《The Book Of Cain》Chapter 13
Using the sound of the stick breaking under the sand, Cain could pinpoint where the movement was coming from, he kept his composure, dragging his feet closer to his body making it look as though readjusting to be comfortable.
If they’ve approached this close, they mustn’t have any range attacks… I just have to be ready and wait for it.
Listening closely to the sound of sand shifting beneath feet, he slowly collected his daggers purposely left beside him for this purpose.
They’ve stopped. Directly behind the sand pile. So close, their either waiting for their friends or building up the courage to strike me. This is my only shot.
A single wisp, the sound of quick inhale. A sound Cain was very familiar with. The sound made by every civilian that has had a Corporate’s eye laid on them. The sound that defines the unknown. Fear whilst composed, concentration in every action. The build up to an attack.
Launching off his feet, using the sand pile as his guide, Cain catapulted his body backward hooking his head to his chest.
A nose breaking. Resistance of a body, enough to flip him behind his unknown attacker. The perfect angle to strike a concussed victim.
A dead body. Three to go.
You have lost 150 favour.
Player Killed
*7 sardines
*3 Crayfish
*1 crude dagger
Warning! You know have 0 favour. Additional penalties apply on death! The city residents and guards will now treat you as an enemy!
Better get started on the rest. If they’re only using crude weapons they mustn’t care for combat and be specialised in fishing to generate GP. I guess in that case I could probably take an arrow or two, but better be safe than sorry.
Cain hurled the body to make it look as though it was him still fishing leave the nets cast.
Time for phase 2.
The surroundings are clear, no one in sight. No one witnessed their friend being slayed. What a shame. That ruins everything.
Time for phase 3. Hunting Season
Cain sulkily pulled in his nets taking his fish and packing them away. Heading off towards high ground to figure out where the rest of the team where.
The quest isn’t finished yet.
Walking back into the shrub he trailed the edge of the beach in search of the enemy. There was no way he could finish the quest uninterrupted and if he went back to the docks there was a high chance he’d be caught out, there is no telling what relationship the fisherman had with the sailors and other NCPs.
There they are!
The last three fishermen were back in their spot with two guards, each with bows nearly as tall as them.
Who are those two guarding them? The Captain said no guards patrol the Dump! Just as I thought, they’ve got more pull in the Dump than anyone else. Well, I guess I can finally test out how much these attributes help out.
He picked up a small pebble and launched it towards the guards, in the real world, with his malnourished body, he was lucky to throw anything more than 20 meters. Though with the strength buffs the stone easily reached the 50 meter distance between himself and the fisherman. To his disappointment, his low archery level and general lack of ‘throwing ability’ in the real world, meant the rock missed the group by over 10 meters.
Ugh! I was hoping for a hit, at least I’ve got their attention.
The guards cocked their bows towards his direction scanning the shrub for a hint to his location.
Well, I may as well keep throwing stones until I figure out how to take these guards down.
Cain launched stone after stone, with each throw his accuracy increasing and the stones were becoming closer and closer to their targets.
This is going to be the throw!
Cain launched the stone was all this strength, falling off balance and hitting the ground hard. Watching it fly high into the sky.
Two arrows landed directly where his feet just were!
They have my position! That was close… if I didn’t fall those arrows would be well inside my guts right now.
He got back to his feet, and continued to throw stones, moving a few paces left and right to avoid the new influx of arrows heading his way.
They can’t have an infinite amount of arrows.
|Marowits| Cain! Cain! Cain! Are you there?
If i just keep throwing stones, I’ll drain their ammo and take them out.. This might scare off the fisherman… but I’ll at least be able to harvest their nets and pots…
|Marowits| Cain! Talk to me!
|Cain| What do you want? A Little busy here!
|Marowits| I got promoted in the inn! I’m now on security! Did you know that you can get strength exp from throwing people out of an inn?
|Cain| So your pay increased and you can pay your tab off quicker and give me a hand. I could use some brawn right now.
Marowits What does brawn mean? But no, somehow my tab kept increasing in the bar, they said that just because you are cleaning or serving doesn’t actually make drinks free. Who knew HAHA? They also said if I’m out the front I won’t drink so much and I get to throw around drunks! Those guys are pretty silly, they drink more than they can afford and then I get to see just how far I can throw them, and the guards don’t stop me, they think it’s hilarious!
Cain Do you remember how you got that job?
Marowits Obviously! Because of my charm and drinking ability!
His memory is worse than a goldfish.
Looking back down the beach only one guard was visible, but the footsteps in the sand showed that the second guard had headed towards the shrub to his left.
At least try and cover your tracks… Are NPCs dumb or something?
He took cover in a field of bushes, the sound the guard was easily noticeable now that he was listening for it. The large bow catching on twigs and flicking the branches of bushes.
