《Smoke - The Fallen Reaches》Chapter 11


Wind Reach

The crash of something breaking had been going on for ten minutes. Drexx, sighed, his father was more than a tad angry. His father had sent out an entire legion, and still the man had slipped through their fingers. Drexx wasn’t entirely surprised, Commander Storm was a legend in his own time. The sergeant who botched the capture was lucky he was already dead because Drexx’s father would have had the man drawn and quartered. They had already contacted the mysterious patron, and now it didn’t seem likely they would be getting the prize. Regardless, they had picked a side, and now they were in it till the end. As another priceless artifact was smashed, Drexx took a deep breath and let out a long sigh, he liked living too much to say “I told you so”.


They had mad camp for the evening, a little further from the ruins than last time. They had lost the pursuit of the legion some time back. One thing could be said for the horses they had traded for, they had powerful engines. The team had already spoken they’re concerns. Being branded traitors didn’t sit well with anyone, and the list of people with the ability to do so was again very small. His thoughts were conflicted and worry had wormed its way into his mind. He needed to get back to Aiden and Mary, something nefarious was coming and he was their protection. Bravo team was good, but the Ravens were the best. He didn’t reach for Katar as the tent flap was lifted and someone entered in the dark. Xyla laid down next him and curled against him, her hand on his chest. “I need you” She said, and he complied. Their love making was quiet but passionate, the tension of several stress filled days released between them. He body was lithe and firm, and she smelled of sweat and oil. In those moments, there was no conspiracy, no duty, only a needed fervor of touch.

Xyla lay in his arms, his hand stroking her hair. She ran her hand across his naked chest. Her relationship with the commander was an overlooked breach of protocol on their little team, but it was long since new. She never knew where they were headed, but the extra stress of the last few days forced her hand. “I love you” She whispered. The silence was thick for so long she thought maybe he hadn’t heard her, when he finally spoke. “I can’t, not right now, not until this mission is finished'' Her eyes felt heavy as the first tear fell onto his bicep. “Maybe, maybe after this we can find a way” She let out a soft sniffle “You know that isn’t what I want to hear'' She had waited so long to say it out loud. He finally pulled her face up to look into her eyes ``let me finish my duty, and we be more” She searched his eyes, and realized he couldn’t say more. She realized that for now, that would have to be enough, and laid her head back on his chest. Then he spoke again. “I’d burn down the whole goddamn world for you”


First Reach - Citadel

The blood drained from Aiden’s face when he read the missive. According to Lord Slavus, Jack and the Ravens had murdered an entire platoon that had come across him. He found the paper slipping through his fingers. It couldn’t be he said to himself. He almost didn’t notice the hand on his shoulder as Mary sat next to him. “What’s wrong?” She asked. Such an innocuous question with so many problematic layers. Normally he would try not to bother Mary with the weight of the kingdom, and a small part of himself said especially with Jack, but he needed to talk to someone. “They're saying he’s a traitor.” Aiden finally whispered. “Who?” she replied. “Jack” the words breaking through his lips. That sat together in silence for several moments, when she took his head in her hands and stared into his eyes. “No” She said with conviction. “It's not true and we both know it.” She stood and pulled Aiden to his feet with her. “There is no man alive, with more duty, more honor, more loyalty than Jack Storm, and I won’t let you believe otherwise.” That familiar pang of jealousy twinged within Aiden when she spoke of Jack like that. But the truth blossomed through the bull shit. She was right. His friend was a righteous patriot, and if someone was trying to frame him, well Aiden would fucking find them.


((((((((((((((((((((filler)))))))))))a fun side event (use Jacks boot spike)

Edge of the Abyss

“Are we sure about this?” Cro asked for the umpteenth time. Jack was feeling a nibble at the end of his patience, but he held firm. “It's the only way I know without barging in the front door” They had discussed this again and again. With no real knowledge of who was against them, and betrayal at every corner, Jack worried about having to fight more soldiers just following orders. He could try and surrender, but what would happen if the men he surrendered to couldn’t be trusted. He still had the dragon, that was the mission, and he would see it to the end. No matter the consequences. “God damn that’s a big wall” Jack smirked and glanced at the Rook who stood there slack jawed. You had to appreciate a newbies ability to break the tension. Cro must of felt it too, because he almost made a joke. “The hell rook, you ain’t never seen a wall before?” It was a joke because it was the understatement of the year. The wall to the abyss rose nearly one hundred feet high infront of them. It stretched for miles in either direction, the ends not visible to the naked eye. It wrapped around the dead zone that was rumored to be the first strike zone. Apparently the enemy had been trying to hit the city where First Reach stood, and had instead hit some horrible spot called “New Jessy”. Some paint marked the spot they stood at. It read “Here be monsters”. “How do we get in?” Always practical, Sug cut to the chase. “We go through it” Jack said as he looked at the rook. Rook looked nervous, he had some Cour, but he wasn’t sure if he had enough to dent something like this. “I can try, this wall could be twenty feet thick” Jack shook his head. “Its steel plate, it’s a few inches thick, I’ve seen it from above.” Rook looked like he didn’t believe him, but he set his pack down and got to work. The Cour was like clay, when used in the strips he had in his pack, it would direct a targeted burst, to cut through the steel, they just needed a hole large enough for Sug to fit through. “Leave the bikes, make sure we have all the gear we need, we should be to reach the city by tomorrow afternoon. Xyla spoke up, unable to shake the worry from her face. “I’ve heard stories of the Abyss, what roams in the darkness… Are you sure we wouldn’t be safer going through the city gates?” Jack stopped himself from sighing. “I won’t kill more men just doing their jobs. If we see creatures in here, then we kill em” “I read a story once upon a time about rodents of unusual size” Xyla responded. “No one’s been inside since the wall was built, the path we're taking is purely hypothetical based on old maps.” It's an emergency evac route that I had considered some years ago, no one knows it exists, hence no one will be expecting us.” Jack thought he heard Cro mutter something like “only assholes say hence” but he ignored it. “Im ready” Rook had finally finished his circle of clay and rods. “Gear’s set commander, we’re ready” Jack looked around at his team, his friends, he knew what he was asking was dangerous as hell. But duty called, and Jack answered. “Do it” The noise was deafening, the boom, the clang of the steel plate falling. “Well shit that was loud” said Sug. Unfortunately no one heard him over the ringing in their ears. Jack gave the signal and they all stepped into the abyss.

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