《Dungeon City Vanskoria》Chapter 01 : a Broke Broker in Broken City (02)


Chapter 01 - 02

Alice swing her body in front of small mirror on the bedroom. Her uniform, a mix of green colored long skirt and a yellow apron looked really pretty. Her platinum hair was tied into a ponytail and with light makeup she really like a fresh young girl. As an accessory, she put a cat ear on her head. Smiled sweetly, she was ready to go to her part time job. It’s a bread store near the apartment and the owner really adore her a lot.

“Leon nii, i’ll see you in the evening.” She kissed his cheek and calling Einstein to come with her. Both of them storming out of apartment in tow.

Leon rolling his body from the bed. It was two pm and he was really reluctant to get his things done. But he didn’t have any other choice, he needed to report his work on 3 pm. He stood up and the mirror greeted him with his new haircut. His reddish hair were short, neat, and tidy, which make him looked cleaner and refiner. After changing his clothes, he also get out of the apartment.

He saw sister Mo downstair, still a bit pale but smiled sweetly when their eyes met each other. A stern warning from him to not being stupid like last night were replied with big hug and laughter from her. Or more likely, it was a boobs hug as those melons tried a bit too hard to squeeze his face. He left after gave her some money to pay the rent and another for food.

This slump were known for a lot of shit that happen in this city. But the biggest shit was a syndicate that control every bad thing happen. From security, drugs, weapon, brothel, smuggling, and any other worst thing that could be mustered by human. And like any other people who did not get job from the plantation, Leon was involved with that syndicate.

Grim greeted him with hopeful eyes.

“I’m still a bit annoyed you did not contact me first.” A bit of word play. Not that he actually care.

“A-Ah, i’m sorry.”

Putting someone else in a certain situation to make it more favorable toward the way he wants is a must in negotiations. Leon told him that he already got someone that willing to sell at 25% discount or even more if Grim willing to do a certain work.

“Just a small work, bodyguard or maybe being debt collector. This friend of mine is a pure brain type, so he really need someone with muscle like you. And do me a favor not to upset him, he is a bit weirdo but an important connection of mine.” Another word play, another way to make things in his way he like. He already sold this work to his connection, not much but enough to be considered as a broker fee.

“I’ll send you details later on after he contact me again.”

The weird scene replied once again as a strong looking bald man hugging a boy while crying. Leon winced when several stare start to whisper and avoid them. Before long he escaped from the still happily crying baldie.

Leon was a broker. Or to be precise he was an information broker. He connect people who had needs to people who had supply. It’s simple and effective way to earn money. But his credibility was relied on his ability to judge people and play with words. After all, if these two kind of people met and any of them screw up, he will be blamed regardless who make the mistake.


“Huh?” Leon suddenly remembered something.

I haven’t smoked since morning.

Usually he smoked in the morning. After a sexy session or two with Alice he would smoke. Or after meal, or when he lost in thought. But no, he hasn't smoked since this morning.

I’ll be damned. That fox is really sly doesn’t she?

She had more impact on him more than he thought. He smiled as he remembered her cold stare and her preaching. Actually, it was not that bad to have someone taking care of you.

Nodding several time while grinning, he took a cigarette in his mouth and lit it. A deep breath of those grey smoke send a bit of relieved feeling in his heart.

Just a bit more. Everything will be alright.

Alice tilted her head while smiling. Not the bright smile she put on when she was with her beloved Leon-nii. It was a polite smile, but that’s all there is.

“Thank you very much.”

Her eyes followed the little girl and a young woman until they got out of the store. No, she was not jealous to the little girl. On the other hand, she pray that the little girl would be blessed with warmth of a family and then find a man she loves for the rest of her life.

“Alice-chan, go get the refill for the banana choco bread from the back.”

“Okay oba-san!”

Oba-san was the store owner. She was a japanese and ran the store since her youth. Now her age was almost 70, she no longer had the energy to open the store since morning. She had several worker help her running the store, and with the help of her grand daughter, she updated the story into a much modern theme and cute theme, trying to grasped younger buyer rather than old customer. So far that strategy worked out just fine and able to keep the store running.

The old woman sighed when her stare looked at the back of Alice. The little girl have really helped her a lot. As a worker she was attractive and diligent, came on time and went home when her work hour already end, sometimes even stay a bit longer to help the other worker in the kitchen. But her true value was her “older brother”, someone that being respected in this neighbourhood. Since his little sister work here, there were never any disturbing accident or some crazy people came to look for trouble. She remembered when Leon brought Alice to her, saying several issues that make the little girl a bit handful.

