《Majority Rule》Week 1 Day 1 Final Part - Zombification



Gustaf Kohl's phone suddenly vibrates. The man's once dull eyes shine brightly as he pulls the phone out. Could it be? Has the viewers pitied him and gave him a way out of his troubles? However, the more he reads the message, the paler his face becomes.

Hey, there! So, Mister Θ had heard your cries for help. But he couldn't play favors and help you out immediately. Instead, he decided to let the viewers choose via popular vote.

There were three options to choose from: 1) help by amputating your infected area...aka your leg; 2) help by giving you a miraculous pill known as the "Clear Pill", which can clear away all abnormal effects in your body; and 3) don't help at all.

And...here were the results:

As you can see, out of the three options, option 3 - the Don't Help - has won by popular vote, held by forty percent viewers.

The viewers have decided. I'm sorry. But Mister Θ...we all abide by the rules of this system. There's nothing we can do to help. Again...I'm sorry.

The phone falls from Gustaf's trembling hand and clacks on the tiled floor. Blood drains from his face, leaving a pale complexion. Seconds pass as the man stand there dazed. His eyes show confusion, as if trying to ask what had happened...why did it turn out like this? Finally, after a minute or two has passed, Gustaf wakes from his trance and roars in anger. With all his strength, he kicks the phone away from him.

"FUCK!! Fuck you! Fuck you, you goddamn viewers! I hope you all rot in hell! Fucking trouser-shitting piss-carnations!" Gustaf faces the ceiling and bellows a string of curses at the viewers.

After cussing out at the viewers, he moves on to insulting Mister Θ. "And fuck you too, you masked freak! Goddamn shithead! You think you're all that? You're just a walking ass with ears! Why don't you fight me face to face? Or are you too scared you shitwanker?! Come over here and let me skin you alive and shove your balls down your thro-!"


Just before he could finish his insult, the German man suddenly pales even more and his surroundings begin to blur. Dizzy, Gustaf holds up his arm and leans on a wall for support. His mind slowly worsens and he could see his skin beginning to age. Gustaf shakes his head a few times to clear his mind but the effects worsen. Maybe lying down would help. He tries to lie down but the world starts to spin around him, causing him to stumble and collapse onto the ground.

All of a sudden, he convulses; his eyes roll back and his skin begins to change at a visible rate. Within minutes, his once robust body becomes haggard and aged. His eyes and cheeks are sunken as if he didn't sleep for three days. His skin is grayish in color with visible pockmarks on his face. When the convulsing stopped, Gustaf's body stops moving completely. His eyes are closed and he gives off the impression of death.

Suddenly, his eyes open wide, revealing reddened eyes and shrunken irises. A growling, moaning sound rumbles from his throat as he scrambles to his feet. With a baseball bat in his hand, he starts shuffling aimlessly about the place. The man has zombified...he had died a painful but quick death. Now, he wanders around in the hallway as a zombie for all eternity.


"Well, it was unfortunate. Our dear contestant - Gustaf Kohl - had met his doom today. He has become a zombie and will wander throughout this hallway forever. May he rest in piece." Mister Θ shakes his head in pity.

He looks at the camera before him as if staring face to face with each and every member of the audience. "Don't feel bad about your decision. It isn't your fault. It is all because of Fate...because Fate did not help Gustaf in his time of need. Anyways...."


The masked host flicks his finger across the tablet, causing the hologram to flicker a few times before disappearing. With another flick, the four pillars at the corners of the room begin to descend. Once everything was settled, the lights flash on...but Mister Θ was nowhere to be seen.

The viewers stare intensely at the screen, trying to figure out what has happened. Did the screen froze? Was the show over?

Suddenly, Mister Θ jumps into view from the side with a childish 'Boo'. The masked host laughs in his comedic mask for a few seconds, adding a hint of creepiness to his whole persona. Then, as quickly as his laughter had began, it stops. Mister Θ brought up his hand towards his mask and pulls it off his face.

What's this?! Is Mister Θ going to do a face-reveal? This is what the viewers were wondering about, but their hopes were shattered when they found out what was underneath Mister Θ's mask. It was another mask...a tragic mask.

"Unfortunately for our first two contestants, they did not make it to the end. Having died, that was all because their fate was short...their luck, terrible. Well, there's nothing we can do but move on. With our contestants dead, we can only conclude today's episode. Be sure to come back tomorrow and see how our next two contestants tackle this dungeon floor. I hope you had enjoyed the show. Good night folks, and I'll see you tomorrow."

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