《Geist》C8 - Interaction


John Smith waited for quite a long time yet the call from Major Karamazov did not materialise. Is it that hard to get a station in Annalytics? He stared at his kitchenette’s tabletop, a utilitarian design coloured basalt and controls in ivory white. The stubborn stain was still on it, a vomit-coloured splat.

“Hmm, since Major did not call me yet, maybe it’s time to go to BX?” John talked to himself. When he looked at the stain, it reminded him of the slums. Not a good memory. His stomach rumbled. “Perhaps some food too. I wonder if I have any credits.”

He perused his Recruit Kit again; due to unavoidable circumstances, he didn’t really take a closer look on the hefty silver-coloured case. The internals were all black, made from tough plastics and synthetic foam. Oh? There were two small tabs on the inner left side. He pulled the top one and found another card.

He recalled his prior conversation with Gerasimov; every soldier in 141st Martial Army Corps was given at least three cards. The first, a keycard to access personal quarters and certain areas. Next was a debit card, preloaded with some credits. The last one was about the user’s profile and established records.

John judged the card in his right arm must be the said debit card, based on its wordings and colour. He tapped it to his given data slate and sure enough, the device revealed he had some hundred credits in it. How long will this last me? Back in the slums, he never had to worry about running out of credits.

It was a miserable life yet almost everything was free, as free one wanted if they discounted the crooks and mooks plying the routes. From the Archives and his data slate, he read about on how everything above the slums had a price. Big and small. Ludicrous and bargain. Nothing was truly free in a society.

Credits got added to his laundry list of problems although his grumbling stomach begged to differ. John browsed his data slate and queried what he can buy from the Base Exchange. Should he try to cook again? No, that will take too much time and credits. Thus, he decided to buy some ready meals or something similar.

Standard military rations were tasteless enough and John had vague indications that they only made his hunger problems worse. Post-Mess Hall visit, he wasn’t feeling as bad as before. John also reminded himself that he needed to wash this vomit-palette stain. So much to buy, so little credits.

When he was preparing to go outside, his communicator rang. Gunther was on the line, “Boss, up yet?”

“Hello Gun-ter. Yes, I am…up?” John put on his communicator over his left ear, “So, uh…why do you call me, Gun-ter?”

“Just feelin’ it, Boss. Boss’s hungry right? Me can hear it here!” Gunther exclaimed over the call. John’s grumbling stomach made him chuckle.

“Oh, sorry. I was just browsing the BX’s feed so, uh…” With a tinge of embarrassment, John put down the data slate to his table.

Gunther continued, “Me see. Planning to buy stuff at da-BX? How bout we go together?”

“Together? Didn’t you say you have some sort of test coming?” The thin man began wearing his boots, “Or some training, Gun-ter?”

“Bout that? Da-test been postponed. Me heard someone important coming to da-base. Also, I need to buy some stuff for me train, Boss.” Gunther replied.

“Okay, let’s meet up outside of BX.” With boots fixed, John answered after some consideration. He stared at the debit card on his right hand, “But, uh, Gun-ter…I don’t have much credits so, uh…”


“Not much credits, Boss? Don’t worry! Boss have me! Me rich! Me can sponsor!”

“Is…it, really, really okay? But it’s your monies!” Even with his burly friend’s assurance, John still felt it was wrong to use his money for free.

Gunther simply laughed it off as if the matter was of no consequence, “Hahaha! Didn’t Boss know me? Me from one of Dynasty’s super Houses! Little credit is little problem!”

“Uh, if you say so, Gun-ter. I will arrive in, uh, seven minutes?” After Gunther’s reply, John had exited his quarters and summoned a robot cab.

“Sure, Boss. Boss know how to use da-robocab, right? Right...?” An affirmative and a playful tone. Gunther wasn’t convinced John knew the method.

This time, the thin man laughed. He knew Gunther was only joking with him. “Yes, Gun-ter. After reading and watching it, it would be strange if I don’t know it.”

“Okay, Boss!” Gunther replied simply before the connection was cut.

John walked to a robot cab stop and sat to one of its side benches. There were other people here, three men and a woman. John glanced at them; two men wore field caps. To his surprise, one of the men happened to be Army engineer Luke. They were talking to themselves until the engineer noticed John.

Now he took a second look, Luke was like a completely different person. The engineer called out to him, “Hey Private John, come here, let’s sit with us!”

“That’s him?” A well-built lean man with a clean chin whispered to the engineer.

Next was a brunette woman, staring at John with her blue eyes. “You’re joking, right, Luke? How did he get in?”

“Top brass-approved, man. He has some biiiiig cables, I told you.” The last man in the group gave John a sagely nod. His short dreadlocks shook up and down.

John tripped on his legs as he rose and gave a hasty salute. “Oh, uh…Well met…Sirs? And Ma’am?”

“Oh you, don’t be so stiff! We’re all friends, here!” Luke propped him up. He gestured with his hands, “Well Private! Here’s Matthew, Jamien and Alisa.”

“Grats for making this far, Private John. Nice to meet you. I’m Matthew.” The lean man gave John a shallow nod.

Next was the tan-skinned guy with dreadlocks, “Brave little guy, ain’t cha? Name’s Jamien, as in Jah-Mi-Aen.”

“Well hello, John? John Smith?” Lastly was Alisa. She whispered to Matthew, “Did I get his name right?”

“Yeah, that’s him.” Luke said. The stout engineer continued, “Brave guy indeed, Jamien. He asked why we use PAs. Right in me and my boys’ face in the depot.”

“What?” All three namely, Matthew, Jamien and Alisa had the same reaction.

