《Transmigrated Vilainess : Daily Adventure Of Breaking The Protagonist's Love》A Certain Legitimate Daughter’s Enjoyment of Torturing The Male Lead Illegitimate Elder Brother (7)


It took a while for the doctor and nurse to come and Zhu Feiyan was being more impatient. She wanted to push the bell once again when the door suddenly opened.

"Doctor Wen...", Zhu Feiyan showed a relief expression.

It was the same middle-aged doctor Ye Ruo met when she first woke up from the coma, Wen Yunhua. He must be lacked of sleeping these days because his eyes were slightly red and there were also noticeable dark colors around it.

Doctor Wen and the nurse politely nodded to greet Zhu Feiyan.

"My niece just woke up. She said that she had a nightmare. She looked shaken, so I am afraid that it will affect her injury even further.", Zhu Feiyan quickly informed.

She felt bad that she had disturbed the doctor's rest, but Ruo'er was more important. Therefore she afraid that she must wronged this man...

Doctor Wen immediately wore his stethoscope and walked to Ye Ruo's bedside. He bent his body so his eyes were in line with her. He gently called, " Miss Shen... How are you feeling? Is there anything uncomfortable?"

The little girl seemed as if she was in pain. Her body slightly trembling, her face paled, and her eyes unfocused.

Zhu Feiyan quickly went to the bathroom to get a wet towel. She used it to wipe the sweat on Ye Ruo's forehead and gently helped her to lay down to make it easier for the doctor to check her.

Meanwhile, Ye Ruo's soul was still in the process of undergoing a transformation, She was completely oblivious with what happened around her at this moment...

Trapped inside a black room, she sat while hugging her knees, surrounded by pictures in black and white, moving like an old movie.

Quietly she watched a woman in a flowery dress sitting on top of a bed crying alone. Light came from the outside of the glass window.

Suddenly she heard a knock and the door opened from outside. The small voice of a little girl cautiously called her, "Mother..."

Ye Ruo's heart jumped, 'She is... the real Shen Ruo? Then, this woman must be her mother, Han LuoYa.'


Han LuoYa looked back with surprise. She quickly wiped her tears and smiled gently, trying to hide her sadness and despair from her lovely daughter.

Still, the little Shen Ruo could see her swollen red eyes...

"Little Ruo, come here!", she got up from the bed and opened her hands wide. Shen Ruo hesitated but then moved her little feet and threw herself into a warm embrace.

She looked up from her mother's bosom and asked meekly, "Mother, today is your birthday. Why is father still not come back?"

Han Luoya fell silent as she kissed the little girl's forehead gently and forced a smile, "Your father still has a lot of works to do. He said that he already prepared the present and would come back tomorrow. So Little Ruo must be a good girl and accompany mother to patiently wait for father, okay...?"

Little Shen Ruo let out a small 'en' and nodded. She silently moved her gaze to the window. Her pair of black clear eyes shone then cheerfully pointed her finger, "Mother, look! It is snowing."

Han LuoYa slowly turned her head and glimpsed at the snow slowly fell. Her expression desolate.


Shen Ruo was sitting inside a moving car, wearing a bunny white coat and a cute pink dress. Her hair tied with a lace ribbon. She quietly sat beside her mother in the backseat, looking at the moving silvery-white scenery outside.

"Mother, where are we going?", she curiously asked.

Han LuoYa glanced at her. Her face seemed a bit wan but her smile was still as gentle as always, "Little Ruo will accompany mother to spend the holiday at the villa. We will have fun together."

"Will father be there too?"

Han LuoYa paused slightly then nodded, "He will. If the matter in the company is settled, he would then come to join us."

A warm conversation between a mother and her daughter continued for a little while before the next second she heard the driver screamed.

Shen Ruo didn't even have enough time to get shocked. She saw Han LuoYa's terrified expression when she hugged her tightly inside her arms.


Shen Ruo instinctively shut her eyes as she felt the car spinning and received a harsh impact. Her ears filled with the sound of glass breaking and her mother's screaming.

Everything stopped moving all of a sudden. Shen Ruo was still inside Han LuoYa's embrace. She felt her mother stilled body and slowly opened her eyes. A drop of warm liquid fell onto her face.

What entered her sight was a long iron rod that impaled her mother's skull from the back, pierced through her bloody right eyes.


Ye Ruo watched the pictures moving as if in trance, didn't even realizing 6RD's oddity and interrupted voice.

[bzz... bzz... Initializing... bzz... data 1%]













[Yo, little girl are you there? Hello~ Happy to see you again!]

Ye Ruo instantly woke up from her stupor as her system's voice suddenly changed into a creepy man's coquettish voice.

"You? How... What did you do to 6RD?"

[Hm? There~ There~ No need to rush... Let me introduce myself first. My code name is DeusZero. Or you can simply call me Zero.]

The voice continued speaking and hehe-ed in such a manner that Ye Ruo found truly unpleasant.

[Before, you have accepted my condition so I helped you to leave that space. Even better, I completely nullify your bonding with Minerva. Now you have gained your freedom. Aren't you happy? Hehe~]

Ye Ruo: "Minerva?"


There was a slight pause along with a sound of skin being slapped.

[...Ah! I forget you still don't know its original name. You usually call it as Central System. The story is quite long and I am too lazy to tell you.]

[And that administrator you call 6RD, with me here, you should have guessed already. So I don't need to waste any more words to explain.]

Code name DeusZero...

Ye Ruo was harshly hit by a sudden realization.

She was being used!

That creepy man's purpose was to infiltrate the network inside the Central System and slowly weaken its power while keeping it stay in the dark about his presence. He couldn't do that by himself and needed a cover to camouflaged.

She was just an unlucky soul he chooses coincidentally and conveniently as the said cover...

Ye Ruo glared hatefully into the void, "What did you do to me?"

Her core had been drastically transformed. Although she didn't feel anything harmful, she couldn't take this matter lightly.

Zero: [Oh, that. That is just a virus I created.]

"Virus?", she almost exploded in anger.


As expected of a rotten man. He planned to 'deliver a gift' without a care of whomever life he would sacrifice!

[There~ There~ No need to be so scared. I promise if everything ends well, I will resurrect you. It is just a piece of cake since I already have your source code.]

[Actually, I never thought that that old man still have this trick up his sleeve. You are at this invincible state... sigh* I almost missed my only chance.]

"What are you talking about?", his confusing way to deliver information was very annoying. Ye Ruo regretted that she didn't harshly punch him several times on the face at that time.

Author: As if you could do it in your soul form →_→

[You don't have to know. For now, let's just get well together. Just keep concentrate on doing your tasks. Of course, I will also act as your administrator and give necessary help when needed.]

[And~ as this is the beginning of our cooperation, I will give you a good gift.]

Feeling a foreboding, Ye Ruo subconsciously wanted to reject but too late as a soft pink glow covered her entire self.

[Congratulations on unlocking the unrivaled snu-snu halo. Please utilize it with care. Be happy and enjoy your love explorations in life!]

Unrivaled snu-snu halo?!!

Wut da fudge was dat!!!

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