《Smoke - The Fallen Reaches》Epiloge


Epilogue - Six months later

First Reach - Citadel

“We’ve finally cracked the code your Majesty.” Mary looked at the scientist with disdain. It had taken them six months to crack the code on the arm safe they had pulled from Jack’s dismembered limb. She had been waiting patiently, or at least as patient as she could be, to find out what the hell the Dragon was. She had only had one of the scientists drawn and quartered for the delay. That had been one fly in her plan, she had heard her father discussing the Dragon one night and the implication she had gotten from her spying was that it would change the fate of the kingdom. Through all her shadowy activities she could never find any information on the project, she had used it as a lark to get Jack out of the capitol while they moved in her forces. Then her elites had failed to retrieve it from the Labyrinth,but now she would finally find out the mystery that had been dogging at her heels for years. The oracle that was linked to the arm safe was flashing, and as she waited she watched the scientist type on the keyboard and the code clicked on the armsafe. As the seal loosened and the lid lifted, they all looked inside. The scientists blanched and looked worriedly at the Blood Queen. She had heard her new moniker but cared not. She glared daggers at the safe. Inside was an outlay for a syringe and a vial, and they were both decidedly empty. Then she chuckled, and her chuckle turned into a boisterous laugh. “Well played Jack, well played”

Edge of the Abyss

The darkness was only spoiled by the light of the stars. No moon shown in the night sky. At the border to the abyss it was eerily silent. Along the wall there was a large hole, and in it were two large red eyes. The creature was as old as time, and something had awoken it from its slumber. With a roar that made the heavens themselves shake, a massive body leapt into the night sky and disappeared.



Jack awoke to a bright light. He raised his hands to cover his face, and he was surprised when he realized he felt them both move. His last memory had been of being injured. Had it all been a dream? He looked around now that he could see without the glaring light in his eyes. He immediately noticed he was in a white barren room. He was in a white bed, there was a metal desk under a window that he couldn’t see out of, and a door. He pushed his legs over the bed and he heard a clunk as they hit the floor. Looking down he saw a metal sheen to his legs, which he now noticed matched the metal of his left arm. He held his arm out and flexed his fingers, it moved like a normal arm. Jack was muddled. Where was he? Then the door opened and two familiar faces stepped in. Rook was there. And Lord DeMorte, the duke of Sanfren. Then it all came rushing back. All the memories of what had happened. The anger was starting to build. Then DeMorte stepped forward and spoke “Jack, I’m glad to see you’ve finally awoken.” the duke sighed. “Faster than anyone expected, though not nearly as quick as needed” Jack looked around and croaked out “Water” Rook was over in a second, a glass in hand. Jack took it and started chugging, water falling down his face as he tried to clear his parched throat. “I'm sure it will take time to adjust to the new you” DeMorte waved his hand at Jack “Unfortunately we really don't have that time.” Jack set the empty glass on the bed and struggled to stand, Rook had to catch him as he almost fell, but he pushed himself off and stumbled over to the metal desk, his hands, hand? Resting atop. “The blood queen has just taken the desert reach, and if you didn’t know, the wind reach has already capitulated and joined her. That leaves only us again the other four reaches, and they move this way. My son Valus has already fallen in battle. We have no one left to lead the men, but you. Everyone knows you, looks up to you, you must stop her” The room was silent when the Duke stopped speaking. Maybe he expected a quick answer, but the silence stretched. When DeMorte could wait no longer he asked again. “What will you do Jack?” Jack squeezed the desk, not noticing his left hand leave an indent on the metal desk. Then Jack spoke quietly, but full of intent “I’m going to start a fire”

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