John already sat at this time, keeping his gaze low. This is…awkward. “Uh…yeah? I am…just a little…curious. No, uh, no offense…”

“Where are you from, John?” The woman looked at John as she tried to figure him out.

The ex-slum dweller spoke with a mute tone, “Uh…outskirts…outskirts of Valengir.”

“I told you, man. Now, pay up, Matthew!” Jamien chuckled at Matthew as he had won the bet with the latter.

The lean and muscular man laughed in return as he tapped his debit card to Jamien’s, “You win this round. I’ll get you next time, you hear?”

“Guys, now’s not the time to swag your wagers.” Alisa shook her head in disapproval. She turned to Luke, “I think you should’ve worded it better, Luke. Look at the hapless chap! The poor thing’s all terrified!”


“Hey, I have no problems with it, you know me, Alisa.” The engineer answered her. He put a thinking expression next, “But you know, everyone’s not the same. Just saying, he needs to be mindful.”

“Luke’s right, Alisa. There are some things you don’t ask bluntly.” Matthew agreed with the engineer. He glanced at her and talked in a lowered tone, “What will you think if someone else ask if you’re at that time of the month or not?”

“This and that are two different things.” Alisa soured. She almost slapped Matthew, “Pervert.”

“Spare me the talk, man.” The dreadlocks guy waved his hands dismissively. He asked John, “So, new guy. Where are you going?”

“B-, B-X Sir?” It took some courage to answer. John was still jumpy, “To…get supplies. Cleaning supplies.”

“You want to buy cleaning supplies, John?” This time Alisa questioned John.

The thin man nodded, “Umm…yeah, Ma’am. To wash a stain I made from…cooking.”

“Oh, you can cook by yourself?” Alisa smiled and grabbed his hands, “Poor you, it must’ve been harsh in the Army, right?”

“Wow, wow, wow, Alisa. He’s not your pet. Let him go, haha.” Luke laughed at the scene. “He’s a soldier now.” The engineer patted John’s shoulders, “Well Private. Don’t let it get to your head. She’s a bit, how do you say this…unique.”

John was beet red. He had never been hugged by the opposite sex as far as he can remember. “Umm…okay, Sir Luke.”

“Yeah, don’t worry about it. She’s always like that, man.” Jamien chimed in.

Matthew nodded in agreement, “She’s just a tiny bit friendly. Yeah, that’s it. But when she’s in her mod-”

“You’re saying?” Alisa stared daggers at Matthew. The lean muscular man tacitly shut up. She ignored him and talked to John again, “Ignore those brutes, John. Are you okay? I heard you’re admitted to triage for more than three times?” Her eyes lighted up with concern, “Are you eating properly? Do you want me to come over and make you some meals?”

“Hey, now you sounded like his mom, haha.” Luke chuckled again, only to be met with a slap from her. He intercepted it, “Uh, Alisa?”

“Luke, he’s an orphan. Don’t be so crude.” Alisa retracted her hand and spoke to John again, “Don’t listen to him, he’s an insensitive idiot.”

“No, it’s okay. I am used to it, Ma’am.” John’s eyes glazed over. He never had warmth of family. As the mood was turning heavy, John shifted the topic. “Umm…where are Sirs and, Ma’am going?”

“I’m heading out to Maneuver Station with Jamien fella here. Ought to practice a bit, stuff.” Matthew was the first to answer.

Jamien did a follow up, “Yeah, man. I’m gonna cap yo ass and set a new record, man.”

His words in return was retorted by Matthew, “We’ll see, Jamien. I’m still faster than you, haha!”

“Is it too hard for you guys to stop betting for once?” Alisa gave them a side-eye. She was the third to reply, “I’m heading to the BX too, John.” She gave the engineer a smile that wasn’t a smile, “A coincidence, Luke.”

The engineer sighed in his heart, “Okay, okay. I won’t comment. Anyhow─when will you start, Private?”

“Uh Sir, I am still waiting words from Major Karamazov.” John shook his head, “It had been three days now. So…uh…”

“Did you try to call him?” Matthew got into the conversation.

“I did, Sir Matthew. He had his communicator, uh, blocked?” The ex-slum dweller had a puzzled expression.

Alisa at this point clapped her gloved hands together, “Oh, that must’ve something to do with Grand Marshal Fedor and someone from Royal Family coming. Didn’t you hear about it, John?”

“Uh…yeah, yes Ma’am. Is Major Karamazov involved in it?” John asked in return.

Luke answered before she could, “That’s right, Private. Well, most of the brass starting from Major and up. They need to accommodate the delegation.”

“I see…so that’s why I cannot contact Sir Luther.” John muttered to himself.

His statement didn’t pass unnoticed as Matthew and Jamien both shot him with the same query in amazement, “How did you do it?”

“I…uh…met Lieutenant Colonel over a dinner, Sirs.” John said. He felt they weren’t convinced however. “Honest…Sirs. Fingers…crossed.”

“Well if he knows about you, that’s great, John.” Alisa spoke. Her eyes were starry while her hands were clasped together, “Oh Lieutenant Colonel, so near, yet so far!”

“Alisa, I would like to remind you that we’re all professionals here.” Luke reminded her. What a change in personality.

What Luke said had fallen on deaf ears as Alisa held John’s hands again, “Private John, I have a private request to make…can you set me a meeting with…Lieutenant Colonel? Please?”

“Umm…okay Ma’am?” John was a little creeped by her. He recalled something, “Oh, I met Sir Gerasimov too, would Ma’am like to meet him?”

