a green-skinned humanoid creature with a lean physique and a rat-like face barged in the room. With 'elven' ears stuck to its skull and deep red eyeballs(shura had black cornea with white eyeballs but this guy has his whole eyeball red), it shared a lot of resemblance with the mythical creatures, goblin. Well, at least physically.

However with civilized clothing, neat-looking bangs on his dark green forehead, and a pair of Harry Potter glasses to dull out his sharp facial features, he definitely didn't feel like a gold greedy cowardly creature who would live in caves.

Drenched in sweat, he rapidly gasped for air as he slowly stabilized his breathing(The wall once again split to let Edgar enter).

"What happened, ma...te?" His red eyes lit up(literally), as his face donned an expression full of shock. The scent of blood and slightly cooked meat, which lingered around in the air, entered his nose as he saw his friend kneeling on the now bloodied floor holding someone in his hands.

"Ed, please save him," Reid begged this newcomer as he tried getting up.

"Leave it gently on the floor and back off Charles," Edgar shouted as he rushed towards his patient. He briefly examined his wounds for a few seconds, before placing his palms on the victim's chest.

"Heal" Edgar chanted a short spell as the various rings on his long, slender fingers lit up and started quaking, while small thin needles emerged from them and pierced Abhin's chest, but he soon retracted them as he realized something important. (don't imagine some long wiggly fantasy needles, like a friend of mine. They are just a centimetre long, stiff injectors coming out from the lower shank of the four rings which he wore on both of the hands, two each.)

"His mana is rampaging. What in the fucking world did ya do with him, ya cunt? "

"Ed, can you save him or not? Don't waste much time talking nonsense." Charles counter questioned him, trying to overlook the question Edgar asked, given the severity of the situation.

"I... I can, but ya know that healing someone like him will assert tremendous pressure on his brain. He might go bonkers at this rate, if not die." Edgar said, explaining the consequences his actions might have on his patient.

"Ed, it is still better than dying. Besides, it is fine if he loses his mental capacity, although please try your best so that no such thing occurs."


"But the torment he will go through is far crueler than death." Edgar looked into the eyes of the human, which pleaded to send him off his misery. He was already at the limits of his pain, for he had lost his whole arm and a huge metal piece was stuck to his face, which was probably physically damaging his brain. If a pain ten times crueler were to be added in the picture, things would definitely not end on a good tune. And Edgar was not that cruel, so the best option he thought was to quickly send the patient off and save him from the torment, but Reid said otherwise.

"Use an anesthetic then, wouldn't it all be fine then?" Reid suggested, and it seemed like a valid point.

"Did ya go nuts?? Didn't ya inject that stuff in his chest to keep him alive and wide awake so he can survive till I come? Anesthetics are useless and overdose might just kill him, quicker to boot." Edgar rolled his eyes as he reprimanded the Shura.

"Fine then. Please, Ed. I know this will hurt your conscience but please, just this one. His life is extremely important to me, so save his life. Please," Reid pleaded.

Edgar widened his eyes in surprise after seeing the Shura show such intense emotions and he soon made up his mind as he once again caught the glimpse of the dying human.

"Fuck. Alright, here goes nothing." He said as the needles once again pierced Abhin's chest.

"Heal." Edgar once again chanted this spell, but this time his voice quavered a lot more. The scars and the scratches filled up, while blood stopped leaking at a visible rate, but the patient started convulsing violently and loud groans left his mouth as his larynx was somewhat healed.

"Keep him steady, mate. And shut his trap, cause I can't concentrate."

Reid held his limbs steady and stuffed the human's mouth with something.

Edgar, on the other hand, started the second part of this operation.

"Levitate" he softly said while hovering(literally) his hand on the metal piece stuck on his face. The muscles which were cleaved by it widened as an extremely small gap was created to take the metal piece out. The metal shard slowly 'levitated' out of his face and it was then, that Edgar sighed in relief. He placed one of his hand on the human's face, and as the needles pierced his face, his muscles healed and his eyelids grew back. Thankfully, the shard missed the brain.


