《Transmigrated Vilainess : Daily Adventure Of Breaking The Protagonist's Love》A Certain Legitimate Daughter’s Enjoyment of Torturing The Male Lead Illegitimate Elder Brother (2)


Shen ZhongMing finally saw an opportunity. He brought his mistress and her son back to Y country, hoping that because of the death of her biggest backer, Han LuoYa could compromise and accept both Yan Mei and Shen Zhen.

But reality didn't match up to his expectation. He forgot that the old general had been long since retired and the current family head, Han LuoYa's elder brother, although didn't embark on the same path as his father, was also not a simple man.

How could he accept his brother-in-law's ridiculous behavior? He treated his younger sister as a pearl in his palm. How could he bear to let others breaking her heart like that?

Shen ZhongMing, in his muddle-headed state because of love, had offended the Han family by openly stated his wish for Han LuoYa to acknowledge Yan Mei and Shen Zhen. Han LuoYa, because of heartache, in the end, gave birth to a daughter prematurely.

The newborn baby girl was named Shen Ruo. Her features resemble Shen ZhongMing a lot.

Such a beautiful little baby she was.

Unfortunately, because of her premature birth, Shen Ruo's body was weak. It caused a lot of heartache for Han LuoYa, but in Shen ZhongMing's eyes, she was only a disappointment.

'... As expected of an E- rank task. Such a trashy storyline.', Ye Ruo sighed helplessly.

In the blink of an eye, 7 years had passed. Shen Ruo grew up to be a lovely little girl. Although sometimes she liked to act mischievously, everybody was very fond of her.

It was the opposite for Shen Zhen. Mother and son's decision to follow Shen ZhongMing and stayed permanently in Y country had completely irked the members of Han family. No matter how many efforts Shen ZhongMing exerted to nurture the boy as his future heir, Han family would never acknowledge him.


Over time, the relationship between the two families was getting worse. And it reached its peak after a car accident that killed Han LuoYa on the spot happened.

At that time, Han LuoYa had planned to bring Shen Ruo to Shen family's villa on the outskirts of the city to spend winter vacation. As Shen ZhongMing preferred to spend most of the holidays with his mistress and son more than to spend it with both her and her daughter, Han LuoYa didn't even bother to inform him anything.

The rest of the story was predictable. The only one who survived the accident was Shen Ruo. After 3 hours, the rescuers finally arrived and saved her from under the wreckage of metals and fragments of glasses. She was found already in a coma state, being protected under her mother's dead body with just some minor injuries. And although it didn't take a long time for her to completely recover, since then Shen Ruo couldn't move both of her legs.

Ye Ruo felt a bit of a headache. After scanning Shen Ruo's body, she found that the injuries from the car accident 3 years ago had fully healed and it was more likely a psychological problem that caused her unable to stand again.

'This psychological trauma is not so easy to solve. The girl saw her mother died right in front of her. She was afraid and sad but her father didn't seem to care much about her.'

She had received Shen Ruo's memories and so with her wishes. She wanted justice for her mother, for those people behind the accident to get the punishments they deserve. And also, to get her father's love.

In fact, Ye Ruo herself had no confidence that she would be able to fulfill the last wish. What kind of person is Shen ZhongMing? For years, a gentle and mild-temperament lady like Han LuoYa failed to enter his heart. It showed her how coldhearted Shen ZhongMing was.


She sighed inward. But no matter what she had to complete the task, so she decided that she would try her best...

'The first thing I need to do is to learn to walk again. Being in a wheelchair is very inconvenient.'

Ye Ruo was about to call 6RD when suddenly the door flung opened. A man wearing a black suit came in. Behind him, a doctor and two nurses followed.

Seeing her already woke up, the man paused for a bit before continued to walk toward her bed in large strides.

Ye Ruo vaguely able to guess his identity.

Shen ZhongMing. Shen Ruo's father.

'Truly a handsome uncle. No wonder this body's mother was so much in love with him. Just his face alone can cause a national disaster. Tch... Tch... truly a sin...'

Shen ZhongMing stood by her bedside. He was tall and sturdy and his manner was austere and tranquil. His high status as the head of Shen family and one of the big shots in the business world in Y country added an icy indifference to his features, made him a very attractive man with a charm that no woman could escape.

"You're awake?", his voice was low and even the old virgin Ye Ruo thought that it was sexy. Unfortunately, it contained an indescribable chill that caused her hair stood on end.

'This man is dangerous.', she subconsciously put on guard.

Shen ZhongMing felt that his daughter's aura changed. His eyes flickered before it quickly masked by dull indifference. He turned to the doctor and nurses behind him and urged them to quickly do their jobs.

The doctor and nurses were very respectful to him. They quickly moved to work without speaking much irrelevant things.

" Miss Shen, do you feel dizzy or any other uncomfortable feelings?", the doctor asked while checking both her eyes with a pen flashlight.

The sudden light stung her eyes, made her reflexively blinking. She indeed felt uncomfortable, especially a dull pain at the back of her head.

"My head...", her voice was hoarse as she forced herself to speak.

This current body had always been weak, so Ye Ruo didn't order 6RD to make any adjustments to avoid suspicion. But she didn't realize how Shen ZhongMing's expression changed instantly.

The doctor and two nurses were also surprised.

"Are you feeling pain in your head?", the doctor once again carefully asked.

Ye Ruo felt a bit puzzled.

'Do they find something unusual in me?'

She had been very careful and sharp. For the sake of perfectly act as " Shen Ruo", she ordered 6RD to thoroughly analyzed the little girl's behavior and daily interaction with other people.

'It can't be. 6RD will never make any errors. It is completely impossible for people in this plane to detect anything.'

Ye Ruo immediately put her heart down. She weakly nodded to the doctor, but that single movement caused a strain to her head injury, making her instantly teared up.

'F***, it is hurt like hell!'

She touched her head and felt thick bandages wrapped around her head.

Ye Ruo's really wanted to curse someone.

'How could I get into this unlucky situation? I can't use my legs, have a weak body that a single wind blow can make me collapse, now in addition to this head injury. What kind of task is this?'

She suddenly remembered her 30 luck points...

Ye Ruo really wanted to weep right now!

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