To John’s surprise, Alisa backed off voluntarily. “Err…forget what I’ve said, Private John.” She was avoiding his gaze for some reason. “It’s just a slip-up, yeah.” The woman, in fact ran away a few seconds later, “Forget about it, please!”

“Uh Sirs, did I say something wrong?” John was confused. Why would she run away?

His question was met with a thumbs up from Jamien, “Little man, you’ve huge guts. Biiiiggg cables, man.”

“Yeah. You’ll make yourself a new name at this rate.” Matthew nodded alongside with the dreadlock-haired guy.

Luke on other hand was opening a door to a robotic cab, “Eh, don’t worry about it, Private. Well guys, I’m off to the Supply Section.”

“Uh Sir…can you tell me why?” John was still perplexed.

Matthew too got his ride, “What’s Luke said. Don’t worry about Alisa, she’ll be fine.”

“Yeah, man. See you around, little man. If you have time, visit the Maneuver Section sometime.” Jamien said and shared the vehicle with Matthew.

This interaction gave more questions than answers. Should John be relieved or frightened that he met Gerasimov? The old man wasn’t that scary but inquisitive. He found him to be more amicable than Lieutenant Sasha. John put the matter on the backburner and waved his keycard to a knee-high pillar.

After watching other soldiers doing it so many times, John knew how to summon a robotic cab and get to his destination. He was still squeamish about the chip-in-a-brain deal and thus he opted to use holographic display and item selection with eye movements. A few seconds later, his ride had arrived.

It was a two-seater vehicle as he was traveling alone. The cab was dark-grey on both outside and inside. Despite automation in this new age, the vehicle still retained a steering wheel as it bellied Army iron-clad philosophy of redundancies. John made himself comfortable as it started to make its way.

The vehicle was cruising more or less ten times the marching pace. Plenty of time to see around albeit his communicator suddenly nagged him, “Well met Private John. Where are you right now?”

“Major?!” John almost fell head first to the dashboard. He coughed, “Well met Major Karamazov. I am currently travelling to, uh, BX, Sir.”

“I see. How’s your condition? Nothing’s out of ordinary, right?” Karamazov had some concern in his voice.

The vehicle John rode arrived to its stand and thus he exited it and sat on the side waiting bench. “Fine, I guess? By the way, Major is busy with, uh, reherzel?”

“Rehearsal, Private.” The Major corrected him. He continued, “It’s great you’re fine, Private John. I’m pretty sure you heard of what’s happening, right?”

“Yes…yes, Sir. Grand Marshal Fedor and His Highness from the Royal Family are visiting the 141st Martial Army Corps?” The ex-slum dweller said.

“Her Highness. Third Princess of our Vshyi Dynasty, Nina Vyshia.” The Major calmly explained things to him, “Since this visit is what you can call a bit, sudden, your posting unfortunately will be delayed by a week.”

“A week, Sir? What should I do in the mean time?” John raised his eyebrows. Third Princess? I hope this doesn’t mean trouble.

There was a slight pause in the reply, “There are major changes in the plans, Private John. Due to Her Highness visitation, top brass decided they will hold a parade one week from now. All of us are required to join.”

“Okay, Major. Now I thought about it, is that why Sir didn’t bring me to see the ground forces, Sir?” John queried.

“Yes, that’s the reason. They were busy preparing for the planned parade.”

“Uh…Sir, may I ask another question?”

“If it’s not about classified information, go ahead.”

“Okay…” John swallowed his saliva. He switched on the communicator’s sub-vocal mode, “Is it really fine to hold this parade when we should be…uh, preparing for the enemy at all times?”

“Well, even I thought it was ‘redundant’ if we want to put a word to it, but-” The Major also adopted a soft tone, “ultimately we need to obey the Crown as it’s Vyshi Dynasty that sponsored us.”

“Really, …Sir?” John can’t help to question more. “But…uh…”

The Major however wasn’t willing to discuss further, “Private John, please remember Major Glapov’s words. Words to live by. Anyway, I’ll call you again regarding the rehearsal.”

“Yes…yes, Sir.” John replied before the connection was cut.

A cheerful voice could be heard from afar. It was Gunther. “Oi Boss, what took you so long?”

“I, uh, met some people on the way here, Gun-ter.” John felt his ribcage was being squeezed. Gunther was simply too strong. “Gun-ter? Can you, uh, let me, uh, go?”

“What? Boss, dese just a small hug!” The burly Private loosened up. He patted John’s shoulders next, “See, no harm, right?”

“Y-y-eah.” John stammered as Gunther was a bit too forceful. He pointed his finger out front to divert the attention of the big guy, “Gun-ter, that is the B-X, right?”

“Right Boss, da-BX. Now, let’s go.” The burly man walked first, “What do Boss want to buy in da-BX?”

“Clean…cleaning supplies. I’ve messed up. A little.” John said.

Gunther stopped in front of a large rectangular building, “Cleaning? Why not call da-quarters cleaning service?”

“Cleaning service, Gun-ter?” John asked as many people went pass his right side.

Gunther replied next, “What, Boss didn’t know?”

“I…don’t. Yeah, I don’t know, Gun-ter.” The thin man can only shake his head in embarrassment.

“Oh. Don’t worry, Boss. Then we can get nice stuff in here.” The burly man had looks of pity. He changed his tune as a result, “Good stuff! Like Concordat’s chocolates, Boss!”

The two men made some light talks as they entered the Base Exchange. From outside, the Base Exchange building looked like a large slab of grey rock was slapped on the ground but the inside was a different world of its own. It reminded John of the Archives, with neat rows of racks and the like.

But that was where the similarities ended; the racks were white in colour and most items on them were varied products, not books or data slates. And of course, visitors to this place were quadruple if not ninety percent more than in the Archives. John glanced at them, wearing various attires and ranks.

