《Hells Pit》Chapter 5 IT'S FREE


here have one more! im so giving today! [th_0v.gif]


IT stared at the skeleton







IT could not respond

not because IT did not want to IT could simply not speak

IT had been so long in this darkness IT forgot how to speak

if IT could speak to begin with.

(Angry skeleton-Dude)"This is gettin anoying"

The Angry skeleton-Dude tried to punch IT but...

his punch whent trough IT as IT is simply a pair of red eyes

one in the middle of his forehead and two where they would be on a human.

also IT was black as black as the void around him.

the Dumb Skeleton-Dude's fist went trough IT's head.

Again again again again again and again...

dumbfounded the skeleton spoke again.

(DIMWIT Skeleton)''ok that does not work...


IT clawd at the Dimwit but Dimwit dogde

(Dimwit skeleton)''ok ok ok im sowwy.. i only came to well hmm how do i put this...

well free you..''

IT was confused. free IT? IT had many emotions Raging in him. be free or darkness.

(skeleton dude)"i know its weird and out of the blue, so what do you say?''


IT nodded

the skeleton smiled somehow and said this

(skeleton Dude)''well that solves that, also my name is Narotill. narotill god of the abyss not this darkness

because you, YOU are its ruler and prisoner also your no god this "place'' has and shall have no god only a ruler.

anyway its time i send you on your merry way *chuckle* also cover your ears. if you have them."


and so IT came into this world to consume, to kill, to destroy, to ERASE, to build his darkness to let it advance...


short? was it yea its short..

so 2 chaps this day a new record? idk

hope you enjoy

SEE YA [th_084_.gif]

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