《Dungeon City Vanskoria》Prologue 5


His tuxedo felt tight. Ray Edmund snorted in disdain as the view on the glass windows reflecting the busy afternoon of a large city. People, cars, dog, crawling in this large street between tall building and hotdog seller doing their business. Maybe, just maybe, he was not cut for any of this.

Dizziness was one thing, failed to understand was another. The scene from several minutes ago replayed on his mind and toll it with unnecessary thought. He was here just to tell a tale for them, why anyone would angry toward him?

His car strolled the big city in leisure pace without minding his worriness.

“Honey, please don’t mind them, they did not know anything about you, about us.” a sweet voice came from his left side. Tina understand something has been weighed her husband mind. With a smile she snuggle into his arm.

“I know, but it still left a bad taste in my mouth.” He let out a long breath.

“Just let it go Ray, tempered it down your emotions.” Another woman, sat on his right side, said with almost flat tone.

“I will, got anything interesting on the net Rosie?” he tilted his head to a laptop on her laps.

The woman called Rosie fixed her glasses before answering. “Well, considering your appearance on Emma’s show barely three hours ago, the welcoming response is still lukewarm. Give it a night to get full response. ”

She scrolled a few times before continued. “On the other hand, your email has been flooded. A third of it contains questions, another third filled with hate mail, few death threat, a few admiration, and also…” she paused then set her glance toward Tina. “A few marriage proposal.”

A brief of silent fell on the car. “Only a few?” Ray responded vaguely.

Tina frowned. “Rosie dear can you not added my husband weight of thought? He already have a lot of problems you know.”

Rosie just shrugged. “He is the one who wants it.” Then smile devilishly. ”What? Little wifey got jealous her husband get some proposal?”

The frown turned into twisted annoyance. Rosie was his husband soul pair. The petite woman was just a shy over 150cm, really contrast to her husband tall figure. She was known to be a polite and rather timid woman, always stand beside her husband as if afraid of anyone else. But she knew very well that the woman is a medusa behind the mask. Always mending their family issues in the name of dungeon issues or pairing issues.

Ray didn’t bother to separate both woman. His mind kind of full with his job and their little cat fight won’t help him calming down.

His phone rang. His eyebrow twitched when he read who is calling. “Please be quiet. Grandfather calling.”

His Grandfather was head of Elmund family, one of Main family in Vanskoria. Like other male on Elmund family, he inherit huge and strong body. On his 60th birthday last month, he is still look as fresh as teenager.

Great performance. We appreciate it.

Ray mentally bow his head while pondering who he meant by “we”. “Thank you Grandfather. I’m still trying to adapt.”

A short huff, then the talk continued. The whole conversation was about several things that need to be done in the next month.

“I understand, i will do the best for Vanskoria and for our family name.”

Ray felt another wave of headache. He was appointed as the guild’s spokesman for the world. But they way they monitor and controlled every move he takes really wearing him down. He had several thing in his mind to promote magus but meet a sturdy wall. The guild took the safest route too much. They needed to open more, and to do that they need to take it the way world wanted.


He sighed hard, then decided to take a walk. He push a button to communicate with his driver.

“Driver, let me walk to the hotel.”

After a short pause, he answered. “As you wish sir, just after this junction.”

Both woman beside him has been quiet since Ray taking his call. Especially Rosie who felt what's on her pair’s mind. But Tina had another piece of mind.

“W-why are you walking? We would be late for dinner.” Her nagging voice were not helpful at all. Sometimes Ray wondering whether he has been spoiled her too much.

“Then eat without me.”

The short answer was all she get. It was cold tone and made Tina went silent. After the car stopped, Ray just went out and with a small gesture telling they should not following him.

His heart lighten as he see the car drove away from him. The cool afternoon breeze sending a comfortable feeling to his heart. Between the tall building and buzzing sounds of people he smiled a little, enjoying a little peace in mind he had.

“Your coat sir. It’s still a bit chilly at this time of the year.”

Mentally rolling his eyes, he turned his body to received a long coat that matched with his tuxedo. The man who gave it stood with perfect smile. Young, maybe not more than 25 years old, with tidy black hair with a bit of mustache above his lips. He wore some grey suit with red necktie under his long coat. His dark eyes shown a polite look. Overall, he looks like some office worker that has just came out from his office.

“Just what i needed.” He said with wry smile. His hand put on the coat.

“And your glasses.” The young man added.