“Oba-san, the baker said they need more chocolate cream.”

Alice came from the kitchen with a tray of choco banana bread.

“Ah, those stupid kids, i’ve told them to not use the cream before we can get some more. Alice-chan please take care the store for a moment.”

“Um!” She answered with a big nod.

Afternoon was the time when people finished their work or school and came home. It was usually at this time that the store would be crowded. But before that the store usually calm and quiet. Even Einstein found that the atmosphere were inviting to take a nap. The black cat took a wooden basket on the corner of the room, his usual place to sleep.

Alice took out a notebook and started to write down their sales for the day. She work while humming the soundtrack of a famous anime “Space cat Nyan Nyan”. It has been a hit for about three month but she still like the song and it’s kind of stick in her small head. The japanese culture grew well in this part of the island, maybe because japan was just few hundreds kilometers away from here.


There was no world wide internet connection in this whole island. There was a local internet connection, so people can still access the net but the content were very limited. So when japanese culture arrived in form of goods it was exploded and creating a unique market.

Alice was one of those people that loved the culture, maybe a little bit too much. Two years ago when Leon brought her, she was so broken that she locked herself in the apartment. Fear of people, deep humiliation that hanging on her head were shackles that bind her feet on the apartment. After failed attempt to make her came out, Leon changed the strategies and started to gave her books and later on, some manga. The boy often bring stories that centered on self confidence, where the main character building his/her courage and power to get stronger with sheer determination. Once in awhile he also bought some romance to feed her young woman heart. The little effort ran wild, snowballing into a deep obsession of her. She kept demanding more and more, nagging and angry when Leon did not provide her with more material. The situation dragged on until finally Leon lost his cool out and explode out of frustration.

The blonde girl slammed back to reality after Leon outburst. She opened her eyes to herself and her surrounding for the first time after months locked in her own world. Although she still lost about things she should do, she did not want Leon angry at her again. It was at the time then she have an idea to get some inspiration from the novel and manga she read before. How to make a man happy? How to make him looked at her? How to be a perfect woman for him? The things get really edgy from then on.

Alice started with a simple things like conquering him from his stomach, making their apartment homey, and always look clean and pretty in front of him. That was a typical things that shoujo genre told on their manga/novel. It did the tricks, Leon became more comfortable at home and started to treat her tenderly like before.

After she composed herself, Leon kind of let her go again with her hobby but this time he no longer the one that buy the stuff. He let Alice to did it by herself because he was busy with his work. This freedom made the girl’s curiosity peak up and suddenly her search for inspiration went on to a weird turn, sex.

For the longest time she was wondering why Leon not touching her. She was a girl afterall and this condition kind of disturbing her pride. But in the same time she was confused about how their relationship should went on. In a sense he did buy her, but then what? How he sees her? Like any other teenage girl, the question fried her heart in confusion.

The normal route for a little girl to find her eternal love and marry him in happily ever after life felt kind of lame after all things she went through. Like a drunken maiden she need a stronger punch to make her heart trembling in love.

“Do you have extra snow white bread? I need like 2 or three more?”

Alice tilted her head with a small smile. “I’m sorry but we are out those bread. How about vanilla spring? The one with white chocolate? It’s also delicious you know.”

The customer blinked several times after saw her smile before he coughing awkwardly. “Guess i’ll try it. Can i have 5 of those please?”

Her smile widen. “Of course.”

Alice’s eyes following the customer until he went out of the store. Several times the customer turned his head toward her and mumbling something. But in the end, nothing happen.

“I’ve told you before Alice-chan, you should smile more sincerely. That boy really confused with your smile earlier.” The store owner came out from the kitchen while scratching her head.

“Why should i? He is not Leon nii.” She’s back to the counter, writing down sales on the note like before.

Because you are scary, that’s why.

The unspoken words made the old lady winched. It must be her old age that started to wary her heart down.

“Because your brother put you in here so you can learn to smile again.” She answered in tired voice. “Is it not?”

There was a blank moment from the girl. She stared oba-san in vacant look and dull eyes. “I-I will do my best. S-So please…” her voice loses the vigor.

Oba-san sighed hard. “I’m not going to report it to your brother. It’s just a reminder of your purpose.”

Without sound, alice bow her head down then leave with a small mumbling voice, leaving the old lady in even more tired state.

“I’m getting old. Watching this pitiful girl really put a lot in my heart.”