By coincidence an old man he was familiar with, called out to him, “Hey John! Fancy meeting you here!”

“Hello Sir Gerasimov.” John gave him a polite nod and asked, “Uh…Sir. What’s with the…uh, disguise?”

The old man was wearing a grey-collared shirt, a broad cowboy hat and dark sunglasses. He replied, “I have my reasons.” Gerasimov continued after eying Gunther, “A new friend, John?” He gave the burly man some acknowledgement, “Ho-hum, this is what a real soldier should look like.”

“Oh? Thanks, Boss Gerasimov.” Gunther smiled and began flexing his biceps and triceps. He glanced at Gerasimov, “But Boss Gerasimov looks strong as me too! Wow!”

“Haha, it’s nothing much, young man!” Gerasimov too, mimicked his actions, “Even if I’m old, I still have it! Muscular power! Like this and this!”

Oh no, what’s this hell? John pulled over Gunther’s left arm but it didn’t budge at all. “Gun-ter, stop it! People are watching us!”

“Haha, just pandering to kindred spirit, young man.” Gerasimov chuckled and then turned his gaze to John, “So, you guys are buying stuff?”

Gunther answered for John, “Yah, Boss Gerasimov. Boss John is new so da-Gunther shows Boss around.”

“Yes…yes, Sir Gerasimov. I heard the higher-ups, uh, planned a parade?” John was unsure. He tried to explain as best as he could, “So…I think, I should buy stuff now.”

“Hm, I see.” Gerasimov stopped and pointed to nearby rack, “Now you’re here, how about you buy some protein supplements, John?” The old man lifted a small green box from the shelf, “Like this one here. You could use some muscles.”

“Oh, Boss Gerasimov is smart!” Gunther praised the old man for his selection.

You mean, to become a macho freak? John paused a little, “Uh…I will think about it, Sir Gerasimov…”

“I feel like you’re thinking something rude just now, John.” Gerasimov put back the small box while suppressing his laughter. He didn’t mind it, “Well John, please visit the Archives after the parade. It’s a bit of boring there.”

“Okay, Sir.” John replied as the old man left like a passing storm. He glanced at Gunther, “Gun-ter?”

“Boss…do you think me can spar with him?” His burly friend narrowed his eyes. "He looked strong! Powerful! Like me!"

John shrugged, “I…uh, don’t know? But if you want to meet with Sir Gerasimov, he’s usually at the Archives.”

“Archives? Me like no books.” Gunther felt repulsed but his competitive spirit was ignited, “But if me can meet Boss Gerasimov there…”

“Uh, Gun-ter. Let’s think about that later.” John tried his best to pull Gunther out of his daze. He asked, “So…what are you going to show me again?”

“OH! Da-chocolates, Boss!” Gunther started to walk faster, “Sa’lushan Sculptures! Limited!”

“Gun-ter─” John said within earshot, “why is it called as a sculpture?”

“Ah Boss, you’ll see when we get there. Come on!” Gunther urged him to move faster, “If we late, we don’t have da-seats!”

John and Gunther made their way through the aisles among clusters of people. There were many that headed to the same direction but they weren’t particularly rushing. The sight of Gunther’s running, all eighty kilogram of explosive muscle power also played a part where most subconsciously avoided him.

The ex-slum dweller wasn’t that impressive and was left behind for a moment before he caught up with his burly companion. Gunther noticed there were several men staring at him and thus he consciously slowed down. As both men made a right turn, someone crashed into John from behind.

“Ow!” John made a single comment before Gunther caught him in time from slamming into a tall white rack in front.

The burly man put John aside and looked at the perpetrator, “Oi! Why run into me Boss?!”

“I…I’m fine Gun-ter. Wha?!” John jolted up. What is this person doing?!

The new person was about the height of John albeit not as thin. John wasn’t initially sure whether this person a male or a female due to cloaked appearance but the answer was telling; the person's voice was female. “Umm? You’re not Uncle Gerasi-mov.”

“Oi you! Stop touching me friend bum-bum!” Gunther tried to slap her gloved hands away.

Why do people in the Army have weird habits? John felt goosebumps rose all over him. “Uh…Ma’am? Please let go?” He signaled with his eyes at Gunther, “Shhs! Don’t attract attention, Gun-ter!”

“Munya…twenty points.” The guilty party said this with eloquence as if she was a connoisseur of sorts. She separated herself from John, “Big Brother isn’t well trained and have no beard!” This girl held John’s hands next, “Is Big Brother a man? Or woman?”

“Oi yo-”

“Wait, Gun-ter. Let me handle this.” John raised his hands. He turned to look at her. Her hair was tucked tight in her cap but some spilled over, platinum ones. Her eyes shifted between purple and blue while her face was slightly oval with fair skin. If not for her voice, John wouldn’t know she was a girl. He continued after several seconds, “Umm Ma’am. It’s not good to go…” He cleared his throat, “-fondling people when you meet them, please?”

“Ah? No, no!” The girl was flush red as a tomato, “Anna is sorry! Anna is looking for Uncle Gerasi-mov!”

Uncle…Gerasimov? More questions than answers. John felt he should be more embarrassed than this girl. He said, “Okay, Anna. Why are you looking for…Sir Gerasimov?”

“Big Brother know Uncle? Anna wa-”

“You, apologise to Boss John. Now.” Gunther was ready to charge at her. He cracked his knuckles together as added intimidation.

The ex-slum dweller spoke next to the burly man’s right ear. “Gun-ter, stop. Let me do this, please?” As Gunther had simmered down, John continued, “Well Ma’am Anna. My friend Gun-ter is right. Please apologise, please?”

