《The Book Of Cain》Chapter 2:


Chapter 2:

Upon arriving on the mainland Cain was confronted by another squirrel

“Welcome to th- “

“Is this the mainland”

“Why of course it is! Please take the time t-“

God I can’t stand those creatures

Cain followed the cobblestone pat leading through the farms ahead of him, towards what looked like a small village.

Along the path Cain was met by three people each looking stranger than the next.

“You must be Cain, we are the combat tutors who will help you decide what class of soldier you will be in our world. Please speak to us individually and make sure you choose wisely as this will greatly determine the life you live.” Spoke the largest of the three wearing a polished suit of steel armour delicately detailed with golden lace, he also carried a shield larger than Cain himself in his left hand and a sword that seemed to glow in the right.

The two other combat instructors were performing a side step dance, looking straight forward and ignoring Cains existence. The two standing before Cain reminded him of the bots that fed him in the morning, though they looked far more human. One was a woman in feminine robes and scrawny man with a wooden bow and wimpy knives in his belt. He’d already made his decision.

“Tell me what I need to do to become a man who caries sword and wears heavy armour” Cain asked the large man

“Let me introduce myself, I am Langford Holarnd! A knight serving under the King Saladin of Galekor! I am a noble servant who teaches new players the art of melee combat. If you wish to learn how to use heavy weapons such as swords and battle-axes then I am the man to teach you. The melee classes I train can specialise in over 72 combat styles with the most popular being Warriors, Paladins and Knights! The melee classes are honourable and are often rewarded for their service by the King and the Gods! If you choose me as your tutor I can equip you with basic equipment to start your first quest.”

Damn, this guy really takes his job seriously, and what’s this about Gods and quests? He does sell it pretty well… I wouldn’t mind some shining armour and a heavy sword, plus those other two tutors look like their week and poor due to the equipment they own.

“I’ll take a sword and some armour then.”

“I am most impressed by your dedication to the king, but would you not prefer to hear about the secrets of magic and the art of long range and speed from the other tutors before making this decision?”


“I’m sure I want to be a Knight, I need to be powerful! I will never be a second class citizen again!”

“Very well, here is a basic sword, shield and chainmail. To become accepted into our class you must travel to the wheat fields and kill 5 of the vermin causing havoc and ruining our crops!”


*1 Crude Short Sword has been added to your pack

*1 Crude Round Shield has been added to your pack

*1 Crude Chainmail has been added to your pack

*Pack weight capacity 15/50


Cain noticed a small holographic menu appeared before him showing him the new items he’d acquired. It seemed as though the menu was automatically controlled by his mind and as he thought about each item a new menu would appear with a variety of options such as ‘Inspect’, ‘Equip’ and ‘drop’.

Cain inspected his new acquired gear; if he was going to become strong he had to learn what he was doing first.


* Crude Short Sword

A sword made from roughly refined iron and crafted by an amateur blacksmith


Melee Damage: 1-5

+2 Strength +1 Devotion to gods of light

* Crude Round Shield

A shield made from roughly refined iron and crafted by an amateur blacksmith


Chance to block: 12%

+3 Defence +1 Devotion to gods of light -1 Speed

* Crude Chainmail

A Chain body made from roughly refined iron and crafted by an amateur blacksmith


+5 Defence +1 Devotion to gods of light -2 Speed


Equip All! Inspect Character!


*Character Overview

Class: N/A

Level: 1


Health: 25

Melee Damage: 1-5

Chance to Block: 12%

+2 strength +3 Devotion -3 Speed


Ok now we’re getting somewhere


*Quest: Vermin Slayer

Slay 5 Vermin in the local villages wheat field


30 Bronze coins

Acceptation into melee class


Cain ran off (though much slower than before) to towards the small village he could see ahead as he expected that is where he would find the fields.

These fields are a mess! All I can see is people destroying crops trying to hunt…. Rabbits? Small white fluffy rabbits?! These must be the vermin I have to kill!

Charging in Cain impaled the closest target with his full strength!


“Hey get off me! I’m trying to complete my quest!”

As he struck the target he noticed a small hologram showed health bars for the victim and himself, he realised that one hit can do up to a quarter of their health!