Nobody could walk quietly even if they wanted to with one of those bows. An easy kill, I’ll backstab and hope for a double strike critical hit and he will fall. Hopefully the bow is valuable.
The guard appeared. He slipped behind him and slashed with both daggers. Zero damage. The guard swung the bow. He couldn’t dodge.
What level is he! Time for phase 21
Thinking quickly he ducked behind a tree and launched another three rocks close by to send the guard off trial.
*A player hired NPC mercenary. Level 15.
Level 15! Time for phase 38!
I’ve only got 12 hit points left after that attack… 10… this bleeding effect is overpowered. If only I learnt that damn cooking skill so I could heal myself!
Daeva’s voice booming through the shrubs
I can do this!
He stepped out from the behind the tree, daggers at the ready.
He couldn’t move. He looked down. An arrow through the chest. Coldness. Above, a Guard Ready. Two. Three more arrows. Black.
Oh Dear. You Have Died“Ayy, took you all day but I guess ye’got my fish?”
“Wh-what? How’d I get here?”
Cain looked around realising he was back in the Drop next to Captain Catfish.
“You didn’t walk back ‘ere to finish the quest boy?”
“No. I was on the beach. I had arrows through me.”
“Ahhh sonny, you died! That ‘appens around ‘ere a lot, bloody immortals. Usually they respawn back in the town… but look at you, that sneaky spell you had is gone. I can see how much this town hates you, you’re luckier than ever to respawn ‘ere, I couldn’t give a rats what your relationship is with the Capital, Sailors might think different, be careful son and get my fish!”
“You can see my favour?”
“Aye lad, you died, your equipment is lost… better be finding who has it now you’ll be showing up here more than you’d like.”
Cain started in a hurry towards the shrub noticeably slower than before and definitely feeling the strain of the running, the equipment he had improved his speed and stamina significantly and this was the first time he’d been without it.
|CAIN| Marowit I died! I need your help, what level are you?
|MAROWIT| Cain you’re insane! You’re an enemy of the state! There’s a bounty on your head! All the boards have your name listed! I could pay off my debt if I slayed you!
|CAIN| What? I only just died? How’d that happen? Who knows? Why?
|MAROWIT| HAHA you don’t read any of the rules do you! If you’re seen by a NPC of a town whilst with negative favour you instantly get placed on the bounty boards! Damn you must have killed a lot of people to reach a bounty of 7 gold!
|CAIN| Will you help me or not? Come to the Drop now! I’ll meet you at the storm-water release by the beach
|MAROWIT| Already on my way! Wouldn’t want to get on the bad side of the Capitals most wanted! HAHAHAH
I already regret asking him…
“Ahh here you are Cain, I’ve been looking for ages. You look like trash mate, how’d you end up like this? Oh yeah you died and became a criminal! Haha”
“… What level are you?”
“Just hit 10! Did you know that throwing people out of bars gives a little experience? Also the owners keep sending me out to collect resources like meat because apparently I have too much energy and need a ‘release’”
“Perfect, you’re going to have to kill a level 15 Mercenary archer for me.”
“You’re lucky my favour is 50 with this town! Where is he?”
“You don’t mind taking on a level 15?”
“Pshhhh I didn’t upgrade this sword to kill rabbits did I! This will be my first challenge since that quest we went on against the Shaman!”
The two crept towards where Cain’s death occurred, Only the shadow cloak left.
“Hey Cain, Catch! OUCH!”
Marowit went to pick up the cloak before jumping back and sucking his fingers like a child.
“How do you wear that thing! It stings!”
Cain picked up the cloak adjusting it around his collar
“I don’t know what you’re talking about, it feels like a cloak to me.”
Marowit’s face changed to concentration, looking through his interface.
“ahhh… when I went to pick it up... my dialog says… the cloak can only be wielded by those who favour the dark. I guess that’s why I got hurt and why it’s still here... What’s this?”
Cain watched as Marowit picked up the shining green vial from the ground that must have fallen beneath the cloak,
Marowit popped the cork top and drank it.
“Ah Ah AHH! Cain! Whats happening! This isn’t booze! Cain!”
“You just drank the Curse of Parowits”
“Curse?! I’m Cursed? Ohh, ohhhh I feel it. I feel power. Where is he Cain!”
Cain looked around, the Mercenary was back with the fisherman, probably sharing out all of the items.
“On the Beach, be careful. Those two with...”
Marowit charged down the beach moving with incredible pace, his muscles pulsing as through trying to escape his skin. His veins glowing a toxic green. His sword, at least three times heavier than the last time they met up, raised high above his head. Cain could feel the impact of each step as they shook the ground.
The sound was deafening; the sound waves could be seen forcing the trees to bend like a storm had come in from nowhere. The mercenaries were stunned, they couldn’t react, within seconds one was crushed beneath a single blow. The second regained composure and started their escape. Marowit quick on his tail.