“Uh…okay…Anna is sowwy….” The girl was clearly terrified at the burly man and thus played along. However, it only lasted a few seconds. “Big Brother know Uncle Gerasi-mov?”

“Uh…yeah? I’ve met him in the Archives, Ma’am.” John remained respectful. He said more, “In fact…I’ve just met him several minutes earlier in here, Ma’am Anna.”

“Really, Big Brother?”

“Really. Fingers crossed, Ma’am.”

“Okay then! Thank you, Big Brother!” The girl then left like a hurricane, leaving both John and Gunther perplexed.

Gunther asked John, “Am me dreaming, Boss? Please pinch me, ow! Okay!”

“Err…let’s forget about this?” John took the lead, “So uh, Gun-ter, you’re saying about Sa’lushan Sculptures?”

“Oi’right! Da-Sculptures! We don’t wanna be late!” Gunther pointed out on where to go.

The brawny man led John to a relatively isolated aisle surrounded by clusters of uniformed and non-uniformed personnel. Standing in the center of their attention were two men clad in white and mushroom-looking hats. One of them brought out a tall chocolate pillar and another held a thin knife.

The fatter of the two instructed people to back away a little bit. After that was done, his partner began his work. He sliced and diced, leading to ribbons and fragments of chocolates to fly and hit the installed clear screens around their domain. Bit by bit, the chocolate pillar was being shaped by numerous cuts.

At first it was a rough shape but ten seconds later an outline emerged from it. A big bird around the size of an average adult’s head. The knife expert switched with his fat partner that began to withdraw some sticks. He dipped them into some containers and splatter of molten glass, no, fructose flew out.

The crowd applause at the end of their performance as the confectionary sculpt was finally complete. It was one of the iconic twin symbols of Sa’lusha Concordat, the Phoenix. John was speechless at the sight as these guys worked not like chefs but more like master craftsmen, with attention to fine details.

A line immediately formed as most of the people here wanted to buy some of the displayed desserts. John caught on a familiar hair-do. “Well met, Sir Luther?”

“Oh, it’s you Private John.” Luther glanced at him and whispered a little to his colleague in the front. He got out of the line and went to John, “Are you looking to buy them too?”

“Well met Sir…Luther?” Gunther gave a salute like John. He didn’t know what rank Luther was, and thus sounded unsteady.

Luther didn’t mind it and gestured them to the side with less people, “Sir Luther is fine.” He directed his gaze at John, “How’s your new work been treating you, Private John?”

“Uh…about that…” John wasn’t feeling confident. He told the truth anyway, “Major Karamazov said my posting will be delayed? Delayed by, uh, one week, Sir.”

“Oh, that’s right.” Luther recalled something. He nodded, “The parade, right? No wonder.” The serious man placed his gaze at Gunther next, “Hmm, Private Gunther, right?”

“Yes Bos-me mean, Sir.” Gunther had a verbal slip. For some reason he felt this Luther wasn’t someone to be trifled with. He carefully introduced himself, “Me is Private Gunther, Maneuver trainee, Sir.”

“Maneuver trainee eh?” Luther was checking his own communicator a little bit before replying, “Well, it’s not in my power to say what and what cannot be done.” He asked John, “Did you meet Sir Gerasimov here?”

John answered, “Yes Sir. I’ve met Sir Gerasimov ten minutes before. And…”

“What is it? Speak your mind, Private.” Luther questioned. He noticed the change of tone in John’s voice.

Gunther answered first, “Oh Sir, me and Bo-, me mean, Private John met a girl.” He exaggerated his arms movements, “She rude, Sir. Rubbed Private John’s bum-bum.”

“Gun-ter!” John exclaimed in the burly man’s ear, “Don’t tell Sir Luther about that!”

But it was too late as Luther managed to hear it, “A girl?” His face scrunched, “That…touched inappropriately? What?” The brunet man stared at John. He isn’t that special. “Can you tell me what happened?” Sternness can be heard in his voice.

Seeing no other choice, John spilled the beans. “Um…we’re in haste to see these sculptures. She ran into me, Sir. From behind.” The ex-slum dweller continued in a hushed tone, “Then uh…this girl started to do things.”

“My word.” Luther snorted in light anger. “We don’t tolerate sexual harassment here, no matter who they are.” He faced both of them, “Can you tell me about this offender?”

“A girl tall as Private John, Sir.” Gunther explained in John’s place. “Petite, metal hair and gloved. She wears da-military fatigues and cap.”

“And her eyes, uh… shifted between blue and purple, Sir.” John added.

Luther thought a bit but it didn’t ring any bells, “Hmm, I never heard of someone like that in this Corps.” He said to John one last time before departing, “I’ll look into it, Private. Thank you for telling me. Report to me if you’re still being harassed. Be safe, young man.”

“Gun-ter. Is this happening?”

“I don’t know, Boss.”

“Pinch me please, Gun-ter. Ow, okay…this definitely…happened.”

“So…Boss? Buy chocolates?”

“Yea. Buy chocolates, Gun-ter.”

The two of them decided to leave it as such matter was out of their controls now. Instead they focused their energies on browsing and getting desserts that fancied their eyes. Gunther was quite direct; he audibly gulped when he saw them one by one. John was more reserved but not his growling stomach.

This invited some chuckles from the two expert chocolatiers and they conversed with both John and Gunther. The two chefs decided to give them hand crafted desserts for free; John was given an edible gold-covered chocolate hourglass while the brawny guy got a clear candy in the shape of a small owl.

