《SPARROW》Episode 8: How We Became Outlaws (Part 2)


July 4th, 2486 - Planet Bungirba, Raven’s Crater - Bungirba Spaceport

They were on the verge of collapse when they reached the Spaceport; or more specifically, a primitive, chain link fence, nearly a mile away from the entrance to the Spaceport, beyond which they could see a runway. Akira ripped the blaster from Abiona's hands and fired twice at the fence. A section of the metal boiled, split, and collapsed into a bubbling pile on the tarmac.

‘No chance of going through the front then?’ Ichiro asked, mockingly.

Olivia punched him in his aching ribs, and he could have sworn that he saw a vein pop on her forehead.

‘You just had to go and prove me right, didn’t you, you—you—peasant!’ she spat, causing Ichiro to stumble backwards in surprise. ‘I bet you jumped at the chance to run away—I saw your records! I know the kind of poverty you grew up in—you probably thought about selling the Princess to the highest bidder, and disappearing into the frontier with the cash! You put every decent colony worker to shame—you make me sick, putting her through all of this—this—you should have known better! You idiot!’

Akira turned swiftly, the bun at the back of his head bobbling, loose strands of hair flapping over his beard with the sudden motion.

‘Enough, Agent Kolla … you go first.’ He ordered, not once taking his eyes, narrowed to burning slits, from Ichiro.

Olivia pouted aggressively, her face red from yelling. Ichiro said nothing, unwilling or unable to change her mind. Olivia turned away, tossing her flaxen hair, stepping forward to slip through the smouldering metal hole. Akira’s fist struck the back of her neck, and she fell, immediately unconscious, onto the tarmac.

‘What the hell?!’ Abiona gawked.

Akira tossed a set of keys to Ichiro, and he grabbed them easily. Angora watched the transaction warily.


‘What are you doing, Choganta?’ Ichiro asked, his voice low and intimidating.

‘My ship is parked outside hanger 6—you can’t miss it, it’s got the word ‘Masamune’ sprawled on the side’, Akira began, a devious smile playing on his lips. ‘Take the Princess somewhere nice … oh, I see you haven’t quite grasped it yet. Allow me to explain. You are going to take the Princess off-world, and I am going to inform the Emperor that Agent Ichiro Gorkanja, a vile drifter—practically a mercenary in sheep’s clothing—and a savage, nameless Bungirban, have kidnapped his beloved daughter. Then I’m going to be given permission to hunt you down, which I will do with ease, because you make for a pathetically easy to locate target. Oh yes, Agent Kolla believed me when I told her that I had no idea where you were, but I know that any member of an impoverished people will happily sell out their own for money—speaking of which, I’m going to be rolling in it when I finally put you down!’

Abiona gasped, and unconsciously grabbed hold of Angora’s black rain jacket.

‘Why … don’t you just take us in now?’ Ichiro managed to ask. He felt like he was going to be sick, and each syllable was a struggle to speak.

‘I’m a hunter, Agent Gorkanja … I live for the hunt … and I haven’t had a good manhunt in years.’ The crazed Head of Security drawled, euphoria creeping into his words.

‘Maybe I should just kill you now, and stop this before it even gets started’, Angora growled.

‘You could try … but then again, I’m the one with the blaster.’ Akira practically giggled.

‘This isn’t over, Akira Choganta—when my brother hears about this—’ Abiona began, but was quickly interrupted by the Head of Security.


‘I taught your brother how to tie his damn shoe-laces, you insolent brat! Who do you think he puts more trust in? The man who showed him how to fight, or his selfish older sister?’

Abiona’s eyes burned, fiery and defiant.

‘Go on then … you’ve got a twenty-four hour head start’, Akira said. ‘Don’t disappoint me, my little outlaws!’


Why did he run? A blaster bolt to the chest was as good a way as any to die. Was there any point in following the off-worlders, as they struggled along the tarmac towards certain doom? Why hadn’t he stayed, and let it end right there and then?

‘Angora, come on—we’re not leaving you behind with that psycho!’ the small one cried, panting hard as she teetered on the brink of collapse, her shoes catching on the tarmac.

He struggled on alongside them. He wasn’t sure exactly what he was feeling, but he knew that the answer lay on the other side of the sky.

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