I better get down there soon before he ends up with negative favour himself!
He thrust his cloak into the sand until it was covered.
At least I’ll be less visible now, especially with everyone focused on not dying!
As Cain ran in towards the fishermen frantically pulling their nets from the water he noticed where the guard had died a shimmer in the sand. A blade. The answer.
In one swift movement he collected the dagger from the sand and stabbed it straight between one fisherman’s shoulder blades. 1 down, 3 to go. The Second tripped up in his own line, caught off guard by Cain’s sudden appearance. As he fell back Cain followed his movements, landing ontop of him. Knife through the heart. His second dagger on the ground. Perfect. The third had too much time, he was already running.
I’ll have to cut him off up ahead
The fisherman collapsed, a six-foot blade though his back to the hilt. Marowit standing just behind Cain.
“Good throw!”
“More! We must kill MORE!”
Marowit dropped Cain’s armour besides him, eyes darting left and right looking for another victim.
“Marowit. Stop. You’ll end up on the most wanted list!”
“Cain, this feeling, its pure power! I can kill anyone! ANYTHING!”
The curse, just like that boar, he’s disregarded everything, overtaken by the lust for blood.
“Marowit! I think I saw someone in the water just there!”
In an instant he was wading through the water, punching the waves trying to find the ‘person’ hiding.
Well at least this gives me enough time to loot, the potion only last one minute right?
Loot box here
Warning your favour is now -90!
(2 more kills, -90 total, -20 with cloak)
Not a bad haul! It’s a shame Marowit’s blows destroyed the mercenaries armour and bows, but the arrows might still fetch a bit! Plus I easily have enough fish to hand in this quest!
Cain was carrying Marowit’s sword slowly back down the beach to where just recently Marowit was punching the waves.
WARNING: OVERWEIGHT 100/50 – Speed decreased by 20
I can’t believe his sword weights this much! I need to learn how to increase my weight limit! Wait.. Where’d he go?
|MAROWIT| Cain! You tricked me!
|CAIN| Where are you?
|MAROWIT| You should never have let me drink that potion!
|CAIN| I didn’t remember… where are you?
|MAROWIT| I Died! It was awful! I was so strong, and then it all stopped, by body weighed a tonne! I sank Cain! I sank!
|CAIN| Where are you?
|MAROWIT| I’m level 10 Cain! You let me drown! It was painful! You’re lucky the gods of light like me so my pain counter is reduced!!!!
Oops, I forgot the side-affects… Maybe I should have run him off down the beach…
|CAIN| Sorry. Are you ok? I have your sword.
|CAIN| Tell me where you are. I’ll come help
|MAROWIT| You can’t! I’m in town and you’re not allowed here because everyone HATES you! I’m logging out. I still can’t move and was CARRIED into a bed in the inn! DO YOU KNOW HOW EMBARRASSING THAT IS!
|CAIN| I’ll cover the fees, thanks for the help. I’ll return our sword as soon as you can move again.
Marowit’s name disappeared from the interface. He must have logged out.
He’ll get over it, and now I can hand in this quest and leave this place! I’m close to my sixteen hours now, I better turn off myself.
- In Serial99 Chapters
The Mortal Acts
The Mortal Acts is an epic progression fantasy with a lower focus on training aspects and a great focus on discovering new ways of using powers intelligently. I've always been drawn to stories where characters use their powers creatively to overcome opponents and obstacles, and I think all the possibilities can provide a great playground for twists and turns. It's inspired by a variety of media, including Will Wight's Cradle, Hunter x Hunter, and Bioshock, so if you like the creative power use elements from those, come check it out. This is my first serial, and please feel free to leave comments and feedback. For backstory, behind-the-scenes, and other fun stuff, come chat on my discord! Become a patron to read up to 20 chapters ahead here! Blurb: Riven Morell cuts short his regular life at school and home when his mother falls terminally ill. Desperate to find a cure, he travels to Severance Frontier, a desolate land haunted by hordes of ghosts, witches, and demons collectively called the Deathless. But a miraculous cure doesn’t magically fall into his hands. Things are worse in Severance Frontier than Riven had assumed. Ghosts are banding together into armies, demons are kidnapping anyone who strays out of settlements, and witches are enslaving everyone left and right. Riven, of course, gets embroiled in the mess. Missions to curb the Deathless activity are one thing, but when it starts to look like this is just the beginning of a war that extends beyond the mortal realm, Riven has a hard time focusing on why he came to Severance Frontier in the first place. His mother is inching towards death with every passing day, but if he doesn’t face down the Deathless, what little civilization the Frontier holds will be overrun and destroyed. Thankfully, it looked like the Deathless might just hold the secret of the elusive cure.
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