In response, John gave them a simple bow while Gunther gave out his personal card. The burly man then bought several palm-sized desserts as form of gratitude despite their busyness on handling current customers. The thin and, burly men soon left the confectionary artisans to their pending work.

John asked again as they both walked to robotic cab stand outside of the BX, “Um…are you sure to give me this, Gun-ter?”

“Yeah Boss.” Gunther gestured with his free hand, “Oh, can Boss deliver one to da-specialist?”

“Which chocolate?” John peered at the synthetic paper bag. There were three small boxes in it, excluding his free gift from the chocolatiers.

The burly man put his synthetic paper bag to the side and propped his own chin, “Huh. Specialist Larial like white chocolate, Boss. So, da-second one?”

“Okay then.” John nodded. “Where can…I find her?”

“She’s usually at da-sims. Wait-” Gunther checked his own communicator, “Me give this location to Boss. She’s there.”

“5th Depot? What is she doing there?” John asked after reviewing the information.

Gunther answered him, “Specialist Larial not only do da-sims. She likes to talk to Army Engineers, Boss.”

“Oh, I see.” John slowly pieced it together. Now he thought about it, Larial seemed to have such inclinations. He asked again, “Will you go with me, Gun-ter?”

“Me? Sorry Boss. Me have training with Warrant Officer Jamien.” Gunther refused him. A robotic cab had arrived and stopped in front of the burly guy, “Me need to go now, Boss.”

“Wait, what should I tell her, Gun-ter?”

“Tell her it was a gift from Boss! Da-specialist will like it!”

“Gun-ter? Wait!” His voice didn’t reach his muscular friend as he had long gone from sight. John rubbed his temples, “One thing to another…sigh. Might as well go. Maybe I can talk to Engineer Luke?”

“Oh John? I happened to hear your conversation with your burly friend.” A friendly voice came from his side. It was Alisa, “For your girlfriend?”

“Uh, no, no, Ma’am.” John shook his head. He tried to explain it, “She’s…special?”

“Special? Hmm, okay.” Alisa definitely misunderstood but John didn’t have the energy to correct her. She sat next to him, “By the way, I saw you meeting with Sir Luther back in the BX.” Alisa was excited, “Did you arrange my meeting with him?”

“Uh, Ma’am? Can…you, uh, let my hands go?” John recoiled backwards. Does she know about personal space?

Alisa faked a cough, “Eh…ehem. May I know what did you talk with Sir Luther? Please?”

“Umm…” John scratched the back of his head. He glanced at the side, “It’s…nothing…important. Yeah.”

“Aww, why the gloomy face?” The woman had pity in her eyes. “Do you need a hug, John?”

He was holding it in, trying to hide his flushed face from Alisa. There was definitely no need to tell her that a random girl had just casually grabbed his butt before. “No, uh, really, it’s nothing, Ma’am.” John immediately talked about something else, “Uh, Sir Luther asked how I am doing, Ma’am.”

“Is that it?”

“Yes…yes, Ma’am. That’s it.”

Alisa stopped pursuing the matter as John wasn’t willing to elaborate. She asked in a different tune, “So, where are you going, John?” The woman then noticed the twin symbols of graceful phoenix and vigilant owl on his synthetic paper bag, “Going to give a chocolate to your female friend? I bet she’ll be very happy with it.”

“Um…yeah, Ma’am.” John agreed. He continued, “My other friend, Gun-ter just now told me to give the chocolate to her.”

“Oh, I see.” Alisa was a little suspicious, “So, it’s just a gift from your other friend to her?” She tilted her head to the side, “May I ask, what for? Usually, John, you give such chocolate to your significant other. Are you...”

“It is? Uh, I don’t know, Ma’am.” John’s face was blank. He wasn’t familiar with such customs. He replied, “I think, uh, it’s a friend’s gift?”

“I see. Friend’s gift.” Alisa was a little dejected as the situation was not as she previously thoughted. She crossed her arms together below her chest, “When are you going to give it?”

“Uh, right now, Ma’am? 5th Depot.” John answered.

Alisa was in deep thought for a few seconds before she talked again, “Oh, that’s where Luke went. Is your friend an engineer too, John?”

“She’s a specialist, Ma’am. A suit pilot perhaps? I don’t uh, know much.” The thin man shook his head. He truly didn’t know much about Larial.

Alisa asked another question, “What’s her name? If you don’t mind me asking, John?”

“Larial. Specialist Larial, Ma’am?”

“Larial? Is that right?”

“Yes, Ma’am. That’s her name.”

The woman ruminated the conversation for a bit and mumbled to herself, “So…her name is Larial. That haughty Federal suit pilot.”

“Ma’am?” John asked with a concerning tone. Alisa’s face was cold beyond measure.

The fair-skinned woman laughed it off, “Oh, it’s nothing! Just talking to myself, haha.” An idea popped in her mind, “Say, John? Can I go with you?”

“Uh…sure? It’s not like…I have other things to do.” The ex-slum dweller agreed with caution.

When she saw his reaction, the blue-eyed woman tried to reassure him, “Don’t worry John. I have some business there too.”

“Business, Ma’am?” John was curious.

Alisa made a thinking pose and then said, “Yes John. I’m what you can say, tech director.”

“Uh, well met, Ma’am!” John hastily stood up to give her a salute but she waved her hands to indicate it wasn’t necessary.

She giggled a little, “Don’t be too stiff, John. You need to be more flexible!”

“Yes…yes, Ma’am.” John instinctively tried to avoid her hug but it would be rude otherwise. He let it happen.

Alisa can’t help than to eventually comment after a brief contemplation, “You’re so thin, John! Are you sure you’re eating properly?”