Sighed, Ray put the grey steel glasses on, before clicking his tongue in annoyance.

“Have you ever heard the word privacy means?”

He was not talking to the man beside him. He was talking to the old man who answered his protest with a hearty laugh from his glasses. Yes, the glasses had capability like a phone.

“Do forgive this old bone for listening such entertainment dear sir. It’s an old habit of mine and they kind of hard to dealt with.”

“How much you heard old bear?” Ray asked with mixed expression on it.

“Two cat fighting for their master's attention. One with a nag, other with a salute.” He chuckled. “I didn’t dare tapping into high class conversation if that’s what is in your mind.”

Ray restrain the urge to threw the glasses away. As annoying as ever, old bear was the head of bodyguard that held his family safety.

“Good you still have some space to use your head. I’ll take a walk for a while and i expect nothing will bothering me understand.”

“Crystal clear sir. We here to make you and your family safe. Please enjoy your work.”

Both of them started the walk. The young man already have direction ready for them to take a 30 minutes walk.

“Just call me six sir.” He answered with a bright smile when Ray asked his name.

It’s one of the safety measurement to hide one’s name so Ray just let it go and called him six. They took a street where on every corner there were restaurant and stall that serve hot food.

“Got family?” He asked. They stood in front of hot dog stall. Ray ordered two and gave the seller some extra tips.


“Two kids. Third on the way.” Six answered with another smile, probability from the hotdog in his hand.

“Well damn this is good.” Ray answered while took a big bite on his hotdog. “This young and already three kids? I’m jealous.”

Six put a difficult face, but Ray just waved his hand. “Don’t worry, say nothing.” He chuckled. “This scene reminds me of the jasmine old road on north Vanskoria. There is this small coffee shop with relaxing ambience that i always looked forward after diving. Used to hang with the gang.”

He took a deep breath. “Those were old memories. But i don’t mind to be living like this y’know. Have an apartment, a wife and few kids. Just regular job in the office. And took a sip of fresh coffee on that shop every now and then.”

Again, the young man found himself in awkward situation. Aside than finishing his hot dog, he did not have other way to fill the silence.

But then he remembered something. Maybe he do have something.

“There is this one friend that told me that you safe his older brother during your active duty sir.”

Ray eyebrow furrowed. “Really? What did i do?”

Six tapping his head for a moment. “The poisonous pollen accident? The Clousy flower from 6th floor releasing strange pollen that make the monster goes berserk.”

They both stopped at the same time. “By the gods. That was awful time. Is he okay now? I still remembered the chaotic day like it was yesterday. We literally have to drag people because the pollen weaken us.”

“Well, he is alive.” Six coughed once. “But he loses his legs.” After another pause he continue. “He was having a hard life after that. For years the wheelchair restraint his life and his heart. He was depressed until you save him once again sir.”

Ray just stare him in silent, urged the young man to continued.

“Your effort to make the guild agreed the artificial limbs project gave him another chance to be perfect once again. The technology that you brought from outside really make an impact for us sir. I personally believe it and do trust me that many other agreed with me.”

Ray’s eyes widen for a bit as smile bloom on his face. “That was… encouraging. Thank you for saying those words.”

They continued their walk. Ray felt a little better. Maybe all his hard work was not wasted?

“And by the way sir.” Six lowering his voice. “A new shop opened few month back on jasmine street. A milk shop.”

Ray raised his eyebrow. “A milk… shop?”

“Nothing fancy sir, it’s just that the owner and her daughter… they are kind of…” Six coughed. “Big.”

For a moment Ray had a blank face, before laughing when he understand what he meant.

“Both beautiful, both big. And the milk taste good sir.” Six just rambling with a smile on his face.

“Really, the milk taste good huh?” Ray had amusing smile.

“Well son, i only believe what i see. So invite me when we back in town okay? I have to taste that milk!”

Boys will be always be boys they said. Nuff said.

Meanwhile on the car, both women stay silent for a long time. Both of them were a solid example about how soul pair and first wife tends to have bad blood relationship. In a sense, this bad relationship born because each of them held a degree of influence toward the same man. Two female alpha were toxic, even in a healthy family.

“That walk seems calmed him down.” Rosie mumbled in relieve. She has been tilting her head toward outside for awhile.

Tina ignored her words and stay silent. She was biting her lips in annoyance as she remembered that her husband was supposed to have dinner with her. A romantic dinner! And he just shrugged it off like it was nothing!