The earlier spell freed his mouth, as he once again started groaning and shouting.

"KILL ME. PLEASE. KILL ME." Abhin hoarsely shouted while crying and begging Edgar. His eyes had lost almost all its life and lustre as the only thing he now wished for was death; something just a luxury to him.

"What's he shouting mate?" Edgar questioned the Shura.

"He.. he wants to live, and so... he wishes for you... you to heal him."

"Don't take me for a fool, Charles. I know very well when ya lie." Edgar berated the Shura for blatantly lying to him but soon focused back on his patient.

Using the same procedure, he removed the broken shards of ribs stuck in his inner organs and healed them in the next ten minutes. But it seemed that he was not able to regrow his arm.

"Did you not feed him anything?" Edgar questioned.


"Great, now bring me everything his body and bones are made up of. From carbon and calcium to what not." Edgar was now slightly pissed on his friend.

"Yeah, I did conduct some tests and brought them just in case you...." Reid shot back as he tried to redeem his self-esteem, but "Then quickly bring them to me!" Edgar interrupted Reid as time was valuable.

Reid quietly obliged his friend's request and conjured the things he needed.

"Wait, give me that spatial ring too. I might need a few more things ya might have." Edgar asked for a dragon-shaped ring on Reid's index finger.

"Handle it with care, it is one of her gifts. Make sure not to put even a scratch on it." Reid unwillingly handed the spatial ring to Edgar.

"Gotcha, mate."

Edgar then injected the materials directly into the human's body(not as simple as it is being portrayed here) and started regrowing his arm.

Just like how a parasitic fungi grows over its host, flesh started sprouting on his shoulders. Abhin struggled to rid off the Shura who was holding his hand but he was weak, extremely weak. His body should have fainted a while ago, but he couldn't. He even stopped breathing a few times, but those fuckers didn't let him die.

He watched his hand grow, and he might have been amazed by this, were he in his right mind.

In the next ten minutes, his hand completely grew and he was physically restored to his peak. His mind, however, had taken a huge hit, and it would be great if he didn't go bonkers like Edgar said.

"YES. Finally." Edgar shrieked in joy as he succeeded in saving the human. The patient, on the other hand, lay powerless on the floor. The energy he was left with was not enough to even properly tremble, let alone escape that place. All he could do was to watch those two freaks talk in a language he didn't understand, but he didn't have brains to spare thinking about it as his mind was now in a state of an absolute blank.

After celebrating for a few minutes, Edgar asked.

"What did ya do to him? How did he end up like that? "

".... and so that's what happened, I hope you will understand me." The Shura explained everything that occurred until now.

"Understand my ass, ya asshole. Ya just got so excited that ya stopped thinking about the consequences. He will stay with ya for far longer, so take it slow ya dimwit." Edgar counseled his friend.

"Hmm." Reid vaguely hummed.

Edgar once again glanced at the human as he asked, "Are you sure that poor kiddo is a Ningen? You wouldn't be alive if he were one."

"He might not be one, but his ancestor sure was a Ningen. Probably, a Ningen mated with one of the locals of his planet."

"Hahaha, those eunuchs and mate. Stop kidding me, 'MA~~TE'. Hahaha"

"I'm serious, Ed. He has the bloodline of a Ningen."

"Well, Ningen or not. Give him a week's break before going back to ya experiments. Take him out of ya lab to get a bit of fresh air, and most importantly, feed him properly, or else even I might not be able to save him." Edgar said as he started leaving.

"Thanks, Ed. I owe you a drink." Reid grinned happily as he thanked Ed.

"Well try showing more of these smiles - especially to mother - if ya genuinely want to thank me." He joyfully smirked, saying one last line before leaving Reid's lab as he still had work to do in his hospital.

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