“Yes, yes I am…Ma’am.” John looked away. He pointed his fingers next, “Uh, Ma’am? The cab had arrived. Ma’am can go first.”

“Oh you! No, let’s go together!” The woman dragged John along. Even though she was almost as thin as him, he felt powerless against her.

Alisa took control of the vehicle while John was convinced by her to sit on her left side. Throughout the journey, her voice dominated as he gave short or sometimes, no answer at all. She’s…uh, unique? John held on that thought and wished this will finish. Most of the time, Alisa only talked about Luther.

It was ten agonising minutes as John forced himself to at least entertain her lest she asked too much. Unfortunately, that gave him little solace as Alisa questioned even more. His liberation came at hand when they eventually arrived at the 5th Depot. From afar, Luke noticed them and began his approach.

If the engineer wasn’t sharply dressed, he would be decked in oil-stained attire. Indeed, his clothes had seen better times, “Hey Alisa! Why are you here?”

“Just visiting my office and,” Alisa paused as she and John left the vehicle to its designated stand, “delivering this John here.”

“Hm? Him? What for?” Luke queried. There was a trace of annoyance in his face.

John stepped out and gave him a simple salute, “Well met, Sir Luke. I am delivering something to my friend, Larial. I heard she is here?”

“That girl?” Luke frowned, “Yeah, she’s here. In that.” The engineer pointed at a bunch of arguing people in the foreground, “Can you, like, bring her away, John? She’s messing things up.”

“What’s the matter, Luke?” Alisa was as surprised as John. She glanced at the crowd, “What did she do this time?”

“Urgh, just look at that, Alisa.” Luke grunted. Obviously, he wasn’t happy. He continued with tinge of anger, “Still saying this and that, saying we’re backwards and shit.” The engineer firmly grabbed his wrench and stopped short of insulting Larial, “John, please, for the love of all machines, take her away!”

“Maybe we can hear what she has to say, Luke?” Alisa suggested. She spoke in a rational manner, “Look, arguing isn’t going to solve anything. How about you leave it to me?”

The stout engineer was silent for seven seconds and then nodded, “Okay. Since you’re our tek-dev, you’re better to solve it. Let’s go.”

The trio walked among the forest of machines, spilled lubricants and random stuff. Clearly something went wrong in here sometime earlier. Thankfully there were no further damage as most equipment in view were largely intact. John felt his stomach sunk however, as if it indicated a bad premonition.

“Well met. I presume you’re Specialist Larial?” Alisa broke into the furious discussion. She clapped her hands, dismissing most of the people here, “Okay, okay. You guys can leave now. I will talk with her.”

There were numerous indignations but the personnel in the depot knew better. They left Alisa to take control as her voice sounded in their ears, “So, Specialist Larial, what’s the matter if I may ask? I’m one of this Corps’ technological directors by the way.”

“Well…met. Director Alisa.” Larial begrudgingly gave Alisa a salute as the latter outranked the former by several times in these kinds of situations. The specialist was still furious from previous debacle.

John peered at both woman from a distance. He decided to voice up, “Uh…Specialist Larial? I have, uh…a chocolate for you.”

“Really?” Larial stared at him as if he was an oddball that didn’t know how to read the mood. Why is he here now?

Alisa gestured for John to keep his silence. She looked at the pouting Larial, “I heard you had heated discussion with our personnel? Do you mind telling me what it is?”

“Uh, Ma’am. They’re doing power distribution and algorithms in this PA all wrong.” Larial began retelling her part of the story, “At some point, it will create dangerous resonance and all sort of bad things.” The short black-haired woman continued, “I told them my solutions but they kept saying it was impossible-”

Alisa got the gist of it and interrupted her, “So, you take the matters to your own hands?” She sighed at this reckless girl, “You know, you could get serious injuries if you did that. Or worse, Specialist Larial. Dishonourable discharge and a black record.” Alisa explained further, “There’s a reason why we have safeguards, Specialist. It’s not like raw performance is everything.”

“Yes, yes, it is, Ma’am.” Larial strongly rejected the other woman’s notion. Her face soured, “It’s just that…I don’t want to see what happened there, happen here. I…I just wanted to prevent that.”

“Still, that didn’t excuse your behaviour, young girl.” Alisa was stern. She touched at some of the broken equipment in vicinity, “I know you have the best of intentions, but we have different ways of doing things in our Dynasty.” Her voice turned soft at the end, “Progress shouldn’t be rushed.” Alisa whispered at John next, “I think it’s better if you give her the chocolate now?”

“Oh!” It took several seconds for John to process it. He clumsily walked forward and handed Larial a small white and black-coloured box, “Specialist Larial, this is for you. Please don’t be angry…okay?”

When Larial eventually calmed down, Alisa spoke up, “Since you’re new, I’ll let you off this time, Specialist. You’re still young and have lots of potential in you, so, please, be careful next time.”

“Umm…. okay…” Larial sounded reluctant. Of course, she knew the stakes involved. It was Alisa’s mercy that she won’t get thrown into the brig for multiple grave offenses she had committed just now.

Seeing her remorse, Alisa spoke to John, “Hmm, now I think about it, John, you’re good at math, right?” The woman perused her communicator, “Oh yes, you’re! How about you work out something with Luke and…Larial here for a bit?” She suggested some sort of parley, “Maybe you can find out what’s wrong? I think it’s the best compromise for this…little incident.”


“No exceptions, Larial. You started this mess; you better finish it.” Alisa used a commanding tone, “My grace can only go so far. I want results, not excuses.”