Cursing her fate because she kind of stuck with the girl, the old lady came to counter to continued the sales count. It was the same story that repeat itself from time to time. She get upset, she cry in the changing room, she came back with a bright smile. After a few days her batteries ran out of power and her smile faded.

Just for how long i can endure this?

The old lady sighed hard once again.

The pleasure district, almost 3 pm.

If there was a little bit of pride that the slum area proud of, it was their pleasure district. It was big, with much variety that should make the other city red district crying in shame. From regular brothel, gentlemen club, to the kinkiest thing you interested trying you can get it here. It was this kind place that Leon needs to take care his work.

He smile playfully when several hooker called him, and almost scream like a girl when a vulgar man with mustache winking at him. It was still afternoon but for this area it was the perfect moment to fishing the customers because it almost time for plantation work to ends.

The boy stopped at a small bar called the golden rose. The two stories building looked old and out of place between the more modern architecture building around it. For normal people it’s not attractive enough to make them stopped their feet and drop by. But for someone who had business to deal with the syndicate, this place was their doorstep.

He walked leisurely, greeted the bouncer with a nod as they let him in. A melodic jazzhop song came to his ears when his feet came inside the bar. Several people who sat on a round dining table turned their head to him before going back to whatever their doing. Behind bar table, a blonde waitress smiled tiredly and nodded, her hand gesturing him to proceed to the back room. HIs steps halted by a skinny man in black long coat that guarding a door. He was just about to argue when a voice interrupted them.

“Let the boy in dumbass. The big boss summon him.”

A high pitched voice man shown up from restroom. The striking bright blonde hair were the first thing anyone would notice, then his deep violet suit with black skull pattern came by. The face itself, hidden behind a glasses with love shape, was really contrast from all his appearance. Small cunning eyes with blocky jaw and slight brown skin.

“Mister Jeremy.” Leon nodded politely.

The tall man snorted, his eyes glueing the boy. “That haircut was perfect 5/7, but your shirt was a disaster. Totally garbage!” He frowned in disgust. “Be more adult and maybe i can invite you to my shop for a little fashion trip.”

Leon just laughing awkwardly. Jeremy the fast hand was a mix of strange personalities. On one side he held the firearms market, but he still couldn’t let go his former sense as a tailor, or in his own term of magnificent, a fashion stylish. So yeah, everyone just had to deal with his twisting personalities.

Behind the door there was a short corridor that absorb all the noise from outside. Leon felt like he was walking into another dimension each time he walk through it. A slight chill wind from air conditioning tickle his neck, sending an uncomfortable shiver through his body. A big door awaited them at the end of corridor. It was made by old oak wood that glow a faint trace of brownish color. Not literally glowing, but the ambience was perfect for a door that would lead them to another world.

He stare at Jeremy, a little uncertain whether he should be the one to open or he should be polite and let the arms dealer be the first through the door.

The eccentric man smacked Leon’s head and opened the door. The first thing that Leon notice was a sharp smell of rose that greeted his nose. Then a slow blues that faintly decorated the big room in meek ambience. A long bar table in the center, with several sofa circling the bar, each already filled with several person.

“Look who is coming.” a mocking voice came from the sofa on the middle. A fat man with dandy appearance and gold in each part of his body laughing his ass off and make his belly dancing around disgustingly.

“Boss invited him Jack. Be nice if you can.” said Jeremy short, clearly just said it with mockery. He took the nearest sofa and a bunny girl approach him, offering him a cigarette and a glass of water.

“Good day Mister Jackie.” Leon greeted the fat man with polite bow.

Jackie the wombat was a nickname for the drugs dealer and smuggling maestro. Short man with a rat like face and half bald head. He already past his 50 and started to looked like a dying candle. But he was here, on the top of the chain, swimming in money and richness.

“How is your sister? My offer still available. Let me teach her what real man really like in bed for a night. I can compensate you kindly you know.” He said while laughing out loud.

Leon expression darkened for a split second, but changed to a polite smile in instant. “Mister Jackie likes to joking around. My sister is unworthy of your kindness.”

The wombat stopped his laugh. “Bah, you dare to refuse me?” He raised his voice.

Even the bunny girl that serve the fat man took a small step backward. Jackie was well known for his sadistic nature. Leon felt his head throbbing with anger. It was a disgusting request and he was not going to let Alice fell into the rat’s hand. He would rather stabbed the wombat in the eyes and died bearing the consequence rather than saw his beloved girl raped by any man.

“Please behave yourself jack. Boss will arrived in a moment. Stop this stupidness immediately.”