“Die you filthy Vermin!” Striking again at his target and taking another chunk of their HP

The target began to run away! This is too easy they don’t even fight back!

“What are you doing!? You’re supposed to kill the rabbits!”

Cain kept swinging his sword faster and faster laughing as his body filled with adrenaline and finally finished off his first kill!


*3 Rabbit Pelts have been added to your pack

*WARNING – You have slain another Player


-10 favour with the kingdom of Galekor

Total favour with the kingdom of Galekor is -10


This is the most exciting thing I’ve ever done in my life! And I even get rewarded for it!

Penalties? All I’m doing is my quest?

Inside the field the other characters had stopped killing their rabbits were staring at Cain smiling and panting in the spot he had just slain another player.

1 down 4 to go!

Cain launched towards his next target dropping his shield to take his sword by two hands and swung it upwards to connect underneath the ranger’s leather body dealing crippling damage! The new opponent was fast though and managed to slice Cains offhand shoulder rendering it useless! I have to dodge his attacks! Cain was able to eventually defeat his target but not without taking serious damage.


*WARNING – You have slain another Player


-10 favour with the kingdom of Galekor

Total favour with the kingdom of Galekor is -20

*1 Cooked Rabbit Meat has been added to your pack


Inspect Cooked Rabbit Meat


*Cooked Rabbit Meat

The Meat of a Rabbit cooked over a fire or range


Heals 5 HP


Well I guess I’ll eat this! This was in fact the first time Cain had ever tried meat and his mouth watered over its flavour! If I kill more vermin I might be able to loot more meat!

After eating the meat he saw the message: “You have been healed for 5 HP, Current HP is 21/25, your left arm has been healed”.

Cain continued to slay this opponents until he managed to defeat 5!

I can finally hand in my quest, what a rush! I hope I get another one!

Before him a cloud of darkness spawned, it had no human features at all yet it spoke with a booming voice

“Human I commend you on choosing the path of Darkness! Partner with me and I will provide you with imaginable power!”

“Sorry ghost cloud person, but I’m going to be a knight!”

“HAHAHA, you wish to be a knight yet you slayed only those who were killing the vermin and not the vermin themselves? You have the soul of death and I am here to guide you to greatness! As I am Daeva! The god of darkness and ruler of demons! I can provide you with unlimited power and all I ask in return is your service!”

Well this cloud definitely thinks highly of itself and I guess the rabbits were the targets. Who knew?

“Well Daeva, that knight I met down the road promised I was serve kings and have the blessing of gods on my journey, what is it that you can do for me?”

“I will give you the abilities to slay kings and mock their gods! I will give you a cloak sewn from demon skin and blades masked in shadow! Is that enough for you to serve me?”

If this is true I’ll be more powerful than any knight and I’ll never need to rely on a king or anyone else!

“I accept your offer Daeva, make me a servant of darkness!”

“Very well human, I will call upon you when you can be of service”

Daeva vanished and the field was once again empty besides Cain and a few players who risked finishing their own quests.



You are now a servant of darkness with the title of Thief; continue to please Daeva for a chance to specialise into an even stronger class.

*1 Cloak of Darkness has been added to your pack

*2 Shadow Daggers have been added to your pack

*Pack weight capacity 23/50

*WARNING – Quest Vermin Slayer has been cancelled

Reason: Conflicting Class excepted


It’s a shame I failed the quest and missed out on the rewards, I hope it was worth it!

Inspect cloak of Darkness! Inspect Shadow Dagger!


*Cloak of Darkness

An cloak sewn from demon hide enchanted by Daeva


5 Player Kills

Thief Class


+1 Defence +1 Devotion to gods of darkness +2 Speed +2 stealth


Hides players negative favour by 70

Reduces aggro of all monsters by a range of 1 meter

*Shadow Dagger

A Dagger smithed from refined iron and laced with shadows


5 Player Kills

Thief Class


Melee Damage: 2-6

+2 Strength +2 Attack Speed


5% Chance to inflict shadows on your opponent, if successful, blinds opponent for 2 seconds


Equip all!

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