“Yes. Yes Ma’am. I will do it to the best of my abilities.” Larial accepted it with face of defeat. Alisa was dead right.

Alisa spoke next to John’s ears, “I know I’m asking much from you, John. But please mend the situation. Since you know both of them, I think you can handle it.”

“Uh, Ma’am?” John was a bit startled. He spoke in earshot range, “Why uh…Ma’am didn’t uh, do…something?”

“I could do that but the animosity will remain.” Alisa answered. She facepalmed her head, “I would like to prevent resorting to that degree if possible. You’re the best compromise that I can see now, John.”

“Can I, Ma’am?” John was still doubtful.

Alisa refrained from coming close to John. There were many watching eyes, “Yes, you can, John. I believe in you. You’re kind.”

“Um…okay, Ma’am. I’ll try my best, haha.” The ex-slum dweller gulped and lamented about his fate in his mind. Impossible task!

If was as if the blue-eyed woman knew what John was thinking and thus, she gave some encouragement to him, “Don’t worry. If you’re not successful, there’s no penalty for you. But if you are, I will add good words for you, in your records, John.”

“If I may, Director Alisa?” Surprisingly, Luke adopted a formal tone, “I would like to report in my capacity as 141st Martial Army’s Weaponry Engineer II that I am unable to work with Specialist Larial in most capacities except for emergencies. Please see the enclosed message in your communicator, Director.”

“Now, now, Luke, don’t be hasty.” Alisa felt another headache was coming. She tried to coax the engineer, “Why not? It’s a good chance to learn together.”

“I am sorry to say this but the rest didn’t feel the same.” Luke refused. He elaborated further, “Yes, a compromise was reached but a wrong is still a wrong. I shall not aid Specialist Larial in her blunder.”

“So, to say, you’re suggesting she would work with just Private John as the punishment, Engineer Luke?” Alisa changed her tone as she knew not everything will go as planned.

The engineer was silent for nine seconds and then talked, “It is as you said, Director. Not to worry, I shall supervise them of their work when necessary.” He added another reason, “And as a form of test for Private John.”

“Him?” Alisa asked.

Luke turned his communicator and spoke using sub-vocal transmission with her, “Yes, Director. Some personnel were suspecting Private John’s sudden election to Analytics. Since Grand Marshal is coming here soon…give a way out for Lieu-col. We don’t want Grand Marshal to hear some unsavoury things.”

“So, you want to use this chance to convince them and cover for Lieutenant Colonel Luther?” Alisa responded in the secret channel.

The engineer gave an affirmative nod, “Yes, Director. Please grant my request.”

“Very well.” She talked in the channel. Alisa then spoke up with her actual voice, “We have achieved an agreement here. Specialist Larial, as for your assigned punishment, you will work with Private John,” She glanced at both of them, “to bring this wrecked PA to its operational status. Engineer Luke shall aid you if and only if necessary.”

“Yes…Ma’am.” Both agreed. Larial was frustrated while John was nervous at the prospect. How would two people fix a building-sized machine that took at least three experts or five non-experienced people to do so?

John raised a question, stopping Alisa from leaving, “Uh, Ma’am? Only to operational status, right? What if the fix did not match the initial…specifications of the PA?”

“Yes, only to that. As long this machine can work again.” Alisa nodded at him, “Specialist Larial as you know, was a former suit pilot from Neven Federation.” She praised Larial a little, “She knows more than enough what are she doing. It would take more work, sure but that’s what she’s for, John. Work together, as a team.”

“Umm…are you really sure, Director…Alisa?” John spoke where only Alisa could hear him amidst the chaotic background, “I mean, I am not sure if the machine…can be restored to its…prior status.”

“Oh you! Do you forget who I am? I’m the tech director!” Alisa shot her whisper to him. She voiced a little higher next, “Do not worry of not meeting its original specifications. My order to you two is to simply, get this PA up and running. It had seen better days. Compared to now.”

“Okay…okay, Ma’am.” John agreed in a nod that wasn’t a nod. It was a daunting task no doubt. He only knew math, not how these death machines work.

Alisa gave a satisfied nod and left a short while later, “Good. This incident is now, resolved. Specialist Larial’s punishment is to start immediately and will end in forty-eight hours. Fellow engineers, please return to your posts.”

The crowd dispersed without much satisfaction but orders were orders. There were still some tension lingering in the air and thus, the disgruntled personnel placed their attention to other tasks. At this section of Depot, there were only three people left after Alisa excused herself. John was a little scared.

In front was a badly damaged power armour; its back was all but toasted. The left arm was in several pieces while the right had its hydraulics busted for good. If not for its armouring scheme and safety devices, the depot would be in flames right now. The only saving grace was its weapon was not here.

All one hundred, twenty-kilogram shells in its automatic handheld cannon were enough to blow this Depot to kingdom’s come. Luke in his hindsight had prevented the worst disaster but yet many works left wanting. John looked at the area for the second time. He shook his head multiple times but he had his orders.

As he was surveying the disaster scene, someone called out to him from afar. “Big Brother! Why are you here? Anna looked everywhere for Big Brother!”

“Ya have a little sister, John?” Larial looked at the direction of said voice. She stared at the incoming girl for a few seconds and then patted her own chest. She was…devastated. How come she’s bigger than me!

John was kinda mute until Larial tapped his left arm, “Oh! No, no, no!” He hid his face from both, “I don’t know her, no, never!” John moved around and hid behind Larial, “Please, uh…tell her to go away!”

“Why are ya like this, leader?” Larial was curiouser by the second. What’s her deal with this scrawny guy?

John splattered his words, “Uh…she is…she is…” He whispered to Larial, “A pervert!”

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