A sultry and charming voice came from the sofa’s on the far end. A woman on her 40’s sat elegantly while folding her fan. She wore a black long gown with open shoulder design. Her pale skin looked beautiful under the dim light, bringing her face to higher degree of prettiness. While her age was already started to catch her, she was still an alluring woman nonetheless.

Jackie turned his head at the woman, clearly annoyed from her intervention. But then he started to laugh again. “Don’t worry Diana, i’m just fooling around. I rather have your girls than that little girl of his.”

Leon took a few deep breath to cooled his head. He turned his head to the lady called diana.

“Lady Diana, it’s a pleasant to meet such a refined lady in this place.”

The woman smiled, clearly pleasant with the way Leon make his greeting. She touched her black hair while looked back at him.

“It’s a surprise to meet a boy who know how to behave. Please pardon this unethical man. He was just trying to make things a bit softer.”

Leon bow once again but did not answered. He just stood there while wore a masked expression. The room filled with chatter once again. Jeremy had a small talk with the brunette bunny girl that serve him. Jackie gave the redhead bunny girl beside him a hard time as his hand groping every inch of her body. Only lady Diana who sat silently while occasionally had a small chat with a woman that stood beside her. Leon eyebrow twitched when he saw the woman. She was a beautiful, nothing can describe her more than that.

She stood straight, arching her back in solid state that make her breast and hips stood out for attention. She wore a black chinese dress with a high slit on the bottom, revealing a long smooth white tight. Her black hair was cut into short bob style which her oval face radiate a cool beauty. But all those features were lacking compared to her breast. A fucking perfect breast for his taste. Big enough, perky enough, stood out proudly to defying the weight that pulling down, and the most importantly, Leon was betting she is not wearing bra under those chinese dress. The tip of her breast was pointy, enough proof to make that conclusion.

Leon sighed. Lady Diana and her attendance were not to be taken lightly. She was the madam of this pleasure district, and from that alone it was more that enough to conclude that she was stronger than she looked.

The ambience took over as Leon relaxed his body. The music was enough to drag him to a chill mood. All he needed right now was a cigarette, a beer, and a woman. Laughing in his head, he remembered his “sister”. Leon was lost at what should he do to her. Couple of times he tried to talk to her, only to hit a sturdy wall. She was his, a piece of soft meat with a hole to be played, nothing more. She needed nothing more, or so she said.

But she still jealous when i met another girl.

Rubbing his shoulder, Leon let out another sigh. Just why and when her thought becoming like that was a mystery for him. On the last resort, he did bring her to a psychiatrist. Their season ended shortly as Alice refuse to cooperate, and the psychiatrist could only suggested that she needs to interact with other people aside of him. Leon did arranged the part time job for her, but each time she goes he couldn’t help but felt worried in his heart.

“I’m sorry to make all of you waited.”

A deep voice came from behind the bar, but that voice alone was enough to make the room’s relaxed ambience gone in instant. The bunny girl hurriedly leaving the room and the guest put aside their playful attitude.

An old man in his early 60ish came inside the bar. He wore a formal suit before taking of the suit and roll up his sleeve. His gray hair was cut short and tidy. A cold grey eyes staring at each of them in silent, before he gestured them to sat on the bar stool. He was tall, almost 190 cm and still had a muscular body that defying his age. There were also various scar on his brown arm and neck, clearly an evidence that he is a veteran.

“Ladies and gentlemen, may i humbly ask what would you like to drink for this joyous occasion?”

“Gin please, with ice.” Said Jeremy short.

“A glass of vodka, also with ice.” Jackie said, almost stuttering in the middle of his sentence.

“Wine please.” Lady Diana said in husky voice.

The old man nodded, then his eyes fell on Leon. “You also sit here today boy. Come, pick your drink.”

Leon froze from a moment. He was called here to report of a job he finished. But to sit beside three big name in the syndicate was like sitting in hot boiled chair. For a moment he hesitated as he could feel eyes prying on him, and he knew it was not a kind eyes.

“Don’t make me repeated what i said. Come and sit, pick your drink.”

The voice carries unwavering authorities, making Leon sweating on his back. He nodded awkwardly and sat to the nearest bar stool. It was a mistake apparently as Jeremy who sit beside him glares with death stare. A small fry like him should not be equal to them, or so he said with those stare.

“I-I don’t drink much so i’m not familiar with the choice. If you please kindly surprise me with your choice.” He said in hoarse voice.

