《Snapdragons & Chrysanthemums》Chapter 15


When the last day of training came and the baron had prepared their long journey, Ethel was called in the Headmaster’s office shortly after her spar with Fleur. She knocked at the door, not at all minding the person standing guard next to her.

“Come in.”

Headmaster Wyles, a man known to be one of the strongest warriors in the history of the empire, had been reduced to an old man with a wrinkled face and a pale complexion. Time had left him feeling weary and there was hardly a trace of the iron blooded general in him.

“You called for me?”

“Yes, sit down.” Wyles looked up from his desk and took a good look at Ethel.

From the first time they met 8 years ago, it was hard to believe that the skinny and pale child would grow up to become a strong, independent warrior. He smiled.

“So, what does the headmaster want from this humble self?”

Wyles chuckled. “I’m sure that you’ve already heard from the baron that you will be going with the others to Solasta?”

“Unfortunately, yes.” Ethel sighed.

A few days ago, the baron had approached her with an offer. Since there weren’t enough sentinels to guard their carriage on the journey, she would come with them under the pretense of protection. It wouldn’t do good to show to the empire that the institute was lacking in personnel, especially after that disastrous incident regarding the Cyprus family.

“Then would you grant this old man a favor?”

Ethel furrowed her brows. “What is it?”

“Would you look after that boy, Carys?”

A look of enlightenment flashed through her eyes. She laughed and said, “You want me? Someone who is definitely weaker than that prodigy, to guard him?”

Wyles didn't find it a laughing matter at all. A thing he most regretted was not being able to personally guide Ethel in her training. A part of the reason why she was so obsessed trying to train and improve was to find her family. She didn't believe that someone out there was her living relative, or relatives if they somehow turn out to be many. If it wasn't because of her debt to the Count of Vankef, then she would've longed to journey to the far east.


"Ethel Nadir. I am serious about this matter."

Hearing that name, Ethel clenched her fist and gritted her teeth. Inwardly, she flinched at the name, but otherwise maintained the smile on her face. "Headmaster, can you not speak that name in my presence?"

She disliked the name. Whoever gave her that name deserved a slap to the face. Wyles looked at her unchanging face ang sighed.

"Pardon this old man. It has been years since you shed that name. It was unfair of me to mention it." After enrolling in the institute, the headmaster agreed not to disclose her last name in any and all classes, regardless of their reason. Not even her friends knew of her surname.

Ethel nodded and let it go. "Besides that headmaster, are you serious about me becoming a stand-in for a sentinel?"

Sentinels were beings that guarded the castle. Most of them liked to keep a low profile, so a lot of the students were not familiar with a lot of them. Students had no idea how many they were nor their base, just that they've been guards for almost a decade since the castle's founding.

"I have already arranged for the baron to hide your identity. The participants wouldn't know you were there, neither would the other sentinels bother you. In any case, sentinels are aloof guards so being alone wouldn't restrict your movements in any way. Just stay within the group and you'll be fine."

"What about my disguise then? Even a hooded cape cannot conceal my appearance, not to mention they would recognize my vitalis."

This time, the headmaster smiled. "The bracelet I gave doesn't just hide your appearance. It also hides your vitalis."

"Really? Isn't that too heaven-defying?" Ethel looked unconvinced.

"It does, trust me."

"Okay..." Ethel nodded and turned to the door. "I'll take my leave then."

"Before you go..." She gazed at the headmaster and raised a brow. "The capital is brewing with trouble, I hope you can proceed with caution."


She paused. It seems that the headmaster holds a bit of concern for her well-being after all.

"I will."

At the dawn of the next day, Ethel had slipped out of the dormitory under the pretense of training and changed her appearance. Her appearance had completely changed and now she looked similar to the southern people with their fiery red hair and green eyes. With this kind of disguise, she looked almost 30% like her old self, before leaving to meet with the baron at the southern gate.

“This will be the horse you’re riding. It is a week’s journey to the empire and we will take the fastest route. There will be no breaks except for mealtimes, likewise is the same for bathroom breaks.”

Listening to him list all the rules she needed to follow, Ethel nodded attentively. After all, this was a favor from the headmaster and she was getting quite bored in the castle. The incident with Porte left her with no one to talk to for the time being. The headmaster had already made up an excuse for her. For the time being, she went back to her hometown to visit her non-existent family and friends.

When the sun was high in the sky, the ride to the capital began. She did not speak, nor did she dawdle in the presence of the other participants, but her eyes did not fail to observe the movements and tacit understanding between the young warriors.

It looked like their brief joint training did not go to waste after all. This conclusion calmed her heart.

Over the course of the week, everyone was tired. They had met with a few annoying obstacles along the way, which were dealt with by the sentinels and addition to the rush, everyone was fatigued by the time they came upon the great empire of Solasta.

The competition would start in two weeks from now, which gave them time to familiarize the city and investigate a bit into their opponents. After all, Agora Institute was not the only place for training warriors. To get to the top finalists, warriors were pitted against warriors; and mages were pitted against mages. It is only in the finals would there be warriors against mages.

After being led to the gates by the knights, the baron allowed them to disperse and plan their own schedule, agreeing to meet at a set time and destination.

When they were led in the gates by the knights, the baron allowed them free rein on their activities, seeing as some were nobles and it was the first time the others stepped foot in the flourishing capital.

As the others left, it was only she and the baron who remained.

“What do you plan to do now?”

Ethel shrugged her shoulders. “Of course, explore the city as a tourist. I’m not here as a participant, so I have loads of free time. And since we’re already in the city, then there’s no need for me to guard Carys.”

“And what of your identity?”

“In this entire empire, the only ones who know my true identity is you. The headmaster trusts you, therefore I also trust you. So if you’ll excuse me-”

Her arm was held back by the baron. “You should be aware how dangerous it is now to travel.”

Ethel looked down at her seized arm and shrugged his hand off. She smiled and replied, “I’m thankful for the baron’s concern but that’s none of your business. I will rendezvous with the institute in two weeks time at the agreed point. Good day, sire.”

When her figure disappeared in the crowd of people, the baron couldn’t help but shake his head.

“Such a troublemaker,” he muttered.

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