Rubbing her temple, her thought kept eating her out. Illian, his third wife, was going to come over tomorrow. A young woman in mid 20, still fresh with vigor and has been nothing but meek, nag, and trying to look sexy toward her husband.

Hmph, that slut!

Another bad blood she had with her sisters. She somehow could have peace with sister Jia, his second wife. She respected her because Jia was a formidable teacher and her loving nature as a mother has helped her to educated their children.

Ray has three children, a boy from Tina and twins daughter from Jia. All on the same range of age. Unfortunately, none were an alpha core candidate and that’s where illian came. Both Tina and Jia already too old to bear a child. Ray needed an alpha offspring to continue the family name.

The brown woman slumped on her chair and sighed hard.

“Even without looking at you i can tell what is in your mind little wife.” Rosie said flatly, still looking outside the window.

“Good, so you could understand if i appreciate a little cup of shut the fuck up.”

Chuckled, Rosie tilted her head in silence. She combed her brown hair, and frowning when several grey one between them. No one could be lying about their age.

“While it would be a pleasant thing to grant you some quiet time, i need to talk to you about something. About Ray.”

They maybe had bad relationship, but both care about that man very much.

“What of it?”

Rosie now put her stare toward the first wife. It was her usual business look and left little for personal feeling.

“I’m getting older.” She paused when looking at how Tina smirked. “But Ray was not. Not yet anyway.”

The smirk was gone. Tina had a very bad feeling about this.

“The guild recent examination shown that he was still had all internal organ running like a 25 years old. While he shown aging sign that fit a 40 years old man, on the inside, he is younger.”

Rosie clicked her tongue. “That’s means it matter of time before i could no longer function as his pair. It was already too much for me at this point.”

Tina glares at her husband’s pair with intense look. “What do you want to say?”

“Ray needed another pair. A younger one.”

Those words alone already made Tina’s face into rage. But the next sentence made her want to strangle the petite woman.

“I already checked. There is a potential girl, not so high compatibility with him but it’s enough. Her pair died in a car accident with his wife. So she was left alone with his child. I think if we took her it would make Ray happy because he can adopt another child.”

“Wait, you already checked? Why you always like this? Doing everything as you please!”

Rosie surprised by Tina’s raging tone. “That’s why i’m talking to you right now. I haven’t told Ray or sending formal request to the guild!”

The tall girl didn’t budge. “Yes but you wanted to bring another woman to this family! That alone proving that you are doing as you please! And what of it with another child? He already have three child! Or you saying that my boy was not enough?”

“What?! That is not even what i’m trying to say here!”

The intense argument halted when the car making sudden acceleration.

“I’m sorry madam, please sit straight. We have a situation here. Our agent detected that we have been followed and we shall make haste to the hotel. It safe there.” Said the driver in cool voice.

Both women straddled by the sudden change in their situation. Rosie spoke first. “What about Ray? Is he okay?”

The car turned in a junction in higher speed. “Please trust us madam. We will protect your family. Now i need a bit of concentration here if i may.”

Between the afternoon dust of the big city, the car make a haste toward their destination. Inside, both women can only sit in silent as their worries fly toward their man.

“Six, we have a situation.”

Even before the sentence over he already raised his awareness. They walk in the side road filled with people, with traffic that not too busy but several cars was always on the road.

“It’s too crowded here. Please confirm the situation.” He spoke.

Ray didn’t say anything. He knew it’s their job and their expertise. An amature like him should do like any VIP be like. Looking worried and questioning their safety.

“Did something happen with my wife and Rosie?”

“Yes, but they are not in danger.” Old bear answered him through the glasses.

A van following the car since they escaped the tv station. Also a drone has been trailing them from afar. While it’s too early to draw any conclusion, the bodyguard was not taking any risk.

“The car has been escorted by three agent to the Hotel as we speak.” the old bear finished his report.

“If i may suggest something sir.” He added.

“What is it?”

“We need a diversion. Bigger target for them so we can bait and catch them. I’m interested with this people. They don’t smell like soldier but has equipment like one. It would be interesting to bring one into my play room.”

That cruel giggle at the end send a shiver to Ray’s back. But he understood the situation well. “Proceed, lay the traps. I trust you guys with my life as long my woman safe.”

“But of course sir. We are here to protect your family.”

After that he calling his wife and pair, explained that everything under control and soon they will met again.