The old man gave him a stern stare, before nodded acknowledgedly. “Very well, i shall bring your drink in a moment.”

There was no conversation whatsoever when the old man preparing the drinks. If anyone would think that if you got guns or money or power over people you would stand above anyone else, then you are so wrong. It was not the drug lord, or the arms king, or a pleasure queen that controlling the syndicate. It was this old man, the bartender that do it behind the scene. A crafty person that control information as his main weapon, delivering blow at the right time at the right time at the right person to make things bent to his will. To make things even mysterious, no one knew his name. They just called him the bartender.

In front of them a glass of drink were served as they requested. The bartender put a medium size glass in front of Leon. “You are a beginner. A distilled berry juice alcohol with lime soda is better for yourself.”

Leon nodded several times, dare not to disagree with the old man. He nodded and took the drink in single gulp. It was a fresh punch on his head as his eyes widen from all the bittersweet taste on his tongue.

“Y-You!!” Jackie growling in angry voice.

Leon looks confused. “W-What?” From the looks of it, he was just committed a grave mistake.

The bartender approach him. His cold eyes looked down on him with stoic expression. “There is always rule in each place Mr. Leon. In here, i am the rule.” He took Leon’s glass and pour another shot.

“I serve you a drink, but i will decide when you get to drink it. Easy rule, easy to follow, hard on consequences.”

Leon’s sweating like crazy. This old man never back down on his words. “I-I’m sorry for my ignorance.” That was all he could said to ease his heart.

For a moment there was a perfect silent in the room, then the bartender pointed at Leon’s drink.

“Of course, it was a mistake on my part for not telling you the rules before. So let’s just forget it. Please enjoy your drink.”

A sighed of relief let out from Leon’s mouth. He took his glass and realize that his hand were shaking. Without another beat he drink all of it in a single gulp like before. A familiar feeling sting his brain and tongue, but this time it’s felt much better. A lot better.

“Thank you. It was a pleasant experience.” He nodded several times, genuinely praising the bartender.

“Glad to be such service.” The old man answered short. “This time it’s your turn. Please entertain me with your story. I do hope that it’s an interesting story.”

Leon took a deep breath to settling his heart. This ploy was wearing him down and the shot earlier was only helpful in making his heart beating like crazy.

“Ah, well. I finished your task in big city.” He opened his story. “The deal with Mr. Wickerman should proceed with smooth sailing in the future.”

There was a gasped from the other person aside of the bartender.

“Wickerman you said? The cockroach guy? Are you saying you got his tail?” Jackie the wombat asked in disbelief, almost shouting.

“Boy, Wickerman is a one hell of a guy. He has been threatened, baited with money, woman, drugs, or any other way you may have thinking about. He just cannot yield at all. That’s why we called him cockroach, because he was pesky as hell and we just couldn’t kill it at all.” Jeremy said in the same disbelief tone.

Leon stretching his neck to saw how Lady Diana took his words. A same disbelief face was there, worried and questioning in the same time.

Oh boy, this is going to be great…

He couldn’t control his widen grin. But when his eyes met with the bartender, his body shivering from the pressure. Clenched his hand, he told himself he cannot back down. Not now when the stage was all his.

“Since ladies and gentlemen here asking for an interesting story, let me play a little trick to spice things up.”

Ignoring the glare from the other, he took his glass. He showed that the glass was indeed empty. Leon make an exaggerated gesture with his hand, covering the whole glass in a split second and when his hand moved from the glass, there is a single ring left on the bottom of the glass. A gold ring with a pink diamond attached on it.

Everyone gasped in disbelief.

“T-That ring…” This time it was Lady Diana that reacted first.

“That guy would rather sold his mother than losing this ring!” Jackie shouted this time.

Leon chuckled when he saw their reaction. He pushed the glass with the tip of his finger toward the bartender.

“He said sorry, and he will come here to apologize properly.” Leon said with a winning smile.

The old man, still with a stoic expression took the glass and examine the ring inside properly.

“It indeed that person’s ring.” He put down the glass, his attention fully focused on the boy in front of him.

“Looks like it will be an entertaining story. Please do share with me Mr. Leon.” He said with a small grin on his face.

Everyone on the room widen their eyes. They had heard a famous rumor about the old man in front of them. If he found something pleasant, he do not smile.

He will grin in anticipation of a chance to make that pleasant things to be his.

Leon, with his heart already high from the shot, was find this situation incredibly thrilling, and he couldn’t held his smile any longer.

This will be very interesting indeed...

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