《Will of the Void》4. The Farewell


Huh? She's leaving? This is certainly not something I had expected but nothing too out of this world. But why is she crying? I am certainly no one too important for her to cry and we could keep in touch with our phones even if we are far apart. So there has to be a serious reason for her to cry. I hope her reason for leaving isn't too serious.

I look at her apologetically and say "I am guessing there's a big reason for you having to leave?"

She looks at me with teary eyes, takes a deep breath and starts saying "I am being married off when I am 16... I had been engaged to the first son of the Reziner family patriarch since birth. And after my 14th birthday I am supposed to start being groomed to be a wife to an heir of a noble family. So I cannot attend the academy."

The world of nobles. Arranged marriages. Two concepts that are entirely foreign to me. Now I know why she is crying. She doesn't want to be married off.

"I am sorry you have to go through such a thing."

She looks at me and forces a smile saying "I knew this day was coming as far as I can remember. I joined the academy wanting to make my own path in life as a magic swordsman. But I guess it was very short lived. I was originally planning to spend the 2 years without making any friends in the academy. But then I saw you... someone who seemed to be a normal student... but you seem to be intentionally trying not to stand out, holding back even on the exams and the classes seem too easy for you. But the thing that caught my eye the most was the fact you were not even bothering to make friends... just like me. So I mustered up some courage to talk to you and surprisingly you didn't seem to mind talking to me. I thought you would actively try to avoid making friends but one thing lead to another and I am here sitting next to you crying and saying my farewell to you."


Huh... Didn't think I had such a impression on her. Seeing her in such a state ruins my impression of her as a personification of happiness.

"Atleast we can keep in touch with our phones. Right?"

She looks at me with a sigh and says "I wish that was the case, from what I have been told the 2 years of being groomed would be extremely isolated. I doubt I can contact the outside in that time frame."

After a short pause she says slightly stuttering.

"I... I... I will miss you..."

Slightly caught off guard I replied. "I will miss you too"

We sat there looking at pond when suddenly I felt her head on my shoulder.

We sat in place for nearly half an hour when a woman in a black suit appeared causing Nubia to remove her head from my shoulder and standing up. The woman looked at Nubia and says "Young miss, I have received word your examination was a success and I am here to take you home."

Nubia walked behind her attendant who was leading the way getting farther away from the bench we were sitting at. As I was about to get up and leave, Nubia looked back at me and smiled. I smiled back at her and she turned her head forward and left my line of sight.

I sat on the bench for a few minutes to process what happened. After a few minutes I got up and left the academy, heading back home.

I arrived at home after a short ride by railcar.

I opened the door saying "I am home" and I see Mom coming down from the stairs saying "How did the exam go pumpkin?". I reply saying "It went well and I am now a grade 3 swordsman apprentice". Mom replied by saying "Congratulations". I nodded and made my way quickly to my room.


I locked my room and changed out of my uniform into my regular attire which consisted of black pants, a grey shirt and a brown jacket.

I grabbed my long duffel bag with my gear and put it on my back diagonally. I went down stairs and was met by mom. I looked at mom saying "I'll be gone for training and I'll try to be back before 10 tonight" and exited home and headed towards the Hunter's guild.

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