“Bye, i love you.” He ended the call.

Six stood closer than before. While he looks relaxed Ray could sense how the young man keeping his eyes wide open, ready to take a defensive cover if anything threw at them. He knew it well that feeling, because that what always he do on the front line.

“What’s the plan?”

With his head Six urge him to started walking. “We believe that at least 4 people has been tailing us. Don’t worry, aside me, there are 5 more agent keeping an eye on you sir.”

Ray scoffed. “Like some tiny bullet could bring me down.”

That arrogant words bring amusement to Six. “A alpha-defender like you sir? At least they will need a tank!”

Both laughed at the jokes.

“Boss told me to bring you to empty backstreet just after that junction. We will try to make them came out.”

Without a word Ray nodded. “Like i said before, i trust you with my life.”

Both walked in slow pace. From the people around them they were looked like a friend that had plan to raid the bar after office hour. They even look convincing when Six stopped to buy two hot butter bread with garlic sauce.

“What? It’s famous on social media y’know?”

Ray agreed with him after the first bite.

As planned, they took a “shortcut” to back alley, and as Old bear said before it was empty with a few sun rays barely escaped the tall building between them. The alley was long, around 100 meters and 3 meters wide. The buzzing sound of air conditioner were the only entertainment during their brisk walk on that alley.

Or not, a pair of lover has just entering from one of the junction. Both looked drunk as they laughing and walking funnily. There were also two big man, arguing each other as they stood in front of a door. The two of them apparently loses the keys and now they cannot went in.

Six furrowed his eyebrows they passed the drunk pair, before stopped just few meter from the angry men.

“A pleasant display of act, if only you guys hide those murder intent a bit better.”

Those words sent a shock toward the four person in the area. For a moment they seem confused and froze still while looking at him.

Six chuckled. From his pocket he took out a small gem and crush it. A pale light disperse in the air and he absorb it. His body now emit a small pale light, a sign that his core was activated.

“Are we going to fight or not?”

The provocation was short lived as the two angry man launch their attack toward him. Each equipped with a stun baton, they make way toward Ray at full speed, only to find Six’s hand blocked their attack. With a quick jab and uppercut he send the men flying.

At the same time the drunk pair also took out their weapon, a stun gun. Both also aimed at Ray and they shoot at the same time. Just before the teaser hit Ray, a pale light shielding him and repelling the teaser away. Knowing their attack had failed, the pair also took out a stun baton and lunging forward toward their target. Again, a pale light came but this time it hit them hard and make them flying several meters. Both landed in front of a girl with black hood. Her red colored hair were poke out from the hood. But her expression remain hiding under the shadow of the hood.

“Enemy neutralized.” She spoke slowly.

Six smiled when he saw the girl. “Good job Seven!” he threw her a thumb up.

Seven awkwardly nodded before mumbling something. She vent her awkwardness by poking their enemies with her boots.

“Who are these guys?” Finally Ray spoke. He looked at the angry men closely but find nothing.

“Don’t worry sir, number 3 will take care of them and crack them up.” Old bear suddenly barging in.

“Also.” He chuckled a moment. “A suspicious drone just flew away from that alley. We will try to monitor where it go.”

Ray sighed hard. “It’s your job so i won't say anything. Hell, i even just stood here like an idiot while you guys kick these bastard.” He smiled. “I need to treat you guys some ice cream.”

Seven’s expression lighten up when she heard what Ray said. Six just smiled wryly while cleaning his hand with handkerchief.

“Cheers to that sir. The van that following your wife already pull out and they shall arrived at the hotel in a minute or two. So take your time and try to relax.”

With a perfect gesture Six pointed his hand toward the alley’s exit. “The ice cream’s store is this way sir.”

Ray stood there in silent to let his amusement feeling cooling down. A part of his heart whispering how things ran differently than his usual life in dungeon. He saw everything that happen with tighten heart. He could handle these much by himself, yet he was pampered by people that a lot younger than him.

His stare fell into the timid girl with dark hood. Even without looking at her expression he could tell that she really looking forward to the ice cream.

Shrugged his shoulder, he smiled toward the girl. “Toward the ice cream store then. Thanks for protecting me little girl.”

Her shy smile was the next best thing he encountered today, apart from the delicious hotdog and other worldly garlic sauce butter bread.

Indeed he was getting older.

Indeed he no longer stood tall in the front line.

But what of it? It’s just circle of life after all.

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